Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Influence of Social Media Marketing, Event Marketing and Public Perception of Buying Interest and Decision to Buy Fajara Daily Newspaper in the Era of Information Industry Disruption |
Country |
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Indonesia |
Authors |
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Andi Faisal Syam || Jeni Kamase || Asdar Djamareng || Hasanuddin Damis || Serlin Serang |
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10.9790/487X-2208083957  |
Abstract: This research is to find out and analyze to know and analyze the influence of Social Media Marketing, Even Marketing and Perception on Purchasing Decisions mediated by The Interest of Buying Fajar Makassar Daily Newspaper in the Era of Information Industry Disruption with a population of 250 respondents. Previous sampling using Stratified Random Sampling technique or also called Random sampling was stratification. Stratified Random Sampling is a sample determination technique based on subject groups and between one group and another group appears to have strata or levels. Research samples are part of a population that is taken as a data source and can represent the entire population. The sample in this study was 154 but only 150 respondents were processed according to the questionnaire. The analytical models used in this study are quantitative descriptive and......
Keywords: Social Media Marketing, EvenMarketing,Public Perception, Buying Interests and Purchasing Decisions
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