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Abstract: Steroids have been used for the treatment of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) since the 1950s, while their clinical efficacy remains poorly defined. To date, there is still no strong evidence proving or denying the efficacy of high-dose methylprednisolone, and further studies are still merited for issues regarding steroids for GBS. In this study patients of GBS are treated with steroid as IVIG could not be given and the patients showed significant improvement. Thus this study states successful use of steroid in GBS, a therapeutic challenge.
[1]. Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10th Edition
[2]. NeuroQuantology | September 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 3 | Page 153-157 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.3.1074 Xifa L., A Brief History of Steroid Therapy for Guillain-Barré Syndrome...
[3]. P Sethi, R Thukral, N Sethi, J Torgovnick. Is There A Role Of Steroids In IVIG Failed Cases Of Guillain Barre Syndrome?. The Internet Journal of Neurology. 2005 Volume 5 Number 2..
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Abstract: Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by a bacillus Mycobacterium Leprae. Leprosy currently affects a quarter of a million people throughout the world with a majority of them reporting from India.1 Very few studies have been carried out in the world to know the oral health status and treatment needs in people affected with leprosy. Hence the present study was planned: 1) to assess oral health status in a cohort of leprosy affected persons (LAPs), 2) to assess their knowledge, attitude and oral hygiene practices.A cross-sectional study was carried out in a tertiary care Municipal Hospital for leprosy. Demographic details were collected and a detailed oral examination was performed. Oral hygiene practices and clinical oral examination using natural light, oral hygiene aids, oral habits, decayed missing.......
[1]. WHO (September 2011). "Leprosy update, 2011". Weekly Epidemiological Record. 36: 389-400.
[2]. Alberts CJ, Smith WCS, Meima A, Wang L, Richardus JH. Potential effect of the World Health Organization's 2011–2015 global leprosy strategy on the prevalence of grade 2 disability: a trend analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011;89:487-495.
[3]. Global strategy for further reducing the leprosy burden and sustaining leprosy control activities. World Health Organization 2005. Available at: (Accessed on 19 Feb 2018).
[4]. Global leprosy strategy 2016-2020. World Health Organization. Available from: (Accessed on 20 Feb 2018).
[5]. Kumar A, Husain S. The burden of new leprosy cases in India: A population-based survey in two states. ISRN Trop Med 2013. 2013:1–8...
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Abstract: Intestinal obstruction in the newborn might be due to atresia, stenosis, annular pancreas, malrotations, duplication cysts, meconium ileus, meconium plug syndromes, neonatal small left colon syndrome, Hirschsprung's disease, neoplasias, trauma, and some other rare causes. Mesenteric cysts are rare intra-abdominal benign tumors without any characteristic clinical findings with an incidence of 1 per 100,000 up to 1 per 250,000 hospital admission. They have an identical pathogenesis, but may have different histopathological derivation and structures.Treatment of mesenteric cyst is indicated if it becomes symptomatic as a result of the enlargement of the cyst or complications.We outline the presentation, management and histological findings of 10 neonates who presented to this hospital from 2016–2017.Out of the 10, 3 were diagnosed antenatally and......
Key words: chylolymphatic cyst,cystic disease of newborn,intestinal obstruction, mesenteric cyst
[1] Egozi EI, Ricketts RR. Mesenteric and omental cysts in children. Am Surg. 1997 Mar; 63(3): 287-90.
[2] Cheng-Yu Long,Chiu-Lin Wang, Eing-Mei Tsai. Incidental diagnosis of a mesenteric cyst mimicking an ovarian cyst during laparoscopy. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2011; 50: 388-9.
[3] Mohammadreza Hafezi Ahmadi, Hamidreza Seifmanesh, Malek Alimohammadi, Ali Delpisheh, Masoud Yasemi, Hadi Peyman RN. Ileal mesenteric cyst in a patient with immediate abdominal emergency: always consider appendicitis. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2011 ; 29(5): 572-3.
[4] Liew SC, Glenn DC, Storey DW. Mesenteric cyst. Aust N Z J Surg. 1994 Nov; 64(11): 741-4.
[5] Arzu Pampal, Aydin Yagmurlu. Successful laparoscopic removal of mesenteric and omental cysts in toddlers: 3 cases with a literature review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2012; 47: E5–E8...
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Abstract: Dental radiology have completely revolutionized the field of dentistry. For successful implant treatment, a presurgical treatment planning is most important. For this, diagnostic imaging plays a vital role. There are various imaging modalities available to aid in placing the implant in an appropriate location with relative ease and also get a predictable outcome. The various modalities described are intraoral radiography, cephalometric radiography, panoramic radiography, conventional tomography, computed tomography, cone-beam CT and magnetic resonance imaging. The choice of which imaging modality to use along with when to image, is dependent on a number of factors including determination of quality and quantity of bone to establish the most favorable position of implant placement...........
