Series-1 (May – June 2021)May – June 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: This study investigated teachers' perception, attitudes, implementation and effects of the use of Mother-Tongue as an instructional medium in Nigerian lower primary schools, using Northeast Nigeria as a case study. Vygotsky's, (1978) Sociocultural theory guided the study theoretically. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population comprised the entire primary schools in Northeast Nigeria. Purposive and Random sampling method were used. Purposive sampling method was used to select two major cities from each of the Northeastern Nigerian states by selecting a capital city and another major town with similar numeric strength. Random sampling method was thereafter used to select ten primary schools from each of the towns, after obtaining the list of schools in the focused cities from their State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB).......
KEYWORDS: Language of instruction, Lower primary schools, North-East Nigeria, Teachers, Policy
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Abstract: The study was carried out to determine the impact of leadership styles on administrative effectiveness of librarians in federal university libraries in South-South Nigeria. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design which utilized the non-probability sampling technique, involving the purposive and accidental sampling. A total of (231)Two Hundred and Thirty-One respondents,that is, One Hundred and Seven professional librarians and One Hundred and Twenty-Fourpara-professionals from the six federal university libraries. Data was generated through questionnaire.....
Keywords: Leadership styles, Administrative effectiveness, Librarians, Para-Professionals, Federal Universities, Nigeria.
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Abstract: The study developed and factorial validated Mathematics Attitude Inventory (MAI) for junior secondary school students. The attitude of students towards mathematics affects their performance in the subject in both internal and external examinations. This necessitated the development and factorial validation of MAI to assess the students' attitude towards learning mathematics. The study employed an instrumentation research design. Three research questions guided the study. The instrument for data collection was MAI, which was developed by the researcher and structured on a five-point Likert scale inventory. An initial draft of 50 items was validated by experts in measurement, evaluation and research and an experienced lecturer in mathematics education to determine the suitability......
Key words: mathematics, attitude towards mathematics, inventoty, factorial validation and reliability
[1]. Abonyi, S.O. (2005). Instrumentation in behavioural research: A practical approach. Enugu: Fulladu.
[2]. Adebula, S.O. (2013). Gender comparison of attitude of senior secondary school students towards mathematics. European Scientific Journal,1 (10), 19.
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Abstract: High level of discipline among teachers is necessary for attainment of both academic and non-academic objectives of a school. Teacher motivation is one of the factors that greatly influences discipline among teachers hence performance of the school. The aim of this research was to assess contribution of teacher motivation on teacher discipline in Rwanda private secondary schools. The specific objectives included to identify forms of teacher motivation practiced in Rwanda, to investigate level of discipline among teachers in Rwanda private secondary schools and lastly to determine the influence of teacher motivation on discipline among teachers in Rwanda private secondary schools. The study utilized descriptive and correlational designs. The study had a target population of 123 composed of head teacher and teaching staff of Green Hills Academy secondary section located in Gasabo district.......
Keywords: Teacher Motivation, teacher Discipline, Private School
[1]. Amjad, Hussain and Ramzan (2014). Evaluating Impact of Teachres' Remuneration on the Performance of Students: Evidence from PISA. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol 3 Issue 5.
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[4]. Dinah, Rose and Edward (2012). Influence of Teachers' Motivation on Students Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Public Secondary Schools in Imenti South District Kenya. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
[5]. Gerald N. (2016). The Influence of Working Conditions on Teacher Job Satisfaction: The Case of Kisarawe District Public Secondary School Teachers, Tanzania. Open University of Tanzania.
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Abstract: The study addresses the influence of students' variables (sex and class) on self-compassion of undergraduates in South-western Nigeria and also determined the influence of test variables (test-preparation strategies, test-wiseness and test-anxiety) on self-compassion of undergraduates in South-western Nigeria. These were with the view of providing information that will aid in improving self-compassion among undergraduates. A questionnaire that comprised four adopted scales was used for collection of relevant data for the study. Data collected were analysed using partial....
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Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic has led to the confrontation of higher education system with enormous challenges. This necessitated the urgent transition from face-to-face teaching to online teaching. A comparative study of digital education in seven different countries was conducted. This study established grey comprehensive evaluation model based on entropy weight method, which was successfully validated by reliability test. In general, developed countries tend to have high comprehensive evaluation value while Finland, South-Korea and Latvia have relatively low gray correlation coefficient in several certain indicators, leading to a sharp drop in the overall score. Romania ranked last while China ranked second as a developing country as well. This is followed by model optimization though.....
Key Word: E-learning; Higher education; Grey comprehensive evaluation model; Sensitivity analysis
[1]. Ba, H. , & Canz, S. . (2020). The Role of R&D Investments on Labor Force: The Case of Selected Developed Countries. Strategic Priorities in Competitive Environments.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effective Communication on Climate Change: The Need of the Hour |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Lishanthi Wijewardene |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1103016062 ![]() |
Abstract: Have you tried to explain to family, friends, colleagues or the general public about how the climate is changing, how it affects them and their families, and what they can do about it? Audiences in developing countries generally do not need to be convinced that climate change is happening, as they can see the evidence before their eyes, from searing heatwaves and increasing numbers of heat-related illnesses and deaths, to failing and flooded food crops, and inundated coastal zones (Dupar, McNamara, and Pacha, 2019). Climate change, which has become a serious global threat is a looming challenge to economies around the world. Natural hazards destroy lives and livelihoods.......
[1]. Chadwick, A. E. (2016). Climate change, health, and communication: A primer. Health Communication, 3, 782–785. [2]. Chadwick, A. E. (2017). Climate Change Communication. Retrieved from
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[4]. change 2007: The physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp.847-940). New York: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Dupar, M., McNamara, L. and Pacha, M. (2019). Communicating climate change: A practitioner's guide. Cape Town: Climate and Development Knowledge Network
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Abstract: Layers of at least two distinct materials are fused together to form laminated composite materials, which function as a single unit. Lamination may highlight qualities including strength, rigidity, low weight, resistance to corrosion and wear, acoustical insulation, and more. Although cutouts are unavoidable in buildings, the gaps made when necessary result in a reduction in strength and stiffness. This study uses numerical techniques to compare the critical buckling load of the laminated composite plate with cutout by altering the cutout shapes of the laminate's optimal fiber.......
Keywords Finite Element Buckling Analysis Fibre Orientation Laminated Composite Plate Cutouts
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