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Abstract: Resumen
Introducción: en la actualidad, se evidencia el empleo de la Inteligencia artificial en distintos ámbitos sociales que involucra actividades de la vida cotidiana de diversos grupos etarios.
Objetivo: determinar la relación entre la Inteligencia artificial en las prácticas de enfermería y el cuidado humanizado de adultos mayores en el Centro Recreativo Geriátrico “Geriacent”, Ecuador.
Materiales y métodos: se empleó una metodología cuantitativa, descriptiva y transversal, se aplicó un cuestionario basado en la teoría del cuidado humanizado de Watson desde la perspectiva del paciente, con una muestra de 35 personas que asisten al Centro.......
Organización Mundial De La Salud.Ética Y Gobernanza De La Inteligencia Artificial En El Ámbito De La Salud: Orientaciones De La OMS. Ginebra: Organización Mundial De La Salud; 2021. ISBN 978-92-4-003744-1 (Versión Electrónica) Disponible En:
Organización Mundial De La Salud. Primer Informe Mundial Sobre Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Aplicada A La Salud Y Seis Principios Rectores Relativos A Su Concepción Y Utilización. [Online]. 2021.Disponible En:
Arias Gonzáles JL. Diseño Y Metodología De La Investigación. Primera Edición Digital Ed. Perú. Bnd, Editor. Perú: Enfoques Consulting EIRL; 2022. ISBN: 978-612-48444-2-3. Disponible En:
Chipana Mendoza GJ. La Investigación Científica. Primera Edición Ed. Andrés Umds, Editor. Bolivia: Letaníascentro Editorial; 2023.Disponible En: Https://Edletanias.Umsa.Bo/Index.Php/1/Ssue/View/3
Albornoz-Zamora , Et A. Metodología De La Investigación Aplicada A Las Ciencias De La Salud Y La Educación. Primera Edición Ed. Lic. Eduardo Flores AAD, Editor. Ecuador: Mawil Publicaciones De Ecuador.; 2023.
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Abstract: Background: Objective structured practical Examination (OSPE) is a variant of OSCE (Objective structured clinical Examination) that aims at testing of practical skills in an objective manner.
Despite of availability of newer assessment tools the TPE (Traditional Practical Examination) continues to be the common mode of assessment for Anatomy practical. There are limited studies on OSPE in Anatomy; particularly in Andhra Pradesh henceforth the study was undertaken.
Materials and Methods: OSPEwas conducted....
Keywords: Practical, station, check list
Singh T, Saiyad S, Virk A, Kalra J, Mahajan R. Assessment Toolbox For Indian Medicalgraduate Competencies. J Postgrad Med [Serial Online] 2021 [Cited 2021 May 6];67:80-90.Available From:
R. Mcg. HARDEN, MARY STEVENSON, W. WILSON DOWNIE, G. M. WILSON Assessment Of Clinical Competence Using Objective Structured Examination British Medical Journal, 1975, 1, 447-451.
Shilpabhimalli, Daksha Dixit, Mahanteshsiddibhavi , Sheetalpattanshetti, An Objective Structured Practical Examination To Test Under Graduate Medical Students In Anatomy,Indian Journal Of Anatomy 2014,3(1):6-9.
Yaqinuddin A, Zafar M, Ikram MF, Ganguly P; Whatis An Objective Structured Practical Examination In Anatomy ? . Anatomical Sciences Education, 2013;6(2):125-133
Hasan S, Malik S, Hamad A, Khan H, Bilal M; Conventional/Traditional Practical Examination (CPE/TDPE) Versus Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)/Semi Objective Structured Practical Evaluation (SOSPE). Pak. J. Physiol, 2009; 5(1): 54-64..
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Abstract: Background In recent years more and more the aligner treatment is growing on orthodontic field. The modern orthodontic is nowadays trying to extend the limits of using this kind of treatment in more complex cases. One of the greatest challenge is the biomechanic concept in treatment of the rotated teeth and molar distalization to create space. Nevertheless, still seems to be a challenge to clinically achieve the desired success of the treatment. The main focus is in designing different attachment shapes to achieve the desired results and to consider the proper position of attachments......
