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Abstract: In January 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. WHO stated that there is a high risk of COVID-19 spreading to other countries around the world.1COVID-19 pandemic not only affects physical health, but also mental health and well-being. The current pandemic is changing priorities for the general population, but it is also challenging the agenda of health professionals, including that of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.2 Inability to cope effectively with the stressor results in psychological distress that can manifest as a range of adverse mental health and psychiatric outcomes including depression, anxiety, acute stress, post-traumatic stress.......
[1]. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and implications for clinical practice Fiorilo A,Gorwood P ,Eur Psychiatry.2020 Apr 1;63(1):e32[Pub Med]
[2]. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and implications for clinical practice Fiorilo A,Gorwood P ,Eur Psychiatry.2020 Apr 1;63(1):e32[Pub Med]
[3]. Druss BG. Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in populations with serious mental illness. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020 [Epub Ahead of Print] [PubMed]].
[4]. Cohen SP, Baber ZB, Buvanendran A, McLean LTCBC, Chen Y, Hooten WM, et al. Pain management best practices from multispecialty organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic and public health crises. Pain Med. 2020]
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Abstract: La luxation périlunaire est une perte de contact totale et permanente des surfaces des interlignes capitolunaire, scapholunaire et lunotriquétrale. Cette pathologie représente environ 5 à 10 % des traumatismes du carpe et est la plus fréquente des luxations du carpe. [1] Des lésions ligamentaires graves, sont toujours associées, intéressant les ligaments intracapsulaires et intra-articulairesscapholunaire et lunotriquétral, avec des lésions ostéo-cartilagineuses fréquentes. [2] Les luxations périlunaires et fractures-luxation périlunaires du carpe présentent un haut risque de séquelles et d'arthrose post-traumatique, dont les conséquences fonctionnelles peuvent limiter la reprise des activités antérieures au traumatisme.......
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[5]. Fikry.T, Lamine.A, I-Irfaoui.A, Dkhissi.M, Essadki.B, Zryouil.B, Trafeh.M. Luxationspéri-lunaires du carpe. Etude clinique(à propos de 39 cas) Acta OrthopaedicaBelgica, vol 59, 3, 1993 .
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Abstract: Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women today. Statistics show that 8 out of 9 women are struggling with this disease.This research was conducted mainly on the female population over the age of 45 in the city of Negotino. The research used data from the Periodic and Annual Reports for identified diseases from PHI Polyclinic Zana Negotino and the reports for malignant diseases submitted to PHI CPH-Veles department of statistics.The analysis of data shows that in the municipality of Negotino in the period from 2017 to 2019 a total of 254 patients were treated for malignant diseases.According to the data, it can be noticed that the percentage of breast cancer patients.....
Keywords: oncology, breast cancer, statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Apical Delta an Unsolved Mystery– Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mavishna.MV || GladsonSelvakumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2009081418 ![]() |
Abstract: Anatomy is the foundation of art and science of healing. Of all the phases of anatomic study in human system, one of the most complex is root canal system. The terminal part of root canal is the center of most activity and concern in the treatment and filling of root canal. It has long been established that a root with a tapering canal and a single foramen is the exception rather than the rule. Investigators have shown multiple foramina, additional canals, fins, deltas, inter canal connections, loops, C shaped" canals and accessory canals.Consequently the practitioner must treat each tooth assuming that complex anatomy occurs often enough to be considered normal (1).The apical limit of root canal instrumentation and obturation is one of the major controversial issues in root canal therapy. For decades this subject has been, and still continues to be, a topic of discussion between endodontists. So, knowledge of the anatomy and histological composition of the apical third of the tooth in determining the ideal apical limit for instrumentation and filling of the root canal is of vital importance. Apical delta is an intricate......
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Abstract: Context:- Burnout is prevalent among many health professionals, though not much studied, and is one of the significant factor for decreased performances and mental exhaustion among them. Doctor and nurses are high expectation job so is their working condition and pattern exhaustive. To increase the performance of medical institutions in patient care and high output training, burnout needs to be dealt with utmost care. Methodology:- To determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome using Maslach Burnout Inventory score among the medical staff of a tertiary care teaching institute using a cross sectional study design. Results:-Total participating members were 316. Mean score for depersonalization and loss of personal accomplishments were in the range....
Keywords: burnout, maslach, doctor, nurse, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, loss of personal accomplishment.
[1]. Christina Maslach, Phd, Department of psychology, University of California at Berkeley, Susan E. Jackson, PhD, Department of management, New York University.
