Series-2 (April 2020)April 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Résumé Introduction : L'infection urinaire est l'une des infections les plus fréquentes en pratique hospitalière. Elle recouvre un ensemble de manifestations et de gravité variables, allant de la simple bactériurie asymptomatique aux pyélonéphrites aiguës. Le présent travail a pour objectif d'évaluer la fréquence des infections urinaires, dedéterminer les caractéristiques sociodémographiques des patients atteints, d'identifier les germes isolés et d'analyser leur sensibilité à l'antibiogramme. Méthodologie : Notre étude est un travail descriptif transversal basé sur une analyse documentaire portant sur 715 échantillons d'urines, dont 216 ont, après analyse, about à des examens cytobactériologiques positifs. Elle a été menée au laboratoire des cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi, dans la période de Janvier 2018 à Janvier 2019......
[1]. Sah dit Baba COULIBALY, Profil clinique et bactériologique de l'infection urinaire dans le service de Néphrologie et d'hémodialyse du CHU du Point G. Thèse, 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh B || Aadhil S || Princy JD || Deepak D || Santa N || Devi TS |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1904020910 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare but potentially fatal, an idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptics/anti psychotics characterised by rigidity, fever, autonomic dysfunction and altered consciousness with elevated levels of creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) and leucocytosis. It occurs in 0.4% of newly treated patients and carries mortality risk of 22%. Abstract: with the above background, we report a case of 48 yr old female with diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia started on parenteral haloperidol, oral quetiapine and risperidone, amisulpride developed fever, rigidity and altered sensorium after 2 days of initiation of above drugs which was later diagnosed as neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Early recognition of syndrome, immediate discontinuation of the offending agent and treatment with lorazepam and other supportive measures resulted in prompt recovery of patient without any complications
Keywords: NMS (Neuroleptic malignant syndrome), Neuroleptics, CPK (creatinine phosphokinase
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[3]. Panagariya A, Sharma B, Singh R, Agarwal V, Dev A. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome: A report of 14 cases from North India. Neurol India 2007;55:166‑8.
[4]. Nisijima K, Katutoshi S. A rare case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome without elevated serum creatine kinase. Neuropsychiatr dis and treat.2014;10:403-7. [5]. Adnet P, Lestavel P, Krivosic‐Horber R. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Br J Anaesth. 2000;85(1):129–35.
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Abstract: Background: The good prognosis of paediatric B cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (pALL) is considered as a great progress of medical science in the field of oncology and haematology. Minimal Residual disease (MRD) refers to the presence of disease in cases deemed to be in complete remission by conventional pathologic analysis. Prognostic importance of MRD in paediatric ALL is well accepted. This is the study where 8 colour flow cytometry (FCM) is used to detect MRD to asses treatment, diagnosis and prognosis of Bcell ALL. Method: Our Study has used 8 colour FCM which contains CD 19, CD 34, CD 10, CD58, CD 45, CD13, Anti TDT, CD33. 8 panels i.e1.CMPO-FITC/ cCD79a-PE/ cCd3ECD, 2. CD20-FITC/ cCD10-PE/ cCd19ECD, 3.CD34-FITC/ cCD117-PE/ cCd45 ECD/CD2 PC 5, 4. CD15 FITC/ CD33PE/ CD45ECD,5.CD14 FITC/ CD13 PE/CD45 ECD,6. HLADR FITC......
Key Word: Paediatric ALL (pALL), MRD, Flowcytometry (FCM)
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[4]. van Dongen JJ, Seriu T, Panzer-Grumayer ER, Biondi A, Pongers-Willemse MJ, Corral L, et al. Prognostic value of minimal residual disease in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in childhood. Lancet. 1998; 352:1731–1738.
[5]. T. Chatterjee, Brig, R.S. Mallhi, SurgCapt, and S. Venkatesan, Lt Colc. Minimal residual disease detection using flow cytometry: Applications in acute leukemia.Medical Journal of Armed Forced India, 2016 Apr; 72(2): 152–156.
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Abstract: The desire for improved esthetics and the consequent demand for cosmetic dentistry have increased tremendously in recent times. Cosmetic procedures have become an integral part of periodontal therapy. Probably one of the most common esthetic concerns associated with the periodontal tissues is gingival recession. Various approaches have been shown in clinical studies to achieve predictable root coverage. This case report has described two cases of root coverage by connective tissue autograft combined with partial thickness double pedicle flap technique. The advantages of this technique are excellent color matching, triple blood supply to the graft and very predictable results. The two treated cases demonstrated adequate root coverage at six months follow- up.