Key Word: clear aligners, attachments, positioning
[1]. Brooke, P.H. And, Shaw, W.C. (1989) The Development Of An Index Of Orthodontic Treatment Priority. Eur J Orthod 11:309-320
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Abstract: Self-Directed Learning (SDL) has emerged as a key approach in dental education, promoting independent learning and fostering lifelong skills among dental students. SDL empowers learners to take responsibility for their education, enabling them to identify their learning needs, set objectives, find resources, and evaluate their progress. With the increasing complexity of dental practices and rapid advancements in medical technology, SDL is critical in preparing dental students for continuous professional development. This method supports personalized learning and encourages the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and clinical reasoning. By integrating SDL.......
[1] Essential Skills For A Medical Teacher: An Introduction To Teaching And Learning In Medicine. Second Edition. Ronald M Harden, Jennifer M Laidlaw
[2] Self-Directed Learning In Dental Education: A Critical Review Of The Literature. European Journal Of Dental Education, 10(4), 190-196. Crisp, G., & Bligh, J. (2006).
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[5] Development Of Self-Directed Learning Skills In Dental Students: An Exploratory Study. European Journal Of Dental Education, 16(1), 25-30. Stewart, R., & Macgregor, A. (2012)
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Abstract: The newly introduced National Dental Curriculum (NDC) for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) aims to provide a comprehensive education that aligns with global trends and emerging needs in dentistry. Elective courses play a crucial role in shaping a well-rounded dental professional, allowing students to gain specialized knowledge beyond the core subjects. This manuscript explores the significance, benefits, and implementation strategies of various elective courses.........
Key Word: Elective courses, BDS curriculum, Alternative Dentistry, Advanced Clinical Training, Dental Research, Ethics, Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Administration, Dental Education
Smith J, Doe A, Lee C. Impact Of Elective Courses On Dental Education: A Review Of Global Trends. J Dent Educ. 2023;87(5):451-457.
Johnson M, Brown S. Reconsidering The Dental School Curriculum: The Role Of Electives In Developing Well-Rounded Practitioners. J Dent Educ. 2022;86(2):104-110.
Patel V, Singh R, Kumar A. The Integration Of Elective Courses In The BDS Program: Enhancing Student Choice And Engagement. Eur J Dent Educ. 2021;25(4):326-332.
Williams H, Clark R. Curriculum Reform In Dental Education: The Role Of Electives In Shaping Future Professionals. Int Dent J. 2020;70(6):450-455.
Adams B, Green P, Harris L. Elective Courses As A Tool For Specialized Skill Development In Dental Education. Dent Educ J. 2019;83(3):240-245.
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Abstract: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a severe manifestation of dengue virus infection, primarily characterised by plasma leakage, hemorrhagic tendencies, and organ impairment. While cardiac complications are recognized in the spectrum of DHF, the occurrence of Mobitz Type 2 heart block as a consequence of the infection is exceedingly rare. This is a case study of a 45-year-old male, previously healthy and without any prior history of diabetes mellitus, who developed DHF along with the uncommon complications of Mobitz 2 heart block and concomitant transient diabetic ketoacidosis......
Keywords: Dengue Fever, Mobitz II Heart block, Diabetic Ketoacidosis
[1] World Health Organization. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention And Control. Vol. 1. Geneva; 1997:24–30.
[2] Kashou AH, Goyal A, Nguyen T, Ahmed I, Chhabra L. Atrioventricular Block. In Statpearls. Statpearls Publishing; 2023.
[3] Khan AA, Khan FU, Akhtar SA, Ghaffar R. Dengue Beyond Fever-Fatal Dengue Myocarditis And Complete Heart Block: A Case Report And Brief Overview Of Cardiac Manifestations Of Dengue Fever. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. 2023;11. Doi:10.1177/2050313X231193983.
