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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura In Pregnancy: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Saswatee Majhi || Chaitanya Majhi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2402040102 ![]() |
Abstract: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an immune mediated disorder characterised by isolated thrombocytopenia in the absence of obvious initiating or underlying cause [1]. It affects 1-3 per 1000 pregnancies, induced by platelet specific IgG antibodies [2]. The risk of intracranial haemorrhage in the newborn infant in such a case is alarming [3]. The American Society of Haematology......
Williams Obstetrics.26th Ed.1059
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D. Sithara, K. S. Rajeswari, M. Sivasundari. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura In Pregnancy- A Case Report. Medpulse – International Journal Of Gynecology. October 2016; 4-5
Eugene Youjin Huang, Lay Kok Tan. Immune (Idiopathic) Thrombocytopenic Purpura Diagnosed In Pregnancy: A Case Report And Review Of Management. J Med Cases. 2015:6(8):358-361
Wakode SR, Sharma SP. Severe Immune Thrombocytopenia In Pregnancy: A Case Report. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2024:13:753-5.
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Abstract: Introduction: Dysphagia term has been made up of two words i.e. dys means difficult and phagia means to swallow, so it is difficulty in swallowing which is frequently encountered health problem and lies in domain of Gastroenterologist. There are many causes for it and include oesophagitis, malignancy, oesophageal webs, pill induced esophagitis, globus hystericus and foreign body ingestion. In rare instances, there can be dual aetiologies which have to be suspected on clinical basis and confirmed by endoscopy. Case Report: A thirty.......
Keywords: Pill induced Esophagitis, Oesophageal Web, Dysphagia, Odynophagia, Endoscopy, Doxycycline
Jaspersen D. Drug-Induced Oesophageal Disorders: Lind CD. Dysphagia: Evaluation And Treatment. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2003; 32:553-575.
Pathogenesis, Incidence, Prevention And Management. Drug Saf. 2000; 22:237-249.
White GN, O’Rourke F, Ong BS, Cordato DJ, Chan DK. Dysphagia: Causes, Assessment, Treatment, And Management. Geriatrics. 2008; 63:15-20.
Abid S, Mumtaz K, Jafri W, Et Al. Pill-Induced Oesophageal Injury: Endoscopic Features And Clinical Outcomes. Endoscopy. 2005; 37:740-744.
Cefalu CA. Appropriate Dysphagia Evaluation And Management Of The Nursing Home Patient With Dementia. Ann Longterm Care. 1999; 7:447-451
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study Of Near Miss Cases: Saved All Patients In Shorter Time Span |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shreya Gautam || Dinesh Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2402040710 ![]() |
Abstract: Maternal mortality (MM) is a very important maternal health indicator. Sometimes it is considerd as ‘just the tip of the iceberg’.
World Health Organization (WHO) has defined near miss case as ‘a woman presenting any life-threatening condition and surviving a complication that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy.......
Keywords: Maternal mortality (MMR), Near miss cases (NMC), patients, obstetrics
Say L, Souza Jp, Pattinson Rc. Who Working Group On Maternal Mortality And Morbidity Classifications. Maternal Near Miss—Towards A Standard Tool For Monitoring Quality Of Maternal Health Care. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2009 Jun; 23(3): 287-96.
Chhabra P. Maternal Near Miss: An Indicator For Maternal Health And Maternal Care. Indian J Community Med. 2014; 39(3): 132-7.
3.Souza Jp, Cecatti Jg, Parpinelli Ma, Serruya Sj, Amaral E. Appropriate Criteria For Identification Of Near-Miss Maternal Morbidity In Tertiary Care Facilities: A Cross Sectional Study. Bmc Pregnancy And Childbirth. 2007; 7(20): 1-8.
P Chhabra K Guleria Sk Bhasin K Kumari S Singh S Lukhmana Severe Maternal Morbidity And Maternal Near Miss In A Tertiary Hospital Of Delhinatl Med J India20193252706
P Kalra Cp Kachhwaha Obstetric Near Miss Morbidity And Maternal Mortality In A Tertiary Care Centre In Western Rajasthanindian J Public Health2014583199201.