Key words: Computed Tomography, Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Digital Radiography, Lateral Cephalometric Radiographs, Magnetic Resonance imaging, Panoramic Radiography.
[1]. Beagle JR. The immediate placement of endosseous dental implants in fresh extraction sites. Dent Clin N Am 2006; 50:375-389.
[2]. Monsour PA, Dudhia R. Implant radiography and radiology. Aust Dent J 2008; 53(1):S11-S25.
[3]. Ganz SD. Three-dimensional imaging and guided surgery for dental implants. Dent Clin N Am 2015; 59:265-290.
[4]. Gray CF, Redpath TW, Smith FW, Staff RT. Advanced imaging: magnetic resonance imaging in implant dentistry-a review. Clin Oral Impl Res 2003; 14:18-27.
[5]. Delbalso AM, Greiner FG, Licata M. Role of diagnostic imaging in evaluation of dental implant patient. Radiographics 1994:14(4):699-719...
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Abstract: Objectives: The objectives of this study are: To access the prevalence of intestinal paraites in the study area. To study the epidemiology of intestinal parasites among school children in the study area. To know the association between the risk factors and the degree of infection. To compare and evaluate different diagnostic techniques for the detection of intestinal parasites infections. Methodology: The study was conducted in Wad Medini municipality among basic school children. 10 basic schools were enrolled in the study ,5 schools for girls and 5 ones for boys ,selected randomly from the four direction (East, West ,South and North) in addition to central site , the students attending grade 1,3,5 &7 aged between(5-14 years). Participation was voluntary and children were free to refuse. From each school 40 stool samples were collected randomly.......
[1]. Ali, SA, Hill DR (2003). Giardia intestinalis. Curr Opin Infect Dis , 16:453-460.
[2]. Anderson, R. M., and R. M. May. (1991): Infectious Diseases of Humans .Oxford science puplication,.Great Britan U.K.: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Ashenafi Abossie and Mohammed Seid ,(2013). Assessment of the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis and associated risk factors among primary school children in Chencha town, Southern Ethiopia.IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 6 , PP 61-66 .
[4]. Barbara Matthys,Mohion Bobieva , Gulzira Karimova , Zulfira Mengliboev Vreni Jean-Richard , Malika Hoimnazarova, Matluba Kurbonova, Laurent K Lohourignon, Jürg Utzinger and Kaspar Wyss ,(2011). Prevalence and risk factors of helminths and intestinal protozoa infections among children from primary schools in western Tajikistan. Parasites & Vectors, 4:195
[5]. Bethony J., Williams J. T., Kloos H., Blangero J., Alves-Fraga L., Buck G.(2001). Exposure toSchistosoma mansoni Infection in a Rural Area in Brazil: II. Household Risk Factors. Tropical Medicine and International Health 6:136–45..
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Abstract: Background Nutrition is a major determinant of a child's overall development and learning.1 The new trend of malnutrition, described as double burden of malnutrition, is one in which under-nutrition is coexisting with over-nutrition and is a major problem facing the world today, especially developing countries.2 The diminishing value towards healthy natural meals has led to over-nutrition.3 Approximately 300 million people globally are obese.4 There is an increase in the global prevalence of childhood obesity.5 The prevalence of overweight and obesity were reported as 13.7% and 5.2% respectively, among Nigerian preschool children,6 There are studies on the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents7,8 but little is known about these burden among school age children........
Key words; Burden, Malnutrition, Over-nutrition, School children
[1]. Florence M, Asbridge M, Veugelers P. Diet quality and academic performance. J Sch Health 2008;78:209–215.
[2]. Singh M. Role of micronutrient for physical growth and mental development. Indian J Pediatr 2004;71:59–62.
[3]. De Lange JC. Factors contributing to malnutrition in children, Northern Cape South Africa. 2010:18–216.
[4]. Jennifer C. Undernutrition and overnutrition. Triple Cris 2012:5–17.
[5]. Wandia FB, Ettyang GK, Mbagaya G. Prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity anong Nursery School children aged 3 - 6 years in Eldoret municipality. African J Food, Agric Nutr Dev 2014;:2057 – 2071..
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Abstract: In women the most common invasive cancer is cervical cancer. The risk factor of cervical cancer is Risk factors can be genetic, but some lifestyle factors, such as alcohol intake. For colposcopy evaluation of cervix Inflammatory Pap smear is commonly use. Our aim of the study is to examine women with persistent inflammation on Pap smear need further evaluation with colposcopy. In this study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Child & Mother Health (ICMH) Dhaka, 2011 January to 2014 January where from total 1457 married non pregnant women only 140 case screened and examine who complained inflammatory cellular changes on pap smear. The patients age was ≥19 where age between 20-30 shows highest percentage of inflammatory cellular changes on pap smear and multipara was found 93% than primipara. During the study oral contraceptives.......
