Series-1 (Jun. 2020)Jun. 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Compost tea has been used in agronomy as a good source of organic substance and soil modifications that provides plants with mineral nutrients and other aids. An experiment was conducted at Teaching and Research Farm of Ramat polytechnic located in Maiduguri withthe aim to determine the effect of various concentrations of compost tea on morpho-physiological development and qualities of okra. Five concentrations of compost tea were used at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120ml/L to the foliar of the cultivated okra crop. Plant growth and yield parameters were measure at interval of one using simple tools and manual counting whereby recording data on log books, while the physiological characteristics such as Leaf chlorophyll were measured by SPAD meter, the total soluble solid content of pod was studied using a hand refractometer, measurement of Stomatal conductance was determined......
Keywords: Okra, compost tea, growth, yield, quality
[1]. Adetuyi, F.O; Osagie, A.U & Adekunle, A.T (2011). Nutrient, Antinutrents, Mineral and Zinc Bioavailability of okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) moench. American journal of food and nutrition, 12(4): 65-72.
[2]. Adewole, M.B & Illesanmi, A.O (2011) Effect of compost on nutritional quality of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. moench). Journal of soil science and plant nutritional 11 (3): 45-55.
[3]. Ahmad, R., S.M. Shehzad, A. Khalid, M. Arshad and M.H. Mahmood, 2008. Growth and yield response of wheat and maize to nitrogen and Ltryptophan enriched compost. Pak. J. Bot., 39(2): 541-549.
[4]. Akanbi, W.B., Togun, A.O., Adediran, J.A Olaniyan A.B., Olabode., O.S & Olaniyi, J.O (2004) Effect of split-application of organic mineral fertilizer on okra growth, nutrient uptake and fruit yield. Nigerian journal of horticultural science, 9: 102-109.
[5]. Akanni, D.I & Ojenyi, S.O (2008) Residential Effect of Goat and poultry manure in soil properties, nutrient content and yield of okra in south west Nigeria. Research journal of Agronomy 2 (2): 44-47..
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ABSTRACT: Shrimp production for the year 2025 is expected to be 7,760,000 tons worldwide, which consumed around 10.48 million tons of feed. In Latin America they will be used around of 806,288 tons mainly distributed in three main producers in the region such as Ecuador (543,750 tons), Mexico (187,538 tons) and Brazil (75,000 ton). The shrimp industry is one of the dominant consumers of fishmeal in the aquaculture sector, and to meet the demand of a growing industry given a limited supply of marine ingredients, food manufacturers have decreased the inclusion of fishmeal fish in most commercial diets. It has been found that almost 20% of the overall production of fish meal is supplied through fishery by-products and that the inclusion of at least 10% of a high quality marine origin ingredient is required in the diet. The use of plant no-conventional ingredients has shown that inclusion in shrimp diets above....
Keywords: Fish meal; shrimp; aquaculture; alternative sources.
[1] TaconAG. Trends in global aquaculture and aquafeed production: 2000–2017, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture.2019, DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2019.1649634
[2] MalcorpsW, Palmer RD. El enigma de la sostenibilidad de los alimentos para camarones: sustitución de harina de pescado. Global Aquaculture Advocate. 2019. Monday, 8 April 2019. USA.
[3] Olsen RL, Hasan MR. A limited supply of fishmeal: Impact on future increases in global aquaculture production. Trends in Food Science & Technology.2012; 27(2): 120-128.
[4] Hardy RW, Tacon AG. Fish meal: historical uses, production trends and future outlook for sustainable supplies. Responsible Marine Aquaculture.2002; 311–325.
[5] Tocher DR, Betancor MB, Sprague M, Olsen RE, Napier JA.Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty Acids, EPA and DHA: bridging the gap between supply and demand. Nutrients. 2019; 11: 89.
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ABSTRACT: Over time, studies have shown that the physical and chemical composition of any water body shows its integrity index. The present study investigated the limnological integrity of Aragba River for eight (8) weeks at three designated sites using standard techniques. Physical variables were air (21-34°C) and water(20.5-31°C) temperatures, conductivity(23.5-35.2μS/cm), Total Dissolved solids(11-20mg/L) and chemical; Alkalinity(10-20 mg/CaCO3), Acidity(146-556 mg/CaCO3), Chloride(11.5-32mg/L), CO2(2.05-3.89mg/L), Phosphate(0.01-0.5mg/L), Potassium (111-534mg/L) characteristics measured a good quality river. These attributes fluctuated daily within and across the stations within acceptable configurations. Changes occurred in most chemical than physical variables; pH tilted towards acidity; water temperature associated with other variables. The limnological integrity of Iyikpesu River is still intact, despite the enormous human activities and its use for economic development is therefore highly recommended rather than use for silages.