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Abstract: The subclavian artery aneurysm is a vascular condition characterized by an abnormal dilation of the subclavian artery, a major vessel supplying blood to the upper limb and part of the brain. A 58 years old male with systemic hypertension and chronic kidney disease presented with a swelling in the right side of neck which increases in size progressively and investigation revealed to be a subclavian artery aneurysm. It was then successfully managed with surgical repair with endovascular graft, in order to ensure optimal patient outcomes and minimize potential complications....
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Abstract: Background: The management of patients on oral antithrombotic medications (OAMs) poses challenges for dentists due to the risk of bleeding during dental procedures. Understanding dentists' knowledge, attitudes, and practices is crucial for optimizing patient care. This study aims to evaluate dentists' familiarity with antithrombotic medications, their approach to managing such patients, and the need for additional training in this area. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire, collecting responses from dental professionals at.......
Key Word: Antithrombotic Medications, Oral Anticoagulants, Dental Management, Dentist Patient Safety, Cross-Sectional Survey
[1] Wahl MJ. The Mythology Of Anticoagulation Therapy Interruption For Dental Surgery. J Am Dent Assoc.2018;149(1):E1-E10.
[2] Steffel J, Collins R, Antz M, Et Al. European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide On The Use Of Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants In Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. EP Europace. 2021;23(10):1612-1676.
[3] Chinnaswami R, Bagadia RK, Mohan A, Et Al. Dentists’ Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice In Treating Patients Taking Oral Antithrombotic Medications: A Survey. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11(1):ZC88-ZC91.
[4] Tan CSS, Lee SWH. Warfarin And Food, Herbal Or Dietary Supplement Interactions: A Systematic Review.Brjclinpharmacol.2021;87(2):352-374.
[5] Montinari MR, Minelli S, De Caterina R. The First 3500 Years Of Aspirin History From Its Roots -A Concise Summary. Vascul Pharmacol. 2019;113:1-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Salivary Amylase As A Diagnostic Tool In Dentistry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sai Vyshnavi CH || Dr. Sowmya Pasupuleti |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2402042226 ![]() |
Abstract: Pain perception is highly subjective and varies among individuals, making its precise assessment a challenge for clinicians. This article highlights the potential of non-invasive methods, specifically utilizing salivary amylase (SAA) as a biomarker, to evaluate pain intensity. The fluctuations in SAA levels have been explored across various fields of dentistry to assess stress, anxiety, and pain responses. By leveraging saliva as a diagnostic tool, clinicians can gain valuable insights into patient discomfort, aiding in the development of more effective treatment and pain management strategies.......
Key Word: Alpha Amylase Dental Anxiety Endodontics Oral Surgery Pain management Pedodontics Periodontics Salivary Amylase Sympathetic Nervous System
Abdullah Tolga Şitilci, Selin Gaş, Şule Batu, Hümeyra Kocaelli Arıkan, Büşra Bozbay. The Effect Of Conscious Sedation On Salivary Alpha-Amylase Levels During Third Molar Surgery. Journal Of Clinical Medicine Of Kazakhstan. 2020;2(56):11-16. Doi:
Ahmadi-Motamayel F, Shahriari S, Goodarzi Mt, Moghimbeigi A, Jazaeri M, Babaei P. The Relationship Between The Level Of Salivary Alpha Amylase Activity And Pain Severity In Patients With Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis. Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics. 2013;38(3):141. Doi:Https://Doi.Org/10.5395/Rde.2013.38.3.141
Almaummar M, Althabit Ho, Pani S. The Impact Of Dental Treatment And Age On Salivary Cortisol And Alpha-Amylase Levels Of Patients With Varying Degrees Of Dental Anxiety. Bmc Oral Health. 2019;19(1). Doi:Https://Doi.Org/10.1186/S12903-019-0901-7
Campos Mj Da S, Raposo Nrb, Ferreira Ap, Vitral Rwf. Salivary Alpha-Amylase Activity: A Possible Indicator Of Pain-Induced Stress In Orthodontic Patients. Pain Medicine. 2011;12(8):1162-1166. Doi:Https://Doi.Org/10.1111/J.1526-4637.2011.01185.X
Cha Hs, Kim Jw, Hwang Jh, Ahn Km. Frequency Of Bone Graft In Implant Surgery. Maxillofacial Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery. 2016;38(1). Doi:Https://Doi.Org/10.1186/S40902-016-0064-2
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Abstract: Background: Pediatric interstitial lung disease presents (ILD) both diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. There are very few studies on interstitial lung disease in children because of its rarity and difficulty in diagnostic confirmation. Methods: A retrospective study was done to analyze the epidemiological profile, clinical presentation of children with lung biopsy or HRCT proven interstitial lung disease and their outcome. We collected detailed history, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, findings on lung biopsy and HRCT findings from case sheets. And we assessed the outcome in terms.......