Keywords: Gingival recession, Root coverage, Double pedicle flap, Connective tissue graft.
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Abstract: Objective: The study was carried out to assess and compare the orthodontic treatment complexity of adolescents aged 12-16years from Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo Nigerian ethnic tribes Methods: The study population comprised one thousand, four hundred and forty-nine (1449) adolescents selected from nine public schools within nine Local Government Areas from three (3) selected states (Lagos, Kano, Imo) in Nigeria. Multistage stage sampling technique was used with randomization at each stage to determine selected participants. Consent and assent forms were duly completed and signed by parents and participants, respectively. Participants' parents were from the same ethnic group. Oral examination of the participants was done and their orthodontic treatment complexity assessed following the standard protocols of Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need. (ICON) Descriptive, as well as parametric (ANOVA) and non-parametric (Chi-square) statistical analyses were conducted in the data.
Key Word: Nigerian major ethnic tribes, Adolescents, Orthodontic treatment complexity, Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sheehan's Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Akshit Mittal || Dr B.B MITTAL || Dr Nikita Mittal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1904022829 ![]() |
Abstract: Post-partum pituitary necrosis (Sheehan's syndrome) is a rare complication of post-partum hemorrhage. The diagnosis can be erratic and often delayed. In this case report of Sheehan's syndrome in the post-partum period, the signs were characterized by agalactia, severe hypoglycemia, and low serum levels of thyroid hormones, cortico-adrenal hormones, and gonadotrophin (FSH, LH). The hypophyseal magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis of hypopituitarism secondary to pituitary necrosis
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Abstract: Aim-Gestational Diabetes Mellitus(GDM)is a metabolic disorder defined as glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.These women are at increased risk of adverse maternal and fetal outcome.Therefore,it's early diagnosis and management is essential for better fetomaternal outcome. This study was done to assess prevalence of GDM on the basis of Diabetes in pregnancy study group India(DIPSI) criteria and to study the risks factors and outcome in patients attending the antenatal clinic at Nalanda medical college and hospital,Patna. Materials and Methods- This study was carried out on 500 patients attending the antenatal clinic from January 2018 to december 2019.They were given 75gm glucose irrespective of meals and after 2hours plasma glucose was estimated.GDM was diagnosed when after 2hours plasma glucose was>140mg/dl.All patients with GDM were followed up and treated with diet and /or insulin therapy till delivery.Maternal and fetal risks factors and outcome were evaluated......
Keywords: gestational diabetes mellitus,glucose intolerance,DIPSI..
[1]. Cunningham F Gary, Leveno Kenneth J, Bloom Steven L, Hauth John C, Rouse Dwight J, Spong Catherine Y. Diabetes. In, Williams Obstetrics, 24th edition. New York, McGraw Hill Medical Publisher;2014:1125-46
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[5]. PriyankaKalra, ChetanPrakashKachhwaha, Hilda Victoria Singh. Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and its outcome in western Rajasthan Indian J EndocrinolMetab. 2013 Jul-Aug; 17(4): 677–680. doi: 10.4103/2230-8210.113760.
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Abstract: OBJECTIVE:- To study and compare the effects between tablet Misoprostol (600μg) sublingual and Injection Oxytocin (10IU) intramuscular in active management of 3rd stage of labour. MATERIALS AND METHODS:- A prospective study was carried out in department of obstetrics and gynaecology at NMCH Patna (BIHAR),The study was carried on 200 women undergoing vaginal delivery who were randomized into two groups of 100 women each. GROUP A received 600mcg misoprostol sublingually immediately after delivery and clamping of cord while GROUP B received 10IU intramuscular oxytocin immediately after delivery of baby. Both groups were studied for amount of blood loss, duration of 3rd stage, drop in haemoglobin......
Keywords: Misoprostol, oxytocin, Third stage of labour.
[1]. AbouZahr C. Global burden of maternal death and disability. In: Rodeck C, ed. Reducing maternal death and disability in pregnancy. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2003:1-11.
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Abstract: Background- This was a comparative study conducted to compare safety and efficacy of 25mcg intravaginal misoprostol with intracervical dinoprostone gel for induction of labour. Methods -100 patients with an indication of labour induction were included in this prospective cross sectional study conducted at Nalanda Medical College and Hospital from January 2018 to December 2018. 50 of them received 25mcg intravaginal misoprostol every 4 hourly for a maximum of 6 doses and 50 of them received 0.5mg intracervical dinoprostone gel for a maximum of 3 doses.......
