Version-8 (March-April 2014)
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks consist of small nodes with sensing, computation, and wireless communications capabilities. Many routing, power management, and data dissemination protocols hav
e been specifically designed for WSNs where energy awareness is an essential design issue. Routing protocols in WSNs might differ depending on the application and network architecture. In this article we present a survey of state-of-the-art routing techniques in WSNs. We first outline the design challenges for routing protocols in WSNs followed by a comprehensive survey of routing techniques. Overall, the routing techniques are classified into three categories based on the underlying network structure: flit, hierarchical, and location-based routing. Furthermore, these protocols can be classified into multipath-based, query-based, negotiation-based, QoS-based, and coherent-based depending on the protocol operation. We study the design trade-offs between energy and communication overhead savings in every routing paradigm. We also highlight the advantages and performance issues of each routing technique. The article concludes with possible future research areas.
Keyword: Quality of service, QOS-based protocol, Coherent based protocol, Routing protocol and Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: Clustering is an effective way for prolonging the lifetime of a wireless sensor network. Clustering in the network consumes much time in organizing the nodes and they hardly consider the energy consumption problem in forming the cluster and in selecting the cluster heads among the other nodes.In this work, an efficient cluster head selection scheme is organized with inculcating the all pair shortest path stratergy which inturn reduce the consumption of energy in the network and increase the life time of the network even in the dynamic network mode. By this formulae, it has been viewed that amont of time taken to send the packet to the destination and the energy consumed by the networks is partially reduced and the network lifetime is improved.
Keywords: Cluster head, All pair shortest path.
Keywords: Cluster head, All pair shortest path.
[1] I.F.Akyilidiz et al, "Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey," Elsevier sci.B.V.Comp.Networks, Vol.38,No.4, Mar 2002.
[2] W.B.Heinzelmann, A.P.Chandrakaran, and H. Balakrishnan,"An application-specific protocol architecture for wireless micro sensor networks," IEEE Trans.Wireless commun, Vol 1,no.4,oct 2002.
[3] C. Intanagonwiwat, R.Govindan and D.Eslrin," Directed diffusion A scalable and robust communication paradigm for sensor network" proc. 6th Annual ACM/IEEE international conference on mobile computing and networking(Mobi com'00) Aug 2000.
[4] W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakaran and H. Balakrishnan,"Energy efficient communication protocol for wireless micro networks" proc. Hawaii international conference system science(2000)
[5] W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakaran and H. Balakrishnan,"An application specific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks" IEEE Trans. On wireless commun.,-2002.
[2] W.B.Heinzelmann, A.P.Chandrakaran, and H. Balakrishnan,"An application-specific protocol architecture for wireless micro sensor networks," IEEE Trans.Wireless commun, Vol 1,no.4,oct 2002.
[3] C. Intanagonwiwat, R.Govindan and D.Eslrin," Directed diffusion A scalable and robust communication paradigm for sensor network" proc. 6th Annual ACM/IEEE international conference on mobile computing and networking(Mobi com'00) Aug 2000.
[4] W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakaran and H. Balakrishnan,"Energy efficient communication protocol for wireless micro networks" proc. Hawaii international conference system science(2000)
[5] W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakaran and H. Balakrishnan,"An application specific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks" IEEE Trans. On wireless commun.,-2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reliable Multicast and Energy Conservation in MANET: A Survey |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. R. Karthik M.E., Ramitha. M. A., |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16280815 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks are networks without any infrastructure and topology. They are self organized and battery powered networks with a large number of mobile nodes. Limited battery power is the most important issue considered during the design of a mobile ad hoc network. Frequent recharging or replacement of battery is not so easy and is impossible in some applications such as rescue operations. These networks are used in areas, where the infrastructure of communication is damaged due to some problem, to establish a communication media until infrastructure is restructured. To improve the life time of the network the conservation of energy in each node is very important. Each node act as a router and as a receiver simultaneously. This paper surveys some algorithms to improve the lifetime of the network and some algorithms to improve the reliability of the network. This paper surveys some energy conservation algorithms and some lightweight protocols to improve the reliability of the network.
Keywords: MANET, Multicast, Residual energy, Relay capacity, Energy conservation, Lifetime of the network, Lightweight services.
Keywords: MANET, Multicast, Residual energy, Relay capacity, Energy conservation, Lifetime of the network, Lightweight services.
[1]. GollaVaraprasad, "High Stable Power Aware Multicast Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",IEEE sensors journal, vol. 13, no. 5, may 2013, Date of publication December 25, 2012; date of current version March 26, 2013.
[2]. Md Yusuf SarwarUddin, HosseinAhmadi, TarekAbdelzaher, Member, IEEE, and Robin Kravets, Member, IEEE , " Intercontact Routing for Energy Constrained Disaster Response Networks", IEEE transactions on mobile computing, vol. 12, no. 10, october 2013.
[3]. Ail Yadav, Raghuraj Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, "A Novel Approach for Energy Management in Wireless Ad Hoc Network by Topology Control", Information and Communication Technologies (WICT) 2011 world congress, on 11-14 Dec. 2011 Page(s): 1334 – 1339.
[4]. Mohamed Belkheir, ZeyadQacem, MerahiBouziani and AbderrahmaneGhelamellah,"An Energy Optimization Algorithm For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",Journal of Soft Computing And Software Engineering (JSCSE)e-ISSN:2251-7545 Vol.2, No.10, 2012.
[5]. Ye Tian, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li and Yan Zhang, "Energy-aware Self-adjusted Topology Control Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", ieee "globecom" 2009.
[2]. Md Yusuf SarwarUddin, HosseinAhmadi, TarekAbdelzaher, Member, IEEE, and Robin Kravets, Member, IEEE , " Intercontact Routing for Energy Constrained Disaster Response Networks", IEEE transactions on mobile computing, vol. 12, no. 10, october 2013.
[3]. Ail Yadav, Raghuraj Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, "A Novel Approach for Energy Management in Wireless Ad Hoc Network by Topology Control", Information and Communication Technologies (WICT) 2011 world congress, on 11-14 Dec. 2011 Page(s): 1334 – 1339.
