Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Effects of Perceived Quality and Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty through Brand Trust and Brand Love |
Country |
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Indonesia |
Authors |
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Sengguruh Nilowardono || Christina Esti Susanti || Mudjilah Rahayu |
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10.9790/487X-2208062029  |
Abstract: Brand loyalty is a crucial aspect when companies enter a competitive market. But until now, there are still many consumers who have not been able to survive on one particular brand and even brand a well-known must face the fact that consumers have switched to other brands. From various literature, brand loyalty influenced by the perceived quality, brand trust and brand love. The critical variable in building brand trust and brand love, namely social media marketing, and the relationship between these variables has never comprehensively examined in previous research studies. The conceptual framework of this study will be analyzed using the SEM approach. Then, it will be tested using 267 data collected from Xiaomi smartphone customers in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia.........
Key Word: perceived quality; social media marketing, brand trust, brand love, brand loyalty
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