Version-3 (Aug-2017)
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to determinate the effect of different heat treatments on the chemical composition and microbial contents of camel milk during storage. Two litter of fresh camel milk were purchased from farm in Sharag Eneele region .The milk samples were pasteurized in water path divided into four equal portion at temperatures 72 ºc/15 s ,75 ºc/10 min , 80 ºc/5 min and 65ºc/30 min. first temperature was control sample under sterile conditions the portion samples stored at 7 ºc for different storage periods days ( 0, 5, 10 , 12 , 14 ) .samples were examinedforfat, protein, total solids, lactose, pH, fee fatty acid , casein and total bacteria countin the storage period days. The statistical............
Keywords: camel milk composition, bacterial count, heat treatment, shelf life
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was carried out in Horticulture Deptartment / Collage of Agriculture/University of Baghdad to study effect of adding wheat peat and spraying its extract and organic nutrient vegeamino in red cabbage leaves content nutrient using Raissa hybrid During winter season of 2015-2016 .A factorial experiment using Randomized Complete Black Design ( RCBD) with three replications were conducted . The first factor includes five treatment without fertilizer ( P0) recommended chemical fertilizer ( 100 N, 120 P2O5 and 120 K2O kg.h-1 ) (P1), organic fertilizer 7.5 tan. h-1 (P2), organic fertilizer 15 tan. h-1 (P3), organic and fertilizer 30 tan . h -1 (P4) . The second factor includes.............
Keywords: Cabbage production, Foliar application, Organic fertilization, Wheat peat
[1]. Al- Arcoizi, G.A.S.2000. Effect of organic and Phosphate fertilizer in readiness of Phosphorus through phases of the growth of plants tomato. A thesis of Master .College of Agriculture. Baghdad. University.
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[5]. Al-Obaidi,A.J.H.2008. Response Apricot Trees (Prunus armeniaca L.) Class zinni for organic and mineral fertilization. A thesis of Master. Department of . Horticulture and Landscape .College of Agriculture . Baghdad. University
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the infection of several races of Sclerotium rolfsii on peanut grown in drought treatment. This research was conducted in Microbiology Laboratory and Greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty, Mataram University, from January to April 2016. The experiment was designed using Randomized Complete Design (RAL) in two factors namely drought treatment factor and the inoculation factor of several races of S. rolfsii, ie: r0 (without infection of S. rolfsii / control, r1 (inoculation of S. rolfii isolated from peanut in Tanjung, North Lombok), r2 (inoculation of..............
Keywords: S. rolfsii, Race pathogen, drought stress.
[1]. Alberte RS, Thomber JP, Fiscus EL, 1977. Water stress effect on the content and organization of chlorophyll and bundle sheath chloroplast of maize. Plant Physiol. 59:351-352.
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted on the province of Baghdad \ Iraq. Soil sample were collected from the area of Jadiriya and Abu Ghraib. The aim of this study was to identify the extent of degradation in Non-tillage soil (abandoned), using the stability of dry aggregates as an indicator of degradation. Soil samples were brought from 0–10 cm depth from annually cultivated land (tillage soil) and neighboring uncultivated land (Non-tillage soil). Some physical and chemical properties were measured and the percentage of soil particle size and soil texture were estimated in both regions. The percentage of Non-Erodible fractions (NEF) was estimated according to method proposed by Chepil (1950)...........
Keywords: Accumulative infiltration, bulk density, means weight diameter, water conductivity, wind erosion
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to Testing Environment friendly materials as alternatives to chemical pesticides for controlling the disease of root knot nematodes. Results indicated thata significant difference in the number of the second stagejuveniles (J2) of root knot nematodes between abamectinpesticide was superior to the other treatments. root gall index of treated plants, showed Abamectin treatment was superior to the others with less root gall index in comparison to the control treatment which recorded the highest index and revealed the significant superiority of the Abamectinpesticide treatment in giving the highest fresh and dry weights of the roots and shoot.The results indicated that the increased concentration of powder led to a decrease in the number of (J2) and the Root Gall Index, which in turn reflected the weight of the shoot and fresh root and dry plants.
Keywords: Meloidogynespp, eggplant , datura ,neem[1]. Abu Gharbiya, Walid Ibrahim.(2010). Plant nematodes in Arab countries.University of Jordan - Wael Publishing.P. 1242.
