Series-12 (November-2019)November-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Purpose: Nature of firecracker-related ocular injuries at a tertiary eye hospital and level of awareness about ecofriendlyDiwali, Aimer Rajasthan: A tertiary eye hospital-based study Methods: A three-consecutive year, retrospective study involving the patients presenting with firecracker-related ocular injuries in Diwali years 2017,2018 and 2019. Results: In 2017 year; total 53 patients of which 39 (73.58%) were superficial injury, 5 (9.43%) were closed globe injury and 9 (16.98%) were open.....
Keywords: Awareness, firecracker ban, ocular injuries
[1]. Ravi Kumar, Manohar Puttanna, K S Sriprakash, B L Sujatha Rathod, and Venkatesh C Prabhakaran. Firecracker eye injuries during Deepavali festival: A case series. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2010 Mar-Apr; 58(2): 157–159.
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Abstract: One year retrospective study of obstetric admissions (antenatal and postnatal upto 6 weeks post delivery) in the year October 2017 to September 2018 at ICU of Goa Medical College. Total number of patients admitted to ICU during this period, total number of deliveries in study period and total obstetric patients admitted to ICU were noted. The data included demographic details, obstetric history, indications for ICU admission, pre existing medical illness and pregnancy complications requiring ICU admissions. The most common obstetric condition for admissions in ICU was preeclampsia (20%) out of 59.45% obstetric conditions while heart disease (14.8%) out of 33.78% of medical disorders affecting pregnancy. The maternal mortality was 8.10% of all the obstetric admissions in.........
Key Words: obstetric patients, obstetric admissions, ICU, high dependency unit
[1]. Saddler LC, Austin Dm, Masson VL et al Review of contributory factors in maternity admissions to intensive care at a NZ tertiary hospital. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013; 209:549.e1-7
[2]. Vasquez DN, Estenssorro E, Canales HS, et al clinical characteristics and outcomes of obstetric patients requiring ICU admission. Chest 2007;131(3):719-724
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[4]. Shaheena A, Quereshi A, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611 Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
[5]. Ghike S, Asegaonkar P, why are obstetric patients admitted to Intensve care unit? A retrospective study J south Asian Feder Obst Gyn 2012; 4(2): 90-92
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Abstract: Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. Approximately 10% of the United States population experiences bouts of heel pain, which results in 1 million visits per year to medical professionals for the treatment.Extracorporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) is a new therapeutic modality and has become increasingly used worldwide in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Despite increasing use of ESWT, its effectiveness is still controversial. A randomized controlled trial was conducted in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR),Regional Institute of Medical Sciences(RIMS), Imphalamong patients suffering from planter fasciitis from September 2016 to August 2018.Patients were randomizedinto theintervention (ESWT)and control (Ultrasound therapy) groups (n=36 in each group).The outcome of interest were VAS and MRM scores which.....
Keywords: Plantar fasciitis, ESWT, VAS scores, MRM score
[1]. Riddle DL, Schappert SM. Volume of ambulatory care visits and patterns of care for patients diagnosed with plantar fasciitis: a national study of medical doctors. Foot Ankle Int 2004;25(5):303-10.
[2]. Tu P, Bytomski JR. Diagnosis of heel pain. Am Fam Physician 2011;84(8):909-16.
[3]. Riddle DL, Pulisic M, Pidcoe P, Johnson RE. Risk factors for plantar fasciitis: a matched case-control study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2003;85(5):872-7.
[4]. Cole C,Seto C,Gazewood J. Plantar fasciitis:evidence based review of diagnosis and therapy.Am Fam Physician2005;72(3):2237-42.
[5]. Mahowald S, Legge BS, Grady JF. The correlation between plantar fascia thickness and symptoms of plantar fasciitis. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2011;101(5):385-9.