[4] Guzman MG, Harris E. Dengue. Lancet. 2015;385(9966):453-465. Doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60572-9.
[5] Poornima H, John J. Cardiac Manifestations In Dengue Patients In A Rural Tertiary Care Centre In Coastal Kerala. Int J Innov Res Med Sci. 2019;4(4). Doi:10.23958/Ijirms/Vol04-I04/628
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Great Mimicker: Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Gichuki J.M || Malik A.N || Kanyugo A.M |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2402013034 ![]() |
Abstract: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a sub-category of pulmonary hypertension that is unique from other forms of pulmonary hypertension with regards to its pathogenesis, patient characteristics and management. By definition, CTEPH is precapillary hypertension with a minimum of one segmental perfusion abnormality on scintigraphy or a CT pulmonary angiogram having typical findings of CTEPH. Despite advancement in awareness, diagnosis and treatment of CTEPH, its prevalence has remained a question of concern in the field of medicine majorly contributed by its clinical presentation that mimics common cardiorespiratory......
Keywords: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, venous thromboembolism, Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiogram, Ventilation/Perfusion mismatch
[1] Albani, S., Biondi, F., Stolfo, D., Lo Giudice, F., & Sinagra.....
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Abstract: This is a tertiary hospital based retrospective study. Data of all the patients diagnosed with pancreatitis in last 1 year was evaluated. MCTSI (Modified CT severity index) was taken into account and was correlated with the clinical outcome and complications of acute pancreatitis. It was observed that mean age of the study cases was 40.97 ±12.99 years with majority of the cases were in between 36-50 years of age. Overall male......
Keywords: Pancreatitis, Modified CT severity index, Clinical outcome, alcohol intake, CT findings, Necrosis, Complications, Duration of hospital stay
Jpn Guidelines For The Management Of Acute Pancreatitis: Epidemiology, Etiology, Natural History, And Outcome Predictors In Acute Pancreatitis. - Pubmed - Ncbi [Internet]. [Cited 2019 Dec 15]. Available From:
Mir Ma, Bali Bs, Mir Ra, Wani H. Assessment Of The Severity Of Acute Pancreatitis By Contrast-Enhanced Computerized Tomography In 350 Patients. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2013 Mar;19(2):103–8.
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Sahu B, Abbey P, Anand R, Kumar A, Tomer S, Malik E. Severity Assessment Of Acute Pancreatitis Using Ct Severity Index And Modified Ct Severity Index: Correlation With Clinical Outcomes And Severity Grading As Per The Revised Atlanta Classification. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2017 Jun;27(2):152–60.
Bradley El. A Clinically Based Classification System For Acute Pancreatitis. Summary Of The International Symposium On Acute Pancreatitis, Atlanta, Ga, September 11 Through 13, 1992. Arch Surg. 1993 May;128(5):586–90.
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Abstract: Purpose: To analyze twenty years of experience with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) at a single center. Methods: This study included 81 CDH cases admitted to the NICU and Pediatric ward from 2004 to 2023. Clinical records, operative findings, and outcomes were prospectively recorded in an EXCEL database and analyzed retrospectively. Patients were divided into four subgroups based on age at hospital presentation: Group A (inborn < 24 hours), Group B (outborn admitted within 24 hours), Group C (1-30 days), and Group D (>30 days). Outcomes at one year post-operation, including deaths and cases of leaving against medical advice, were recorded......
Keywords: Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia, Mortality and Morbidity, Neurodevelopmental Outcome
[1] Chandrasekharan PK, Rawat M, Madappa R, Rothstein DH, Lakshminrusimha S. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia–A Review. Maternal Health, Neonatology And Perinatology. 2017 Dec;3:1-6.
[2] Aly H, Bianco-Batlles D, Mohamed MA, Hammad TA. Mortality In Infants With Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Study Of The United States National Database. Journal Of Perinatology. 2010 Aug;30(8):553-7.
