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Abstract: Background:Metabolic abnormality is affecting the human health at an increased rate all over the world. Major characteristic features of the metabolic abnormalities include obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and insulin resistance. Aim of the study:To determine the lipid levels and examine the effect of an urban lifestyle on dyslipidemia, by comparing the lipid levels and the prevalence of dyslipidemia of rural vs urban population in southern part of Bangladesh. Methods:The cross sectional study was carried out over a period of one year at the Department of Cardiology, Khulna Medical College......
Keywords : Rural, Urban, Prevalence, Dyslipidemia, Epidemiology
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessing suicidality in patients with depressive disorder |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Nagarjunakonda Kavitha |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2203110812 ![]() |
Abstract: BACKGROUND Depression is a major public health problem. Irrespective of socio-economic status, age, education, gender and it exists in every community. Suicidal risk is most common life-threatening situation among depressed individuals. According to World Health Organization (WHO), every year about 1 million people die from suicide and 20 times more people attempt suicide. Up to 50 % of persons with depressive disorder will make a suicide attempt at least once in their lifetime. There is a wide disparity in the rates of suicide across different countries and hence, a greater.......
Keywords: Suicidal Ideation, Agitation, Depression, Anxiety with family was found to be associated with decreased risk of suicidal attempts.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Outcomes of Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor by Curettage and Bone Cement |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Kishore Hazarika || Swapnaneel Dutta |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2203111316 ![]() |
Abstract: Giant cell tumour of bone are effectively treated by surgical means. This study evaluates the outcome of surgical treatment of giant cell tumour by curettage and bone cement. Methodology: This study conducted in Orthopaedics department GMCH consisted of six patients ranging from the age 27-70 years who underwent surgical treatment of Giant cell tumour using curettage and bone cementing. The patients were evaluated clinicoradiologically and staging done using Campannuci staging and they were followed up for a period of 12 months. Half of the study.....
Keywords: Giant cell tumour, Curettage, Bone cement
[1]. Montgomery C, Couch C, Emory CL, Nicholas R. (2019).Giant cell tumor of bone: review of current literature, evaluation, and treatment options. J Knee Surg. 32(04):331–6.
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Abstract: Background: Functional appliances are a primary orthopeadic tool to influence the facial skeleton of the growing child. Class II malocclusion poses a common challenge to the orthodontists for a successful treatment outcome. Functional appliances in skeletal class II are given with retrognathic mandible.To combat the disadvantages of functional appliances for class II correction like vertical growth patten but good VTO and deep bite, no adjustments or trimming needed for orthodontist, reduction of review interval, patient compliance, combination effect of tooth and tissue borne appliances, and to activate hyperactive perioral muscles which believed to cause no labial tipping of the lower incisors and show good skeletal changes. A new appliance named "The R-appliance"was introduced......
Keywords: Skeletal class II correction; functional appliances; R appliance.
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Abstract: Cytopathology in the present era is a valid and wellaccepted diagnostic tool.Accuracy of cytopathological diagnosis depends on multiple steps such as collection, proper fixation, staining and quality control.Fixation is a physiochemical process that perfectly preserves cellular morphology.An ideal fixative is expected to impart mechanical rigidity to withstand tissue processing, prevent decomposition, putrefaction and autolysis.Considering the chemical fixatives,nowadays natural alternatives like honey is being used.The various properties of honey contribute for fixing property.In the absence of alcohol or as a substitute to it, honey can be used as a successfully alternative..
Keywords: Cytology, Fixative, Honey, Fixation
[1]. Nerune S.M, Khan M.N, Potekar R.M, Patil V. Natural versus synthetic fixative in oral cytological smears – A double blind study. Indian J Pathol Oncol. 2018;5(4):663-666
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[3]. Sah K, Janardhana Amaranath BJ, Chandra S, Ahmad S. Utilization of processed honey and jaggery as an oral cyto-fixative. Indian J Dent Sci 2022;14:6-10.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Because of minimal soft tissue ,subcutaneous position and precarious blood supply,treating the distal tibia can be difficult.The purpose of this study is to mainly focus on efficacy of minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis for treating distal tibia fracture. METHODS : This is prospective study including both male and female patients having fractures of distal tibia,who were 30 in number ,presented to mims general hospital Vizianagaram during the period from jan 2021 to June 2022,who were treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plating (MIPPO). RESULTS : Among 30 patients ,13 males.....