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[5]. Montero-Marin J, Zubiaga F, Cereceda M, PivaDemarzo MM, Trenc P, Garcia-Campayo J (2016) Burnout Subtypes and Absence of Self-Compassion in Primary Healthcare Professionals: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157499. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0157499
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Abstract: Background: pulmonary hypertension (PH) is defined by a mean pulmonary artery pressure ≥ 25 mm Hg at rest, measured during right heart catheterization. It is a common phenomenon in heart failure patients that is highly relevant for morbidity. This study aimed to figure out the standard value of the pulmonary artery pressure in a healthy Sudanese population using an echocardiogram. Materials and Methods: Three hundred participants 157 male(52.3%) and 143 females (47.7%) their ages between 20 to 69years old were deeply investigated by Easote MY LAB 50 echocardiography ultrasound machine applying the ideal positions for adult echocardiogram using required and suitable equipment. The most frequent age is 40-50 years old are 107
Key Word: Pulmonary Artery Pressure; Echocardiogram; Healthy People; the right ventricle; pulmonary artery systolic pressure
[1]. Hoeper MM, Bogaard HJ, Condliffe R, et al. Definitions and diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;62(25 Suppl): D42-D50. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.10.032
[2]. Adler, J., Gerhardt, F., Wissmüller, M., Adler, C., Baldus, S., & Rosenkranz, S. (2020). Pulmonary hypertension is associated with left-sided heart failure. Current opinion in cardiology, 35(6), 610–619. https://doi.org/10.1097/HCO.0000000000000791
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[5]. The role of Doppler echocardiography in the evaluation of pulmonary hypertension
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Abstract: Background: The fractures of the tibia are the most difficult fractures to treat effectively .The goal of operative management is to obtain anatomic realignment while providing enough stability to allow early motion .hence this should be accomplished using techniques that minimize osseous and soft tissue devascularization .compared to Illizarov LRS construct is less bulkier ,easy to apply , post op dressing is easier and is less cumbersome to the patient . Methods: A retrospective study conducted on the patients admitted between 2019-2021 on 12 patients admitted with compound tibia diaphyseal fracture and treated with LRS. 09 males and 03 females were included in this study with age ranging from 20-50 years . All patient had compound fractures of tibia . Results: In our study , mean time of.......
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Abstract: Covid-19 infection is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and it has infected more than 20 crore people in over 150 countries and approx 44.8 lakh deaths around the globe. Currently there is no curative treatment for covid-19 infection hence safe and prudent prophylactic vaccine can curtail devastating scenario.Mass Vaccination can produce herd effect however to achieve such herd immunity a sufficient proportion of the population is required to be vaccinated.This study was done to analyzeCOVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance and Its Associated Factors Among Population of Jharkhand. A total of 401 individuals completed the self administered digitally framed questionnaire that was distributed through online social networking.......
Key words-Covid 19, Vaccination acceptance, Associated Factors, Jharkhand
[1]. Cucinotta, Domenico, and Maurizio Vanelli. "WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic." Acta bio-medica :AteneiParmensis vol. 91,1 157-160. 19 Mar. 2020, doi:10.23750/abm.v91i1.9397
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[4]. Nicola, Maria et al. "The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review." International journal of surgery (London, England) vol. 78 (2020): 185-193. doi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.04.018
[5]. Frederiksen, Lea SkakFiltenborg et al. "The Long Road Toward COVID-19 Herd Immunity: Vaccine Platform Technologies and Mass Immunization Strategies." Frontiers in immunology vol. 11 1817. 21 Jul. 2020, doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.01817
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Abstract: Introduction: Sexual dysfunction caused by BC and its various forms of treatment is present in up to 60% of patients. Currently, sexuality is still a topic that is neglected, and physicians often avoid dealing with it due to lack of time, knowledge and expertise in addressing it. Objectives: To assess the sexual health of BC survivors and their degree of interest in receiving medical help to address and treat their sexual problems. Materials and Methods: The study included patients diagnosed with early breast cancer attended at the Mastology Unit of the Oncology Department of the Hospital de Clínicas. The questionnaire selected is the one used at the University of Chicago Medical Oncology Clinic. Results: Two hundred patients were included, most were over 50 and had a partner, 160 patients (80%) were sexually active in the last 12 months and 140 (87%) had sexual problems. The majority (136 patients, 68%) reported........
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Abstract: with the advent of COVID-19 pandemic, major attention of the healthcare community has been drawn to this dreaded and massive pandemic quite justly. At the same time, it has become ever more important to identify and keep track of our old diseases. One of such mild looking disease with deadly potential is Dengue fever. On top of that the apparent sudden decrease in number of dengue cases in 2020[1] could be due to under reporting or under diagnosis of dengue cases by a healthcare system which has already been overburdened by the massive COVID- 19 pandemic [1]. All this has made it more justified to be very keen on identifying each and every cases of dengue fever in the community........
[1]. Phadke R, Mohan A, Cavdaroglu S, Dapke K, Costa A, Riyaj M, Hashim HT et al. Dengue amidist COVID-19 in India: The mystry of plummeting cases. Journal of Medical Virology.2021 March;93(7):4120-4121
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[4]. Narayanan M, Arvind MA, Thilothammal N, Prema R, Sargunam CS, Ramamurthy N. Dengue fevber Epidemic in Chenni – A study of clinical profile and outcome. Indian Pediatr. 2002;39(11): 1027-33
[5]. Shah I, Deshpande GC, Tardeja PN. Outbreak of Dengue in Mumbai and predictive markers for Dengue shock syndrome. J Trop Pediatr. 2004; 50 (5): 301-2
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Abstract: Aim: This paper aims to analyze an instrument of a program for promotion of development in childhood according to the vulnerability concept. Method: Qualitative documentary research and a theoretical analysis of the printed instrument named "Every Time is Time to Care", a booklet created to strengthen the role of families in promoting child development. Data was analyzed by categorical thematic analysis and grouped according to their convergence with the analytical matrix of the vulnerability of children to adverse situations in their development Results: These practices may reduce vulnerability conditions in child development:Affective bonds with the child, Family structure, Limit........
Keywords: Keywords: Health promotion, Health vulnerability, Child development, Childcare
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