Keywords: Limnology, Water quality, Iyikpesu River, Aragba, Nigeria
[1]. Abolude S D, Chia A M, Yahaya A S, Okafor D C. 2012 Phytoplankton Diversity and Abundance as a Function of Water Quality for Fish Production: A Case Study of Two Manmade Reservoirs in Zaria, Nigeria. Tropical Freshwater Biology21(2): 41-58
[2]. Abujam S K S, Dakua S, Bakalial B, Saikia A K, Biswas S P, Choudhury P. 2011. Diversity of Plankton in Maijan Beel, Upper Assam. Asian J. Exp. Biol. Sci.2(4):562-568.
[3]. Ait-Kadi, M., 2016. Water for development for water: realising the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Vision. AquaticProcedia6:106-110.
[4]. Akpan E R. 2006. Nutrient–Phytoplankton Relationships in Cross River Estuary, Nigeria. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria, 31(1-2): 102-108.
[5]. Amitaye A N. 2014. Quality Assessment of Ethiope River Course from Obiaruku, Delta State, Using Physicochemical Parameters as Indicators. Journal of Environmental Management and Safety. 5(2):135-144.
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ABSTRACT: A field trial was conducted at Awka to evaluate the effect of manual and chemical weed control methods on Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) growth and yield parameters. The study was laid out in a randomized complete block design, replicated five times. The four treatments were hoe weeding at 4 and 8 weeks after sowing (WAS), application of atrazine at the rate of 1.5kg a.i/ha at 4 and 8WAS, hoe weeding at 4WAS followed by application of atrazine at the rate of 1.5kg a.i/ha at 5WAS, and weedy check. The various treatments had no significant effect on mungbean growth measured parameters except on the number of branches where hoe weeding at 4WAS followed by application of atrazine at 5WAS had the highest number of branches at 6WAS (35.1). At 8WAS, application of atrazine at 4 and 8WAS had the least broad leaf weeds density (1.2) which showed that it is very effective.......
Key words: Mungbean, Atrazine, Weed, manual, chemical control
[1]. Abdul, K., Muhammmed, H., Amar, M., Asif, T., Shahid, I.Z., Irfan, A. and Farhena, A. (2014). Weed growth, herbicide efficiency indices, crop growth and yield of wheat are modified by herbicide and cultivar interaction. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 20(1): 91-109.
[2]. Adigun, J.A. and Lagoke, S.T.O. (2003). Weed control in transplanted rain and irrigated tomatoes in the Nigerian savanna. Nigerian Journal of Weed Science, 16: 23-29.
[3]. Agugo, B.A.C. (2003). Introducing mungbean into the Southeastern Nigeria's humid forest: overview of the proceedings of 37th Annual conference of the Agricultural society of Nigeria held at Calabar, pp: 301-309.
[4]. Agugo, U.A. and Onimawo, I.A. (2008). Effect of heat treatment on the nutritional value of Mungbean. M.Sc. project, Department of Nutrition and Dietetic, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, pp: 32-35
[5]. Ali, M. and Kumar, S. (2007). Good options for rainfed area and priority inputs in pulse production. The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture, pp: 39-41.
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ABSTRACT: Tomato (Solanumlycopersicum) is an important horticultural vegetable crop among small and large scale farmers in Kenya, grown for its nutritional and commercial purposes. However, gains from its production is limited by losses resulting from incidences of Bacterial wilt (Ralstoniasolanacearum) which has proved difficult to control and drastically decrease tomato yield and quality by up to 80%. The losses vary widely according to host, cultivar, climate, soil type, cropping practices and pathogen strain. The objectives of this study were to investigate the response of selected tomato varieties to Ralstoniasolanacearum at different stages of growth and their tolerance to bacterial wilt under greenhouse conditions. In addition, the study was aimed at investigating the agronomic performance of selected tomato varieties in Maseno, Western part of Kenya. The study was conducted between January to July 2013 and June to December 2020. The tomato varieties; 'Heirloom Tall vine' from Johnny's seed company....
Key Word: Ralstoniasolanacearum; Screening; Stage of growth; Tomato; Bacterial wilt; Pathogen
[1]. Algam, S.A.E., Xie, G., Li, B., Yu, S., Su, T. and Larsen, J. (2010). Effects of Paenibacillus strains and chitosan on plant growth promotion and control of Ralstonia wilt in tomato. Journal of plant Pathology, 23: 593 – 600
[2]. AVDRC. (2003). Asian Vegetable Research and Development Corporation, Progress report. Variatiation of anti- oxidants and their activity in tomato. 70 -115
[3]. Ayandiji, A., OR, A. and Omidiji, D. (2011). Determinant post-harvest losses among tomato farmers in Imeko-afon local Government area of Ogun state, Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 11:312-319.
