Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2018)
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Abstract: Natural soils are prominent material for construction activities. Red soils are widely distributed in north coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh, which are strong in dry conditions and compressed under saturated conditions. Presence of non-plastic fines and honey combing structure make the soils poor with respect to strength. In this aspect industrial wastes can be used in place of these collapsible soils. Red mud is an industrial waste from aluminum industry which can be an alternative to the soils. In the present investigations. In this aspect Red mud is one such alternative for its use in civil engineering infrastructure. In the present work characterization of Red mud is made by performing............
Keywords -Red mud, Red soil, CBR, Collapsible, Strength
[1]. IS 2720: Part 4: 1985 Methods of test for soils – Part 4: Grain sieve analysis
[2]. IS 2720: Part 5: 1985 Methods of test for soils – Part 5: Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit
[3]. IS 2720: Part 6: 1972 Methods of test for soils – Part 6: Determination of shrinkage factors
[4]. IS 2720: Part 8: 1983 Methods of test for soils – Part 8: Determination of water content -dry density relation using heavy compaction
[5]. IS 2720: Part 10: 1991 Methods of test for soils – Part 10: Determination of Unconfined compressive strength.
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Abstract: Climate change will have large impact on water resources and its predictions are fraught with uncertainties all over the world. It affects the globe and hydrological cycle. It also affects the surface and subsurface water availability. These changes have being increasing the vulnerabilities of ecosystem and of human society. This paper presents an overview upon global impacts on hydrology and water resources as consequence of climate change. It explains how climate change has affected water resource variability in the past and how climate leads to rapid changes at present and future which affects the sustainable development in different parts in the world. It also explains about the effect of global warming due to the emission of green house gases. And the relation between climate change and water resource.
Keywords hydrological cycle, vulnerabilities, water resource, sustainable development, green house gases, global warming..
[1]. Report produced by the earth science communications team at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California institute of technology published in July 31, 2018 .
[2]. Journal on environment and earth science, Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Reasearch scholar Vikram university, Ujjain, Vol 4.No.11.2014
[3]. journal published by Elsevier
[4]. [5]. Book on " water resources system engineering" by authors W A Hall and J A Dracup.
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Abstract: Axial forces in columns caused by gravity loadings are usually estimated for initial design using tributary area method. However, this method does not consider the axial deformations in columns nor the flexural rigidities of floors. Columns subjected to high axial loads are expected to deform axially which certainly would affect the distribution of forces to columns. Moreover, floors subjected to vertical loads are expected to bend or to change in curvature. While determining axial forces in columns using tributary area method are only governed by location of columns, actual distribution is governed by axial stiffnesses of columns and flexural rigidities (or slab thickness). This study aims at giving more insights on who forces are being transmitted to columns from slabs. Analytical...........
Keywords -Axial Forces, Tributary Area Method, Finite Element Method, SAP2000
[1] Leet K, Uang CM, Gilbert AM. Fundamentals of structural analysis (Chichester: McGraw-Hill; 2002).
[2] Connor, Jerome J., and Susan Faraji. Fundamentals of structural engineering (Springer, 2016).
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[4] Gross, Dietmar, et al. Mechanics of materials—formulas and problems (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2017).
[5] Wilson EL, Habibullah A. SAP2000: integrated finite element analysis and design of structures (Computers and Structures, Berkeley, California. 1997)...
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Abstract: Welding is one of the main activities of the construction of process plants and one observes the use of several indicators in the monitoring of its productivity. In this article, the behavior of the welding productivity of ASTM A-36 steel are evaluated with the Cored Wire (FCAW) process using the E71T-1C/M electrode and two shielding gases: ArC-25 (75% Argon and 25% CO2) and ArC-40 (60% Argon and 40% CO2). The specimens were welded with procedures that met the requirements of AWS D1.1 [37] and the welding consumables used were approved in the qualification tests of AWS A5.36M / A5.36 (2012). In this evaluation, the following indicators were employed: Melt-off Rate, Deposition Rate, Operating Factor, Deposition Efficiency and Welding Productivity. In view.........
