Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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The Influence of Competence, Work Discipline, Work Ethos, and Work Motivation towards the Performance of Rabor Iain Rektorat |
Country |
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Indonesia |
Authors |
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Nasman Arya || Darma Nelly || Weldewita || Parsiyati |
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10.9790/487X-2208033241  |
Abstract: The research aims to determine the effect of competence, work discipline, work ethic, and work motivation on employee performance. This research is motivated by the lack of discipline in employee work, attitudes, awareness, and responsibilities of employees who have unfavorable criteria, employee motivation to try as much as possible in working is not optimal, employee work ethics are still not good, employee competency or ability to work it has not been able to support the performance and the still low performance of the agencies which is the impact of the low performance of Kerinci IAIN Rectorate employees. The research method with a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression methods. Data collection techniques with questionnaires, observation and....
Keywords: competence, work discipline, work ethic, work motivation, employee performance
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