[4]. Mohamed Belkheir, ZeyadQacem, MerahiBouziani and AbderrahmaneGhelamellah,"An Energy Optimization Algorithm For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",Journal of Soft Computing And Software Engineering (JSCSE)e-ISSN:2251-7545 Vol.2, No.10, 2012.
[5]. Ye Tian, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li and Yan Zhang, "Energy-aware Self-adjusted Topology Control Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", ieee "globecom" 2009.
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Abstract: A VANET is a decentralized network as every node performs the functions of both host and router. The main benefit of VANET communication is the enhanced passenger safety by virtue of exchanging warning messages between vehicles. VANET differs from MANET as it provides higher mobility of nodes, larger scale networks, geographically constrained topology and frequent network fragmentation. This paper presents a detailed survey of trust management in VANETs. The paper consists of various ways for achieving trust in vehicular communications. Trust establishment is a major challenge in vehicular ad hoc networks as the outcome of the trust establishment process is a trusted relation between nodes. In critical applications like hazard warning a receiving node needs to ensure authenticity and trust-ability of received messages before reacting to them. Different trust establishment techniques exists each of them satisfies various properties such as scalability, privacy, intrusion detection, access control. Trust establishment may be decentralized, behavior-based, or certificate-based. Thus the aim of Trust management is to improve the security and reliability in VANET communications.
Keywords: VANET, Cluster-based, Trust, Confidence, direct and indirect- experience.
Keywords: VANET, Cluster-based, Trust, Confidence, direct and indirect- experience.
[1] Merrihan Monir, Ayman Abdel-Hamid, and Mohammed Abd El Aziz. "A Categorized Trust-Based Message Reporting Scheme for VANETs". Advances in Security of Information and Communication Networks in Computer and Information Science Vol 381, Springer Link(2013).
[2] Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, Ahmed Saeed Alzahrani. "Intrusion-aware trust model for vehicular ad hoc networks". Published in Wiley Online Library in Security and Communication Networks (Aug 2013).
[3] Sashi Gurung, Dan Lin, Anna Squicciarini, and Elisa Bertino, "Information-oriented Trustworthiness Evaluation in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks". Published in the 7th International Conference on Network and System Security(2013).
[4] Jie Zhang, Chen Chen, Robin Cohen. "Trust modeling for message relay control and local action decision making in VANETs". Published in Security and Communication Networks,Volume 6(1)(2013).
[5] Jyoti Grover, M.S.Gaur, and V.Laxmi. "Trust Establishment Techniques in VANET". Published in Springer Link, Wireless Networks and Security Signals and Communication Technology (2013).
[2] Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, Ahmed Saeed Alzahrani. "Intrusion-aware trust model for vehicular ad hoc networks". Published in Wiley Online Library in Security and Communication Networks (Aug 2013).
[3] Sashi Gurung, Dan Lin, Anna Squicciarini, and Elisa Bertino, "Information-oriented Trustworthiness Evaluation in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks". Published in the 7th International Conference on Network and System Security(2013).
[4] Jie Zhang, Chen Chen, Robin Cohen. "Trust modeling for message relay control and local action decision making in VANETs". Published in Security and Communication Networks,Volume 6(1)(2013).
[5] Jyoti Grover, M.S.Gaur, and V.Laxmi. "Trust Establishment Techniques in VANET". Published in Springer Link, Wireless Networks and Security Signals and Communication Technology (2013).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Clustering High Dimensional Data Using Hubness Phenomenon |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Suganthi, S. Tamilarasi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16282230 ![]() |
Abstract: Data mining is the non-trivial process of extracting information from the very large database. In recent years, data repository has a high dimensional data, which makes a complete search in most of the data mining problems leads computationally infeasible. To eradicate this problem clustering plays a vital role in handling low dimensional data and high dimensional data. Low dimensional data makes a task very simple and easy to cluster. High dimensional data is a crucial fact to cluster and it has to resolve using hubness phenomenon. Here hubness refers a data point which may frequently occurr among the groups. The existing system has to determine and manage the hyperspheric clusters. To overcome this problem, the proposed system is to use hub based clustering technique to improve the quality of cluster in terms of effectiveness and accuracy, and to avoid only detecting hyper- spherical cluster.
Index terms: Clustering, Nearest neighbour, Hubs, High dimensional data, biological data.
Index terms: Clustering, Nearest neighbour, Hubs, High dimensional data, biological data.
[1] C. Aggarwal, J. Wolf, P. Yu, C. Procopiuc, and J. Park. Fast algorithms for projected clustering. In SIGMOD, pages 61-72, 1999.
[2] C. Ding and X. He, "K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering:Incorporating local information into global optimization,"in Proc. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing(SAC), 2004, pp. 584–589.
[3] C.-H. Cheng, A.W.-C. Fu, and Y. Zhang. "Entropy-Based Subspace Clustering for Mining Numerical Data". In Proc. ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf.
[4] D. Francois, V. Wertz, and M. Verleysen, "The concentration of fractional distances," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 873–886, 2007.
[5] D. Schnitzer, A. Flexer, M. Schedl, and G. Widmer, "Local and global scaling reduce hubs in space," Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 13, pp. 2871–2902, 201.
[2] C. Ding and X. He, "K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering:Incorporating local information into global optimization,"in Proc. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing(SAC), 2004, pp. 584–589.
[3] C.-H. Cheng, A.W.-C. Fu, and Y. Zhang. "Entropy-Based Subspace Clustering for Mining Numerical Data". In Proc. ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf.
[4] D. Francois, V. Wertz, and M. Verleysen, "The concentration of fractional distances," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 873–886, 2007.
[5] D. Schnitzer, A. Flexer, M. Schedl, and G. Widmer, "Local and global scaling reduce hubs in space," Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 13, pp. 2871–2902, 201.