[2]. Adegbite AA, Adesiya SO. (2005). Root extraction of plants to control Root-Knot Nematodes on edible soybean. World J. Agric. Sci. 1(1):18-21
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ABSTRACT: The Public Health attends to the knowledge of techniques used for intervention in issues related to health of the general population aiming the promotion of improvements to people´s quality of life. It is basically multidisciplinary as it involves several knowlegeds, including Veterinary Medicine. To this care movement of human and animal health it has been given the name of One Health. The purpose of this research is to inform and act on the control and prevention of communicable diseases of domestic and synanthropic animals to man, connecting the Collective Health, the Epidemiologic............
Keywords: Sanitarism, Veterinary Medicine Collective, Social Medicine
[1]. R.B. Ceccin, Educação Permanente em Saúde: desafio ambicioso e necessário,Interface - Comunic Saúde Educ, 9(16), 2005, 161-77.
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ABSTRACT: Commercialization of agriculture provides farm households with a means to alleviate poverty and food insecurity in the rural areas. In Rwanda, common bean is largely grown for both domestic and market purposes. Based on increasing demands, farmers face tradeoff as to what proportion to consume and to market. The paper sought to determine factors influencing decision and extend of bean commercialization using the double hurdle approach. Results show that age, number of livelihoods a household head engages in, quantity of beans produced, market information and type of beans influenced decision to commercialize common beans. On the other hand, quantity of beans produced, number of crops............
Keywords: commercialization, tradeoff, livelihoods
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ABSTRACT: Mammary cancer remains as the common cancer in intact female dogs and cats. Its share similarities with human breast cancer as the cancer initially arise from the mammary gland. Therefore, the treatment protocols for the mammary cancer in animal mostly were extrapolated from human breast cancer treatment. In this review, we highlight various key aspects of mammary cancer information in dogs and cats with special emphasis on classification, epidemiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. This review also highlights the recommendation for future study as information given could be extrapolated to human breast cancer.
Keywords: Mammary cancer, breast cancer, treatment, dog, cat
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Streptothricosis (Dermatophilosis) infection in cattle |
Country | : | NIGERIA |
Authors | : | Adedeji O. A || Adene I.C |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1008034143 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Clinical manifestation of Streptothricosis (Dermatophylosis) outbreak in cattle at Joseph Ayo Babalola University Livestock farm was monitored and treated in ten adult cattle –two males (white Fulani) and eight females (seven white Fulani and one Ndama breeds) meant for teaching and research. The response of the affected animals to treatment was positive, though with carrier status resulting in reoccurrence in the following raining season. The Ndama and Muturu breeds and the hybrid of the Ndama and White Fulani showed resistance to the infection. The resistant result of the hybrid in this experience can be utilized in breeding selection especially in these breeds.
Keywords: Breeds, Cattle, Dermatophylosis, Season, Treatment
[1]. Brian Faris and Larry Hollis, (2013) Dermatophilosis in Sheep and Goats, Kansas State University,
[2]. Hargis AM, Ginn PE: The integument. In: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, eds. McGavin MD, Zachary JF, 4th ed., pp. 1181-1183. Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2007
[3]. Ilemobade AA., Gyang EO., Bida SA., Addo PB.. (1979) Cure of Dermatophilus congolensis infection in cattle by long-actingTerramycin. Res Vet Sci. 27(3):302-5.
[4]. James F. X. Wellehan., Christine Turenne., Darryl J. Heard., Carol J. Detrisac., and Jeffrey J., O'KelleyM (2004) Dermatophilus Chelonae in a King cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35(4):553-556. doi:
[5]. Karen A. Moriello (2013) The Mercks Veterinary manual
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ABSTRACT: This study has been performed in the biotechnology laboratory of Agriculture faculty- Baghdad University during 2016. Ten genotypes from local pomegranates from different geographical regions of Iraq were studied to estimate and evaluate the genetic diversity and the relationship among them. 10 starters of the IntersimpleSequence Repeat Markers (ISSR) are used to determine the diversity level among the studied genotypes. 9 of them showed an activity to give a polymorphism among the studied genotypes which give 72 alleles, the ratio of this polymorphism was 66 %............
Keywords: Pomegranate, genetic diversity, molecular marker, ISSR.
[1]. Holland, D., K. Hatib, and I. Bar‐Ya'akov, Pomegranate: botany, horticulture, breeding. Horticultural Reviews, Volume 35, 2009: p. 127-191.
[2]. Seeram, N.P., et al., Pomegranate juice ellagitannin metabolites are present in human plasma and some persist in urine for up to 48 hours. The Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 136(10): p. 2481-2485.
[3]. Mena, P., et al., Phytochemical characterisation for industrial use of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars grown in Spain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011. 91(10): p. 1893-1906.