Key Word: Interstitial lung disease (ILD), Pediatric, Lung biopsy, HRCT
Fan LL, Deterding RR, Langston C: Pediatric Interstitial Lung Disease Revisited. Pediatrpulmonol 2004, 38:369-378.
Clement A, Eber E: Interstitial Lung Diseases In Infants And Children. Eurrespir J 2008, 31:658-666.
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Clement A, Allen J, Corrin B, Dinwiddie R, Lepointe HD, Eber E, Et Al. Task Force On Chronic Interstitial Lung Disease In Immunocompetent Children. Eurrespir J 2004; 24: 686-697.
Niguidula FN, Balsara RK, Cuasay RS. The Role Of Lung Biopsy In Interstitial Lung Diseases In Children. In: Laraya-Cuasay LR, Hughes WT, Eds. Interstitial Lung Disease In Children, I. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1988: 121-150.
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Abstract: Perforation is the full-thickness involvement of the bowel wall which leads to contamination of the peritoneal cavity by the bowel contents. Ileal perforation peritonitis is regarded as the 5th most common cause of abdominal emergency being a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the surgical disciplines.[1] Enteric fever is the leading cause of ileal perforation and in various studies, it has been observed to be responsible for 20-70% of cases.[1–5] Tuberculosis was found to be associated with ileal perforations in 3% of cases by Wani et al and 79.6% of cases by Dasgupta.......
Mittal S, Singh H, Munghate A, Singh G, Garg A, Sharma J. A Comparative Study Between The Outcome Of Primary Repair Versus Loop Ileostomy In Ileal Perforation. Surg Res Pract 2014;2014:1–4.
Saini P, Gaba R, Faridi MS, Agarwal N, Kaur N, Gupta A. Quality Of Life Of Patients After Temporary Ileostomy For Ileal Perforation- A Questionnaire Based Study. Indian J Surg 2014;76(1):38–43.
Wani RA, Parray FQ, Bhat NA, Wani MA, Bhat TH, Farzana F. Nontraumatic Terminal Ileal Perforation. World J Emerg Surg 2006;1(1):7.
Abdullah MS, Rassam RE, Almarzooq TJ. A Study Of 82 Patients Of Non-Traumatic Terminal Ileal Perforation In Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital. J Fac Med Baghdad 2011;53(2):147–51.
Babu RG. Ileostomy For Non-Traumatic Ileal Perforations: Is This The Beginning Of The End? J Clin Diagn Res [Internet] 2016 [Cited 2024 May 13];Available From:.
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Abstract: Background: Understanding the epidemiological profile of patients presenting with dermatitis can help in improving health care systems and policy making. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the epidemiological profile of patients presenting with dermatitis, including demographic characteristics, clinical presentation, and risk factors associated with different forms of dermatitis. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-.....
Key Word: Atopic dermatitis; contact dermatitis; epidemiological profile; seborrheic dermatitis; topical corticosteroids
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Abstract: Background: The demand for clear aligners has risen due to advances in digital dentistry and patient preference for aesthetic orthodontic solutions. Direct 3D printing of aligners offers greater efficiency than conventional thermoforming methods. However, factors such as print angulation may influence their accuracy and precision. This study evaluates the effect of different print angulations on the dimensional accuracy of 3D-printed aligners using Senertek Clear A resin.......