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Abstract: Introduction: Adolescence is important and crucial period of transition from child-hood to adulthood identifies by WHO as the period from ages 10-19 years. Adolescence is a crucial period of women's life where socio-cultural factors not only influence her health status but also the health of future generation. Health status is now recognized to be a prime indicator of the health of individuals. Objective: The present study was conducted to develop a database on health status of the adolescents of urban community to enable the government and other non-governmental agencies to formulate policies and initiate strategies for the well-being of adolescent girls. Methodology: A community based cross sectional study was carried out among 125 adolescent......
Keywords: adolescent girls, health status, anemia, BMI
[1]. Dey I, Biswas R, Ray K, Bhattacherjee S, Chakraborty M, Pal PP. Nutritional status of school going adolescents in a rural block of Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. The Health. 2011;2(3):75-7
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Abstract: Occupational hazards or working conditions that can lead to an illness or death constitute important health challenge across the globe.Anoccupational hazard is a hazard experienced in the workplace. Occupational hazards can encompass many types of hazards, including chemical hazards, biological hazards (biohazards), psychosocial hazards, and physical hazards. CommunityOphthalmology was described as a new discipline in medicine promoting eye health and blindness prevention through programsutilizing methodologies of public health, community medicine and ophthalmology. The aimof study- To evaluate the variousoccupational ocular hazards in health settings and their causes, affected age group, sign/symptoms and prevention. A total of 200Patients who were recognized as a case of occupational ocular hazards, were included in this cross-sectional study. The age group of thepatients to be studied was between 20 to 60 years. An assessment of present complaints....
Keywords: Community Ophthalmology, Fluorescein eye staining, Occupational hazard, Schirmer's test, Slit lamp examination, Subconjunctivalhaemorrhage, Visual acuity.
[1]. Chen SY, Fong PC, Lin SF, Chang CH, Chan CC. A case-crossover study on transient risk factors of work-related eye injuries. Occup Environ Med 2009; 66:517-22
[2]. Vats S, Murthy GV, Chandra M, Gupta SK, Vashist P, Gogoi M. Epidemiological study of ocular trauma in an urban slum population in Delhi, India. Indian J Ophthalmol 2008; 56:313-6.[3]. Tafuri S, Germinario C, Rollo M, Prato R. Occupational risk frommeasles in health care personnel: a case report. J Occup Health2009; 51: 97-99.
[4]. Fullerton DG, Semple S, Kalambo F, Suseno A, Malamba R,Henderson G, et al. Biomass fuel use and indoor air pollutionin homes in Malawi. Occup Environ Med 2009; 66: 777-783.doi:10.1136/oem.2008.045013
[5]. Marsh J, Patel S, Gelaye B, Goshu M, Worku A, Williams MA, etal. Prevalence of workplace abuse andsexual harassment amongfemale faculty and staff. J Occup Health 2009; 51: 314-322.
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Abstract: The superficial cubital veins being located superficially and easily accessible veins of great importance to the healthcare professionals, being the most common site for venepuncture, catheterization or cannulation. In the upper limb the superficial venous return occurs through two or three major superficial veins which are extremely variable, these include the cephalic, basilic, medial cubital and antebrachial veins and their tributaries. Objective: The main objective of this study is to observe the Anatomical patterns of superficial cubital veins in the people of Mithilanchal and compare this study to that of previous study. Materials and methods: Forty living subjects and ten cadavers were studied irrespective of their age and sex, so a total of 100 samples were studied. Judgement sampling technique was employed. At the midarm level torniquet was applied......
Keywords: Cubital fossa, cephalic vein, basilic vein, superficial veins
[1]. AlBustami, F, Altarawneh, I, Rababah, E. Pattern of superficial venous arrangement in the cubital fossa of adult Jordanians. J Med J (2014); 48: 269–274.
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[5]. HyunsuLee,Sang-Hoon-Lee,Sung-Jin-Kim,Woo-IkChou,Jae-Ho Lee and In-Jang Choi,(20th March,2015).Variations of the cubital superficial vein investigated by using intravenous illuminator.
