Version-5 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Vocational School Supervisory Planning In KARO |
Country | : | Indonesia. |
Authors | : | Sri Wahyuni Torong || Eka Daryanto || Darwin |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0705050109 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the research is to know the policies used by Karo in determining the need of supervisors, to know the process of determining the need of supervisors in Karo, to get the ideal number of numbers and the actual number of supervisors in Karo, and to know the process of determining the need of supervisors in North Sumatera Province after the transfer of school supervisor management from the regency / city to province. This research is qualitative with the subject of Secretary of Education Office of Karo and North Sumatera Province, Head of Human Resources Planning of Karo Vocational School and North Sumatra Province, and Coordinator of Vocational School of Karo and North Sumatera Province. Sample, data source is done by purposive and snowball.............
Keywords: Planning, Needs Analysis, School Supervisor, Vocational School Supervisor
[1] Masaong, Abd. Kadim, Teacher Learning and Capacity Building Supervision: Empowering Supervisors as Teacher Master. Print. 2, ( Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012.).
[2] Sudjana, Nana, Supervisor and Supervision, (Bekasi: Binamitra Publishing, 2012).
[3] Robbins, Stephen P., and Mary Coulter, Management, Tenth Edition, (New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2010).
[4] Mustari, Mohamad, Education Management. Edition1-print 2, (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2015).
[5] Aedi, Nur, Education Supervisors Review Theory and Practice,( Jakarata: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2014).
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Abstract: In order to analyze the relationship between spirituality and perception of health status in students of the health area in a Mexican public university, an observational, prospective, transversal and correlational study was carried out in 83 students of Medicine, Medical Bioengineering and the Master of Health Science, 18-30 years. Statistical analysis was performed through the Spearman correlation. The Parsian and Dunning (SQ) spirituality questionnaire and the health perception questionnaire (SF-36) were applied. 57% of the students were female and 43% were male. The mean SQ score was: Medicine, 3.1±0.8; Medical Bioengineering, 2.8±0.3, Master's Degree in Health Sciences.............
Keywords: Religion, self-awareness, spiritual needs, spirituality, state of health
[1]. Almeida-Filho N. Towards a unified theory of health-disease: I. Health as a complex model-objet. Revista de Saúde Pública, 2013;47(3):433-450.
[2]. Almeida-Filho N. Towards a unified theory of health-disease: II. Holophatogenesis. Revista de Saúde Pública, 2014;48(2):192-205.
[3]. Rillo AG. Análisis hermenéutico de la pregunta por la salud. Revista Humanidades Médicas, 2015;15(3):401-420.
[4]. Koenig H. Research on religion, spirituality, and mental health: a review. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2009;54(5):283-291.
[5]. Pilger C, Molzahn A, Oliveira M, Kusumota L. The relationship of the spiritual and religious dimensions with quality of life and health of patients with chronic kidney disease: An integrative literature review. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 2016;43(5):411-426.
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Abstract: Scholars have tried valiantly inventing many teaching methods for the children, in the hope that all children could be taught to read. This study sought to determine the availability of instructional materials/resources teachers use to enhance teaching of reading in early childhood classes. The study adopted the descriptive research design using the survey method and observation technique. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main method of collecting data from 20 class three teachers, 20 Heads of English Department. A sample of 10 primary schools from Dagoretti and 10 from Westlands' Divisions in Nairobi County was studied. The study found that majority of pre-unit teachers and class three teachers used the "Sound and Read" book while the "Picture Book" was used by a............
Keywords: Instructional Materials, Instructional Resources, Teaching of Reading
[1]. Abagi, O. (1995). Understanding Social Science Research: An Overview of the Nature and Function of Educational Research, in Mwiria, K. and Wamahiu, An (eds) Issues in. Nairobi: East Africa Educational Publisher.
[2]. Chege, E. (1999). Reading Comprehension and Its Relationship with Academic Performance among Standard Eight Pupils in Rural Machakos. Unpublished Masters Thesis , Kenyatta University.