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Abstract: Anomaly is a pattern of data that does not conforms to expected behavior. It is also referred as outlier, exceptions, peculiarities, surprise etc. Anomaly detection aims to identify a small group of instances which deviates from the existing data. It needs to solve an unsupervised yet unstable data learning problem.Detecting an anomaly is an essential research topic in data mining to solve the real world applications like intrusion detection, homeland security to identify the deviated data instances. Mostly anomaly detection methods are implemented in batch mode it requires more computation and memory. Existing system online oversampling Principal Component Analysis (osPCA) algorithm to address this problem and for detecting the presence of outliers from a large amount of data via an online updating technique. In PCA normal data with multi clustering structure and data is in an extremely high dimensional space is not supported. It is typically not easy to use linear models such as PCA to estimate the data distribution if there exists multiple data instances. To overcome these problems and support multiple data instances we proposed a system called Independent Component Analysis (ICA) in which it is a technique of array processing and data analysis aiming at recovering unobserved data samples from oversampled dataset and it is also used to reduce the computation and memory requirement for outlier detection.
Keywords: Anomaly detection, independent component analysis, local outlier factor, principal component analysis.
Keywords: Anomaly detection, independent component analysis, local outlier factor, principal component analysis.
[1] Yuh-Jye Lee, Yi-RenYeh, and Yu- Chiang Frank Wang, Member, "Anomaly Detection via Online Oversampling Principal Component Analysis",IEEE Trans.on Knowledge and Data Eng, vol 25, no.7,pp 1460-1470, July 2013.
[2] H.-P.Kriegel, M.Schubert, and A.Zimek, "Angle Based Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data", Proc 14th ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf Knowledge Discovery and data mining, 2008.
[3] D.Pokrajac, A.Lazarevic, and L.Latecki, "Incremental Local Outlier Detection for Data Streams", Proc. IEEE Symp.Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, 2007.
[4] X.Song, M.Wu, and C.J., and S.Ranka, "Conditional Anomaly Detection", IEEE Trans.on Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 19, no. 5, pp.631-645,May 2007.
[5] L.Huang, X.Nguyen, M.Garofalakis, M.Jordan, A.D. Joseph, and N.Taft, "In Network PCA and AnomalyDetection", Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2007.
[2] H.-P.Kriegel, M.Schubert, and A.Zimek, "Angle Based Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data", Proc 14th ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf Knowledge Discovery and data mining, 2008.
[3] D.Pokrajac, A.Lazarevic, and L.Latecki, "Incremental Local Outlier Detection for Data Streams", Proc. IEEE Symp.Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, 2007.
[4] X.Song, M.Wu, and C.J., and S.Ranka, "Conditional Anomaly Detection", IEEE Trans.on Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 19, no. 5, pp.631-645,May 2007.
[5] L.Huang, X.Nguyen, M.Garofalakis, M.Jordan, A.D. Joseph, and N.Taft, "In Network PCA and AnomalyDetection", Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2007.
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Abstract: There are many means of unauthorized access of software products being applied. To control this access towards copying the software products on various systems, software developers generally define certain restrictions by controlling its operation being used in a particular environment. Despite of this, it has become a major challenge in the software industry and for the developers of the software products in protecting their intellectual property rights. Hence, in an attempt to prevent piracy in the upholding environment, this paper introduces a novel innovation against the piracy called NodeLock Licensing Methodology with RMPRSA Cryptography.
Keywords: Decryption, Encryption, Key generation RSA, RMPRSA Cryptography.
Keywords: Decryption, Encryption, Key generation RSA, RMPRSA Cryptography.
[1]. B.Persis Urbana Ivy, PurshotamMandiwa, Mukesh Kumar, ― A modified RSA cryptosystem based on ‗n' prime numbers‖, International Journal of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 1 Issue 2 Nov 2012 page No. 63-66.
[2]. Deepak Garg, SeemaVerma, ― Improvement over Public Key Cryptographic Algorithm‖, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference.
[3]. G.A.V.Rama Chandra Rao, P.V.Lakshmi, and N.Ravi Shankar, ―A Novel Modular Mutiplication Algorithm and its Application to RSA Decryption‖, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science ssues, Vol 9, Issue 6, No 3, November 2012, ISSN (Online): 1694-0814.
[4]. Hung-Min Sun, Mu-En Wu, M.JasonHinek, Cheng-Ta Yang, Vincent S. Tseng, ―Trading Decryption for Speeding Encryption in Rebalanced-RSA‖, The Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Inc.,0164
[5]. Klaus Hansen, TroelsLarsen and Kim Olsen, ― On the efficiency of Fast Variants in Modern Mobile Phones‖, IJCSIS, vol 6, no 3, 2009, ISSN 1947-5500.
[2]. Deepak Garg, SeemaVerma, ― Improvement over Public Key Cryptographic Algorithm‖, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference.
[3]. G.A.V.Rama Chandra Rao, P.V.Lakshmi, and N.Ravi Shankar, ―A Novel Modular Mutiplication Algorithm and its Application to RSA Decryption‖, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science ssues, Vol 9, Issue 6, No 3, November 2012, ISSN (Online): 1694-0814.
[4]. Hung-Min Sun, Mu-En Wu, M.JasonHinek, Cheng-Ta Yang, Vincent S. Tseng, ―Trading Decryption for Speeding Encryption in Rebalanced-RSA‖, The Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Inc.,0164
[5]. Klaus Hansen, TroelsLarsen and Kim Olsen, ― On the efficiency of Fast Variants in Modern Mobile Phones‖, IJCSIS, vol 6, no 3, 2009, ISSN 1947-5500.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Change-Proneness of Software Components |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ankita Urvashi, Anamika Chhabra |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16284548 ![]() |
Abstract: In this research paper, we have done a statistical study on the factors that influence the rate of change of piece of code (class or groups of class of working together).After conducting systematic literature survey with stake holders of a various software development. It was found that during the life cycle of the application development ,it undergoes many organic changes due to change in objectives of building the software, and it is now normal that the software remains in continuous change and measuring change in the software process is critical for the software to remain in use as well as for its relevant, hence ,In this paper we have found the trend on which the change-proneness can be modeled as function, a relationship equation that can help us to predict what will happen [good or bad] if a particular metric value changes. Previous work have assumed that all trends relationship are linear in nature, while dataset collected for shows it is highly non-linear. Therefore, in our current research work we have found non-linear data fitting algorithm bi-square robust gives best possible results as it more accurate with realistic with trend and pass through most of test of significances ,thus we get a promising approach to measure change-proneness of the software development process.
