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Abstract: Human leukocyte antigen is known as transplantation antigens which helps in regulating immune response. It acts as a susceptibility factor for periodontitis which differs for different population. In this cross-sectional study a total of 10 periodontitis patients were selected. All their blood samples were analysed by complete locus sequencing by next generation sequencing NGS. Data was analysed statistically by MIA FORA 3.0 software (Immucor, USA) using an updated IMGT/HLA (Release: 3.38.0) database. HLA typing studied includes A; B; C; DRB1; DRB3,4,5; DQB1; DQA; DPB1; and DPA. It is found that NGS based HLA analyses showed that HLA typing and periodontitis are not related.
Keywords: Human leukocyte antigen, HLA antigen, next generation sequencing and periodontitis
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Abstract: With changing times, many different analgesic modalities are being adopted for perioperative analgesia in breast cancer surgeries. Perioperative pain is a serious concern in these patients. A comprehensive multimodal pain regimen can do wonders and not only minimize opioid use but may also decrease cancer recurrence. This study aimed to compare various pain relief modalities used in our institution for breast surgeries, compare their efficacy and side effects. This is a retrospective analysis of all breast surgeries undertaken in our institute in past 2 years. Several perioperative factors like stage of surgical procedure done, intraoperative course and analgesic requirements were analysed and efficacy of different regimes were compared. VAS of ≤ 4 was taken as adequate pain relief in postoperative period. It was noted that there was a significant reduced requirement of additional analgesics in patients receiving regional block as compared to GA alone.
Keywords: Breast cancer ; perioperative pain-relief ; opioids ; paravertebral block ; intercostal nerve block
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Abstract: Background: Acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocation is one of the most common shoulder problems. In most cases, AC joint dislocation is the result of a direct and high energy impact to shoulder. Different approaches have been described for management of these injuries ranging from conservative management with bandages and slings to multiple surgical options including fixation of the AC joint with pins, tension band wiring, the modified Weaver–Dunn procedure, fixation with washer and screw, suspensory fixation devices and clavicular hook plate. All of these options have their own specific advantages and disadvantages, but no clear superior option has been established as yet........
Keywords: Constant score, Rockwood type
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Prevalence of PCOS in Acne Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Degala Yashaswini || Panthalla Vijaya Lakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2106051824 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Acne Vulgaris is one of the most frequent dermatological conditions (disorder of pilosebaceous units ) encountered in our day to day practice . Many recent studies reported that there is association between acne & underlying systemic endocrine disorders often with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Materials & Methods – In this prospective observational study which was carried out in Department of Dermatology, Kurnool medical college.....
Keywords: Acne Vulgaris ,PCOS
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Abstract: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aims and objectives of the study are: 1. To evaluate the anterior urethra stricture in males using sonourethrography. 2. To determine the efficacy of sonourethrography in measuring the location, length, and luminal diameter of anterior urethral stricture compared to retrogradeurethrography using intra-operative findings as gold standard. 3. To assess the ability of sonourethrography to detect spongiofibrosis and other periurethral abnormalities......
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: The identification of skeletal remains is of paramount importance in medicolegal investigations and anthropological works. Pelvis and skull were the most often investigated skeletal components for personnel identification .Mandible is a dimorphic, huge and a strong bone, playing a crucial role in cases where the intact skull is not found as in mass disasters it can retain its shape better than other bone and commonly resist post mortem damages. Various parameters in the Mandible can be considered as a valuable tool in gender and age determination since it is highly resistance to damage.......
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Abstract: RESUME
Introduction : L'invagination intestinale aiguë est la cause la plus fréquente d'occlusion intestinale chez le nourrisson et l'enfant de moins de 3 ans. C'est une affection grave et dramatique du tube digestif qui nécessite un diagnostic précoce et un traitement rapide.
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Abstract: Background: Cardiac wall motion abnormalities (WMA) are basically kinetic alterations in the cardiac wall motion during the cardiac cycle with the effect on cardiac function. Wall motion abnormalities can be categorized according to their degree and their distribution pattern whether they are global or segmental and whether they can be attributed to a coronary territory or follow a non-coronary distribution. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to assess the patterns of wall motion abnormalities among hypertensive patients. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in the department of Cardiology, TMC & RCH, Bogura, Bangladesh from January 2020 to January.......
Keywords: Wall motion abnormalities, Hypertension, Global, Segmental, Echocardiography
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Abstract: Background: The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effect of different types of dentin sealing on the bond strength of E_max ceramic restoration. Materials and Methods: Twenty specimens were fabricated, then bond strength was measured after two sealing techniques. Results: Results showed a significant difference in bond strength between different techniques. Immediate dentin sealing showed a significantly higher values than delayed dentin sealing. Conclusion: Within the limitation of this in vitro study, it may be concluded that dentin sealing has a great influence on the bond strength, with immediate dentin sealing being superior to delayed dentin sealing.
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