Key Words: Cervical Cancer, Colposcopic Evaluation, Cervix with persistent inflammatory, Pap Smear
[1]. Cervical Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)". NCI. 2014-03-14. Archivedfrom the original on 5 July 2014. Retrieved 24 June 2014
[2]. Cervical Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)". National Cancer Institute. 2014-03-14. Archived from the original on 5 July 2014. Retrieved 25 June 2014
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Extraaxial Neoplasms: Ct or Mri? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Subhasish Panda || Dr. Subhashree Dash || Dr. Dr. Braja Bihari Panda |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1707014853 ![]() |
Abstract: Extraaxial Neoplasms represent a significant proportion of intracranial neoplasms. Early identification of the neoplasm and its location by imaging is essential for surgical planning. Meningiomas, being the most common have varied locations within the brain and have typical imaging features which aid in prompt diagnosis. Other neoplasms, although less typical, have certain characteristic features that when encountered make their diagnosis straightforward. A total of 38 patients diagnosed with supratentorial extraaxial neoplasms referred to department of department of radiodiagnosis over a period of 2 years were examined using Computerised Tomography and subsequently by Magnetic Resonance Imaging.......
Keywords: Meningioma, Macroadenoma. Craniopharyngioma, Pineal
[1]. Mustafa Kemal Demir, Özlem Yapıcıer, Elif Onat, Zafer Orkun Toktaş, Akın Akakın, Kamran Urgun et al .Rare and challenging extra-axial brain lesions: CT and MRI findings with clinico-radiological differential diagnosis and pathological correlation. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2014 Sep-Oct; 20(5): 448–452
[2]. Rapalino O, Smirniotopoulos JG. Extra-axial brain tumors. Handb Clin Neurol. 2016;135:275-291.
[3]. Whittle IR, et al. Meningiomas. Lancet. 2004;363(9420):1535–1543.
[4]. Buetow MP, Buetow PC, Smirniotopoulos JG. Typical, atypical, and misleading features in meningioma. Radiographics. 1991;11(6):1087–1106.
[5]. Kristine A. Blackham et al. Intracranial neoplasms. In:John R. Hagga. CT and MRI of The Whole Body 6th ed. Elsevier; 2016.p172-266..
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Abstract: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy(NPWT) has remained one of the popular methods of managing complex wounds across surgical branches, including orthopaedics. Creating a sub atmospheric pressure on wound bed helps in granulation tissue formation. Many commercial forms of NPWT are being used worldwide. Unfortunately, these commercial devices comes with huge monetary burden to patient. In order to make this sub atmospheric therapy available to unaffordable patients many modifications have been made. This present study evaluates the efficacy of NPWT given by using locally available materialsat hospital and cost effectiveness of the treatment along with a review of literature. Methods and materials: The study included.......
Key words: Negative pressure wound therapy, NPWT, indigenous NPWT, suction therapy, orthopaedic wounds.
[1]. Fleischmann W, Strecker W, Bombelli M, Kinzl L., Vacuum sealing as treatment of soft tissue damage in open fractures. Der Unfallchirurg 1993; 96(9): 488-92
[2]. Acosta, S., Bjarnason, T., Petersson, U. et al. Multicentre prospective study of fascial closure rate after open abdomen with vacuum and mesh-mediated fascial traction. Br J Surg 2011; 98: 5, 735–743.
[3]. Kaplan, M. Negative pressure wound therapy in the management of abdominal compartment syndrome. Ostomy Wound Manage 2005; 51: 2A Suppl, 29S–35S.
[4]. Swan, M., Banwell, P. Topical negative pressure. Advanced management of the open abdomen. Oxford Wound Healing Society. 2003.
[5]. Fuchs, U., Zittermann, A., Stuettgen, B. et al. Clinical outcome of patients with deep sternal wound infection managed by vacuum-assisted closure compared to conventional therapy with open packing: a retrospective analysis. Ann Thorac Surg 2005; 79: 2, 526–531...