Keywords: Application Development, Change-Proneness, Software Metrics, Software Stability.
Keywords: Application Development, Change-Proneness, Software Metrics, Software Stability.
[1] Ingram, C.; Riddle, S., "Using early stage project data to predict change-proneness," Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), 2012 3rd International Workshop on, vol., no., pp.42, 48, 3-3 June
[2] Selvarani, R.; Nair, T.R.G.; Prasad, V.K., "Estimation of Defect Proneness Using Design Complexity Measurements in Object-Oriented Software," 2009 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems , vol., no., pp.766,770, 15-17 May 2009
[3] Elish, M.O.; Rine, D., "Investigation of metrics for object-oriented design logical stability," Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh European Conference on, vol., no., pp.193, 200, 26-28 March 2003
[4] Cheng Zhang; Budgen, D., "What Do We Know about the Effectiveness of Software Design Patterns?" Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol.38, no.5, pp.1213, 1231, Sept.-Oct. 2012
[5] Okamura, H.; Dohi, T.; Osaki, S., "Software reliability growth model with normal distribution and its parameter estimation," Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.411,416, 17-19 June 2011
[2] Selvarani, R.; Nair, T.R.G.; Prasad, V.K., "Estimation of Defect Proneness Using Design Complexity Measurements in Object-Oriented Software," 2009 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems , vol., no., pp.766,770, 15-17 May 2009
[3] Elish, M.O.; Rine, D., "Investigation of metrics for object-oriented design logical stability," Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh European Conference on, vol., no., pp.193, 200, 26-28 March 2003
[4] Cheng Zhang; Budgen, D., "What Do We Know about the Effectiveness of Software Design Patterns?" Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol.38, no.5, pp.1213, 1231, Sept.-Oct. 2012
[5] Okamura, H.; Dohi, T.; Osaki, S., "Software reliability growth model with normal distribution and its parameter estimation," Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.411,416, 17-19 June 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Energy Optimization algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Indu Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16284955 ![]() |
Keyword: Quality of service, QOS-based protocol, Coherent based protocol, Routing protocol and Wireless Sensor Network
[1] K. Khamforoosh, and H. Khamforoush, ―A new rounting Algorithm for Energy Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks‖, IEEE, 2010
[2] C. Prehofer and C. Bettstetter, "Self-organization in communication networks: principles and design paradigms," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 43, pp. 78-85, 2009
[3] Y. Yang, H.-H. Wu, H.-H. Chen, Short: Shortest hop routing tree for wireless sensor networks, in: Proceedings of IEEE ICC-2009, 2009.
[4] I. F. Akyildiz et al., ―Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey,‖ Elsevier Sci. B. V. Comp. Networks, vol. 38, no. 4, Mar. 2009, pp. 393–422.
[5] Ming Liu, Jiannong Cao, Guihai Chen, and Xiaomin Wang, ―An Energy-Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks‖, Sensors 2009, vol. 9, pp. 445-462.
[2] C. Prehofer and C. Bettstetter, "Self-organization in communication networks: principles and design paradigms," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 43, pp. 78-85, 2009
[3] Y. Yang, H.-H. Wu, H.-H. Chen, Short: Shortest hop routing tree for wireless sensor networks, in: Proceedings of IEEE ICC-2009, 2009.
[4] I. F. Akyildiz et al., ―Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey,‖ Elsevier Sci. B. V. Comp. Networks, vol. 38, no. 4, Mar. 2009, pp. 393–422.
[5] Ming Liu, Jiannong Cao, Guihai Chen, and Xiaomin Wang, ―An Energy-Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks‖, Sensors 2009, vol. 9, pp. 445-462.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Load Balancing in Multi-Cloud with Performance Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akankhya Gogoi, Mr. A. M. J. Muthukumaran |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16285658 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud computing enables distributed file system mainly for large scale data storage and data access. The main character is that the contents of the file system can be stored in multiple machines which transfer data through the internet with robustness and scalability. In this paper, we explore the scenario to deploy a computing cluster on the top of a multi cloud infrastructure, for solving Many Task Computing (MTC) applications. For efficient handling of multiple tasks, need to have the performance analysis and optimization of all tasks in the multi-cloud environment. Performance analyses consist of CPU scheduling, Memory utilization, I/O tasks, and cost benefits. In the method, Job is allocated by front end server and service LAN is used. This research will achieve the process of multitasking environment thus balancing the load and ensures the reliability of the system.
Index Terms: Cloud, Load balance, Multi cloud infrastructure, Multi task computing.
Index Terms: Cloud, Load balance, Multi cloud infrastructure, Multi task computing.
[1] Hung-Chang Hsiao, Hsueh-Yi Chung, Haiying Shen, and Yu-Chang Chao, "Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds", IEEE transaction on parallel and distributed system, Vol. 24, No. 5, May 2013.
[2] Alexandru Iosup, Simon Ostermann,Nezih Yigitbasi, Radu Prodan, , Thomas Fahringer, and Dick Epema, "Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for Many-Tasks Scientific Computing", IEEE TPDS, MANY-TASK COMPUTING, NOVEMBER 2010
[3] K.Senthil, "Performance Analysis of multi-cloud Deployment in Many task Applications", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012.
[4] Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters" , OSDI 2004.
[5] Daniel Warneke and Odej Kao, "Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud", IEEE transaction on parallel and distributed system, 2011.
[2] Alexandru Iosup, Simon Ostermann,Nezih Yigitbasi, Radu Prodan, , Thomas Fahringer, and Dick Epema, "Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for Many-Tasks Scientific Computing", IEEE TPDS, MANY-TASK COMPUTING, NOVEMBER 2010
[3] K.Senthil, "Performance Analysis of multi-cloud Deployment in Many task Applications", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012.