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Abstract: The Pharmacologic Basis for the delivery of anti-cancer drugs by the IP route was established in late 1970s & early 1980s. Epithelial Ovarian Cancers spreads prominently within the peritoneal cavity. IP drug administration in Ovarian Cancer conferred a pharmacologic advantage over IV administration, given the additional clinical benefit derived from achieving more efficient control of life threatening peritoneal disease. The use of IP Cisplatin as part of initial approach in patients with stage III optimally debulked ovarian cancer is supported principally by the results of three randomized clinical trials (SWOG-8501, GOG-14 & GOG-172 ). These studies tested the role of IP drugs (IP Cisplatin in all three studies & IP Paclitaxel in the last study.) against the standard IV Regimen. In the three studies, superior progression free survival & Overall survival favouring the IP arm was documented......
[1]. Markman, M. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Semin Oncol 1991; 18:248.
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[5]. Markman M, Bundy BN, Alberts DS, et al.: Phase III trial of standard-dose intravenous cisplatin plus paclitaxel versus moderately high-dose carboplatin followed by intravenous paclitaxel and intraperitoneal cisplatin in small-volume stage III ovarian carcinoma: an intergroup study of the Gynecologic Oncology Group, Southwestern Oncology Group, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. J Clin Oncol 19 (4): 1001-7, 2001. fPUBMED Abstract!.
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Abstract: Background: Cancer is a major challenge for our society today. Oral squamous cell carcinomas might be related to human papilloma virus infection. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to find the association of Human Papilloma virus (HPV) and oral squamous cell carcinomain Bangladesh. Methodology: This analytical cross sectional study was conducted at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Bangladesh and at the University of Dhaka, for one year. All cases with oral squamous cell carcinomawere examined histologically to detect HPV positivity by identifying HPV altered epithelial cells. The samples were further analyzed with real time PCR after DNA extraction to detect HPV infection as a cause of oral squamous cell carcinoma......
Keywords: Association; Human Papilloma Virus; Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Bangladeshi Patients
[1]. Goud M, Mohapatra S, Mohapatra P, Gaur S, Pant G, Knanna M. Epidemiological correlates between consumption of Indian chewing tobacco and oral cancer. European journal of epidemiology. 1990;6(2):219-22
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Abstract: Introduction: The aim of the present study was to investigate the incidence of cracks in root dentin after root canal preparation with Protaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer), ProTaper Next (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and Protaper Gold (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) rotary instruments. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 extracted mandibular premolars were selected. The root canals were instrumented using Protaper Universal, Protaper Next and Protaper Gold rotary files. All roots were horizontally sectioned at 3, 6, and 9 mm from apex with slow speed saw under water cooling. The sections were observed under a stereomicroscope at ×25 to determine the absence or presence of crack. Data were analyzed using post hoc test and one way ANOVA.
[1]. N. Tulasi Priya1, Veeramachaneni Chandrasekhar2, s. Anita3, Muralidhar Tummala4, T.B.Phanindhar Raj5, Vijetha Badami6, Pradeep kumar7, E.Soujanya8 Dentinal Microcracks After Root Canal Preparation" A Comparative Evaluation with Hand, Rotary an Reciprocating Instrumentation. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Dec, Vol-8(12): ZC70-ZC72
[2]. Sanjib Das, Prasanti Kumari Pradhan, S. Lata, Sachidananda Prasad Sinha Comparative evaluation of dentinal crack formation after root canal preparation using ProTaper Next, OneShape, and Hyflex EDM. Journal of Conservative Dentistry | Volume 21 | Issue 2 | March-April 2018
[3]. Ismail Davut Capar, DDS, PhD,* Hakan Arslan, DDS, PhD,† Merve Akcay, DDS, PhD,‡and Banu Uysal, DDS, PhD*Effects of ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next, and HyFlex Instruments on Crack Formation in Dentin. joen.2014.02.026
[4]. E. Karatas, H. A. G€und€uz, D. € O. Kırıcı & H. Arslan Incidence of dentinal cracks after root canal
[5]. Preparation with ProTaper Gold, Profile Vortex, F360, Reciproc and ProTaper Universal Instruments. © 2015 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Abstract: Introduction:The condylar fossa,lies immediately posterior to occipital condyleand may contain a posterior condylar canal for an emissary vein from the sigmoid sinus. Opening of this canal is known as posterior condylar foramen.Anatomical variations of the posterior condylar foramina are important during the treatment of duralarteriovenous fistula. Aim was to study the variations of posterior condylar foramina in North Indian skulls. Material & Methods:The study included 50 dry skull bones irrespective of age and sex from Department of Anatomy,King George's Medical University,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.The study was done by naked eye examinationcarefully and by passing the probe in the foramen. Results:Out of 50 human dry skulls, posterior.....