[3]. Cunningham, Perry, Stanovich, & Stanovich. (2004). Disciplinary Knowledge of K-3 Teachers and their Knowledge Calibration in the Domain of Early Literacy. Annals of Dyslexia, 54, 139-167.
[4]. Gathumbi, A. W., Vikiru, L. I., & Bwire, A. M. (2008). Comprehensive English Literacy norms: The teacher‟s Resource for Teaching English Language Vol.1. Nairobi, Kenya: Phoenix Publishers.
[5]. Gay, R. L. (2003). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application (7thed). Columbus: Charles E. and Merrill Publishing Company..
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Abstract: This study aims at investigating the reasons behind the frequent absence of students in higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia, its effects on students themselves and the classroom; in addition to suggested solutions to minimize this prevalent phenomenon. To conduct the study a survey into the absence records of twenty instructors in the faculty of engineering was made to see the frequency of students' absences during a fourteen-week semester.The other tools are: a focus group of fifteen students who have the most frequent absences in the records about the reasons of their absence, interviews with parents about their attitudes toward absence and with instructors about.............
Keywords: absenteeism, IE 200, Saudi Higher Education, commitment, classroom environment
[1]. Song, P. (2013) Absence Excuses in Freshman College Classes and Solutions. US-China Education Review B, ISSN 2161-6248 April 2013, Vol. 3, No. 4, 261-268
[2]. Wadesango, N. &Machingambi, S. (2011) Causes and Structural Effects of Student Absenteeism: A Case Study of Three South African Universities. Kamla-Raj J Soc. Sci., 26(2): 89-97
[3]. Fayombo, G. A. and et al (2012) Cross Institutional Study of the Causes of Absenteeism among University Students in Barbados and Nigeria. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 122-136
[4]. Gupta, M. and Lata, P. (2014) Absenteeism in Schools: A Chronic Problem in the Present Time. Educational Confab, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp: 11-16
[5]. Timmins, F &Kaliszer, M. (2002) Absenteeism among nursing students – fact or fiction, Journal of Nursing Management, 2002, 10, 251–264.
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Abstract: Maker Education is the brand-new education concept and model highlighting the integration of modern information technology into educational process. The paper elaborates the components and features of Maker curriculum on the basis of Learning by Design which focuses on the explorative process through understanding those challenging tasks, designing several strategies to fulfill the tasks, and finding some new means or new tasks on solving these problems to start a new explorative circulation. Maker Education can be integrated into any course teaching with similar teaching designs: to find the most suitable project; to take advantage of multidisciplinary resources to fulfill the project; to develop hands-on ability and basic knowledge to improve critical thinking, creative thinking, and social skills. In college English teaching, it's necessary to design some practical tasks for the students to fulfill by means of new knowledge learnt from the text and the modern technology. The integration of Maker Education into different courses is the mega trend of Chinese future education.
Keywords: The Maker Education, Learning by Design, double circulation, college English teaching
[1] The Ministry of Education: 13th Five-Year Plan in education informationization., 2016-06-24.
[2] Zhu Zhiting, Sun Yanyan Maker Education: a Practical Field of ICT-Enabling Innovation Education. China Educational Technology, (1), 2015, 14-215
. [3] Chen Gang, Shi Jinyang. Curriculum Perspective of Maker Education. China Educational Technology, (11), 2016, 11-17.
[4] Huang Lihua, Bao Xue, Wang Youmei, Li Wei. Learning by Design: A New Study on Maker Education Practice Model in Schools. China Educational Technology, (11), 2016, 18-22.
[5] Kolodner, J.L. Facilitating the Learning of Design Practices: Lessons Learned from an Inquiry into Science Education. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, (39), 2002, 9-40.
[6] Zhang Lixia, Zhang Lixin. Types of teaching activities and functional analysis in virtual class based on the simulation, extension and creation of real course. E- Educational Research, (6), 2010, 66-69.