[4] Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters" , OSDI 2004.
[5] Daniel Warneke and Odej Kao, "Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud", IEEE transaction on parallel and distributed system, 2011.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ranking of Cloud Services Using Dynamic Qos |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka V., Sabari venkatesh G., Prithiviraj S., Christopher Paul A. |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16285962 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud computing is an internet based computing and is becoming popular. QoS rankings provide valuable information for making optimal cloud service selection from a set of functionally equivalent service candidates. To obtain QoS values, real-world invocations on the service candidates are usually required. To avoid the time-consuming and expensive real-world service invocation QoS ranking prediction framework is used. This framework requires no additional invocations of cloud services when making QoS ranking prediction. Two personalized QoS ranking prediction approaches are used to predict the QoS rankings directly. Comprehensive experiments are conducted employing real-world QoS data, including 300 distributed users and 500 real-world web services all over the world. The proposed uses modernized ranking approach which uses different QoS parameters to predict the ranking more accurately. Different QoS parameters like latency, availability, failure probability can be used to improve the ranking.
Keyword: Quality-of-service, cloud service, ranking prediction, personalization.
Keyword: Quality-of-service, cloud service, ranking prediction, personalization.
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Abstract: The one of the largest and most widely used document repository is worldwide web. It has been used for mining data since many decades. It has been proved as one of the most helping platform to assimilate, disseminate and retrieve information. But unfortunately its success has only become its enemy. It seems like an ocean of information in which users are drowning not sailing. The information is so huge, diverse, dynamic and unstructured natured that users face the problems of information overloaded while interacting with the web. Here the issue of QoS cops up. It's needed for web developer to know what the user really wants to do, predict which pages the user is interested in and provide the user the WebPages by knowledge of users navigational patterns to improve QoS. This project mainly focuses on cleaning the data i.e. sever web log file, processing the data according to some specific strategy, identifying the users using maximal forward reference algorithms and classifying them into predefined classes. Here supervised learning is used to train the classifier. We have carried out this project using an educational institute's log file as input data.
Keywords: QOS, WEBMINER, clustering, Session, GiniIndex, Raw web log data.
Keywords: QOS, WEBMINER, clustering, Session, GiniIndex, Raw web log data.
[1] S.Vijayalakshmi, V.Mohan, "MINING OF USERS‟ACCESS BEHAVIOUR FOR FREQUENT SEQUENTIAL PATTERN FROM WEB LOGS", International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS) Vol.2, No.3, August 2010
[2] Wei Gao, Olivia R. Liu Sheng" Minin Characteristic Patterns to Identify WebUsers", 2006
[3] Maria J. Martín-Bautista, María-Amparo Vila, Victor H. Escobar-Jeria. "OBTAINING USER PROFILES VIA WEB USAGE MINING". IADIS European Conference Data Mining 2008.
[4] Uichin Lee, Zhenyu Liu, Junghoo Cho "Automatic Identification of User Goals in Web Search", University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095, 2010.
[5] Ford Lumban Gaol,"Exploring The Pattern of Habits of Users Using Web Log Squential Pattern" 2010 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies.
[2] Wei Gao, Olivia R. Liu Sheng" Minin Characteristic Patterns to Identify WebUsers", 2006
[3] Maria J. Martín-Bautista, María-Amparo Vila, Victor H. Escobar-Jeria. "OBTAINING USER PROFILES VIA WEB USAGE MINING". IADIS European Conference Data Mining 2008.
[4] Uichin Lee, Zhenyu Liu, Junghoo Cho "Automatic Identification of User Goals in Web Search", University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095, 2010.
[5] Ford Lumban Gaol,"Exploring The Pattern of Habits of Users Using Web Log Squential Pattern" 2010 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dynamic Stream Ciphering Algorithm |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Mohammed Mobark Salih, Mohammad G. S. Al-Safi, Faiaz Hassan Ali |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16287278 ![]() |
Abstract: The main idea of any stream cipher algorithm is to generate stream cipher key base on the use set of LFSR with fix arrangement, all this LFSR are filling depending on the value of the basic key. In this paper we implement new technique base on dynamic stream cipher algorithm. In this algorithm we implemented dynamic stream cipher algorithm which base on idea of changing the structure of the LFSR with each change in BK and MK to get complex ciphering algorithm this is done by use a bank of LFSR store in file and we select random 10 register that is used in algorithm to generate the key. We implement Basic Efficient Criteria on Key Generator (KG) to test the result which is store in binary files. Three sample of key generation (KG) store in the binary file are test and all the sample is pass the test.
[1]. Briceno, M., Goldberg, I., and Wagner, D., ―A Pedagogical Implementation of A5/1‖, Available at (accessed August 18, 2003), 1999.
[2]. Smart, N., ―Cryptography: An Introduction‖, McGraw-Hill Education, 2003. ISBN 0-077-09987-7.
[3]. Schneier, B., ―Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C‖, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd edition, 1996.
[4]. Fluhrer, S. R. and McGrew, D. A., ―Statistical Analysis of the Alleged RC4 Keystream Generator‖, In B. Schneier, editor, Fast Software Encryption 2000, volume 1978 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 19–30. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
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[2]. Smart, N., ―Cryptography: An Introduction‖, McGraw-Hill Education, 2003. ISBN 0-077-09987-7.
[3]. Schneier, B., ―Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C‖, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd edition, 1996.
[4]. Fluhrer, S. R. and McGrew, D. A., ―Statistical Analysis of the Alleged RC4 Keystream Generator‖, In B. Schneier, editor, Fast Software Encryption 2000, volume 1978 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 19–30. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
[5]. Mantin, I. and Shamir, A., ―Practical Attack on Broadcast RC4‖, In M. Matsui, editor, Fast Software Encryption 2001, volume 2355 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 152–164. Springer- Verlag, 2001.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Crawler with Search Engine based Simple Web Application System for Forum Mining |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Maheswari, N. Tharminie |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16287982 ![]() |
Abstract: Now-a-days the growth of online users increased infinitely depending upon the information in web sources. Web mining is an important term to manage the data from web which has different categorization as structure, content, usage. In this paper web site fetcher that is the crawler and search engine design are developed using .NET based application. The URL, content those type of crawling approches clearly explained by that system in a varient way. The designed crawler performs two functions, URL Crawling (structure mining) by page classification and Content Crawling (content mining) by Pattern clustering. This type of Crawler design is supported for providing efficient way to retrieve the forum data to small scale search engine as possible.