[4]. Denny, T.P., 2006. Pant Pathogenic Ralstonia species. In: plant Associated Bacteria, Gnanamanickam, S.S(Ed.). springer Publishing , Dordrecht,The Netherlands, pp 573-644
[5]. Fajinmi A.A. and Fajnmi O.B., 2010. An overview of Bacterial Wilt Disease of Tomato in Nigeria Agric. Journ. 5: 242-247.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Use of organomineralfertiliser (OF) is becoming handy for ameliorating soil deficiencies for sustainable crop production. This has necessitated the establishment of commercially produced organomineralfertiliser to meet farmers need. However, reports have shown that fertilisers influence weed infestation thereby affecting the expected crop yield. Consequently, application rates of commercially produced OF on maize performance and their influence on weed infestation were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Using 30 kg pots in completely randomised design with three replications, influences of OF(0, 50, 100, 150 kg/ha of N) and NPK 15-15-15 (400 kg/ha) were investigated in two cropping cycles. Treatments residual effects were also evaluated on maize dry matter yield.....
Key words:Organomineral fertiliser, Dry shoot weight,Maize grain yield, Dry weed biomass, Residual effects
[1]. Adeoye OA, Agboola AA. 1985. Critical level of soil plant available P, K, Zn, Mg, Cu and Mn on maize leaf content in sedimentary soils of southwestern Nigeria. Fert Res. 6:60-71.
[2]. Adiaha MS. 2018. Economic value of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Nigeria and its impacts on the global food production.Inter J Sci World6(1):27-30.
[3]. Adiguna JA, Daramola OS, Adeyemi OR, Olorunmaiye PM, Osipitan OA. 2018. Nitrogen and weed management in transplanted tomato in the Nigerian forest-savanna transition zone. Annals of Agrarian Science 16 () 281–285
[4]. Agba OA, Ubi BE, Abam P, Ogbechi J, Akeh M, Odey S, Ogar N. 2012. Evaluation of agronomic performance of maize (Zea mays L.) under different rates of poultry manure application in an Ultisol of Obubra, Cross River State, Nigeria. Inter J Agric For. 2(4):138-144.
[5]. AhmedAUH, Qadir I,Mahmood N.2007.Effect ofintegrated use oforganicand inorganic fertiliser on fodder yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolorL.).Pak J AgricSci. 44:415-421.
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ABSTRACT: Various risks and uncertainties in farming, especially rice production, effective handling strategies are needed in addition to helping farmers in terms of production and economy, which helps motivate farmers to run rice farming. Systematic strategies that have been implemented by the government and have been running in various regions namely the agricultural insurance program. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of rice farmers households, respondents of rice farmers and what factors influence the participation of rice farmers in the Rice Farmers Business Insurance (AUTP) program in Tanah Bumbu Regency. The results of the analysis show that the majority of formal education levels of AUTP farmers are Pertam Middle Schools and non-AUTP farmers namely Primary....
Keywords:farmer participation, paddy fields, insurance for rice farming
[1]. Agresti, Alan. 1996. An Introduction to categorical Data Analysis. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Toronto.
[2]. Hosmer, DW and S. Lemeshow, 2000. Applied Logistic Regression, 2nd Edition.John Willey and Sons. New York.
[3]. Tanah Bumbu Regency Agriculture Office. 2017. Size of Rice Fields Participating in the AUTP Program in Tanah Bumbu Regency, OKMAR Period 2017.Batulicin.
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ABSTRACT: The objective was to investigate the usefulness of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict bromatological traits concentrations of gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus Kunth).Random samplesfrom different plant genetic backgrounds, climatic conditions over years, experimental sites, and harvests were used for spectral reading and reference analysis. Partial Least Square (PLS) regressions were used for developing the models with 239 samples for calibration and 119 for external validation.Crude Protein, Ash, and Dry Matter models had R2= 0.91, 0.91, and 0.90 and low standard errors of calibration (SEC) of 8.7, 3.8, and 5.5, respectively. Neutral and Acid Detergent Fibers, and Organic Matter had R2 = 0.85, 0.88, and 0.89 and SEC valuesof10.2, 9.4, and.....
Key words: Gamba grass; NIRS prediction; bromatological composition; genotypic selection.
[1]. Allison, G.G., Morris, C., Hodgson, E., Jones, J., Kubacki, M., Barraclough, T., Yates, N., Shield, I., Bridgwater, A.V. and Donnison, I.S., 2009. Measurement of key compositional parameters in two species of energy grass by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Bioresource technology, 100(24), 6428-6433.