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Abstract: this study aimed to examine the effect of teaching methods and learning motivation to the learning outcomes of students in the subject of accounting basics first semester of economics education majors of FKIP Undana. Specifically, the research objectives are as follows: (1) To determine student learning outcomes on the groups that receive guided inquiry methods and the groups that receive free inquiry methods; (2) To determine student learning outcomes between students who have high and low learning motivations; (3) To understand the interaction between teaching methods and learning motivations (high and low) on student learning outcomes. This type of research is an experimental research.. The population was all students of Economics Education Department, the sample consist of.............
Keywords: Guided Inquiry Learning Methods, Free Inquiry Learning Methods, Learning Motivations, Learning Outcomes.
[1] Joni, T.R. (2008). Resureksi professional education of teachers. Malang: LP3 UM Horizon Indonesia
[2] Winkel, W.S. (2004). Teaching Psychology. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.
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[4] Sanjaya, Vienna, (2011). The standard method of learning-oriented education process. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media.
[5] Hamruni. (2011). The learning method. Yogyakarta: Insan Madani.
[6] Killen, Roy, (1998). Effective teaching metodees: lessons from research and practice, second edition. Australia: Social Science Press..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of employing argumentative graphic organiser at a pre-writing stage on matriculation students in order to generate better argumentative essays. 30 participants were randomly assigned to two groups during English class in Perak Matriculation College (KMPk). Both groups had the same teacher. The control group received conventional instruction while the experimental group were additionally required to plan their writing on argumentative graphic organiser (AGO) at the pre-writing stage and compose an essay based on the constructed organiser. All participants were required to sit for pre- and post-tests to track............
Keywords: Argumentative graphic organiser (A.G.O), argumentative essays, idea generation, pre-writing strategy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Predictive Path Model for Mobile Learning Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mujib A.Tamboli || Prof.Pradip K.Biswas |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0705055358 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile technology has been widely used by the students for their studies. Hence to exploit the extensive use of mobile phones, the concept of mobile learning (M-learning) came into existence.M-learning is the learning that takes place with the aid of mobile phone. It is basically the extension of e-learning. We focussed on M-learning applications which can be utilized by the students. We classified M-learning applications in five types. Those are- Learning Management, Supportive, Content-Based, Context-Based and Collaborative. They cover all the applications for the academic purpose.We need to find out acceptance of these applications.The first objective of this study is to investigate and identify the factors which affect students' acceptance of M-learning. The second objective is to examine the relationships between different variables impacting the acceptance of M-learning............
Keywords: M-learning, TAM, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Predictive Path Model
[1] Yordanova, K., Mobile learning and integration of advanced technologies in education. In Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computer systems and technologies , ACM,2007,92
[2] Wains, S.I. and Mahmood, W., October. Integrating m-learning with e-learning. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGITE conference on Information technology education 31-38), ACM.2008, 31-38
[3] Deegan, R. and Rothwell, P., A classification of m-learning applications from a usability perspective. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 6(1),2010,16-27.
[4] Venkatesh, B., Nargundkar, R., Sayed, F.K. and Shahaida, P., Assessing Indian Students'Perceptions Towards M-Learning-Some Initial Conclusions. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 1(2),2006
[5] Gupta, M. and Manjrekar, P., Using mobile learning to enhance quality in higher education. SIES Journal of Management, 8(1).2012.
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Abstract: This study investigated WebQuest Approach on Developing Second year level Students' Hypothetical Feat. The study employed quasi experimental design with population of 183 students. The sample size consisted the entire population. However, after administration of treatment 100 mortality rate representing 100 persons were observed and 83 instruments were properly filled; therefore, 83 students from the Departments of Foundations and Human Kinetics, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt 2015/2016 session consisted the sample size. The respondents were randomly assigned to groups of control and experimental. The respondents weregiven a pre-test prior to using.........
Keywords: WebQuest, Self-directed learning, cooperative learning, Pedagogical, traditional teaching
[1] Dodge, B. (2010). WebQuests: Past, Present and Future. San Diego State University.