Key Word: 3D Printed aligner, CAD/CAM spray, Geomagic control X software, Superimposition
Johal A, Damanhuri SH, Colonio-Salazar F. Adult Orthodontics, Motivations For Treatment, Choice, And Impact Of Appliances: A Qualitative Study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2024;166(1):36-49.
Almogbel A. Clear Aligner Therapy: Up To Date Review Article. J Orthod Sci. 2023 Sep 4;12:37. Doi: 10.4103/Jos.Jos_30_23. PMID: 37881665; PMCID: PMC10597356.
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Christopoulou I, Kaklamanos EG, Makrygiannakis MA, Bitsanis I, Perlea P, Tsolakis AI. Intraoral Scanners In Orthodontics: A Critical Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 27;19(3):1407. Doi: 10.3390/Ijerph19031407. PMID: 35162430; PMCID: PMC8834929.
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Abstract: Background: Three-dimensional (3D) printing has revolutionized orthodontics by enabling the direct fabrication of clear aligners, offering a more efficient and customizable alternative to traditional thermoformed aligners. To ensure the clinical effectiveness of 3D-printed aligners, it is essential to evaluate their accuracy in relation to different print angulations. Superimposing printed aligners onto a reference digital model using 3D analysis software allows for precise measurement......
Key Word: 3D printing, stereolithography (SLA), orthodontic aligners, print angulation, dimensional accuracy, clear aligners, Geomagic Control X, intraoral scanning, CAD/CAM,
Boyer RA, Kasper FK, English JD, Jacob HB. Effect Of Print Orientation On The Dimensional Accuracy Of Orthodontic Aligners Printed 3-Dimensionally. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2021 Nov;160(5):732-742.E1. Doi: 10.1016/J.Ajodo.2021.01.018. PMID: 34752256.
Shirey N, Mendonca G, Groth C, Kim-Berman H. Comparison Of Mechanical Properties Of 3-Dimensional Printed And Thermoformed Orthodontic Aligners. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2023 May;163(5):720-728.
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Abstract: Telogen effluvium (TE) is a common and well-recognized form of non-scarring hair loss, characterized by diffuse shedding that typically arises in response to physiological or psychological stressors. This review delves into the prevalence, clinical presentation, and risk factors associated with TE in the context of COVID-19 infection and vaccination. TE following COVID-19 infection has emerged as a significant concern, Factors such as female gender, severe COVID-19 disease, and pre-existing conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, vitamin deficiencies, and a personal.......
Key Word: Telogen effluvium, Covid-19, vaccination, post covid, hair loss
Seyfi, S., Alijanpour, R., Aryanian, Z., Et.Al. (2022: Prevalence Of Telogen Effluvium Hair Loss In COVID-19 Patients And Its Relationship With Disease Severity. Journal Of Medicine And Life. 2022, 15:631. 10.25122/Jml-2021-0380
Rizzetto, G., Diotallevi, F., Campanati, Et.Al. (2021: Telogen Effluvium Related To Post Severe Sars‐Cov‐2 Infection: Clinical Aspects And Our Management Experience. Dermatologic Therapy, 34, E14547. 2020. 10.1111/Dth.14547
Kutlu, Ö., Demircan, Y. T., Yıldız, K., Et.Al. (2023: The Effect Of COVID‐19 On Development Of Hair And Nail Disorders: A Turkish Multicenter, Controlled Study: Wiley Online Library. 2022. 10.1111/Ijd.16454
Moreno-Arrones, O., Lobato-Berezo, A., Gomez-Zubiaur, A., Et.Al.(2021: SARS-Cov-2-Induced Telogen Effluvium: A Multicentric Study. 2020. 10.1111/Jdv.17045
Deng, J., Ngo, T., Zhu, T. H., Et.Al. (2021: Telogen Effluvium, Beau Lines, And Acral Peeling Associated With COVID-19 Infection. JAAD Case Reports. 2021, 13:138-140. 10.1016/J.Jdcr.2021.05.026.