[2]. Andrés, S., Calleja, A., López, S., Mantecón, Á.R. &Giráldez, F.J., 2005a. Nutritive evaluation of herbage from permanent meadows by near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy: 2. Prediction of crude protein and dry matter degradability, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85, 1572-1579.
[3]. Andrés, S., Murray, I., Calleja, A. &Giráldez, F. J., 2005b. Nutritive Evaluation of Forages by near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 13, 301-311.
[4]. Andueza, D., Picard, F., Jestin, M., Andrieu, J., Baumont, R., 2011. NIRS prediction of the feed value of temperate forages: Efficacy of four calibration strategies. Animal, 5, 1002-1013.
[5]. Asekova, S., Han, S.I., Choi, H.J., Park, S.J., Shin, D.H., Kwon, C.H., Shannon, J.G. and Lee, J.D., 2016. Determination of Forage Quality by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in Soybean. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry , 40, 45-52.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Maize is an important food crop in southern Ethiopia. However, its productivity is constrained by inadequate nitrogen supply and use of low yield potential cultivars. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted during 2016 with objective of determining optimum nitrogen rates for two maize varieties adapted to agro-ecology of Denba Gofa woreda. Materials and Methods: The graded levels of nitrogen tried were 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1 and varieties were Pioneer jabi 3253 and BH 540. Experiment was laid in randomized complete block design with ten treatments (combinations of five nitrogen levels and two varieties) and three replications. The crop was raised under rainfed conditions. Results: There was significant effect of nitrogen fertilization on different growth and yield contributing parameters and grain and.......
Key words: Denba Gofa; Maize varieties; N rate; Growth and yield; Economic yield.
[1]. CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) Research Programme on Maize, "Why maize," CIMMYT Web, Mexico, 2016.
[2]. D. Alemu, C. Yirga, and A. Bekele, "Situation and outlook of maize in Ethiopia," Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 89p.
[3]. CSA, "Agricultural sample survey 2015/2016: Area and production of major crops," Central Statistical Agency, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2016.
[4]. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), "FAOSTAT online database, available at link Accessed on January 2017.
[5]. L. Cochrane, YW. Bekele, "Average crop yield (2001-2017) in Ethiopia: Trends at national, regional and zonal levels," Data in Brief , Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1025-1033, 2018..
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ABSTRACT: The study analysed the distribution of climate change researches that focused on agriculture in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined the distribution of climate change researches and climate change variables that are influencing crop production in the region.The study adopted systematic review and had two research questions. The study relied on data from 129 studies which were purposively selected based on 5 inclusion criteria. A structured document review guide was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was divided into 2 sections (A-B); each section collected data for a specific purpose of the study andwas face validated by five experts. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined using inter-rater data agreement.The statistical tools......
Key words: Climate change, Niger Delta, crop production, Variables, Empirical studies
[1]. Apata, T. G. (2010). Effects of global climate change onNigerian agriculture: an empirical analysis. CBN Journal of Applied Statistics, 2(1),31-50
[2]. Aweto, A. O. (2011). Agriculture in Urhoboland. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from
[3]. Baede, A. P. (2015). Annex I. Glossary on climate change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report. Netherlands Edition. p. 942.
[4]. Bannayan, M, Lotfabadi, SS, Sanjani, S, Mohamadian, A, &Aghaalikhani, M. (2011). Effects of precipitation and temperature on crop production variability in northeast Iran. J. Biometeorol, 55(3):387-401. doi: 10.1007/s00484-010-0348-7.
[5]. Cahill, A. E., Aiello-lammens, M. E., Fisher-Reid, M. C., Hua, X., Karanewsky, C. J., Ryu, H. Y., … Wiens, J. J. (2012). How does climate change cause extinction? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1750), 20121890–20121890.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strengthening the Role of Research in Agricultural Development Programmes in Sierra Leone |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Abdul R. Conteh |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1306021827 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI) has a key role to play in Sierra Leone's agricultural development. Despite the availability of highly productive and remunerative technology, a wide gap still exists between what scientists have achieved on their research stations and the average yield obtained on farmers' fields. For the contribution of agricultural research to be successful in Sierra Leone, effective agricultural research has to be pursued.A well-planned staff development and succession plan is essential to strengthen SLARI's research work force. SLARI needs to be reinforced to help in sustaining productivity, food security, competitiveness and profitability of the agricultural sector in Sierra Leone.......
Key words: Sierra Leone, Agricultural Research, SLARI, CORAF/WECARD
[1]. Abass, A., Amaza, P., Bachwenkizi, B., Alenkhe, B., Mukuka, I., &Cromme. N. 2016. Adding value through the mechanization of post-harvest cassava processing, and its impact on household poverty in north-eastern Zambia.Applied Economics Letters, 1–5
[2]. AGRA. 2013. "Africa Agriculture Status Report 2013: Focus on Staple Crops‟, Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa. 2013)
[3]. Alene, A. D., &Coulibaly, O. 2009.The impact of agricultural research on productivity and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.Food Policy, 34(2), 198–209
[4]. Alston, J. (2010), "The Benefits from Agricultural Research and Development, Innovation, and Productivity Growth". OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 31, OECD.
