Version-17 (July-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bladder Exstrophy: A rare case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Navneet Ranjan Lal || Dr. Dhurba J.Borpatragohain || Dr Mary H.Bhuyan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1707170103 ![]() |
Abstract: The bladder exstrophy (BE) represents an anterior midline defect with variable expression comprising a spectrum of anomalies involving the abdominal wall, pelvis, urinary tract, genitalia, and occasionally the spine and anus. The vast majority of BE cases are classified as non-syndromic and the etiology of this malformation is still unknown. We are presenting a case report on BE. A 11 year old patient presented with continuous dribbling of the urine from the lateral side of a soft tissue mass present in the lower abdominal wall with inability to hold and pass urine. The lesion was present since birth. On examination a soft tissue mass was present in lower abdominal wall with two opening on the either sides. Penis was short with unremarkable scrotum. Testis was not palpated in the scrotum. Combined investigation - IVP, CECT and USG revealed pubic diastasis with externally placed bladder with deficient anterior bladder wall, bilateral ectopic ureteral opening and chronic cystitis with undescendant testis..
Key words: Bladder exstrophy, Cystitis, Pubic diastases, Epispadias.
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Abstract: Background: Women's health has always remained neglected because of the traditional reductionist approach to women's health issues. This article presents an analysis of self-reported symptoms of gynaecological problems among currently married women of reproductive age group (15 to 49 years). Method: 800 currently married women of reproductive age group were selected by systematic random sampling from 10 of the urban slums of Kakinada city of Andhra Pradesh between January to December 2012. Information was gathered from these women on their socio-demographic variables, gynaecological problems as perceived by them and their treatment seeking behaviour. Results: Gynaecological morbidity was found to be significantly influenced by women's age, educational status, age at marriage, duration of marital life and age at first child birth. 44.5% women reported at least one current gynaecological symptom. Major complaints were menstrual problems (66.3%), low backache (27.2), and abnormal vaginal discharge (15.4%). Of these, 53.7% did not seek any treatment..
Key words: reproductive age group women, gynaecological problems, treatment seeking behavior.
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Abstract: A short clinical crown may lead to poor retention form thereby leading to improper tooth preparation. Surgical crown lengthening procedure is done to increase the clinical crown length without violating the biologic width. Several techniques have been proposed for clinical crown lengthening which includes gingivectomy, apically displaced flap with or without resective osseous surgery, and surgical extrusion using periotome. This case report highlights a case of submucosal frenotomy with crown lengthening procedure of a 20 year old female patient..
Keywords:Surgical crown lengthening, Gingivectomy, Submucosal Frenotomy, Frenectomy
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Abstract: Hypothyroidism and diabetes share clinical sign and symptoms, such as fatigue, lethargy and weight gain. Thyroid hormones and insulin exert their metabolic effects which are similar in some respects but antagonistic in others, Insulin inhibits glycogenolysis, glycolysis as well as glucogenesis. Whereas thyroid hormones has a stimulating effects on this action. Aims and Objectives: To study the effect of oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHA) and Insulin on thyroid profile of type II diabetes mellitus patients. Methods: It was a cross sectional study done on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. 100 cases and 50 controls were included in the study. Diabetic patients on medication that alter thyroid functioning, patients with previously known thyroid dysfunction &.......
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Abstract: Scrotal calcinosis is an uncommon benign condition of scrotal skin. It is characterized by single or multiple hard calcified intradermal nodules over the skin. Etiology is controversial and calcinosis occur despite normal calcium and phosphate metabolism. Differential diagnosis include epidermal cyst, pilar cyst or sebaceous cysts. Here we present a case of 40 year old male patient who presented with multiple hard swellings over the scrotum without any serum calcium or phosphate abnormalities. After excision and on Histopathological studies it showed large irregular calcium deposits with giant cells in between confirming the diagnosis ofcalcinosis cutis or scrotal calcinosis. Excision and Biopsy remains the gold standard treatment for scrotal calcinosis
Key words: Calcinosis cutis, idiopathic, Scrotal Calcinosis, Excision
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Abstract: AIM: To find out the prevalence, segmental distribution and morphological characteristics of ossification of ligamentum flavum in thoracic spine. MATERIALS AND METHOD: We examined 1786 numbers of dried thoracic vertebrae preserved in the osteology sections of our institutes for the presence of ossification of ligamentum flavum along the upper margin and inner surface of their laminae. We found out vertebral segments commonly affected by this pathology and compared with that of other studies. We also classified them into different morphological types according to Sato classification and found out the frequency of occurrence of each type. OBSERVATION: Out of 1786 thoracic vertebrae examined 261 number of vertebrae (14.6%) showed ossification of ligamentum flavum. A lower...........
Key words: Ligamentum flavum, Ossification, Spinal stenosis, Thoracic vertebrae.
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Abstract: Phacoemulsification and the use of foldable lenses increases the success rate of combined phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy.It has been argued that the phacoemulcification incision separate from the trabeculectomy incision reduces postoperative scarring of the scleral flap and conjuctiva and improves the results of the filtration surgery.The combined surgery with seperate sites was performed on 33 eyes of 33 patients in the Department of Ophthalmology Govt Medical College Srinagar between January 2015 and July 2017.The control of IOP after combined surgery was the parameter studied . It was observed that 78.8 % cases had controlled IOP after 6 months follow up without any drugs while as 21.2% cases required drugs less than before to control the Intra Ocular Pressure. Thus we can safely conclude that combined cataract and trabeculectomy surgery is a procedure that should be accepted for the efficacy, safety and repeatability of results..