Keywords -Welding Productivity, Operating Factor, Melt-off Rate, Deposition Rate, Deposition Efficiency, Monte Carlo Simulation
[1]. Souza, U. E. L. de. Como aumentar a eficiência da mão de obra: manual de gestão da produtividade na construção civil. São Paulo: Pini, 2006.
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[5]. Schwartzkoft, W. Calculating lost labor productivity in construction claims. Austin: Aspen, 2004..
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Abstract: This paper presents the results of an experimental study conducted to develop and evaluate the compressive strength, flexural strength and drying shrinkagewhich are three important properties of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC). In this study, sixteen mixtures with different ratios of silica fume, crushed quartz powder, steel fibers, sand typeand different aggregate size were prepared. The effect of utilized materials on mechanical properties of UHPC was experimentally concludedand analyzed by ANOVA test.........
Keywords- Compressive strength, Drying shrinkage, Flexural strength, Steel fibers, Ultra-high performance concrete.
[1]. Wan, L., Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Behavior of Ultra High-Performance Concrete, Prestressed Concrete, and Waterless Martian Concrete at Early Age and Beyond, (Doctoral Dissertation, Northwestern University), (2015).
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[3]. ES 4756-1/2013, Cement-Part 1: Composition, Specifications and Conformity Criteria for Common Cements, Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality, Egypt.
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[5]. Egyptian Standards – Building Materials Committee. Aggregates for concrete; ES 1109. Cairo (Egypt): Egyptian Organization for Standards and Quality, EOS; (2008)...
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Abstract: Facility layout design has a major impact on manufacturing cycle time hence throughput rate. Its critical objective is to minimize material handling thus decrease manufacturing cycle time and increase throughput rate resulting to improved productivity. The low productivity recorded by Kenyan leather tanneries can be attributed to poor plant layout as the major factor. This paper explores the impact of poor plant layout on manufacturing cycle time hence throughput rate based on a case study of a tannery situated in Central Kenya. Cycle time and throughput analysis are employed in this research. The manufacturing cycle time was found to be 19 days, which exceeds the standard time by 4 days. 17.42% of the manufacturing cycle time consisted of Non Value Adding........
Keywords- Facility layout, Tannery, Productivity, Throughput, Material handling
[1]. Back, D., & Johansson, P. (2006, September 5). A model for effective development of plant layouts and material handling systems. Vaxjo: Vaxjo University, School of Technology and Design.
[2]. Barnwal, S., & Dharmadhikari, P. (2016). Optimization of Plant Layout Using SLP. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3008-3015.
[3]. Buljan, J., & Kral, I. (2012). Benchmarking in the Tanning Industry. Vienna: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
[4]. Chen, T. (2013). A Systematic Cycle Time Reduction Procedure for Enhancing the Competitiveness and Sustainability of a Semiconductor Manufacturer. Sustainability, 4637-4652.
[5]. Dossenbach, T. (2017, Novemember 16). Management: Woodworking Network. Retrieved from Woodworking Network Website:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Analysis of Ventilated Disc Brake |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Subbarayudu || Ginjala Kishore |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1505014659 ![]() |
Abstract: Braking is a technique which converts the kinetic energy of an automobile into mechanical energy, which must dissolute in the form of heat A brake disc usually made of cast iron or ceramic composites, is attached to the wheel. Rubbing material in the form of brake pads is enforced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or electromagnetically in opposition to both sides of the disc and prevents the wheel to rotate. The current study essentially deals with the modeling and analyzing ventilated disc brake by solid works and ANSYS. Finite element (FE) models of the brake-disc are shaped with solid works and simulated using ANSYS which is based on the finite element method (FEM). This study Thermal analysis is done so as to get the strength of the disc brake. The design is found and in thermal analysis, heat flow rates, and heat fluxes are considered by varying the dissimilar cross sections and materials of the disc brake rotor.