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Abstract: Three cases of prosthodontic management of malpositioned implants have been reported. Case I presented with a severe faciopalatal and a deep apicocoronal position of the implant. Definitive restoration was planned using a UCLA type plastic abutment to fabricate a framework over which a cementable coping was made. Case II presented with severe faciopalatal angulation of the implant. The definitive prosthesis was fabricated using a custom cast abutment. Direct Ceramic build up was done over the abutment and it was attached to the fixture with the abutment screw. Case III also reported with severe labial angulation of both the implants and definitive restoration was done with the help of UCLA type plastic abutment to design a customized framework for the definitive prosthesis. Soft tissue management for all the three cases was done with the use of gingival porcelain on the cervical portion of the metal-ceramic restoration. The use of customized and UCLA abutments presents an easy and cost effective way of functional and esthetic rehabilitation of malpositioned implants..
Key words: Custom cast implant abutment, UCLA abutment, faciopalatal angulation, gingival porcelain.
[1]. Wöhrle PS. Babbush CA. Dental Implants the Art and Science. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2010. Principles of esthetic implant dentistry; p. 371.
[2]. Misch CE. Contemporary Implant Dentistry. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2008. p. 187.
[3]. Kamalakidis S, Paniz G, Kang KH, Hirayama H. Nonsurgical management of soft tissue deficiencies for anterior single implant-supported restorations: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2007;97:1–5.
[4]. Duff RE, Razzoog ME. Management of a partially edentulous patient with malpositioned implants, using all-ceramic abutments and all-ceramic restorations: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2006;96:309–12
[5]. Kim A, Kar K, Nowzari H, Ahn KM, Cha H. Subapical osteotomy to correct dental implant malpositioning and vertical ridge deficiency: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2012;108:204–8..
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Abstract: Restricted mouth opening (microstomia) is a condition that hinders conventional prosthodontic treatment. The use of sectional or modified dentures and those with a small degree of flexibility has been reported in partially or totally edentulous patients. In the spirit of improving patients' quality of life, we have attempted, through this case report, to propose a real and convenient solution for a young patient with an oral sequela of head and neck radiotherapy.
Key words: flexible dentures, impression, polyamide, prosthesis, restricted mouth opening.
[1]. Sharma A, Arora P, Wazir SS. Hinged and sectional complete dentures for restricted mouth opening: A case report and review. Contemp Clin Dent. 2013 Jan;4(1):74-7. doi: 10.4103/0976-237X.111597.
[2]. Prasad R, Bhide SV, Gandhi PV, Divekar NS, Madhav VN. Prosthodontic management of a patient with limited mouth opening: A Practical Approach. JIPS. 2008;2:83–6.
[3]. Whitsitt JA, Battle LW. Technique for making flexible impression trays for the microstomic patient. J Prosthet Dent. 1984 Oct;52(4):608-9.
[4]. Krishna Ch V, Mahendranadh Reddy K, Gupta N, Mahadev Shastry Y, Chandra Sekhar N, Aditya V, Reddy GV. Fabrication of customized sectional impression trays in management of patients with limited mouth opening: a simple and unique approach. Case Rep Dent. 2013;2013:275047. doi: 10.1155/2013/275047. Epub 2013 Jul 24.
[5]. Egan JG, Swindells SA. A novel prosthodontic alternative for patients who are edentulous and have microstomia: a case report. Spec Care Dentist. 2012 Jul-Aug;32(4):160-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1754-4505.2012.00256.x.
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Abstract: Objective: To identify trends inoccupational therapy research over ten yearsusing text analytic tools. Methods: Articles published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) from 2007-2016 were retrieved from Pubmed and compiled in a database. The most frequently occurring words in the titles of these articles wereanalyzed using text analytics. Results: Based on the analysis of journal article titles, the most striking trendsthat were observed were a substantial increase in the number of articles related to intervention and assessment in children and adults, and a growing emphasis on the publication of systematic reviews. Conclusion: While this study provides a valuable insight into the trends in occupational therapy research, it does not elucidate the specific contents of these articles. Hence, more detailed investigations are necessary to identify the specific direction of occupational therapy research.
[1]. Hall SR. Crifasi KA. Marinelli CM. & Yuen H.K. Continuing education requirements among State Occupational Therapy Regulatory Boards in the United States of America. J EducEval Health Prof. 2016; 13: 3746-51.
[2]. Rozendo CA. Santos Salas A. & Cameron B. A critical review of social and health inequalities in the nursing curriculum. Nurse Educ Today. 2017; 50:62-71.
[3]. Richards LG. State of the Journal Am J Occup Ther.2015; 69 (6):690-2.
[4]. Pedrami F, Asenso P & Devi S. Using Text Analytics of AJPE Article Titles to Reveal Trends In Pharmacy Education Over the Past Two Decades. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016; 80(6):104 -12
[5]. Demner-Fushman D, Elhadad N. Aspiring to Unintended Consequences of Natural Language Processing: A Review of Recent Developments in Clinical and Consumer-Generated Text Processing. Year Med Inform. 2016; 10(1):224-33...