[5]. Alston, J. M., Martin, W. J., &Pardey, P. G. 2014.Influences of agricultural technology on the size and importance of food price variability.The economics of food price volatility (pp. 13–54). University of Chicago Press. Retrieved from
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ABSTRACT: Background:Multiple host involvement and developmental stages of Spirometra cause multifaceted zoonotic health hazards. Canines and felines are definitive hosts,planktonic crustaceans of the genus Cyclops are first intermediate hosts, and fish, reptiles and amphibians are second intermediate hosts in the life cycle of Spirometra. Spargana, the infective larval stage, may infect other animals and humans. Despite the abundance of spirometrosis in most Asian countries surrounding Bangladesh, only a few sporadic parasitological reports are available in Bangladesh to date. Materials and Methods: Astudy was undertaken for the clinical-parasitological and morphological assessment of Spirometrosis in an Asiatic lion (Panthera Leo persica) at Bangladesh National Zoo.Consequently,Traces back to epidemiological investigations on copepods (Cyclops), Asian bullfrogs (Hoplobatrachus tigerinus), water snakes (Tropidonotus spp.) and buffalo meat (Bubalus bubalis) to detect larval stages were done to assess human risk of spargana infection in Bangladesh stemming from shared pastures (between human and other hosts) and meat from buffalo.......
Key words: Spirometrosis, sparganosis, crustaceans, Cyclops, frogs, water snakes, buffalo meat, pleurocercoid, Bangladesh
[1]. Naveen K, Aithal HP, Gupta SC. Sparganosis in dog: a rare case report. Veterinary Practitioner. 2004; 5(1): 55-56.
[2]. Tung CC, Lin JW, Chou FF. Sparganosis in male breast. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2005; 104(2): 127-128.
[3]. Hendrix MC and Robinson Ed. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians.Third Edition. Mosby In company. Elsevier Inc. Missouri. 2006; pp. 99-100.
[4]. Nobrega LM, Hubbard G, Loverde P, Siler KT, Schlabritz LN. Sparganosis in wild-caught baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis). Journal Medicinal Primatol. 2007; 36(1): 47-54.
[5]. Rahaman MH, Ahamed S, Mondal MMH. Introduction to Parasites of Animals and Birds in Bangladesh, 1st edition, 1996; pp. 1-2..
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ABSTRACT: The repellency and toxicity activities of neem (Azardiracta indica) leaf extracts, municipal waste extracts and termidust (carbofuran) on termites (Macrotermes bellicosus) was investigated in 2015 at the teaching and research laboratory of the Department of Crop Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. The filter paper impregnation method was used and the treatments consisted six different concentrations (%w/v) of each of the three materials including Control (0, 5, 10, 15,20, and 25%). The experiment was laid out in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. Results showed that A. indica leaf extract significantly (P< 0.05)......
Key words: Termites, repellency, mortality, toxicity and extracts.
[1]. Assembly, W. (2005). Mechanical, Biological treatment, Environmental/Country side planning: Municipal solid waste, Wikipedia, the free Encyclopaedia. Retrieved May 12, 2007, from http//
[2]. Badejo, M. A. (2000). Termites and man- who wins? A paper delivered at the 31stAnnual conference of the Entomological Society of Nigeria at N.I.F.O.R., Benin city on October 10, 2000. In occasional publication of the Entomological Society of Nigeria. No. 34 (2002). Pp. 30-42.
[3]. Belloti, A. C., Smith, L. and leupointe, S.L. (1999). Recent advances in cassava pest management. Annual review of Entomology 44, 343-370.
[4]. Bryan, H. H., and Lance, C. J. (1991). Compost trials on tropical crops. Biocycle, 27(3), 36-37.
[5]. Harris, W. V. (1971). Termites: Their recognition and control. (2nd ed.). London Longmans. Pp. 186.
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ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the effect of interaction and the main effect of soybean varieties with a dose of bokashi from agricultural waste and Trichoderma asperellum, besides, to determine the best dosage of bokashi on soybean growth and disease incidence of stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. The research design uses a factorial randomized block design, following the first factor is soybean varieties, namely V1 (Anjasmoro), V2 (Argomuliyo), and V3 (Dena). Furthermore, the second factor is the bokashi dosage, namely T0 (dose of 0 tons/ha), T1 (5 tons/ha), T2 (10 tons/ha) and T3 (15 tons/ha). All data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. If the effect is significant, then continue with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 95% confidence level. The results showed that the best variety of growth is Anjasmoro, while a variety of Dena is the best for reducing stem rot disease incidence and more resistance from other varieties. Bokashi dose of 15 tons/ha is the most effective in increasing soybean growth and bokashi dose of 10 tons/ha is effective in suppressing stem rot disease incidence caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.....