Keywords: Content mining, Structure mining, World Wide Web, Web Forum Crawler, Web Search Engine.
Keywords: Content mining, Structure mining, World Wide Web, Web Forum Crawler, Web Search Engine.
[1] Jingtian Jiang, Xinying Song, Nenghai Yu, Member, IEEE, and Chin-Yew Lin, Member, IEEE "FoCUS: Learning to Crawl Web Forums" IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering, vol. 25, no. 6, june 2013
[2] S. Brin and L. Page, "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine." Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol. 30, nos. 1-7, pp. 107-117, 1998.
[3] R. Cai, J.-M. Yang, W. Lai, Y. Wang, and L. Zhang, "iRobot: An Intelligent Crawler for Web Forums," Proc. 17th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 447-456, 2008.
[4] U. Schonfeld and N. Shivakumar, "Sitemaps: Above and Beyond the Crawl of Duty," Proc. 18th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 991-1000, 2009.
[5] J. Zhang, M.S. Ackerman, and L. Adamic, "Expertise Networks in Online Communities: Structure and Algorithms," Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 221-230, 2007.
[2] S. Brin and L. Page, "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine." Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol. 30, nos. 1-7, pp. 107-117, 1998.
[3] R. Cai, J.-M. Yang, W. Lai, Y. Wang, and L. Zhang, "iRobot: An Intelligent Crawler for Web Forums," Proc. 17th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 447-456, 2008.
[4] U. Schonfeld and N. Shivakumar, "Sitemaps: Above and Beyond the Crawl of Duty," Proc. 18th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 991-1000, 2009.
[5] J. Zhang, M.S. Ackerman, and L. Adamic, "Expertise Networks in Online Communities: Structure and Algorithms," Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 221-230, 2007.
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Abstract: Sunspots are dark areas on the photosphere, from which sun emit light. Sunspots are regions located on active regions of the sun and have intense magnetic field [1]. Sunspots appear dark and bright areas in magnetograms representing opposite polarities. Despite several research and development in the field of pattern recognition with specific application like sunspots , the general problem of recognizing complex patterns remain difficult. A new technique was developed for automated detection of sunspots on full disk white light solar images obtained from SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI instruments. Hurdles in the sun spot detection are the irregularities in the shape, contrast with the surrounding and uneven intensity make the sun spot detection difficult. In this paper we present a hybrid method to detect and extract features. The input is a sequence of MDI images and the output is categorization of solar events. We perform basic image processing techniques like normalization, noise removal and segmentation. Finally we compare the solar indices like wolf sunspot number with our method against with the synoptic maps and different reference observatory data source. The proposed method presented can lead to automatic monitoring and characterization of solar events and yield an optimum performance.
Keywords: Sunspots, Image enhancement, Edge optimization, Scale multiplication.
Keywords: Sunspots, Image enhancement, Edge optimization, Scale multiplication.
[1] Automatic sunspots detection on full-disk solar images using mathematical morphology
[3] Lanzerotti, L.J.: 2001, Space weather effects on communications. In: Daglis, I.A. (ed.) Space Storms and Space Weather Hazards, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 313 – 334.
[4] Hargreaves, J.K.: 1992, The Solar-Terrestrial Environment, University Press.
[5] Clette, F., Berghmans, D., Vanlommel, P., Van der Linden, R.A.M., Koeckelenbergh, A., Wauters, L.: 2007,From the Wolf number to the International Sunspot index: 25 years of SIDC. Adv. Space Res. 40, 919 –928.
[3] Lanzerotti, L.J.: 2001, Space weather effects on communications. In: Daglis, I.A. (ed.) Space Storms and Space Weather Hazards, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 313 – 334.
[4] Hargreaves, J.K.: 1992, The Solar-Terrestrial Environment, University Press.
[5] Clette, F., Berghmans, D., Vanlommel, P., Van der Linden, R.A.M., Koeckelenbergh, A., Wauters, L.: 2007,From the Wolf number to the International Sunspot index: 25 years of SIDC. Adv. Space Res. 40, 919 –928.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Eclat Algorithm for FIM on CPU-GPU co-operative & parallel environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarika S. Kadam, Sudarshan S. Deshmukh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16288896 ![]() |
Abstract: Extracting the frequent itemsets from a transactional database is a fundamental task in data mining field because of its broad applications in mining association rules, time series, correlations etc. The Apriori or Eclat approaches are the commonly used generate-and-check approach to obtain frequent itemsets from a database with a given threshold value. Implementations take advantage of the GPU's massively multi-threaded SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) architecture which will employ a bitmap data structure to represent vertical transaction list ,to exploit the GPU's SIMD parallelism , and to perform the support counting operation. The implementation runs entirely on the GPU and eliminates intermediate data transfer between the GPU memory and the CPU memory, which can reduce computation time and improve overall performance .OpenCL is a platform independent Open Computing Language for GPU computation. Thus, the aim of our approach is to develop efficient parallel new advanced Eclat strategy of Frequent Itemset Mining that utilize new-generation graphics processing units (GPUs) to speed-up the process.
Keywords: Eclat, Apriori, frequent Itemset,GPU, Bitmap, SIMD, OpenCL.
Keywords: Eclat, Apriori, frequent Itemset,GPU, Bitmap, SIMD, OpenCL.
