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Abstract: Background: Carotid vascular scan has proven a very valuable tool in assessing atherosclerotic source in large vessel thromboembolic stroke. The stroke burden is high in Nigeria and globally, it corresponds to the prevalence of hypertension. Hypertension is the leading cause of Ischemic stroke. The relationship of hypertension and carotid vascular parameters will be an interesting study. Duplex carotid vascular scan is non-invasive, cheap, and readily available. This study set out to evaluate the effect of hypertension on carotid vascular parameters by comparing carotid artery parameters between a hypertensive population and that from normal individuals.........
Keywords: Carotid, Hypertensive, cIMT, cS/D ratio, Nigerian, Stroke, cPSV, cEDV
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Abstract: Background: An important variable in apparently normal individuals that may affect findings on duplex carotid scan is their lipid numbers. In developing countries like Nigeria, routine health checks are not upheld and where available are not exhaustive. Carotid intima media thickness(cIMT) and cholesterol have been implicated as risk factors for stroke. Studies in diseased states have shown an association between lipid numbers and carotid IMT. Asymptomatic apparently healthy subjects are rarely targets for carotid evaluations except in limited circumstances. Some apparently healthy individuals may already have abnormal lipid numbers; thus this study seeks to assess the association between carotid parameters and lipid profile amongst apparently healthy subjects.......
Keywords: Carotid artery, Lipids, Cholesterol, cIMT, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, TC, Plaques.
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Abstract: Abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the reproductive organs in the abdomen presenting an acute challenge to the primary care physicians and specialists. In this instance, we are presenting a case of ruptured secondary abdominal pregnancy in a low resource setting in north east rural India
Keywords: Abdominal; Ectopic;Pregnancy;Rruptured; Fetus.
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Abstract: Background:- Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are one of the most common anorectal disorders and they are characterized by dilated veins of the anal canal. Common predisposing factors are obesity, constipation and pregnancy. They affect millions of people around the world, and represent a major medical and socioeconomic problem. Different studies showed that about 5%-10% of patients suffering from haemorrhoids do not respond to conservative treatments, so surgical procedures become the treatment of choice in such cases. Symptomatic third and fourth degree haemorrhoids result in considerable morbidity to the patient, and require excision of the offending venous cushion to provide any degree of relief to the patient. Milligan-Morgan open haemorrhoidectomy is the most widely practiced surgical technique used for the management of third and fourth.......
Key Word: Haemorrhoids, Milligan Morgan haemorrhoidectomy, Stapled haemorrhoidopexy, Rectal Prolapse.
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Abstract: Background: Hoarseness of voice is generally due to change in quality of voice. The etiology of hoarseness of voice varies from benign conditions to malignant disease, hence should not be ignored. All cases of hoarseness of voice persisting for more than 3 weeks should be investigated for the underlying disease. Proper knowledge and clinicopathological profile is important to treat the underlying pathology. The main objective of this study was to know the age and sex incidence ,etiopathological & predisposing factors causing hoarseness of voice........
Key Word: Etiopathology,Hoarsenessof voice
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Abstract: Background: Intestinal perforation is one of the leading cause of morbidity in surgical departments even after variety of treatment options because of complications and deteriorated quality of life. Objective: To evaluate the role and outcome of primary repair with exteriorization of bowel in terms of postoperative success rate, morbidity and complications Methodology: In a prospective study, 30 patients of intestinal perforation undergoing primary anastomosis with exteriorization of bowel were enrolled and their ddetailed history involving demographic data, investigations, therapeutic interventions, per operative findings, course in hospital and follow up were recorded and analysed.........
Key Word: Primary bowel repair with exteriorization of bowel, intestinal perforation, complications of primary repair, stoma
[1]. Massenga A, Chibwae A, Nuri AA, Bugimbi M, Munisi YK, Mfinanga R, Chalya PL. Indications for and complications of intestinal stomas in the children and adults at a tertiary care hospital in a resource-limited setting: a Tanzanian experience. BMC Gastroenterol 2019; 19(1):157. [2]. Wasserman MA, McGee MF. Preoperative Considerations for the Ostomate. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2017; 30(3):157-161. [3]. Krishnamurty DM, Blatnik J, Mutch M. Stoma Complications. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2017; 30(3):193-200.
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Abstract: Snake bite can lead to hematotoxicity which can lead to fatal hemorrhages which is termed as Venom Induced Consumptive Coagulopathy (VICC). The administration of exogenous coagulation factors in the form of fresh frozen plasma (FFP), can restore normal coagulation before endogenous factors are produced. Aim of the current study is to study on early use of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) in patients with Venom Induced Consumptive Coagulopathy (VICC).........
Key Word: Snake envenomation, FFP, ASV, Coagulopathy, Clotting factors
[1]. Tibballs J. Fresh Frozen Plasma after Brown Snake Bite—Helpful or Harmful?. 2005: 13-15.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Myiasis: A Retrospective Case Series Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajkumar Bhati || Navneet Mathur || Mahima Singh |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2102146066 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Human Myiasis is found among elderly and neglected patients. Myiasis caused by larvae belonging to the insects of order Diptera. Myiasis is found in patients with condition like prolong systemic disease, open chronic wound, otitis media, atrophic rhinitis, malignancy and other imunocompromised patients. Methodology: the study was done in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, MBGH, RNT Medical College, Udaipur From January 2018 to December 2018. 61 cases of myiasis has been enrolled for the study. Proper history-taking and general physical examination has been done. All maggots were removed using turpentine oil soaked gauge piece. Regular dressing was done.........
Key Word: Myiasis, Diptera, Maggots, Open wound.
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