Keywords: Bokashi dosage, soybean varieties, Sclerotium rolfsii, Trichoderma asperellum
[1]. Abadi AL. 2003. Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan.Bayu Mediam, Malang
[2]. Agrios, G. 2005. Plant Pathology. 5th Edition. Academic Press. New York.
[3]. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), 2018. Produktifitas Tanaman Kedelai. Statistik Indonesia.
[4]. Bailey BA, Strem MD, Wood D. 2009. Trichoderma species form endophytic associations within Theobroma cacao trichomes. Mycol Res. 113(12):1365– 1376.
[5]. Berlian, I., Setyawan, B., & Hadi, H. (2013). Mekanisme antagonisme Trichoderma spp. terhadap beberapa patogen tular tanah. Warta Perkaretan, 32(2), 74–82..
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ABSTRACT: The main obstacle faced by farmers in rainfed areas is the availability of water for limited agriculture, especially in the dry season. One action to overcome this problem is the water management approach. Water management can be done by utilizing irrigation water. This study aims to analyze the impact of RiamKanan irrigation on the area, production and productivity of paddy rice in Labuan Tabu Village, Martapura District, Banjar Regency. The results of the analysis showed that the rice planting area before using Right Riam irrigation water for rice farming was 21.86 ha, while after using only 7.23 ha. So there is a decrease in the area of rice planting by 14.63 ha. The level of rice production before using the RiamKanan irrigation water was 65.40 tons, whereas after using only 22.85 tons. So there is a decrease in the level of rice production by 42.55 tons. The level of rice productivity before using Right Riam irrigation water was 2.199 tons /ha, while after using Right Riam irrigation water was 3.18 tons /ha. So there is an increase in the level of rice productivity by 0.19 tons /ha.
Keywords: Riam Kanan irrigation, planted area, rice production
[1]. Central Bureau of Statistics.2019. Banjar Regency in the Numbers. BPS. Martapura.
[2]. Institute for Agricultural Technology Research and Development. 2004. Participatory Rural Understanding: Development of Innovation and Dissemination of Agricultural Technology for Empowering Poor Farmers on Marginal Land. Research Report. Institute for Agricultural Technology Research and Development. Bogor.
[3]. Setiani, C., Yulianto, W. Dirdjopratono, J. Pramono, Kendriyanto, M.Y. Dian, Widarto dan T.J. Paryono. 2003.Participatory Study of Poor Villages in Blora District. Research Report. Central Java Agricultural Technology Study Center. Ungaran.
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ABSTRACT: Global water use has multiplied by six in the last 100 years1 and continues to grow steadily at an approximate rate of 1% per year2. Water use is projected to continue to increase globally based on population growth, economic development and changing consumption patterns, among other factors. World population is estimated to increase from 7.7 billion to 10.2 billion by 2017 and 2050, respectively, with two thirds of the population living in cities. Nayarit is the state with the highest availability of ground and surface water in the center-west of the country. There are 3,000 million m3 of wastewater generated in Nayarit, for which it has 70 wastewater treatment plants, of which 79.89% are treated at the third level (with 23 plants), there are no plants that treat at the second level. Aquaculture is one of the main wastewater dischargers with more than 1,058 million m3 (97.15%).The main.....
Key Word: uses of water; agriculture; aquaculture; water distribution
[1]. Wada Y., F. M. (2016). Modelling global water use for the 21st century: The Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS) initiative and its approaches. Geoscientific Model Development.
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ABSTRACT: Application of K in soil at higher level showed significant enhancement in yield ,quality parameters of Bottle gouard and different forms of K. Highest value of total extractable K was found (2404 kg ha-1) with the application of 200 % K as basal (T4) while elimination of K from treatment (T1) resulted in considerable decrease in step K from initial status of soil.High degree of correlation value of available K with exchangeable K (r= 0.98**) than with water soluble K (r= 0.78**) showed that soil exchangeable phase played more significant role in regulating the availability of K..
Key Word: Soil, Potassium ,Fertilizer, Quality parameters, Yield and Correlation
[1]. Ali, S.M. Moghadem, H.H., Yazdani, D. and Avval, P.A., (1999). Effect of plastic mulches, spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer levels on the growth and yield of common pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. Styrica). Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences, 21 (3) : 650-653.
