Version-2 (Aug-2017)
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted in Al-Rasheed Township, south of Baghdad, in 2011 fall season to evaluate the water productivity under alternate partial furrow irrigation (APFI) compared to conventional furrow irrigation (CFI). The experiment included six treatments: CFI, APFI through sunflower growth stages, APFIi alternate partial furrow irrigation through growth stages except emergence stage CFI application, APFIv through growth stages except vegetative stage CFI application, APFIf through growth stages except flowering stage CFI application and APFIm through growth stages except grain maturity stage CFI application. Organic fertilizer was applied in two rates: with organic using 10 Mg ha-1 (OF1) or without.............
Keywords: Partial irrigation, evapotranspiration, water use efficiency, water irrigation profitability.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Boron Content on Movement of Nutrient During Repining Stage of Iraqi Dates |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Jabrah Ahmed Ankush |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1008020712 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The old man said, "The palm tree supply them with all their necessities except cereals". Fruit of dates served as the staple food for millions of people around the world for several centuries, dates recognized as a healthy food, date fruits are highly nutritious and have several potential health benefits, there are at least 15 minerals in dated, this research aims at the movement of the elements in connection with Boron content during the different stage of maturity for two of the most famous Iraqi dates (Bream &Berhi ) this due to role of B in the balance of mineral element to increase the efficiency of the plant in the middle period.............
Keywords: Boron, Dates, nutrient
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ABSTRACT: Despite the attempt of increasing credit market, lack of credit has remained a limiting factor to improving agricultural production. Low adoption rate which is an impediment to this approach is mainly caused by insufficient credit. This study was conceptualized to analyze rural credit market performance in Eket Agricultural zone of Akwa Ibom State. Specifically the study identified the socio economic characteristics of the respondents, analyzed factors that determined credit demand and supply and constraints faced by the participant in the credit market. Multi-stage sampling techniques were adopted in selecting 60 credit users and 30 informal credit sources from 4 villages in the zone..............
Keywords: Credit market, demand, supply and Eket Agricultural zone
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ABSTRACT: The influence of supplementation with concentrate on milk yield (offtake) and composition in grazing White Fulani cows was investigated. Fourteen multiparous lactating White Fulani cows were assigned into two treatments of seven cows per treatment in a completely randomized design. Milk yield declined slightly from early lactation (2.01 and 2.23 kg/cow/day) to mid lactation (1.98 and 2.34 kg/cow/day) and then to late lactation (1.12 and 1.47 kg/cow/day) in the experimental cows under free range grazing only without concentrate supplementation (treatment 1) versus those offered free grazing plus concentrate (treatment 2). Milk crude protein contents............
Keywords: Concentrate, cows, milk offtake, nutrients
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ABSTRACT: In the past, agriculture and agricultural farm practices was seen as a normal routine of life and therefore not seen as an occupation that can cause any harm to anybody let alone serious injury or death as the worst case scenario. With the progression of agriculture and agricultural technologies especially on big scale agriculture, research agriculture and industrialized agriculture, farmers are beginning to realize that agriculture comes with its own hazards and work place risks. Agricultural workplace accidents injure farmers and in some cases kill these farmers...............
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ABSTRACT: The investigation was carried out during 2012 seasons in Marikaj in Tirane Capital, Tirane – Durrës desert road under natural infection conditions. The efficacies of Solfato di rame 20%, Algae extract, Clay with Al-sulfate, Algae extract with potassium \ Phosphomat and alternate, against downy mildew were studied on grapevine cv. Merlot. All the tested compounds provided protection at different level against downy mildew [Plasmopara viticola (Berk. et Curtis ex. de Bary) Berl.] on both leaves and bunch as compared with contoll which record the highest effect. Solfato di rame 20%, Alternate, Clay with Al-sulfate and Algae extract with potassium \ Phosphomat were more effective on leaves and bunch as compared with used in a single treatment.............