[4]. Caliskan, O., et al., Molecular characterization of autochthonous Turkish fig accessions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2012. 10(1): p. 130-140.
[5]. ÇALIŞKAN, O., et al., Evaluation of the genetic diversity of pomegranate accessions from Turkey using new microsatellite markers. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2017. 41(2): p. 142-153
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ABSTRACT: This study is theheamatologicalevaluation of the possibility of augmenting the low-crude protein broiler diets with adequate supplementation with the most limiting essential amino acids (EAAs), L-Lysine, DL-Methionine, L-Tryptophan and L-Threonine. Two sets of experimental diets were prepared for the two phases of broiler production at broiler starter (BS) and broiler finisher (BF) phases. At the BS phase (0-28 days), crude protein levels were varied from 23.0% in both the control diet (conventional BS diet with plant protein origin and fish meal) and diet 2 with the most limiting EAAs to diet 6 with the lowest crude protein of 11.0%. At the BF phase (29-57 days), six dietary treatments in which crude protein varied from 20.0% to 8.0% were used. Except for lymphocytes, most of the heamatological parameters..........
Keywords: Immunodepression, lymphocytes, most limiting essential amino acids
[1]. Li P, Yin YL, Li D, Kim SW, Wu G. (2007). Amino acids and immune function: a review. British Journal of Nutrition; 98:237-252.
[2]. Drew, M. D., N. A. Syed, B. G. goldade, B. larveld, and A. G. Van Kessel. (2004). Effects of dietary protein source and level on intestinal populations of Clostridium perfringens in broiler chickens.Poult. Sci. 83:414-420.
[3]. Van Immerseel, F., J. De Buck, F. Pansman, G. Huyghebaert, F. haesebrouck, and R. Ducatelle (2004). Clostridium perfringens in poultry: an emerging threat for animal and public health. Avian Pathology 33:537-549.
[4]. Dahiya J. P., Wilkie D. C., Van Kessel A. G., Drew M. D. (2006).
[5]. Potential strategiesfor controlling necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens in post-antibiotic era. Anim. FeedSci. Technol. 129:60–88.
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ABSTRACT: Clinical manifestation of Streptothricosis (Dermatophylosis) outbreak in cattle at Joseph Ayo Babalola University Livestock farm was monitored and treated in ten adult cattle –two males (white Fulani) and eight females (seven white Fulani and one Ndama breeds) meant for teaching and research. The response of the affected animals to treatment was positive, though with carrier status resulting in reoccurrence in the following raining season. The Ndama and Muturu breeds and the hybrid of the Ndama and White Fulani showed resistance to the infection. The resistant result of the hybrid in this experience can be utilized in breeding selection especially in these breeds.
Keywords: Breeds, Cattle, Dermatophylosis, Season, Treatment
[1] Brian Faris and Larry Hollis, (2013) Dermatophilosis in Sheep and Goats, Kansas State University,
[2] Hargis AM, Ginn PE: The integument. In: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, eds. McGavin MD, Zachary JF, 4th ed., pp. 1181-1183. Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2007
[3] Ilemobade AA., Gyang EO., Bida SA., Addo PB.. (1979) Cure of Dermatophilus congolensis infection in cattle by long-actingTerramycin. Res Vet Sci. 27(3):302-5.
[4] James F. X. Wellehan., Christine Turenne., Darryl J. Heard., Carol J. Detrisac., and Jeffrey J., O'KelleyM (2004) Dermatophilus Chelonae in a King cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35(4):553-556. doi:
[5] Karen A. Moriello (2013) The Mercks Veterinary manual.
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of present study was the analysis of polymorphic variants of CAST, MSTN and CLPG genes associated with meat productivity in sheep. Karnobat Merino breed was established on the basis of local Karnobat sheep crossed with rams breed Kamvolmerino and Merinoflaysh and later Caucasus and Stavropol. Thirty five blood samples were collected from ewes of Karnobat Merino sheep breed. Genomic DNA was extracted and after PCR amplification with specific primers were obtained products with length 622 bp, 337 bp and 426 bp for CAST, MSTN and CLPG genes, respectively.........
Keywords: CAST gene, CLPG gene, Karnobat Merino sheep breed, MSTN gene, PCR-RFLP
[1] R. Bickerstaffe, J.G.H. Hickford, K. Gately, and H. Zhou, Association of polymorphic variations in calpastatin with meat tenderness and yield of retail meat cuts in lamb., Icomst, Helzinki. 2008, Poster Session 4.
