Series-3 (Mar. - Apr. 2020)Mar. - Apr. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Formation Mechanism of Academic Corruption in the Perspective of Identity and Governance Path① |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Sun Zhaoyang |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002030104 ![]() |
Abstract: Academic identity is the cognitive status of academic research subjects on the formation of professional attributes, academic morals, and academic values. Alienation and corruption of academic identity are the psychological foundations for the emergence and spread of academic corruption. To struggle against academic corruption, it is necessary to restructure the power allocation between administration and academia, actively explore the realization of academic power, prevent alienation of academic power, strengthen the supervisory responsibility of academic management departments at all levels, change the ineffectiveness of academic power supervision and restraint mechanisms to form a control mechanism preventing academic corruption. Furthermore, it is need to strengthen academic moral construction, enhance self-discipline ability, consciously accept heteronomy, purify academic atmosphere, and form a mechanism for preventing academic corruption and establish a unified identity of teaching and scientific researchand an advance position to prevent academic corruption.
Keywords: Academic corruption, Academic morals, Identity alienation, Academic identity, Discipline construction
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Abstract: This study is designed to promote spoken English language among primary school pupils in Nigerian primary schools. Three highly trained English education specialists with knowledge of phonology were further trained on the use of rhymes and songs to promote participation and in-depth language learning among early primary school pupils. Each of the teachers worked with a trained research assistant. The researchers only monitored the study to ensure that each teacher followed the correct procedure. The rhymes and songs were projected on white boards for pupils to follow. Reading, spelling, speaking and singing were repeatedly employed to encourage participation, learning..
Keywords: spoken English language, primary school, rhymes, songs, outputs
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Abstract: Background: Reading skill is needed to get information. Reading is important because it can help the students to gain information such as general knowledge, subject of school. Through reading people can improve their own knowledge which is needed to insure the continuing personal growth and adapt the change in the world.Reading is one of essential activities for completing their academic task. But, it was not easy for students to finish it because there are some many difficulties in reading the text. Therefore, reading needs solution and innovation to improve students'reading comprehension. In teaching reading there are some media and strategy which are good for improving students' reading comprehension. One of the strategy is picture strip story based on contextual teaching and learning.........
Keywords: Modified Picture Strip Story based on Contextual Teaching And Learning, Conventional Picture Strip Story, Reading Comprehension.
[1]. Asrifan, A. (2015). The use of pictures story in improving students' ability to write narrative composition. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, (Online), 3(4), 244-251. Retreived October 23, 2016, from
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Abstract: The learning model is an external factor in influencing learning results, the purpose of this study explains the effect of applying Mind Mapping learning models to student learning results in Civic Education at SMP N 10 Palembang. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental method. The population in this study were all students of class VII SMP N 10 Palembang. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling, so the sample was class VII 1 as an experimental class and class VII 2 as a control class of 64 students. Data analysis techniques in this study used multiple linear regression. The results showed that there was a significant influence between the application of the Mind Mapping learning model to the learning results of Civic Education in VII grade students of SMP N 10 Palembang, obtained t-count > t-table = 1.473 > 0.246, so Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.
Keywords: Mind Mapping Learning Models, Student Learning Results, Civic Education
[1]. Buzan, Tony. 2007. Smart Mind Map Books for Children to Make Children Smart in Schools. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Dual System of Chinese University Governance: Perceptions of Employees and Students |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Kathy O‟Sullivan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002032433 ![]() |
Abstract: In the leadership of higher education globally, national governments play their role differently, and nowhere more so than in China, where the relationship between Chinese institutions and the government is significantly different from that experienced by Western institutions. In essence, what exists in Chinese higher education institutions is a dual system of university governance, which involves, on the one hand, the Communist Party Committee, and on the other, the university president, administrators and faculty. This paper presents an exploration of the dual managerial system in a university in southern China that is less than ten years old. Is a dual system of leadership the most suitable one for universities in today's China, given the increasingly rapid pace of changes in the educational.........
Keywords: Intrathecal; Bupivacaine; Buprenorphine; Nalbuphine; Postoperative analgesia.