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Abstract: Introduction: The thymus is a lymphoid tissue located in superior and anterior mediastinum,and is responsible for the development, differentiation and clonal expansion of T lymphocytes . Aims of study- A cross sectional study conducted to study of morphological features of thymuses of human foetuses. Material and methods:In present study 16 dead foetuses are collected from the dept. of Obs and Gynae. UPUMS Saifai after taking the permission of ethical committee. The collected foetus now divided into three groups, first group ranging from 10 wks to 20 wks,second group ranging from 21wk to 30 wk and third group ranging from 31 wk -40wk.these foetuses dissected and their thymus gland so obtained was studied for t heir morphological features.........
Keywords: Foetuses, Lymphoid Tissue, Clonal Expansion, Mediastinum
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Treatment Without Doctor- It Needs An Emergency Surgical Excision! |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Biju Soman || Aswathi Raj L |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1707173841 ![]() |
Abstract: Word count of the manuscript- 1017 words (including reference). Contributorship details:Biju Soman (BS) has conceived the idea of selecting this topic for writing the manuscript. Aswathi Raj L (ARL) has done an extensive review of literature. BS has written the manuscript and ARL has edited the content. Both BS and ARL have read and understood the manuscript........
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[5]. DarshanaBennadi, Quackery in dentistry. Available from: Accessed on 22 June 2018..
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Abstract: Background: Though Pyogenic liver abscess is a life threatening disease, there has been significant change in the epidemiology management and mortality over the years. Aim of the study was to review the literature and assess the changing trends in patient presentation and management of liver abscess. Methods: Prospective observational study conducted from May 2013 to May 2015 in Goa Medical College, Goa on 100 patients. In all patients detailedhistory, examination and laboratory investigations were recorded. Mean and chi square test analysis was performed. Results: Of 100 cases reviewed, mean age was 52........
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[5]. Pope I. M Thomas P.G ,Pyogenic liver abscess. Amoebiasis and biliary infection. Surgery of liver and biliary tract, T,H.Blumgart Vol –II.
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Abstract: Background: Nephrotic syndrome is a common renal disease in childhood where abnormal sodium and water retention occur. This leads to expansion of interstitial fluid volume and oedema. It has been hypothesized that sodium retention by the kidney is a primary phenomenon occurring in response to intrarenal rather than systemic mechanism, i.e., renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. There are recent evidences of increased Na+K+ATPase and enhanced epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) activity leading to primary sodium retention in the collecting duct. Clinical evaluation of volume status in presence of substantial oedema is not always accurate. Urinary markers are very useful as surrogate marker of volume and sodium retention status. Objective: To find out the proportion of primary........
Key Words: Sodium retention, Oedematous nephrotic syndrome, West Bengal
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Abstract: Different kind of morphological variations may be seen in the human teeth that may vary from anomalous cusps in the crown to additional number of roots. In permanent molars, changes in the crown morphology may occur either in the form of an additional tooth (paramolar) or supernumerary cusp termed as "paramolar tubercle".These structures pose clinical problems such as crowding, retention or ectopic eruptions of adjacent teeth, dental caries, gingivitis or periodontitis, interference in orthodontic banding, laceration of thebuccal mucosa due to its buccal position etc.Such unusual and complex anatomy makes endodontic treatment challenging. Hence, it isconsidered important to have thorough knowledge of variations in tooth/canal anatomy. For a successful treatment outcome, careful interpretation of angled radiographs and proper access preparation are essentialprerequisites.CBCT should be used as an adjuntive tool for diagnosis such complicated anatomy..
Keywords: CBCT; EndoVac ;Paramolar
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Abstract: Fine needle aspiration cytology [FNAC] of lymph nodes is a simple, easy, painless diagnostic tool to diagnose suspected and unsuspected primary and secondary lymph node malignancy. In Kolhan region of Jharkhand, tobacco chewing is rampant and people usually present quite late with secondary metastatic lesions in cervical lymph nodes. As tuberculosis is also quite common problem, FNAC is a good tool for differentiation. Our aim was to study utility of FNAC in diagnosis of clinically suspected and unsuspected lymph node malignancy. This is a cross sectional study on 40 patients diagnosed to have lymph node malignancy by cytology and confirmed with histopathology........
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Abstract: Aim: The purpose of study was to estimate the prevalence of selected risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, fruit and vegetable consumption, overweight and obesity, hypertension and to investigate the association with selected socio demographic factors among 20 -40-year-old male population of urban slum area of Mayapuri New Delhi. As risk factor are started at very early year of age and should be intervened in the early age. Slum community are at major risk of NCD due to constrains. Materials and methods:A household based cross-sectional study conducted with random cluster sampling. 200 participants were........
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Abstract: Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs) affect about 10% of all pregnant women around the world and are an important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. In Asia and Africa, nearly one tenth of all maternal deaths are associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Predicting the onset of these complications could aid in timely interventions such as increased surveillance, treatment of symptoms, transfer to higher care facility and delivery when necessary, which could reduce morbidity and mortality from the HDPs. Aim: To determine incidence rate, complications, maternal and fetal outcome associated with hypertension in pregnancy in government........
Key words: Gestational hypertension, preeclamsia, eclampsia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Atypical Malignancies of Head and Neck region in a Tertiary Care Centre |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.Srinivasan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1707176971 ![]() |
Abstract: Majority of malignancies in head and neck are of Squamous Cell Carcinoma histology (90%). Malignancies of other pathological variants in head and neck are quite infrequent and hence lead to uncertainty in diagnosis, treatment and require needful research. Minor salivary gland tumours, lymphoma, mesenchymal tumours, melanoma and variants of squamous cell carcinomas do come under this category........
Key words: Atypical Malignancies, Unusual Malignancies in Head and Neck, Rare Variants of Head and Neck Cancer.
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