Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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ABSTRACT: Pure and Fe doped nano Lithium-Cobalt Aluminate were synthesized by Co-Precipitation method for the present study. Fe dopant in nano Li1.0Co0.5FexAl2-xO are in the concentration x = 0, 0.5, 1.5 and 2.0. Precipitates are obtained at the pH of 10 and samples are sintered at 1173K before characterization. X-ray diffraction analysis is carried out with X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) to find structural parameters lattice constant, crystallite size, lattice strain, X-ray density and dislocation density. Crystallite size increase with increase in Fe3+ ion and it lies between 23nm and 57 nm. Lattice constant also increases with increase in dopant and it ranges between 8.1987Å and 8.558Å.Morphology............
Keywords: Opto-Magnetic, Li-Co-Fe Aluminates, EDS, FTIR, SEM, VSM, XRD
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ABSTRACT: Temporal variation in exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic waves from mobile phone technology has been assessed in sensitive areas like residential areas, schools, commercial areas and hospitals. The mobile phone technologies considered in the study are GSM900, GSM1800, UMTS2100 and LTE2600. Exposure was determined using the Aaronia Spectran HF-6065 V4, OmniLOG 70600 antenna, HyperLOG 70600 antenna, Aaronia GPS Logger, Real Time MCS Spectrum-Analysis-Software and a laptop. The maximum exposures recorded were compared with the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines and they were found to be very low relative to the set guidelines. This showed that the public is safe from these radiations
Keywords: Radiofrequency, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, temporal variation
[1] ICNIRP International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection, Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz), Health Physics, 74(4), 1998, 494–522.
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ABSTRACT: Four geographical zones in Maiduguri Metropolis were chosen for this study and twenty water samples-five samples from each zone were taken for analysis. Fluoride content of each water sample was then determined by using Lanthanide Fluoride ion Selective Electrode, LaF3. The results show that the concentrations of fluoride ions in the groundwater samples from all the locations under investigation are far below the minimum concentration of 0.5 mg/l specified by World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water [1]. The brown staining of permanent teeth..........
Keywords: Dental caries, Flouride, Groundwater, Ion-Selective Electrode, Maiduguri..
[1]. World Health Organisation (WHO). Fluorides, Environmental Health Criteria 227, 2002.
[2]. Institute of Medicine. Fluoride in Dietary reference intakes for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D and fluoride, 1997, 288-313. National Academy Press. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
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[5]. L.Rong, S. Kannan , D.Khalil , and P.Chris , Analysis of Fluoride in Drinking Water in the Presence of Interfering Metal Ions Such as Iron and Aluminium, Dionex Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA, U.S./ Canada (847) 295-7500.
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ABSTRACT: Triple differential cross sections (TDCS) for ionization of metastable 3P-state Hydrogen atoms by electrons have been calculated for various kinematic conditions in the asymmetric coplanar geometry using a multiple scattering theory of Das and Seal. The results are compared with the first Born results and existing hydrogenic ground state experimental data and those of other theoretical results. The present results show a good qualitative agreement with the compared results. Yet there is no available theoretical and experimental study for ionization of metastable 3P-state hydrogen atoms by electrons. These offers wider scope for the study of ionization problems of hydrogen atoms in their metastable states.
Keywords:Cross-Section, Electron, Ionization, Scattering, Transition matrix
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ABSTRACT: As Industrial Radiography has grown up and may have a great contribution in radiation exposure for the workers in this field, this study was started to review occupational radiation exposure in industrial radiography expectedindifferent siteswith fixed facility in Egypt. In this paper, doses in some industrial radiographyhave been measured and then were analyzedto evaluate the operator procedures employed. The occupational workers were divided to three groups with four workers for each; the first groupused Ir-192 source with activity 70 Ci in fixed facility, the second groupused Ir-192 source with activity 70Ci in external work sites and the third groupIr-192 source with activity..............
[1]. L. Currivan, H. Donnelly, D.Dawson, D. Spain and P.A. Colgan.Analysis of Wholebody Doses Received By Occupationally Exposed Workers In Ireland (1996-1999)Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 96 Nos-1-3 pp 53-56 (2001) NTP
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ABSTRACT: We apply the asymptotic iteration method(AIM) to solve for the eigenvalues of the Gol'dmanKrivchenko potential and quatricanharmonic potential and verify the results using Matlab codes
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ABSTRACT: Thin films of In6Se7 were prepared by thermal evaporation technique under a vacuum of 10−4 Pa then exposed to laser irradiation from diode laser HPL532-Q10W. The effects of laser-irradiation on the optical parameters were investigated. The optical parameters were acquired utilizing spectrophotometric measurements of the transmittance and reflectance at normal incidence of light at the wavelengths range 200–2500 nm. The type of optical transition was found to be an indirect allowed transition for pristine film and laser irradiation films. It was found that the optical band gap diminishes by increasing the time of laser-irradiation. On the other hand, the dispersion parameters of In6Se7 films were decreased by increasing the irradiation time.