Keywords: occipital, foramen, condylar, posterior, skull
[1]. Vaishnani HV, JethvaK, Sharma P , Gandotra AR, Shah GV,A study of posterior condylar foramen in human skeletal in central Gujarat region.Int J Anat Res, 5(4.3), 2017, 4736-39.
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[4]. Reis CV, Deshmukh V, Zabramski JM, Crusius M, Desmukh P, Spetzler RF, Preul MC, Anatomy of the mastoid emissary vein and venous system of the posterior neck region: neurosurgical implications,Neurosurgery,61 (5.2), 2007, 193-200.
[5]. Jeevan DS, Anlsow P, Jayamohan J, Abnormal venous drainage in syndromiccraniosynostosis and the role of CT venography. Childs Nerv Syst,24(12),2008, 1413-20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Periodontal Assesement of Orthodontic Patient Using CBCT |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naaz Amrin || Sanjeev Kumar Verma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1811125458 ![]() |
Abstract: CBCT has emerged as a boon in the field of dentistry. Cone beam CT provides detailed images of the bone and is performed to evaluate diseases of the jaw, dentition, bony structures of the face, nasal cavity and sinuses. The X-ray parameters of CBCT is comparable to that of panoramic radiography with a usual operating range of 1-15 mA at 90-120 kVp. The CBCT provides following display modes apart from basic orthogonal views like Oblique slicing, Curved slicing, Cross-sectional (oblique coronal) view, Ray sum, Volume rendering. These all are used in various aspects of dentistry. One of the important of which is the assessment of periodontal condition of teeth before starting orthodontic therapy. CBCT has emerged as a new technology to provide precise evaluation of periodontium which can further help to take necessary steps for managing the periodontal problem as per need.
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[4]. Ortho-perio integrated approach in periodontally compromised patients :CS Ramachandra, Pradeep Chandra Shetty, SanyuktaRege, Chitrang Shah:Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, Vol. 15, No. 4, October-December, 2011 [5]. CBCT imaging – A boon to orthodontics Genevive L. Machado. Saudi Dent J. 2015 Jan; 27(1): 12–21.
[6]. "Periodontal Diseases" The Lancet. Cardaropoli D, Gaveglio L. The influence of orthodontic movement on periodontal tissues level. SeminOrthod. 2007;13(4):234–245.
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Abstract: Background: Analgesia, one of the components of triad of anaesthesia, has now extended to relief of postoperative pain, chronic pain and cancer pain. The spinal cord has taken the center stage in analgesia practice and Spinal anaesthesia is the commonly used technique for lower limb surgeries as it is easy to administer, economical and causes less hemodynamic variation than general anaesthesia. Hence different additives can be used to increase the duration of postoperative analgesia. Since there are no studies comparing Buprenorphine and Nalbuphine, we have selected this study to evaluate the effect of intrathecal Bupivacaine with Buprenorphine compared with Nalbuphine for postoperative analgesia........
