Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Digital Convergence and Media Planning for Financial Services Advertising |
Country |
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India |
Authors |
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Dr Prasun A Acharyya |
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10.9790/487X-2208090116  |
Abstract: Advertising is the paid form of non-personal communication of information which is convincing in nature and about products, services or ideas by acknowledged sponsors through the various media."(Bovee, 1992). Companies decide which customer it will serve (segmentation and targeting) and how it will serve them (differentiation and positioning). Guided by a defined marketing strategy the company creates a marketing mix made up of factors under its control- product, price, place and promotion (the four P's). The process of digital advertising exposure and performance marketing planning (also known as Paid Digital Campaigns) plays an instrumental role in the efficacy of the fourth P (promotion) as well as customer acquisition. Digital Advertising exposure planning is the process of establishing the exact digital media platforms to be used for advertising.(Christodoulides, G, International Journal of Market Research 2019) Many have defined digital media platforms as the online spaces where users can engage (purchase, share, or communicate) with created content...
Keywords: Digital Convergence, Paid Digital Media, Owned Digital Media, Earned Digital Media, Digital Media Planning, Impressions, Sentiment Analysis, Brand Generated Digital Content, User Generated Digital Content, Factor Analysis, Varimax Rotation, Correspondence Mapping.
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