[3] Balayla J, Abenhaim HA. Incidence, Predictors And Outcomes Of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Population-Based Study Of 32 Million Births In The United States. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2014 Sep 1;27(14):1438-44.
[4] Molugan M, Kamalarathnam CN, Muthukumaran J. Clinical Profile Of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia And Their Short-Term Outcome In A Tertiary Care Neonatal Unit: A Retrospective Study. Indian Journal Of Child Health. 2017 Sep 26:435-7.
[5] Puligandla PS, Grabowski J, Austin M, Hedrick H, Renaud E, Arnold M, Williams RF, Graziano K, Dasgupta R, Mckee M, Lopez ME. Management Of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Systematic Review From The APSA Outcomes And Evidence Based Practice Committee. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery. 2015 Nov 1;50(11):1958-70.
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Abstract: In recent years, intimate harmonization has emerged as a prominent area within the aesthetic modality, reflecting a significant evolution in the understanding and appreciation of the integral well-being of men and women. Previously restricted to more conventional aesthetic procedures, the demand for treatments that aim to rejuvenate and harmonize the intimate region has increased exponentially, driven by a combination of sociocultural factors, technological advances, longevity and a greater awareness of intimate health related to the individual's self-esteem.....
Keywords: adipose tissue, Endolaser, localized fat, intimate harmonization, 980 nm, 1470nm, gynecology
[1] BALDANZA, Renata Francisco; ABREU, Nelsio Rodrigues De. A.......
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases represent complex chronic conditions with significant interrelated health implications, particularly in developing countries like Bangladesh. Objectives: To investigate the association between diabetic-related factors and periodontal diseases, and to identify key risk factors contributing to oral health complications among diabetes patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted at Rajshahi Medical College and Dhaka Dental College, involving 55 diabetes mellitus patients. Data collection included medical.....
Keywords: Periodontal Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Oral Health, Bangladesh, Risk Factors
[1] https://www.dentalhealth.ie/dentalhealth/causes/periodontaldisease.....
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Abstract: Background: Analgesia and sedation are usually required for the comfort of the patient and surgeon during middle ear surgeries. Common middle ear surgery including tympanoplasty, mastoidectomy, myringotomy, grommet insertion and cochlear implantation can be performed under local anesthesia or general anaesthesia. As these cases may present with unique anaesthetic challenges, local anaesthetic may not be comfortable enough for the patients. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam-Fentanyl combination was compared for conscious sedation in middle ear surgeries. Methods: This Prospective analytical study was carried out from July, 2022 to January, 2023 in the Department of Anaesthesia, Pain, Palliative care & Intensive Care, Dhaka Medical College. All patients were included according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria......
Keywords: Analgesia, Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, Myringotomy, Grommet insertion. Corresponding Author: Dr. Noureen Bari, Assistant professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Pain, Palliative & Intensive Care, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[1]. Madan HK, Kosare S. Anesthesia for Middle Ear Surgeries and Cochlear Implant. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2015;7(1):1-9.
[2]. Liang S, Irwin MG. Review of anesthesia for middle ear surgery. Anesthesiology Clinics. 2010 Sep 1;28(3):519-28.
[3]. Abdellatif AA, Elkabarity RH, Hamdy TA. Dexmedetomedine vs Midazolam sedation in middle ear surgery under local anesthesia: effect on surgical field and patient satisfaction. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia. 2012 Apr 1;28(2):117-23.
[4]. Kumar V, Paranjpe J, Gosavi S, Kulkarni R. A Comparison of Three Drug Combinations for Sedation during Middle Ear Surgeries under Local Anesthesia: A Multicentric Randomized Double Blind Study. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 2015; 4(3): 32-40.
[5]. Thota RS, Ambardekar M, Likhate P. Conscious sedation for middle ear surgeries: A comparison between Fentanyl-Propofol and Fentanyl-Midazolam infusion. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia. 2015 Apr;9(2):117.