Keywords: Grapevine, Plasmopara viticola, Solfato di rame 20%, Algae extract, Clay with Al-sulfate, Algae extract with potassium \ Phosphomat
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ABSTRACT: Cabbage is a vegetable crop that is now planted by many farmers in the rural area of Indonesia and has become one of the farmers' favorite to improve living standards. The provision of different weights of rice husk mulch have a significant effect on the growth of cabbage, and the use of rice husks mulch can also inhibit weed growth and reduce evaporation rate so as to reduce the surface temperature of the soil and able to absorb more water. It can be seen from the observation of number of leaves, leaf widht, cabbage and cabbage production. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of the weight of rice husk mulch and variety on the growth and yield of cabbage.............
Keywords: Cabbage, rice husk mulch and variety
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ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is monitoring the prevalence of blackleg and tuber rot caused by pectolytic enterobacteria in potato crop of moroccan regions known by differences in climatic conditions. During the years 2014 to 2016, 107 potato fields were surveyed. Samples were collected from tubers and plants suffering from soft rot and blackleg, respectively. In the fields surveyed, prevalence varies from 0 to 14%. In the same region, prevalence could vary from 0 to 9% (Haouz). In the fields where certified seed was used, the average of prevalence didn't reach 12% while it reaches more than 28% in regions where.............
Keywords: Blackleg, climatic conditions, prevalence, potato, soft rot
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dispersal of the exotic fish in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Abdul-Razak M. Mohamed || Abdullah N. Abood |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1008025057 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The dispersion of the exotic fish in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq was described. Fish were sampled monthly from three sites using different fishing gears from November 2015 to October 2016. Variations among sites in water temperature were not statistically significant, but salinity showed a spatial gradient along the length of the river. The overall values of salinity in the three sites were 1.2, 2.5 and 9.1‰, respectively. Twelve exotic species were collected from upper site, 11 species from middle sites and four species from lower site belonged to four families, namely Cyprinidae, Cichlidae, Poeciliidae and Heteropneutidae. The general trend was a decrease of exotic fish abundance from upper site to lower site..............
Keywords: Fish assemblage, exotic fish species, salinity, Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq
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ABSTRACT: In order to find out the influence factors of the time allocation of Gallinula Chloropus's behavior, and provide valuable information for the environmental impact of bird ecology and migration of migratory birds, from March 2016 to April, using the instantaneous scanning sampling method, the author obtained the behavioral data of Gallinula Chloropus for 30 days to study and analyze time allocation of Gallinula Chloropus's behavior. The results showed that the wintertime activities of Gallinula Chloropus during the day were included predation (47.90%), resting(25.95%),exercise(18.42%),preening(3.33%),vigilance(2.97% )and fighting(1.43%), and the time allocation of spring behavior of Gallinula Chloropus has the change of daily rhythm, but also influenced by its own factors and environmental factors.
Keywords: XuanWu Lake; Gallinula Chloropuss; Activity observation; Time allocation
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ABSTRACT: Mammary cancer remains as the common cancer in intact female dogs and cats. Its share similarities with human breast cancer as the cancer initially arise from the mammary gland. Therefore, the treatment protocols for the mammary cancer in animal mostly were extrapolated from human breast cancer treatment. In this review, we highlight various key aspects of mammary cancer information in dogs and cats with special emphasis on classification, epidemiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. This review also highlights the recommendation for future study as information given could be extrapolated to human breast cancer.
Keywords: Mammary cancer, breast cancer, treatment, dog, cat
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ABSTRACT: Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis bacteria were isolated from different agricultural soil samples and Fusariumoxysporum fungus was isolated from the infected roots of tomato plant.The isolated fungus pathogenicity was tested, with the presence of the biological control, affecting the growth of fungal pathogen in the laboratory and greenhouse. The results of fungus isolation and microscopic tests showed presence of F. oxysporum fungus in most of plant samples, and fungus pathogenicity, using millet seeds (Panicummiliaceum), had reducedgermination ratio of 5%compared with the control treatment (without fungus of 90%). Also, the antagonistic capability of Pseudomonas................
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis, biological control, enzymatic antioxidants, Fusariumoxysporum, Pseudomonas
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