Series-9 (April 2020)April 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract:The Russian dermatologist Pyotr Vasiliyevich Nikolskiy (1847-1897), was the first to explain Nikolsky sign when he was working on a thesis on pemphigus in 1895. He referred this sign to as a weak bond between epidermal layers on normal areas between the lesions appearing on a normal skin surface1. Practically, on application of a tangential pressure in the normal area adjacent to the lesion, a new blister forms due to the peeling of the epidermis2. The sign is spelt as Nikolsky and not Nikolskiy after its demonstrator. Nikolskiy described 3 ways of eliciting the sign 3, 4, 5
1) The tag remaining around the blister can be stretched for a longer distance even on normal mucosa.
2) Lateral pressure exerted by a finger on a normal mucosal surface near an existing lesion can form a......
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[4]. Polifka M, Krusinski PA. The Nikolsky sign. Cutis 1980; 26(5):521‑ 526.
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79(1):120‑ 6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solitary Dentigerous Cyst – A Revisit |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vijaya Nirmala Subramani || Dr.T.Muthukumar || Dr. N. Malathi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1904090407 ![]() |
Abstract: Solitary dentigerous cysts are the second most prevalent odontogenic cyst, frequently asymptomatic and found by a routine radiography of missing tooth from the dental arch. Clinical diagnosis requires correlation with radiographic findings. The inflammatory cysts of deciduous dentition should be differentiated from the dentigerous cysts of corresponding unerupted permanent dentition. The final diagnosis can only be confirmed histopathologically, although diagnostic challenge between inflammatory origin dentigerous cyst and inflammatory odontogenic of oral cavity. The treatment of choice is enucleation and removal of the associated tooth with excellent prognosis. The review enlists the earliest and recent pathogenesis, Clinicopathological features, different diagnosis and enabling a holistic approach in treatment modalities for mixed & permanent dentition.
Keywords: Osteolytic lesion, inflammatory origin, Transitional dentition and Marsupialization
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Abstract: COVID-19 infection, the latest outbreak which has originally started in Wuhan, China has spread across the globe and turned into a pandemic. SARS-CoV2 is a member of Beta coronoviruses and is known to predominantly cause respiratory illness. The spread of virus was initially from animals especially bats infected pangolins to humans, but however, due to the wide spread nature of the disease through contact, it has now turned into a man-to-man transmission. The mode of transmission is through direct mucosal contact from an infected person, through droplets in the air as well as through aerosol spread while treating the infected person. The available information clearly indicates that Health Care Providers especially Dentists are at greatest risk to expose themselves for this infection. There is a great need to reinforce the Universal Standard Precautionary guidelines suggested by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention(2003). WHO declared that isolation is the best precautionary step to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Keywords: Zoonotic, SARS-CoV2, Pandemic, Quarantine, Centre for Disease Control, Dental Health Care Providers..
[1]. Perlman S, Netland J, Coronaviruses post-SARS: update on replication and pathogenesis. Nature reviews. Microbiology. 2009 Jun [PubMed PMID: 19430490] (
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Abstract: Radicular cyst arising from primary teeth are rare . Caries is the most frequent aetiological factor of radicular cyst in the primary dentition. This paper presents the case reports of patients with radicular cyst associated with primary molars and after surgical intervention the underlying permanent mandibular premolars erupt in the oral cavity.
Keywords: radicular cyst, primary molars, enucleation , premolar
[1]. Grover N, Tyagi KK, Kanwar M, Sharma V, Tyagi AK. RADICULAR CYST OF PERMANENT INCISORS AND ITS MANAGEMENT: A CASE REPORT. Annals of Dental Specialty Vol. 2014 Apr;2(2):79.
[2]. da Silva FM, Marques AL, Soares TR, Martins C, Castro GF. Radicular Cysts in Primary Dentition with Different Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics. Clin Med Rev Case Rep. 2017;4:173.
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Abstract: VACTERL association is a set of congenital anomalies occurring in 1in 10,000 to 1 in 40,000 infants. Other defects in conjugation with VACTERL are known to occur rarely. Lung hypoplasia in infants with VACTERL poses a unique challenge, as these patients have reduced pulmonary reserve and high susceptibility to chest infection owing to cardiac defects and tracheoesophageal fistula. These infants have poor quality of life and delay in diagnosis further adds to morbidity. Here we are presenting a case of VACTERL with lung hypoplasia, diagnosed owing to high suspicion by treating team.