[2] Dudeney, G. (2003). The Quest for Practical Web Usage. The Electronic Journal for English as a SecondLanguage, 6(4). Retrieved March 17, 2010, from
[3] Gaskill, M., McNulty, A & Brooks, D. W. (2016). Learning from WebQuests. Journal of Science Education andTechnology, 15 (2), 133-136.
[4] Ismael, Wedad& Abdo, Yaser (2014). The Impact of Using Web Quest Strategy in Teaching Science on Developing Education College's Female Students' Thinking Methods and their Attitudes Towards Using it. Journal of Dirasat in Education and psychology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 3-35.
[5] Koenraad, T. (2008). TalenQuest:WebQuest for Modern Languages. Faculty of Education, University of Professional Education of Utrecht, NL..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know: (1) Influence of jigsaw learning strategy toward learning result of Civics student of class V SD Negeri 107403 Cinta Rakyat, (2) Differences of learning result of Civics students who taught using conventional jigsaw learning strategy in class V SD Negeri 107403 Cinta Rakyat . The population of this research is the students of grade V of SD Negeri 107403 Cinta Rakyat. TP. 2016/2017 consists of 2 classes with a total of 62 students. The sample of this research is determined by the sample class that is V-1 class = 31 students to follow the learning by using jigsaw learning strategy and V-2 class = 31 students to follow the learning by using conventional strategy. The sampling technique is done by total sampling. Research instruments to measure...........
Keywords: jigsaw learning strategies and learning outcomes
[1] Hamalik, Oemar. 2011. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[2] Abdurrahman. 2010. Esensi Praktis Belajar & Pembelajaran. Bandung: Humaniora.
[3] Dimyati dan Mudjiono .2006. Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
[4] Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2010. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
[5] Sardiman. 2011. Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar – Mengajar, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
[6] Sanjaya, Wina. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan . Jakarta : Kencana Prenada Media Group..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the disposition of students' mathematics. This research uses descriptive qualitative research design. The research was conducted at SMK Swasta Sartika Rantauprapat with the total population of Private Vocational School Sartika Rantauprapat 2015/2016 academic year and the sample of this study is class XII Nursing amounted to 21 students. The instrument uses a questionnaire. The percentage analysis of students' mathematics disposition ability was obtained that 71,4% students have fulfilled their mathematical disposition ability and 28,6% of students are not fulfilled their mathematics disposition ability in class XII Nursing SMK Sartika Rantauprapat..........
Keywords: the ability of mathematical disposition
[1] Brotosiswoyo, B.S. 2000. Hakikat Pembelajaran MIPA di Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta : Proyek Pengembangan Universitas terbuka. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
[2] Mohamed dan Jaafar, M. 2009. Using Cooperative Learning to Improve Generic Skills among University Students. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,. 1(2): 141-148.
[3] Ali, M. & Spencer, M. 2012. Scientific Inquiry based Professional Development Models in Teacher Education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(1):514-521.
[4] Hussain, A., Azeem, M., dan Shakoor, A. 2011. Physics Teaching Methods : Scientific Inquiry Vs Traditional Lecture. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(2): 163-169.
[5] National Institutes Of Health. 2005. Doing Science: The Process Of Scientific Inquiry. Colorado Springs: BSCS..
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Abstract: Availability of learning and teaching resources, their relevance and adequacy contribute to academic achievement. In South Sudan the increase of school enrolment rates following the declaration of independence and the subsequent return of refugees, especially in the capital Juba; have placed undue strain in teaching and learning resources. Though, both local and international non-governmental organizations have been instrumental in supporting the education sector, their role in the provision of teaching and learning resources in schools in the area is not well understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the role played by NGOs in the provision of teaching and learning resources in secondary schools in Juba, South Sudan. that most of the NGOs were not very..........
Keywords: Non-Governmental Organizations, Teaching and Learning Resources
[1] Adelabu, M. & Ayeni, A. (2011). Improving learning infrastructure and environment for Sustainable quality assurance practice in secondary schools in Ondo state South West Nigeria. Internal Journal of research studies in education,3(5),61-60.