[2]. Attoe, J. and Through, E. (1946) Exchangeable N, acid soluble K as regards availability and reciprocal relationship. Proceedings of Soil Science Society of America 10, 81-86.
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ABSTRACT: A research was carried out with eight(8)West African Dwarf(WAD) goats aged 0-8weeks old in Animal Science Department,University of Uyo,Nigeria. The WAD goats were managed intensively to investigate their body weight and morphometric dynamics,when fed graded levels(0.0%, 7.0%, 15.0% and 22.5%) of Enterolobiumcyclocarpum. Data were collected on body weight and morphometric parameters(body,ear,tail,neck and face lengths; body,neck and head circumferences; height at withers,fore and hind limbs). Data were analysed with Gen Stat Software Computer Program,13th edition. Means were separated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test and significance compared with Student Newman Keuls Method. Body weights with age. Body weight dynamics varied....
Key Word: Goats, body weights,morphology,dynamics, Enterolobium cyclocarpum
[1]. Dubeuf., C. D., Mckell. C.C. and Mishra, H. R. (2004). Origin of West African Dwarf Goat, Indian Journal of Animal Production. 39:6-10.
[2]. Flores, E. F., Oduguwa, O. O and Oni, A. O. (2012). Utilization of citrus based diets and Enterolobium cyclocarpum foilage (Jacq.griesly) by West African Dwarf Goats. Proceedings of 32nd Annual Conference, Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Calabar. Pp:167-169.
[3]. Francis, A. D. (1988). Foundation of Enterolobium cyclocarpum. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference, Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Zaria, Nigeria. Pp 200.
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[5]. Koenig, F. Q., Parkash, S. and Jenness, R. (2007). Genetic analysis of goat litter traits at birth and weaning. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science. 19:60-69..
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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out during the growing season (2016) in Bakrajo Nursery Station/ Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Uniform and healthy olive (Oleaeuropaea L.) cvs.Shami and Qaisicuttings were used. Filled with sand building to investigate the effect of three IBA hormone concentrations (0, 1000, 2000 and 3000ppm), three dates (15/3, 1/4 and 15/4) on vegetative growth and cut rooting of semi-hard wood olive cuttings cvs. 'Shami ' and ' Qaisi '.The results are summarizing as follows: treatment of IBA hormone significantly increased on most vegetative growth and rooting. Shami cv. significantly dominated over cv. Qaisi on most of the vegetative growth and the root growth. The interactions between date, IBA and cv. Shami affected significantly on most of the vegetative growthand root growthcharacteristics. It was found that 3000ppm IBA increased the Lateral shoots number / cutting,Cutting height (cm), Lateral shoots length number of roots, the percentage of rooted cuttings, root length. But, control treatment had the lowest effect on the traits of vegetative growthand rooting in olive cuttings.
Key Word: Olive,Time of cutting,Indole Butyric Acid, semi-hard wood cuttings
[1]. Isfendiyaroglu, M., E. Ozeker and S. Baser, Rooting of "Ayvalik" olive cutting in different media. Span. J. Agric. Res., 7(1), 2009, 165-172.
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[5]. Wiesman, Z. and Lavee, S., Enhancement of IBA stimulatory effect on rooting of olive cultivar stem cuttings. Sci. Hortic. 62, 1995, 189–198.
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ABSTRACT: Maize is one of the food commodities as a source of carbohydrates for human apart from rice and wheat. This plant plays an important role in the development of the agricultural sector in Indonesia. Besides being a substitute for rice which is consumed directly, maize is also a raw material for animal feed. As the main ingredient, domestic maize demand continuous increase. In 2015, the Association of Livestock Food Entrepreneurs (GPMT) estimated that the need for maize reached 8.5 million tons and only about 40% was fulfilled domestically, so the government continued to boost maize production to become a maize self-sufficiency country. One of the government's efforts is by launching a Special Efforts Program (Upsus) through the development of a three million ha maize planting area in various regions including South Kalimantan. Tanah Laut Regency is a maize production center in South Kalimantan where Panyipatan District is the highest maize production (34.2%). This study aimed....
Key Word: Farm size, technical efficiency, production elasticity, return to scale
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[5] Kementerian Perdagangan. (2017). Potret Jagung Indonesia: Menuju Swasembada..
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted at the nursery site of Faculty of Agriculture Bayero University Kano, Kano State with the aim of determining the effect of growth media on the germination and early seedling performance of Carica papaya. The treatments were laid in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) replicated three (3) times. Treatment used were; River sand + cow dung (RC), River sand + Sawdust (RS), River sand + Rice hulls (RH), and River sand (RR) only as a control in the ratio of 2:1. The result obtained from the study shows that media combinations differs significantly as far the growth parameters measured, with River sand + Cow dung (RC) and River sand + Sawdust (RS) having the highest germination percentage. River sand + Rice hulls (RH) followed next as far germination percent.....