Keywords- Braking system, Thermal Analysis, Disc Brake, Finite Element Method (FEM), ANSYS..
[1]. Brakes and Dynamometer"-Theory of Machines by R.S. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta-732.
[2]. "Heat Transfer"- D.S. Pavaskar & S.H. Chaudhari.
[3]. "Thermal analysis guide"-
[4]. "Disc Brake" -
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Utilisation of Ggbs And Flyash In Granular Sub Base Layer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.Neeraja |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1505016064 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the significant problem nowadays is availability of conventional construction material for the road construction which is the major scarcity the world facing these days, where series of waste material are abundantly available from many sources which are being laid as waste, while these are increasing, along with continuous spreading of urbanization along with industrialization. GGBS & Fly Ash are few of the forms of waste material which are available enormous and at a free of cost in most of the areas and is one of the top most waste products from Steel Plant and coal burning in thermal power stations causing severe health, environmental and disposal problem. In order to ensure a sustainable waste management, we need to predict its properties and should be ready to specify its utilization and a study need to be conducted to investigate the possibility of using waste materials in place of conventional material............
Keywords- Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS),Granular Sub Base (GSB), California Bearing Ratio (CBR)..
[1]. A Comparative study on utilization of waste materials in GSB layer; K V Subrahmanyam, U Arun Kumar (SSRG-IJCE)- Vol 1, Issue-3,Aug 2014.
[2]. Effect of Fly Ash on CBR results of Granular Sub Base Subjected to Modified Compaction;R Ratna Prasad, Darga Kumar N, (IJETT)-Nov 2015.
[3]. Utilization of GBS in Road Sub-base; G.Sri Devi and A. Sreerama Rao (Indian Geotechnical Conference, Dec.2015
[4]. Utilization of industrial waste material in GSB layer U.Arun Kumar, International journal of engineering research and applications, Vol 4, Issue 8
[5]. Stabilization of soft soil with granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash laksmikanth yadu; (IJRET) [ISSN:2319-1163].
[6]. Cost Analysis of Low Volume Rural Roads using Rap Materials a G.S.B. N.Sreeshar, K.M.Mallesha 3rd world conference on applied Science, Engineering & Technology Kathmandu ,Nepal
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Abstract: Matang Hanau is an irrigated swamp area located in Lampihong District, Balangan Regency this will be developed into a swamp irrigation area. The area is inhabited by transmigration community with oil palm gardening as their livelihood. The plantations products obtained were unsatisfactory because the land was often flooded due to flooding that often occurs during the rainy season.The transmigration community is also challenged with the clean water problem for their daily needs.The community must fulfill their need for drinking water by buying from outside the transmigration area.Whereas bathing and washing, they use water in the existing channel of the swamp irrigation. On channels where people use the water, there are cages of chicken and cattle farms, so that the water used by the community has been polluted by the waste of chicken and cattle farms. Along with the use of water in these channels, health problem such asitchiness arises............
Keywords- Matang Hanau, QGis, RiverGis, Hec-Ras, Flood
[1]. Adam Suseno, R.A., 2012. Penggunaan Quantum GIS dalam Sistem Informasi Geografis, Bogor.
[2]. Arnita Ikke Sari, Bambang Sudarsono, Bandi Sasmita, H., 2013. Penentuan Area Luapan Kali Babon Akibat Kenaikan Debit Air Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis. Geodesy Journal. Available at:
[3]. Asdak, C., 2007. Hidrologi dan Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai, Central Kalimantan: Gadjah Mada University Press.
[4]. Aziz, L.A., 2003. Evaluasi Status Mutu Sungai Cihampelas Dengan Metode Storet Dan Indeks Pencemaran Use Of Storet Method And Pollutant Index For Water Quality Assesment Of Cihampelas RiverFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, bada quality status. , pp.1–9.