Keywords: Distal tibia fractures, MIPPO, Preserved vascularity, Delayed union, Non union.
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Abstract: The resin bonded FPD is a better alternative to conventional FPD due to its conservative tooth preparation, but due to its limited survival rates it is not used much in clinical practice nowadays due to the emergence of Implants.Despite these factors the RBFPD can be used in medically compromised patients like osteoporosis patients and periodontally compromised patients with the knowledge of its longevity as an interim prosthesis or definitive treatment plan.
Keywords: Longevity of RBFPD,bond strength, RBFPD in Osteoporosis patient
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Abstract: White lesions in the oral cavity may be benign, premalignant or malignant. The oral white lesions can be acquired or congenital. Some of these lesions are leukoplakia, lichen planus, and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia which has high malignant potential.Leukoplakia is the most frequent precancerous lesion of the mouth. Oral candidiasis is the commonest human fungal infection. Early diagnosis can minimize the progression of oral cancer
Keywords: White lesions, Oral leukoplakia, Oral candidiasis, Lichen planus
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Abstract: Background and objectives: Hearing loss is a significant morbidity in at risk neonates. The study evaluated the incidence in such high-risk graduates of a tertiary level III NICU in India. Methods: 138 neonates with various comorbidities admitted in hospital were evaluated with OAE (Oto-acoustic Emission) and BERA (Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry) at 3 months if required. Results: 8 neonates had hearing loss with equal sex predilection. 4 neonates each had unilateral or bilateral hearing loss. Only congenital anomalies were determined to be a significant contributing risk factor. Conclusion: Hearing impairment......
Keywords: BERA, developmental delay, OAE, prematurity, Sensorineural hearing loss
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Abstract: Background: The clavicle is a subcutaneous bone which lies almost horizontally at the root of the neck, it is a crank-shaped cantilever that carries the scapula, so enabling the limb to swing clear of the trunk. It transmits part of the weight of the limb to the axial skeleton1. The clavicle fractures are common injuries in young, active individuals, especially those who participates in activities or sports where high speed falls (bicycling, motorcycles) or violent collisions (football, hockey) are frequent, and they account for approximately 2.6%-4% of all fractures of the body and.....
Keywords: ORIF (open reduction internal fixation), TBW(tension band wiring).
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Abstract: Background: COVID-19 pandemic, with its highly contagious nature, rapid spread and high mortality rate have led to psychological unrest, and chaos around the globe, especially among healthcare workers. Our frontline health care workers (FHCW) have been burdened with the additional duty of swab collection, making it essential to understand how our FCHWs are coping with it. Hence this study was undertaken to assess the mental health status of dental professionals posted for swab collection Objectives: To find the level of stress, anxiety about infection, exhaustion, workload, and feeling of being protected during the pandemic among dental professionals. Methods: A cross-sectional observational.....
Keywords: COVID-19, dental professionals, mental health, stress, swab collection
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Abstract: Background: Premedication is a vital step before giving anaesthesia to any patient. They are used to provide pain relief, sedation, anxiolysis and muscle relaxation. Midazolam is a benzodiazepine with a short duration of action. Clonidine is an alpha-2 agonist that causes a decrease in anaesthetic and analgesic requirements, apart from producing sedation, haemodynamic stability, anti-sialogogue effect. In the view of less studies in the Indian context, the current study was undertaken. Aim: To compare the efficacy of oral premedication with 200mcg of clonidine versus 15mg of midazolam regarding sedation, and reduction in haemodynamic response to intubation among adults undergoing general anaesthesia.....
Keywords: Comparative study,Clonidine, Midazolam, Premedication, Adults
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