Key Word: evaluation, effect, growing media, seedling, pawpaw
[1]. A.K. Meena, O.P. Garhwal, Arun Kumar Mahawar* and S.P. Singh. Department of Horticulture, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner – 303329, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India. Effect of Different Growing Media on Seedling Growth Parameters and Economics of Papaya (Carica papaya L) cv. Pusa Delicious.
[2]. Agbo, CV and Omaliko, CM. 2006. Initiation and growth of shoots of Gongronema latifolia Benth stem cutting in different rooting media. African Journal Biotechnology, 5: 425-428.
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[4]. Aravind. G *1, Debjit Bhowmik 1, Duraivel. S 1, Harish. G 1. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Carica papaya.
[5]. Asmah, R., Rozita, R., Wan, N., L‟zzah W.M., Zain, S.E. and Huzaimah, A.S. 2002. Antiproferetive activity of pure lycopene compared to both extracted lycopene and juices from watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) and papaya (Carica papaya) on humun breast and liver cancer cell. Linus Journal Medicinal Science, 2(2): 55-58.
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ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the progressing intelligent assessment finished in various bits of India on soil test-based compost use for achieving the concentrated-on yield of reap. Soil testing has been recognized as an exceptional gadget for adjusted excrement use. It helps with assessing the earth wealth status and propose sensible and money related enhancement divide through mixture manure and common compost for different yields and cutting system. The decision of suitable pace of plant supplement development is affected by data on supplement giving force of the soil and capability of manures. Fertilizer proposition subject to soil test have been progressed for certain yields and altering structure using post-gather soil test regard.
Key Word: soil test, manure, suggestion, one of a kind, judicious, crop.
[1]. Ahmed S, Riazuddin M, Krishna Reddy PV2002. Optimizing fertilizer doses for rice in alluvial soils through chemical fertilizers, farmyard manure and green manure using soil test values. Agropedology.;12:133-140.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improving the Efficiency of Fertilizer Utilization in Sierra Leone |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Abdul R. Conteh || Alie Kamara |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1306034556 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Sierra Leone soils are not naturally fertile enough to sustain prolonged crop production and productivity. Without soil fertility improvement, investments in other yield-enhancing technologies are not likely to bear much fruit. Therefore, agricultural intensification that is supported by substantial additions of fertilizer is a necessity for Sierra Leone to attain food security. Fertilizer use is on the increase but there are concerns that fertilizer use is not as efficient as it should be. The quality of fertilizers, use of wrong fertilizers, sub-optimal use levels, and bad cultural practices are some of the factors. The farmers rely on blanket fertilizer recommendations from the government or from trial and error on-farm fertilizer applications. Soil testing for fertilizer recommendation is rarely practiced by the farmers.....
Key Word: Fertilizer, Sierra Leone, Use-efficiency, 4R, Soil Testing
[1]. Africa Union (2006) Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for an African Green Revolution. Africa Fertilizer Summit. African Union Special Summit of the Heads of State and Government Abuja, Nigeria, 13 June 2006.
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[4]. Baligar, V.C. and Bennett, O.L. 1986. Outlook on fertilizer use efficiency in the tropics. Fertilizee Research 10 (1986) 83-96. MartinusNijhoff/ Publishers, Dordrecht
[5]. Block, S. 2010. The Decline and Rise of Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1961. NBER Working Paper No. 16481, NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES. October 2010. NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, Cambridge, MA.
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to observe the interaction between mycorrhizae species and chili plant varieties to the growth and yield of chili plants in Andisols Soil at Bener Meriah. This study was conducted in Blang Kucak Village, Wih Pesam Subregency, Bener Meriah, Syiah Kuala Faculty of Agriculture Greenhouse and Plant Physiology Laboratory, Service Laboratory of Aceh Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD). The study was conducted from Mei to December 2019. The study used Factorial Randomized Group Design with the pattern of 4 x 5 and 3 replications. The first factor is mycorrhizae species consisted of Glomus mosseae, Gigaspora sp. and combination of both (Glomus mosseae + Gigaspora sp.). The second factor is chili plants varieties consisted of LADO F1, PM 999 F1, R1, Perintis, and OR TWIST 42. The result showed that highest root colonization.......
Key Word: Andisols, Mycorrhizae, Variety
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[5] Hazzoumi, Z., Moustakime, Y., Hassan Elharchli, E., and Joutei, K.A,. Effect of arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi (AMF) andwaterstress on growth, phenolic compounds, glandular hairs, and yield of essential oil in basil (Ocimum gratissimum L). Chemical andBiological Technologies in Agriculture 2; 2015.