Keywords: Chalcogenide glasses; thermal evaporation; thin film; laser irradiation effect; Optical properties
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ABSTRACT: Spatio-temporal distribution of earthquakes and variation of seismic b value in the circum pacific zone has been investigated with a view, to identify and understand the seismicity patterns associated with major earthquake in the zone. The earthquake catalogue of the zone from 1899 to 2009 has been analyzed and gridded into subzones. Events in each region were divided into constant time intervals and annular width of 100 km for the investigation of temporal and spatial distribution of the earthquakes respectively. The moment magnitude Mw was employed in this study and other magnitude types were converted to Mw. The b-values were determined from Gutenberg-Richter...........
Keywords: B-value, Seismicity, Seismic Hazard, Spatio-Temporal pattern, Great earthquake
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lattice dynamics of Ni Fe Alloys using modified embedded atom method potential |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subodh Joshi || P D Semalty |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0905015558 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Lattice dynamics of Ni0.76Fe0.24 using modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential has been investigated. The calculation of phonon dispersions of NiFe alloy with substitutional Fe impurity has been performed using the force-constants obtained from MEAM potential. The calculation of phonon dispersions of NiFe alloys is found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. Using the force-constants obtained from MEAM potential, the local vibrational density of states in host Ni and substitutional Fe atoms using Green's function method has also been calculated.
Keywords: Modified embedded atom method; Green's function; force- constants; phonon dispersion; local density of states;
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ABSTRACT: We investigate the effect of the cubic nonlinear gain on the resonance curve in the frame of the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) in a complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landaumodel. The DSR occurs when the energy of a soliton in the system increases without limit at certain values of the system parameters. We remind analytical expressionfor the resonance curve, thanks to the collective variable approach.We show that the nonlinear gain has a linear response for the spectral filtering and the saturation of the Kerr nonlinearity,however, has a nonlinear response for the linear loss and the saturation of the nonlinear gain. Thus the gain and its saturation in the system can be suitably chosen for generation of high-energy pulses.These results can be helpful to design laser systems orto optimize the active parameters of cavities that generate solitons with the highest possible energy.
Keywords: Cubic nonlinear gain, Dissipative soliton resonance, High-energy pulses, Mode-locked laser, Resonance curve
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ABSTRACT: Present work attempts to share the properties of the semiconducting cadmium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by the co-precipitation method, so as to cope with waste water treatment through photocatalysis. As-prepared Cd(OH)2 sample was calcined and the temperatures were prefixed based on the results of thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The crystal structure and the crystallite size were estimated from the X-ray diffraction patterns and were confirmed through transmission electron microscope. The hexagonal and spherical morphology, whose sizes in the range 22 to 72 nm exhibited the presence of more active sites suitable for the photocatalytic process. The optical band gaps calculated in the range 2.2 to 2.5 eV informed the viability.............
Keywords: co-precipitation, semiconducting oxide, photocatalytic, transmission electron microscope
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ABSTRACT: In radiological facilities, radiation protection of patients and physicians are the main concern of the radiation protection program that could be enhanced by adopting new advanced diagnostic/therapy techniques. The main purpose of such technique is to minimize the dose delivered to the healthy tissue in patient and/or minimize the dose delivered to the physician during diagnostics/treatment process. In that context, there were a plenty of research papers proved the feasibility of successful use of monochromatic X-ray synchrotron radiation in radiological applications. However, high brightness monochromatic X-ray synchrotron radiation is traditionally obtainable exclusively in giant facilities like 3rd generation light source when ultra-relativistic electron beam (GeV) passes through an insertion.............
Keywords: Inverse Compton Scattering, X-band linac, mode launcher, Tunable monochromatic X-ray, synchrotron radiation,
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ABSTRACT: The optical properties of CdS thin films deposited by the Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) technique were investigated. Results of the Transmittance, absorbance, reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, and dielectric constant in both real and imaginary were reported. The optical properties were obtained using single – beam UV-VIS Helios Omega Spectrophotometer in the wavelength range of 280 – 920 nm with the optical absorbance measured directly and other optical properties extrapolated and calculated. The optical transmittance of the CdS thin films formed at different dip times were in the range of 52 - 79%. The energy band gap was found to be in the range of 3.75eV to 3.88eV.............
Keywords: CBD, transmittance, absorbance, reflectance, band-gap, dielectric constant, CdS.
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