[5]. National Standardization Agency, 2015. Tata Cara Pengukuran Debit Aliran Sungai dan Saluran Terbuka Menggunakan Alat Ukur Arus dan Pelampung. Jakarta: BSN.
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Abstract: In recent years with the advancement of thermo-electric materials, direct conversion of heat energy into electrical energy becomes possible. Thermoelectric technology is used for recovering heat energy loses from engine exhaust gases. The power generated by thermoelectric technology is called as thermoelectric power. In thermo-electric power generation an exhaust heat exchanger is used for recovering exhaust heat and a thermo-electric module is used for converting heat into electricity. The present research was aimed to optimize the design of exhaust heat exchanger by removing internal fins and changing the cross-sectional area of heat exchanger to overcome problem of pressure drop. The designs of exhaust heat exchangers considered in the previous research works recovered maximum heat from the exhaust of an engine However problem of pressure drop or back pressure was observed effecting engine performance and working.............
Keywords- Exhaust gases, waste heat recovery, Thermo-Electric power, Exhaust Heat Exchanger, Thermo-Electric module.
[1]. G. Murali , G. Vikram et al, A Study on Performance Enhancement of Heat Exchanger in Thermoelectric Generator using CFD, IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, ISSN: 2349-6010, Volume 2 Issue 10 , March-2017.
[2]. Krishna Purohit, P M Meena (PhD-IITB) et al, Review Paper on Optimizations of Thermoelectric System, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), ISSN: 2350-0557, Volume-3, Issue-4, July-2016.
[3]. Rohan mathai chandy , Rakesh rajeev et al, Design and analysis of heat exchanger for automotive basesd exhaust thermoelectric generators, IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, ISSN: 2349-6010, Volume 1 Issue 11 , April-2015.
[4]. Sugantha priya D, Varatharaj M, Thermoelectric power generator by recovering heat from engine exhaust, International Journal of research in Mechanical Engineering (IJRME), ISSN-2349-3860, Volume 2 Issue 03, March-2015.
[5]. P. Mohamed Shameer, D. Christopher, Design of Exhaust Heat Recovery Power Generation System Using Thermo-Electric Generator, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Behaviour of Warm Mix Asphalt Using chemical additives |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shivendra. B.T || Poshitha.B. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1505017485 ![]() |
Abstract: Warm mix asphalt (WMA) technology gaining popularity in recent period, which are broadly studied and gradually applied into the industries in past years. Warm Mix Asphalts (WMA) is modified Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) which is produced, laid and compacted at temperature which is lower than conventional Hot Mix Asphalt. Warm Mix Asphalt is produced by mixing chemical additives to the conventional mix to improve the pavement performance. In this study an attempt is made to compare the mix design, drain down and moisture-induced damage properties of Warm Mix Asphalt produced with the chemical additive (Zycotherm and Sasobit) and Hot Mix Asphalt for Stone Matrix Asphalt.............
Keywords- Marshall Stability, Warm mix asphalts (WMA), Sasobit, Zycotherm..
[1]. Ali, J., Meor, O., Zhanping, Y. (2013). "Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt containing Sasobit: State-of-the-art." Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 38, 530–553.
[2]. Al-Qadi., Jeff, K., and Jim, M. (2012). "Short-Term Performance of Modified Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) Produced with Warm Mix Additives." Report No.FHWA-ICT-21-001, Illinois Center for Transportation, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
[3]. Bheemashankar, Amarnath.M.S. "Laboratory studies on effect of Zycotherm additive on bituminous concrete mix" abstract number 22.
[4]. Harpreet Singh, Tanuj Chopra, Neena Garg, Maninder Singh , (2017). "Effect of Zycotherm additive on performance of neat bitumen and bituminous concrete mixes".
[5]. Kanitpong K, Charoentham N & Likitlersuang S. (2011). "Investigation of effect of gradation and aggregate type to moisture damage of warm mix asphalt modified with Sasobit", Taylor & Francis, International Journal of pavement engineering, Vol. 13, No. 5, 451-458.