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Abstract: Oral mucosal lesions, including oral lichen planus (OLP), oral mucositis (OM), recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), and erosive oral lesions, often present with pain, inflammation, and delayed wound healing. Conventional treatments, such as corticosteroids, antiseptics, and analgesics, provide symptomatic relief but may be associated with adverse effects or limited efficacy in chronic cases. Photobiomodulation (PBM), formerly referred to as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), offers a promising adjunctive or alternative therapeutic approach by promoting......
Key Word: Oral Lichen Planus; Photobiomodulation (PBM) Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT),.symptomatic relief
Mahdavi O.A, Boostani N.B, Jajarm HH.C, Falaki F.C, Tabesh A Use Of Low Level Laser Therapy For Oral Lichen Planus: Report Of Two Cases. J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci., Dec. 2013; 14(4): 201-204
García-Pola, M.J.; González-Álvarez, L.; Garcia-Martin, J.M. Treatment Of Oral Lichen Planus. Systematic Review And Therapeutic Guide. Med. Clin. (Barc.) 2017, 149, 351–362.
Lodi, G.; Manfredi, M.; Mercadante, V.; Murphy, R.; Carrozzo, M. Interventions For Treating Oral Lichen Planus: Corticosteroid Therapies. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020, 2, CD001168
Salinas-Gilabert, C, Gómez, García, F, Galera Molero, F, Pons-Fuster, E.; Vander Beken, S, Lopez Jornet, P. Photodynamic Therapy, Photobiomodulation And Acetonide Triamcinolone 0.1% In The Treatment Of Oral Lichen Planus: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 30. Https://Doi.Org/10.3390/ Pharmaceutics 15010030
Mameli A, Murgia MS, Orrù G, Casu. Extended Erosive Oral Lichen Planus Treated With A Very Low-Level Laser Therapy: A Case Report. The Open Dentistry Journal. DOI: 10.2174/1874210602014010687, 2020, 14, 687-691
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Abstract: Background: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is widely used to evaluate lesions in the thyroid, breast, lymph nodes, salivary glands, and soft tissues. Conventional FNAC often faces challenges such as inadequate sampling and indeterminate results. This study examines a novel FNAC technique aimed at improving sample adequacy and diagnostic accuracy. Materials and Methods: A prospective......
Key Word: FNAC, fine-needle aspiration, diagnostic accuracy, sample adequacy, thyroid lesions, breast lesions, lymph nodes, salivary glands, soft tissues.
Kocjan G. Et Al. (2013). Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology: Diagnostic Principles And Dilemmas. Cytopathology
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Cibas E.S., Ali S.Z. (2009). The Bethesda System For Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology.
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Nayar R., Jacklin R.K. (2001). Needle Aspiration Cytology In The UK – Indications, Training And Quality Issues. Cytopathology..
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Abstract: Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and
mortality globally, characterized by irreversible airflow limitation. It is often associated with comorbidities that
complicate treatment. Polypharmacy, the use of multiple medications, is common among COPD patients and
can result in adverse health outcomes. Despite its significance, research on medication practices for COPD in
tertiary care hospitals, especially in Bangladesh, remains limited. Objective: This study aimed to assess the
medication practices in COPD management at a tertiary care hospital, evaluate prescribing patterns, and
identify factors influencing......
Keywords:Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Medication Practices, Comorbidities, Tertiary
Care Hospital, Prescribing Patterns
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Abstract: Background: Tight skin and inadequate blood flow are characteristics of the distal third of the leg and ankle. Reconstructive surgeons frequently face difficulties due to soft tissue loss in these regions. The thinness of the subcutaneous tissue often exposes the bones and tendon. Skin grafts, local flaps, distant flaps, and free flaps are all viable reconstructive alternatives, but their application is restricted and fraught with issues.Objectives:This study......
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