Key Word: Intrathecal; Bupivacaine; Buprenorphine; Nalbuphine; Postoperative analgesia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Predicting Difficult Laparoscopiccholecystectomy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S. Thirunavukkarasu || Dr. Praveen |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1811126567 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the Gold standardprocedure for Cholelithiasis. Procedure is mostly safebut unpredictable one in general surgery due to various problem during surgery. Anticipation of likely difficulty can prevent complications. Aim: To determine and analyse the various pre operative and intra operative predictors of laparoscopic cholecystectomy Methods: Observational prospective study of 111 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy Results: Male, Body Mass index, Gall bladder wall thickness, adhesions, previous upper abdominal surgery all significant in relation with difficult Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Conclusion: clinical predictors are most reliable factors. Use the clinical judgement and anticipate difficulty and make sound decision in each case.
Keywords: OC-open Cholecystectomy, LC- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, GB- Gall Bladder
[1]. Lal P, Agarwal PN, Malik VK, Chakravarti AL. A difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy that requires conversion to open procedure can be predicted by preoperative ultrasonography. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons/Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. 2002;6:59–63
[2]. Vivek MA, Augustine AJ, Rao R. A comprehensive predictive scoring method for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Journal of minimal access surgery. 2014;10:62–7.
[3]. Bouarfa L, Schneider A, Feussner H, Navab N, Lemke HU, Jonker PP, et al. Prediction of intraoperative complexity from preoperative patient data for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. ArtifIntell Med. 2011;52:169–76
[4]. Randhawa JS, Pujahari AK. Preoperative prediction of difficult lap chole: a scoring method. Indian J Surg. 2009;71:198–201.
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Abstract : Introduction: Cerebral venous thrombosis is one of the important causes of stroke in young and in postpartum states. It will remains a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for thephysician/neurologist, given the varying and often misleading clinical presentations. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate sample of cerebral venous thrombosis patients, their clinical presentations and relevant investigations. Methods: Eighty (80) patients admitted to the Medical Emergency Ward, clinically suspectedof CVT, were subjected to neuroimaging techniques, fulfilling the study criteria wererecruited by simple random sampling. Results: The number of patients......
Keywords : Cerebral venous thrombosis; Peripartum period; Neuroimaging;Clinicalpresentations
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Abstract: Sexual functioning of older adults is an important aspect of quality of life, which cannot be overlooked. This study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive survey design to investigate sexual health problems of adults aged 40-75 years and their socio-economic profile in Owerri-North Local Government Area of Imo State, South-Eastern Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select three hundred and ninety six (396) adults (163 males and 233 females) from both urban and rural dwellers, that participated in the survey. A Socio-Economic Profile And Sexual Health Problems Questionnaire (SEPASHPQ), developed by the researchers, with a reliability co-efficient of 0.70, using Crombach Alpha technique, was used to obtain data. Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages) and inferential statistics (Chi square test of significance) were used for data analysis at.....
Keywords: Sexual dysfunction, sexual health, sexuality, sexual response, socio-economic profile
[1]. Ambler B, Bieber H, Diamond E. 2012. Developing an interactive STD prevention programme for youth: Lessons from a North Indian Slum. Studies in Family Planning, 31, 138-150.
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Abstract: This study aims to assess the overall symptomatic improvement and well being in patients with deviated nasal septum following submucosal resection surgery and compare the outcome for the various types of deviated nasal septum.A total 70 patients were studied for a period of 1 year. Mladina staging system was used to classify the type of deviated nasal septum and SNOT-22 scale was used for patient selection and assessing the severity of the disease preoperatively and postoperatively. The patients who did not respond to 2months of medical therap;y or had SNOT 22 score more than 15 on presentation were included in the study group and were posted for surgery.Type 6 DNS had maximum improvement with preoperative mean SNOT22 score 32.25 and postoperative mean SNOT-22 score 14.The study allowed to know the surgical outcome regarding the different type of DNS and improvement with respect to the symptoms of DNS. Therefore, helped in decision making during and before surgery and patient counselling regarding the outcome prior to surgery.
Keywords: Deviated nasal septum, Submucosal resection
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