Key words- misoprostol, dinoprostone gel, oxytocin, induction of labour
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Abstract: Objective: To study effectiveness of single layer lower uterine segment closure in repeat caesarean cases in terms of scar dehiscence, intra operative complications such as adhesion, advanced bladder and adhesion at the time of next caesarean section. Aim: To analyse the impact of single layerlower uterine segment uterine closure at repeat cesarean section cases. Method: A Retrospective analysis of 70 cases undergoing repeat cesarean section who had primary cesarean with single layer lower uterine segment closure in Department of OBG at Dr B R Ambedkar medical college and hospital. Intra operative difficulties and post operative complication were noted. Data was collected and analysed using computer software......
[1]. Todman D. A history of caesarean section: From ancient world to the modern era. Aust N Z J ObstetGynaecol. 2007;47:357–61.
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Abstract: Background: Breast lumps are a frequent occurrence in women of reproductive age, of which fibroadenomasarethemostcommon.Ultrasoundandmammographyarethetwo mostfrequentimagingmodalitiesfortheirdetectionandevaluation.Both are popular and theyhavetheir own merits and demerits. The aim of this study was to correlate ultrasound and mammographic findings in histopathologically confirmed cases of fibroadenoma and to evaluate the value of resistive index (RI) derived on ultrasound in the evaluation of fibroadenoma. Material and Methods: Thisis aprospectivestudyoveraperiodof20months......
Keywords: Breast-masses, Color-Doppler, Benign tumours, Resistive index
[1]. Cerrato F, Labow BI. Diagnosis and management of fibroadenomas in the adolescent breast. Semin Plast Surg. 2013;27(1):23–25
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[3]. Namazi A, Adibi A, Haghaighi M et al. An Evaluation of Ultrasound features ofBreast Fibroadenoma. Adv Biomed Res 2017; 6:153
[4]. Del Cura JL, Elizagaray E, Zabala R et al: The use of unenhanced Doppler sonography in evaluation of solid breast lesion. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2005; 184: 1788-1794
[5]. Stanzani Daniela, Chala Luciano F., Barros Nestor de, Cerri Giovanni G., Chammas Maria Cristina. Can Doppler or contrast-enhanced ultrasound analysis add diagnostically important information about the nature of breast lesions?Clinics [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2020 Mar 25] ; 69( 2 ): 87-92
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Abstract: Background- Delay in the diagnosis of complicated appendicitis and its treatment results in an increased rate of postoperative morbidity, mortality and hospital stay. The diagnosis of appendicitis rests on a combination of signs of inflammation such as fever, pain & tenderness; leukocytosis, and elevated C-reactive protein levels, interleukin- 6 (IL6) and Procalcitonin . In the absence of signs of inflammation the diagnosis is less certain, and in this situation an imaging CT scan may be of value. Raised level of serum procalcitonin in bacterial infection has been used to further improve the diagnosis of complicated AA. The aim of this study was to assess the value of procalcitonin as a predictor of severity of appendicitis in order to make the clinical decision for intervention Methods - One-hundred ten....
Keywords – complicated acute appendicitis/ AA , procalcitonin
[2]. Appendix, Elliot C. Pennington, MD ,Peter A. Burke, MD , CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Surgery, Fourteenth E D I T ION
[4]. The appendix, Fadi S. Dahdaleh, David Heidt, and Kiran K. Turaga Schwartz's Principles of Surgery , Eleventh Edition
[5]. Procalcitonin(PCT) – a new, innovative infection parameter biochemical and clinical aspects, Dr Med Michael Meisner – 3rd revised & extended edition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Histopathological Study of the Small Intestinal Lesions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr k pragna pavithra |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1904026162 ![]() |
Abstract:INTRODUCTION: Frequently received specimens of small intestine are non-neoplastic diseases like non-specific enteritis ,gangrenous bowel,Ischemicenteritis,tuberculosis,Irritable bowel disease and neoplastic diseases like adenomas and carcinomas. Clinical and radiological findings are non specific and histopathological study is required for the diagnosis. AIM : To study histomorphology of small intestinal lesions and analyse with respect to age,sex,anatomical site of occurrence and relative frequency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study of 74 cases was undertaken in our institute,between2014 to 2019.In addition to H and E ,special stains were done in required cases.
RESULTS:Total 74 cases of small intestinal lesions including periampullarylesions were studied. Of these,63cases(85.13%) were non-neoplastic......