[2] M. Szkudlarek-Kowalczyk, E. Wisniewska and S. Mroczkowski, Polymorphism of calpastatin gene in sheep. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 12(3), 2011, 425-432.
[3] F.E.M. Haynes, P.L. Greenwood, B. McDonagh, and V.H. Oddy, Myostatin allelic status interacts with level of nutrition to effect growth, composition and myofiber characteristics of lambs. J. Anim. Sci, 90, 2012, 456-465.
[4] S. Nanekarani, M. Goodarzi and M. Mahdavi,. Analysis of polymorphism of Callipyge gene in Lori Sheep by PCR-RFLP Method. APCBEE Procedia, 8, 2014, 65–69.
[5] S. Y. Georgieva, D.G. Hristova, I.V. Dimitrova, N.Z. Stancheva, and M.G. Bozhilova-Sakova, Molecular analysis of ovine calpastatin (CAST) and myostatin (MSTN) genes in Synthetic Population Bulgarian Milk sheep using PCR-RFLP. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology, 4(1), 2015,95-99..
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ABSTRACT: TThe presence of hydrogen sulfide can represent an important limitation for the biogas utilization. The paper is an examination of the two biogas desulfurization methods; one is the adsorption on iron oxide (Fe2O3) fixed bed filter and the other is the addition of iron chlorides (FeCl3) directly to the digester feedstock that is capable of removing H2S from a gas stream without the uptake of CO2. The disadvantage of filter media (fixed bed) placed in the path of the biogas is that most solid iron oxide can be regenerated through exposure to air with heating to form elemental sulfur and over...............
Keywords: Biogas, Hydrogen Sulfide Removal and Iron Oxide Filter
[1] Abatzoglou, N. and Boivin S. (2009). A review of biogas purification processes, Biofuel. Bioprod. Bior. (3) 42–71.
[2] Balsari, P., Bonfanti, P., Bozza, E., Sangiorgi, F. 1983. Evaluation of the influence of animal feeding on the performances of a biogas installation (mathematical model). In: Third International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, 14 –20 August 1983, A 20, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
[3] Boe K. (2006). Online Monitoring and Control of the Biogas Process. Ph.D. Thesis. Institute of Environment & Resources.Technical University of Denmark
[4] Chandra K. (2005). Organic Manures. Published by: Regional Centre of Organic Farming No. 34, 5th Main Road Hebbal, Bangalore-24
[5] Chowdhury, R., Kinetic Studies of Anaerobic Digestion, comparing the Performances of Batch and Semi-Continuous Systems; M.Phil. thesis, University of Reading (Jan. 1987)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of GA3 and BRs spray on growth and leaf mineral content of olive transplants |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Athraa K.A. Al-Khattab |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1008037478 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in the olive orchard, Civil engineering department, College of Engineering– University of Baghdad- Jadiriyah during 2015 and 2016 growing seasons to investigate the influence of gibberellins spray (GA3) and brassinolide spray on 3 year's old trees of "Nebali" olive cultivar.This study included two factors;Threeof GA3 spray were used, 0, (GA0), 100 (GA100), 200 (GA200)mg.L-1 and the second factor includedthree levels of brassinolide, 0 (BR0), 1mg.L-1 (BR1) and 2mg.L-1 (BR2) and their interaction.Each treatment replicated three times with..........
[1] Abubakar, A.R; N, Ashraf and M, Ashraf. 2013. Effect of plant biostimulants on growth, chlorophyll content, flower drop and fruit set of pomegranate cv. Kandhari Kabuli. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology. 6(2): 305-309.
[2] Al-Abbassy, Luma. B. H. 2009. Effect of Foliar Application of Chelated Zinc, Gibberellic Acid GA3 and Kinetin on Vegetative Growth of Zaghinia Apricot Seedlings Prunus armeniaca L. M. Sci. Thesis, Coll. of Agaric. Mosul Univ., Iraq.pp. 91 .
[3] Al-Hadethi, Mustafa. E.A. 2015. Effect of Different Fertilization sources and the growth regulator (Brassinosteroids) on growth and yield of Apricot trees. Ph.D. Dissertation, Coll. of Agric., Univ. of Baghdad. pp. 153 .
[4] Al-Hamadany, N.A.A. 2009. Effect of Gibberellic acid, Kinetin and NPK on seeds germination and seedlings growth Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). M. Sci. Thesis, Coll. of Agric., Mosul Univ., Iraq. pp.91 .
[5] Al-Khafaji, M.Alwan. 2014. Plant Growth Regulators, Application and Utilization in Horticulture. Bookstore for Printing publishing and translating. University of Baghdad. Iraq.pp.348..