Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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The impact of Physical environment on employees' performance- A case of garment sector in Sri Lanka |
Country |
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Sri Lanka |
Authors |
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W.D.M.T.H. Premarathne || Dr. U.W.M.R. Sampath Kappagoda |
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10.9790/487X-2208053438  |
Abstract: Background: The overall performance of the apparel industry is largely depend on the job performance of the employees. There are many factors influencing the job performance of the employees. Amongst them, working environment is one of the important factors. However, it was observed that there are not enough studies carried out to examine the impact of physical working environment on job performance of employees in Sri Lankan garment industry. Therefore, this study aims to examine the impact of physical working environment on job performance of employees.....
Key Word:Ventilation;Temperature; Noise; Interior infrastructure; Lighting; Job performance; Physical working environment
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