Key words: VACTERL, Lung hypoplasia
[1]. Kang J, Mao M, Zhang Y, Ai F-F, Zhu L. Congenital anal atresia with rectovestibular fistula, scoliosis, unilateral renal agenesis, and finger defect (VACTERL association) in a patient with partial bicornuate uterus and distal vaginal atresia: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(45):e12822-e.
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[3]. Reutter H, Hilger AC, Hildebrandt F, Ludwig M. Underlying genetic factors of the VATER/VACTERL association with special emphasis on the "Renal" phenotype. Pediatr Nephrol. 2016;31(11):2025-33.
[4]. Kanu A TD, Scriven R. Bronchial anomalies in VACTERL association. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2008;43(9):930-2.
[5]. Kanagasabai K, Bhat V, Pramod GK, Patil SJ, Kiranmayi S. Severe caudal regression syndrome with overlapping features of VACTERL complex: antenatal detection and follow up. BJR Case Rep. 2016;3(2):20150356-.
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Abstract: Background: Tele-physiotherapy is the development of tele-monitoring systems to facilitate or enhance independent rehabilitations of patients within their own homes. Tele-physiotherapy is suitable for patients who live at a distance and therefore find it difficult to attend clinic regularly due to the time factor and the cost of transportation. Positive effect of Tele Physiotherapy had noted by various researchers but the use of Tele physiotherapy in North Gujarat area was not done previously, so aim of the survey was to find out the use of Tele-physiotherapy among physiotherapist of North Gujarat. Methods: A qualitative research approach was used to conduct an online survey of physiotherapists in North Gujarat. A brief questionnaire was prepared with the basic information and strategic questions.....
Keywords: Tele Physiotherapy, Uses, North Gujarat, Survey
[1]. Holland A. Telephysiotherapy: time to get online. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2017;63(4):193-195.
[2]. Odole A. Are Clinical Physiotherapy students in Nigeria aware and knowledgeable about Tele-physiotherapy?. Latin Am J Telehealth. 2016;3(2):106-112.
[3]. Richmond T, Peterson C, Cason J, Billings M, Terrell E, Lee A et al. American Telemedicine Association‟s Principles for Delivering Telerehabilitation Services. International Journal of Telerehabilitation. 2017;9(2):63-68.
[4]. Odole A, Odunaiya N, Ojo O, Afolabi K. Tele-physiotherapy in Nigeria: perceived challenges by physiotherapists to its implementation. International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices. 2015;1(2):186.
[5]. Pahwa P, Mani S. Telephysiotherapy as a Mode of Enhancing Motor Skills of Cerebral Palsy Children in School Settings: A Review. Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy. 2018;14(2):16-21.
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Abstract: Objective: To compare total serum bilirubin and transcutaneous bilirubin in term neonates. Method: Jaundice was assessed in term neonates with transcutaneous bilirubinometer and then plasma bilirubin level before starting phototherapy. Results: Analysis of correlation between TSB & TcB demonstrated that the forehead and sternum measurements had a significant correlation with plasma assay- strong ( upto 88.2%) and very strong ( upto 90.3%). Conclusion: Transcutaneous bilirubin correlates significantly with total serum bilirubin. It can be used as a screening method to measure the value of bilirubin.
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Abstract: Introduction- Cancer of the Oral cavity is one of the most common malignancies in developing countries due toTobacco and Alcohol use. Oral cavity carcinoma (OCC) is primarily a surgical disease.Depending upon the post surgical histopathology report patient requires adjuvant Radiotherapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy. Amongst the available treatment modalities thebiggest advantage of VMAT technique is in its delivery efficiency. Several investigators have reported significant reductions in both treatment times and MUs over conventional IMRT. Role of VMAT increases in a busy government aided centre with resource constrained settings. This study was done to assess the clinical outcomeand toxicity profile of the post operated carcinoma oral cavity patients.....