[1] WenbinFang ,Mian Lu ,QiongLuo, Xiangye Xiao Frequent Itemset Mining on Graphics processors [ proceedings of the fifth
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[3] Fan Zhang, Yan Zhang ,Jason D. Bakos Accelerating frequent itemset mining on graphics processing units[2013 Springer Science+
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[4] Pramod S. ,O.P.Vyas Survey on Frequent Item set Mining Algorithms [International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-
8887)vol. 1-No.15
[5] Jiayi Zhou, Kun-Ming Yu, Bin-Chang Wu Parallel frequent Patterns Mining Algorithm on GPU[2010 IEEE National Science
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[2] Fan Zhang, Yan Zhang ,Jason D. BakosGPApriori : GPU –Accelerated Frequent Itemset Mining [2011 IEEE International
Conference on Cluster Computing ]
[3] Fan Zhang, Yan Zhang ,Jason D. Bakos Accelerating frequent itemset mining on graphics processing units[2013 Springer Science+
Business Media New York]
[4] Pramod S. ,O.P.Vyas Survey on Frequent Item set Mining Algorithms [International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-
8887)vol. 1-No.15
[5] Jiayi Zhou, Kun-Ming Yu, Bin-Chang Wu Parallel frequent Patterns Mining Algorithm on GPU[2010 IEEE National Science
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Abstract: Gas sweetening unit is an essential industrial processthat exhibits significant non-linear behavior. It comprises of absorption and regeneration towers.Conventional linear control schemes based on rigorous mathematical models, implemented in sweetening units, show poor performance and lead to off-specification products. A feed forward back-propagationneural networkmodelwith an efficiency of 95% has been developed for the Gas Sweetening Process used in Natural gas purification process, as per the data extracted from the GSU specifics.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Gas Sweetening Unit, Natural Gas, Feed-forward neural network.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Gas Sweetening Unit, Natural Gas, Feed-forward neural network.
[1] B. ZareNezhad, Ali Aminian, "An Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting the H2S Removal Performance of Piperazine Solvents in Gas sweetening Plants", Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2012.
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Abstract: Data Mining is considered as a nontrival extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially usefull information from data. Although there is a long line of work on identifying duplicates in relational data, only a few solutions focus on duplicate detection in more complex hierarchical structures, like XML data. A novel method for XML duplicate detection, called XMLDup. XMLDup uses a Bayesian network to determine the probability of two XML elements being duplicates, considering not only the information within the elements, but also the way that information is structured. In addition, to improve the efficiency of the network evaluation a novel pruning strategy
[1] E. Rahm and H.H. Do, "Data Cleaning: Problems and Current 2000. Approaches," IEEE Data Eng. Bull., vol.
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[2] Relationship-Based Duplicate Detection "Melanie Weis and Felix Naumann"Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE), 2010 International Conference.
[3] Eliminating Fuzzy Duplicates in Data Warehouses "Rohit Ananthakrishna, Surajit Chaudhuri Venkatesh Ganti",Proceedings of the 28th VLDB Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2002.
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[2] Relationship-Based Duplicate Detection "Melanie Weis and Felix Naumann"Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE), 2010 International Conference.
[3] Eliminating Fuzzy Duplicates in Data Warehouses "Rohit Ananthakrishna, Surajit Chaudhuri Venkatesh Ganti",Proceedings of the 28th VLDB Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review in Cloud Computing Security |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anchal Pokharana,Shweta Meena |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1628106111 ![]() |
Abstract: The cloud Computing provides an undemanding and Non ineffectual Solution for Daily Computing. The prevalent Problem Associated with Cloud Computing is the Cloud security and the appropriate Implementation of Cloud over the Network. Cloud computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. Problem is that Clouds typically have single security architecture but have many customers with different demands and we attempt to solve this problem. In this we need to provide availability
[1] Mr. PrashantRewagad&Ms.YogitaPawar, 2013, "Use of Digital Signature with Diffie Hellman Key Exchange and AES Encryption Algorithm to Enhance Data Security in Cloud Computing", IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 978-0-7695-4958-3/13, 978-1-4577-1964-6/12, pp. 437-439
[2] DivyakantAgrawal, Amr El Abbadi, ShiyuanWang ,2013, "Secure and Privacy-Preserving Database Services in the Cloud",IEEEICDE Conference 2013, CNS-1053594 and IIS-1018637, 978-1-4673-4910-9/13, pp.1268-1271
[2] DivyakantAgrawal, Amr El Abbadi, ShiyuanWang ,2013, "Secure and Privacy-Preserving Database Services in the Cloud",IEEEICDE Conference 2013, CNS-1053594 and IIS-1018637, 978-1-4673-4910-9/13, pp.1268-1271
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Abstract: Data mining technologies provided through Cloud computing is an absolutely necessary characteristic for today's businesses to make proactive, knowledge driven decisions, as it helps them have future trends and behaviors predicted. By implementation of data mining techniques in Cloud will allow users to retrieve meaningful information from virtually integrated data repository that reduces the costs of resources. Research in data mining continues growing in business and in learning organization over coming decades. Association rule mining is a most important area in data mining domain. In association rule mining Apriori algorithm is a very basic and important algorithm as
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automatic Image Retrieval through Video Authoring and Transition |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akila. R, Jayashree. B, Mr.P.Karthick, M.E |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1628119125 ![]() |
Abstract: An integrated system for video summarization, browsing and presentation, based on large amount of personal and web video clips. Content-consistent shots are retrieved from a video pool in order to form a descriptive long-shot video automatically by video authoring and transition to present events, persons or scenic spots captured at various remote places in an informative manner.
[1] C. Barnes, D. Goldman, E. Shechtman, and A. Finkelstein, "Video tapestries with continuous temporal zoom," in Proc. SIGGRAPH, 2010.
[2] M. Everingham, L. V. Gool, C. K. I. Williams, J. Winn, and A. Zisserman, "The Pascal visual object classes (VOC) challenge," Int. J. Comput. Vision, vol. 88, pp. 303–338, 2010
[3] Video Summarization and Scene Detection by Graph Modeling Chong-Wah Ngo, Member, IEEE, Yu-Fei Ma, Member, IEEE, and Hong-Jiang Zhang, Fellow, IEEE.