[1]. Aycan, Z. (2006). Paternalism: Towards conceptual refinement and operationalization. In K. S. Yang, K. K. Kwang, & U. Kim (Eds.), Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context (pp. 445–466). London: Sage.
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Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the influence of FL speaking anxiety and gender to speaking ability. To collect the data a questionnaire named Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale was administered to students. In total, 68 students of Xaverius 1 Bandar Lampung Junior High School participated in this study, 35 male students and 33 female students ranging from 11 to 14 years of age. The data were analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). The results showed that there was no statistically significant influence of FL speaking anxiety to EFL secondary leaner in speaking ability. There was a slight difference between FL speaking anxiety of male students (mean = 2.58) and female students (mean = 2.66) in which male students tend to have lower speaking anxiety.......
Keywords: anxiety, foreign language, speaking anxiety
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Identification of Phrasal Verbs and Types in The "Countrylane Treasure Hunt" Storybook |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Woro Putri Utami |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002034045 ![]() |
Abstract: The purposes of this research is to identify the amount of phrasal verbs used in the story and put the phrasal verbs found in the story into table types of phrasal verbs. The data was collected from children storybook entitled "Countrylane Treasure Hunt" by David Bellamy. Intransitive, non separable transitive, optionally separable transitive, and obligatorily separable transitive are four types of phrasal verbs. The results were as follows. First, the researcher identified that the story only had 27 phrasal verbs used in it. Secondly, the researcher found out that intransitive phrasal verbs are the most used phrasal verb in the story. The researcher found this story helpful in spite of the low frequency of phrasal verb usage in it, because the phrasal verbs used in the story are suitable for the young readers to improve their vocabulary knowledge.
Keywords: identification, phrasal verbs, types, storybook
[1]. Cornell, A. Realistic goals in teaching and learning phrasal verbs. International Review of Applied Linguistics. 1985;23, 269–280.
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Abstract: In 21st century, communication skills are skill that must be developed in addition to cognitive abilities. Teachers must be able to use appropriate strategies in learning activities so that students can have good communication skills which will make thesituation more interactive and effective and have an impact on high intensity discussions and deep learning understanding.This study aims to describe the importance of guided inquiry learning models in training communication skills.Data in this study were obtained using a needs analysis questionnaire involving 180 junior high school students in six districts of Lampung Province. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative......
Keywords: Guided inquiry learning model, communication skills
[1]. Usmeldi, Amini, R., & Suytna, A. 2019. The effectivennes of Guided Inquiry Learning of Integrated Science to Improve Students's Competence. Unnes Science Educational Journal. 8(1): 7-14.
[2]. Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. 2009. 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. San Francisco.
[3]. Anagun, S.S., 2018. Teachers' Perceptions about the Relationship between 21st Century Skills and Managing Constructivist Learning Environments. International Journal of Instruction. 11(4) : 825-840.
[4]. Zubaidah, S. (2016). Keterampilan Abad ke-21: Keterampilan yang Diajarkan melalui Pembelajaran. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan dengan tema "Isu-isu Strategis Pembelajaran MIPA Abad 21 di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa, Sintang – Kalimantan Barat, 10 Desember 2016.
[5]. Astutik, S., E. Susantini, Madlazim, & M. Nur. 2017. Effectiveness Of Collaborative StudentsWorksheet To Improve Student's Affective Scientific Collaborative And Science ProcessSkills (SPS). International Journal of Education and Research. 5(1): 151-164
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Abstract: 21st century learning demands various skills that must be mastered by students, so education can prepare students to master these skills in order to become successful individuals in their lives. In order for students to have these skills, the teacher must be able to practice using the right strategy in the learning process. One of them is using guided inquiry learning model, because this learning model can have a positive influence on students and the learning process will be more effective and efficient. The skills developed in the guided inquiry learning model can be more interesting and meaningful, if it is performed through the right media. One of the media that can attract attention during the learning process is animation. This preliminary study was conducted on 150 public and private......