Keyword-Oral cavity carcinoma, Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, Volumetric-modulated arc therapy
[1]. Steven B. Chinn and Jeffrey N. Myers Oral Cavity Carcinoma: Current Management, Controversies, and Future Directions
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Abstract: BACKGROUND-Missing IUCD string, i.e.,IUCD string that are not visible at the external cervical os are a commonly encountered problem and needs to be analyzed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence and outcome of missing IUCD strings. METHOD-This was a prospective observational study. About 1060 pregnant women were enrolled into the study after an informed written consent regarding the procedure,benefits and complications and need for follow up.Cu T was inserted into the uterine cavity after the delivery of placenta and were followed up at 6 weeks,3 months and 6 months for any complaints ,visibility of threads and for USG for position of Cu IUCDs in uterus. Removal of IUCD was done if indicated or women desired so by simple OPD procedure or in OT. RESULTS-Expulsion was 7.5% in postplacental....
KEYWORDS- Missing strings, expulsion, IUCD removal, USG imaging
[1]. Ezegwui HU ,Ikeaki LC, Egbuji C. Missing intrauterine contraceptive device amongst clients in Enugu Nigeria. Niger J Surg. 2011;17(2):90-3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimal Treatment of COVID-19: Influence of blood Transfusion |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Yasser El-Nahhal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1904094349 ![]() |
Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019 in China and spread to all countries enhance the scientist all over the world to find a satisfactory management to stop the outbreak. This includes the quarantine, social distancing among population, and the use of anti-malaria drugs. These attempts resulted in reducing the quick spread of the virus but management of the patients is still in a poor stage. Here we suggest to transfer specific viral antibody from the immune individual to the covid-19 patients throughout blood transfusion process. This process transfers the antibodies from the immune individuals to the patients. Then the antibodies begin to attack the virus particles in body of the patients and destroy it. Then the patient recovers. This process is a specific one and has no side......
Keyword: COVID-19, optimal treatment, antibody transfusion, blood transfusion
[1]. Onder, G., Rezza, G., Brusaferro, S. Case-Fatality Rate and Characteristics of Patients Dying in Relation to COVID-19 in Italy. J American Medical Association 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.4683
[2]. Guo YR., Cao QD., Hong ZS., Tan YY, Chen SD., Jin HJ., Tan KS., Wang DY., Yan Y. The origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak - an update on the status. Mil Med Res. 2020 Mar 13;7(1):11. doi: 10.1186/s40779-020-00240-0.
[3]. Touret F, de Lamballerie X (2020)Of chloroquine and COVID-19.Antiviral Res. 2020 Mar 5;177:104762. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104762.
[4]. Agostini ML, Andres EL, Sims AC, Graham RL, Sheahan TP, Lu X, et al. Coronavirus susceptibility to the antiviral remdesivir (gs-5734) is mediated by the viral polymerase and the proofreading exoribonuclease. mBio. 2018; 9(2):e00221–18.
[5]. Holshue ML, DeBolt C, Lindquist S, Lofy KH, Wiesman J, Bruce H, et al. First case of 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2020.
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Abstract: Background: India has been severely affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) since March 2020.This study aimed to assess the population mental health burden during this epidemic and to explore the possible influencing factors. Methods: Using online (Google forms) questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey, we collected data for 3 days from 9th April 2020 to 11th April 2020, from291volunteers from different cities and stratified them on the basis of their age, gender and occupational categories; Category(1) includes health care workers (doctors and nurses, technicians); Category(2) other front line workers like police, security guard, pharmacist and other essential services and Category (3) includes......
Keywords: Mental health, stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, Corona virus infection
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[4]. Yeen Huang et al ,hospital of Shenzhen University Health Science Centre;GAD,depressive symptoms and sleep quality during COVID-19 epidemic in China, a web based study.https;//
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Pain is a prevalent symptom of cancer of malignant origin affecting 70% of the patients in the advanced stages and almost all patients in the end stage disease. Opioids have been the main stay of treatment. But the fundamental issues of Opioid addiction, development of dependence, tolerance and severe constipation led to the ongoing search for better analgesics with minimal adverse effects. The aim of this RCT was to evaluate the effectiveness of Sublingual Buprenorphine for chronic pain analgesia. MATERIAL AND METHODS:.Patients with moderate severe pain were randomised in to two equal groups of 25 each.....
Key Words: Sublingual Buprenorphine, Cancer Pain, Narcotic licence
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