[4] O. C. Philbin, "Near duplicate image detection: min-hash and tf-idf weighting," in Proc. BMVC, 2008.
[2] M. Everingham, L. V. Gool, C. K. I. Williams, J. Winn, and A. Zisserman, "The Pascal visual object classes (VOC) challenge," Int. J. Comput. Vision, vol. 88, pp. 303–338, 2010
[3] Video Summarization and Scene Detection by Graph Modeling Chong-Wah Ngo, Member, IEEE, Yu-Fei Ma, Member, IEEE, and Hong-Jiang Zhang, Fellow, IEEE.
[4] O. C. Philbin, "Near duplicate image detection: min-hash and tf-idf weighting," in Proc. BMVC, 2008.
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Abstract: The dominance of chronic diseases, driven by an increasingly aging population with a new health paradigm that emphasizes early finding, early diagnosis and early treatment, is highly recommended. Especially, Cardiac disorders and sudden falls are the prominent reasons behind hospitalization of the elderly and post-operative patients. In the present work, we have designed and developed a GSM (Global System for Mobile) based wearable smart system with 3-axis accelerometer
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Abstract: Current Day scenario most of the applications moved on to web to enable any where computing. Mining approaches are proved as the best to extract knowledge. Organizations have to use various mining techniques to extract useful information. This information will help in day-to-day business functionality of organization. We can say web mining as the applications of the general data mining techniques to the Web. However, the internal properties of the Web force us to modify and extend the traditional techniques considerably. In this paper we are proposing an Approach to hybridize web content and web structure mining to improve the performance of web mining.
[1]. J. Vellingiri and S. ChenthurPandian, "A Novel Technique for Web Log mining with Better Data Cleaning and Transaction Identification", Journal of Computer Science,Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 683-689, 2011
[2]. J.Indumathi and G.V. Uma, "Customized Privacy Preservation Using Unknowns to Stymie Unearthing Of Association Rules", Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 874-881, 2007
[3]. Tzung-Pei Hong, Ming-Jer Chiang, Shyue-Liang Wang, "Mining Fuzzy Weighted Browsing Patterns from TimeDuration and with Linguistic Thresholds", American Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1611, 2008
[4]. H. Parveen Sultana, M. Pounambal and Dr. P. Venkata Krishna, "A Fast Handover Scheme for Multicasting in IPv6 basedMobile Ad hoc Networks", Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 90-94, 2011
[2]. J.Indumathi and G.V. Uma, "Customized Privacy Preservation Using Unknowns to Stymie Unearthing Of Association Rules", Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 874-881, 2007
[3]. Tzung-Pei Hong, Ming-Jer Chiang, Shyue-Liang Wang, "Mining Fuzzy Weighted Browsing Patterns from TimeDuration and with Linguistic Thresholds", American Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1611, 2008
[4]. H. Parveen Sultana, M. Pounambal and Dr. P. Venkata Krishna, "A Fast Handover Scheme for Multicasting in IPv6 basedMobile Ad hoc Networks", Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 90-94, 2011
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Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a wide variety of military and civil applications. The sensor nodes are powered by batteries with limited energy. Hostile or hazardous environments where the sensor nodes are deployed or the sheer number of the sensors prevents replacement or recharge of the batteries. Therefore in WSNs, scheduling of different types of packets is of vital importance to reduce sensors' energy consumptions and end-to-end data transmission delays.
[1]. Nidal Nasser, Lutful Karim & Tarik Talib, "Dynamic Multilevel Priority Packet Scheduling Scheme for wireless sensor network", IEEE Trans on wireless communication, vol 12, NO. 4, April 2013
[2]. G. Anastasi, M. Conti, and M. Di Francesco, "Extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks through adaptive sleep," IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 351–365, 2009.
[3]. G. Bergmann, M. Molnar, L. Gonczy, and B. Cousin, "Optimal period length for the CQS sensor network scheduling algorithm," in Proc. 2010 International Conf. Netw. Services, pp. 192–199.
[4]. E. Bulut and I. Korpeoglu, "DSSP: a dynamic sleep scheduling protocol for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks," in Proc. 2007 International Conf. Advanced Inf. Networking Appl., vol. 2, pp. 725– 730.
[5]. S. Chachra and M. Marefat, "Distributed algorithms for sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conf. Robot. Autom., pp. 3101–3107.
[2]. G. Anastasi, M. Conti, and M. Di Francesco, "Extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks through adaptive sleep," IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 351–365, 2009.
[3]. G. Bergmann, M. Molnar, L. Gonczy, and B. Cousin, "Optimal period length for the CQS sensor network scheduling algorithm," in Proc. 2010 International Conf. Netw. Services, pp. 192–199.
[4]. E. Bulut and I. Korpeoglu, "DSSP: a dynamic sleep scheduling protocol for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks," in Proc. 2007 International Conf. Advanced Inf. Networking Appl., vol. 2, pp. 725– 730.
[5]. S. Chachra and M. Marefat, "Distributed algorithms for sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conf. Robot. Autom., pp. 3101–3107.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Text Encryption using Lattice-Based Cryptography |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vishnu Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1628148151 ![]() |
Abstract: Lattice-based cryptography provides a much stronger notion of security, in that the average-case of certain problems in lattice-based cryptography is equivalent to the worst-case of those problems. There are strong indications that these problems will remain secure under the assumption of the availability of quantum computers, unlike both the integer-factorization and discrete logarithm problems as relied upon in many conventional cryptosystems. In this paper, the author will explore various methods to improve the practicality of lattice-based cryptosystems (GGH Encryption scheme) and to optimize the algorithm that make up these cryptosystems for modern computer processors.
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[2]. O. Goldreich, S. Goldwasser, and S. Halevi, Public-key cryptosystems from lattice reduction problem, Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC), 3(56), 1996.
[3]. R. J. McEliece, A public-key cryptosystem based on algebraic coding theor, Deep Space Network Progress Report, 44:114-116, January 1978.
[4]. P. Q. Nguyen, Cryptanalysis of the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi cryptosystem from