Abstract: This paper presents an advanced approach for helmet detection at traffic signals using deep learning techniques, addressing the critical issue of motorcycle safety in urban environments. With the rising number of road accidents involving two-wheeled vehicles, effective monitoring of helmet usage is essential for enhancing compliance with safety regulations. We propose a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based model that analyses video feeds from traffic signals to detect and classify helmeted riders. Our methodology involves the collection and annotation of a diverse dataset that includes various riding scenarios, helmets, and lighting conditions to ensure robust model training. Leveraging.....
B. Kauhsik, H. Nandanwar And R. Katarya, "Iot Security: A Deep Learning-Based Approach For Intrusion Detection And Prevention," 2023 International Conference On Evolutionary Algorithms And Soft Computing Techniques (Easct), Bengaluru, India, 2023, Pp. 1-7, Doi:10.1109/Easct59475.2023.10392490.
B. Radjaa, L. Nabila And H. B. Salameh, "Federated Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Approach For Enhancing Privacy In Fog-Iot Networks," 2023 10th International Conference On Internet Of Things: Systems, Management And Security (Iotsms), San Antonio, Tx, Usa, 2023, Pp. 156-160, Doi: 10.1109/Iotsms59855.2023.10325826.
E. Bandara, S. Shetty, A. Rahman, R. Mukkamala And X. Liang, "Moose: A Scalable Blockchain Architecture For 5g Enabled Iot With Sharding And Network Slicing," 2022 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference (Wcnc), Austin, Tx, Usa, 2022, Pp.1194-1199, Doi: 10.1109/Wcnc51071.2022.9771885.
G. Amel And Z. Soraya, "Enhancing Security And Privacy Measures In Internet Of Things (Iot) Implementations," 2024 8th International Conference On Image And Signal Processing And Their Applications (Ispa), Biskra, Algeria, 2024, Pp. 1-6,
Doi: 10.1109/Ispa59904.2024.10536814.
M. Chemmakha, O. Habibi And M. Lazaar, "A Novel Hybrid Architecture Of Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Network And 1d Convolution Neural Network For Enhanced Attack Detection In Iot Systems," 2023 Sixth International Conference On Vocational Education And Electrical Engineering (Icvee), Surabaya, Indonesia, 2023, Pp. 156-161