[2] Barrett, A. M. (2007) Beyond the polarization of pedagogy: models of classroom practice in Tanzanian primary schools. Comparative Education,43(2):273-294.
[3] Bertelsmann-Stiftung (2004). Encouraging social change. Carl Bertelsmann Prize: Improving performance and progress in the public sector-Organization Culture and leadership.
[4] Retrived from http://www.
[5] Boissiere, M. (2004). Determinants of Primary Education Outcomes in Developing Countries: Background Paper for the Evaluation of the World Bank‟s Support to Primary Education, (Washington, D. C., The World Bank Operations Evaluation Department)..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning strategies and the way of students' learning about the students' character. This research uses quantitative approach with quasi experiment method. The research took place in class V SDN 064015 and SDN 060873 in Medan City with population and sample totaling 120 students. The research data was obtained through attitude test in the form of a validated questionnaire. The results obtained in this study indicate that the interaction between Discovery learning strategy and the way of students' learning about the character of students. The result of interaction between learning strategy and student's way of study in this research is significant 0.000 <0,05 meaning the improvement of student character in experiment class is better when compared to control class. It is stated that the learning strategy of Discovery and the way of student learning is very influential on the character of the students.
Keywords: discovery learning strategy, the way of students learning, character, Civic Education
[1]. Kementerian Pendidikan. 2011. Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Karakter:Berdasarkan Pengalaman Di Satuan Pendidikan Rintisan. Jakarta. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan.
[2]. Musfiroh,Tadkiroatun. 2011. Karakter sebagai Saripati Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia Dini. Inti Media. Yogyakarta
[3]. Setiawan Deny. 2016. Kapita Selekta Kewarganegaraan. Medan : Larispa
[4]. Dick and Carey. 2001. The Systematic Design of Instruction. New York: Wesley Education
[5]. Roestiyah N.K. 2001. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta..
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Abstract: Mind, the inner most box of nature has not been investigated by modern physicists. Mind has not been incorporated in Standard model. Mind can only be studied by participatory science. Having searched Basic building blocks of the universe i.e. mass part of reality, we have also investigated mind part of reality and finally two fundamental particles with mind and mass realities are hypothesized. Now we discuss how to further investigate mind so as to know their structures and functions. Atomic genetics is the branch of science where we investigate about fundamental interactions of the universe i.e. atomic transcription and translations. New words have been coined to understand hidden science of mind part of reality.. We are set of informations (Code PcPs). Informations (Code PcPs) never die...............
Keywords: Basic Building Blocks, Mind and Mass, Atomic genetics, Atomic transcription and Translation, Tachyons, TM (time mindness or Real Biological Clock)
[2]. V M Das International journal of innovative research and development Volume 3 Issue 8 p 194- 210 (2014)
[3]. V M Das International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 17, No 1, p 292-324 (2014)
[4]. V M Das International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research,Volume 17, No 1, p 148-185 (2014)
[5]. V M Das International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research) Volume 16, No 2, p 274-309 (2014)
[6]. W S Harris JAMA Arch Intern Med. Volume 159, N019 , Oct-25 p 2273-2278 (1999)
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Abstract: It is wrong to say that on 14 September 2015, the universe's gravitational waves (not waves rather they are particles ) were observed for the very first time. . It is the spring balance that detects density (number of EGs / unit area) of energized gravitons , hence they are not hypothetical particles. On 2 july 1974 the first signals were discovered from binary pulsar, two neutron stars that orbit each other, it turned out that they could be used to demonstrate the existence of gravitational radiation. It seems Einstein was right. [1] . Einstein did not talk about particle theory of gravity rather he told that it is property of space time by bending of starlight near massive body and by radar test. These waves are not as predicted by Einstein as it is mind that triggers gravity rather than fast moving object radiates...........
Keywords: Divine MOND, theory of general relativity, Mind and Mass, Energized Gravitons (DM), energy pool of the universe (DE).
[3]. V M Das International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research Volume 17, No 1 p 259-291 (2014)
[4]. --5
[5]. [30 June 2014 at 23:52.]..