Keywords: 21st century learning, Guided inquiry, Animation
[1] Yadav, V. S. 2017. Educational Issues and Challenges In The 21st Century In India. An International bi-annual, bi-lingual refereed Journal of Education. Vol 7 (1). [2] Zubaidah, S. 2016. Keterampilan Abad Ke-21: Keterampilan Yang Diajarkan Melalui Pembelajaran. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang. Malang. [3] Anagün, Ş. S. 2018. Teachers' Perceptions about the Relationship between 21st Century Skills and Managing Constructivist Learning Environments. International Journal of Instruction, Vol. 11(4). 825-840. [4] Redhana, I. W. 2019. Mengembangkan Keterampilan Abad Ke-21 dalam Pembelajaran Kimia. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, Vol. 13 (1). 2239 – 2253. [5] Wagner T. 2010. The Global Achievement Gap: Why EvenOur Best Schools Don't Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Need--And What We Can Do about It. Basic Books.
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Abstract: The study investigates the role of ICT in educational research in higher institutions in Nigeria. A total of fifty (50) academic staff drawn at random from FCE, Obudu was used for the study. The collection of primary data was carried out using a four point-likert scale and structured questionnaire. A test re-test method was adopted in the pilot study using statistical mean and simple percentage for analyzing research questions. A simple percentage and statistical mean was used for data analysis and testing of research questions in the overall study. Based on the analyzed data, it was revealed that, ICT advances positively educational research in higher institutions in Nigeria; that Nigeria is economically viable to fully integrate and use ICT in education and research, and that ICT is expensive, but does not amount to its negligence in education and research
Keyword: Role, Institutions, Research
[1]. Gbera, G. A and Vihi, M. M. (2008). Education Research Methods at a Glance. Eddison Publishers, Katsina – Ala, Benue State.
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[4]. Eneji, S. E. and Bassey, I. E. (2008). Computer as a Tool for Developing and Empowering a Nation. A case study of Nigeria International Journal of Development Studies (3)3 pp19 - 23.
[5]. Agana, M. A. and Eneji, S. E (2008). Design of a carrier-centered curriculum for computer science undergraduate to promote patriotism, self-reliance and productivity in the 21st century. A paper presented at the 5th Annual National Conference of the Association Encouraging Qualitative Education in Nigeria (ASSEQEN) at Akwa-Ibom State College of Education Afaha-Nsit. 12th – 16th May, 2008.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to obtain preliminary study data on the scientific attitude of students through the guided inquiry learning model on the topic of the human respiratory system. Data were collected by using needs analysison 153 junior high school students spread across five regencies in Lampung Province. This study used descriptive qualitative method and the data were collected by using questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that not all stages of guided inquiry were implemented to natural science learning with the guided inquiry learning model properly. The results of a survey on students at five regencies in Lampung Province showed that natural science learning with the guided inquiry learning model was not all in accordance with the stage scarried out such as making problem formulations and making temporary hypotheses. The scientific attitude showed
Keywords: Learning model, Guided inquiry, Scientific attitude
[1]. Richard, P & Linda, E. 2012.Critical Thinking: Competency Standards Essential to the Cultivation of Intellectual Skills, Part 5. Journal of developmental education Volume 36, Issue 1.
[2]. Myers, M.J. and Burgess, A.B. 2003. ―Inquiry-Based Laboratory Course Improves Students' Ability to Design Experimentsand Interpret Data‖. Advances in Physiology Education. 27, (1), 26-33.
[3]. Astuti, Y.& Setiawan, B. 2013. Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Pendekatan Inkuiri Terbimbing dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif pada Materi Kalor. Jurnal Pemdidikan IPA Indonesia. 2 (1), hlm. 88-92.
[4]. Leonard Nwafor C. 2018. ― Effects of Guided Inquiry and Task Hierarchy Analysis Model in Cooperative Learning Strategy on Chemistry Students' Performance in Imo State‖. Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Journa l European Scientific. Vol.14, No.25.
[5]. Lestari , Laili., Utami, Budhi., Budhiretnani, Ari. 2015. Improving Critical Thinking Ability and Scientific Attitude Students through the Combine Methods of Inquiry and Reciprocal Teaching on the Material Excretion Systemat 11th Natural Science 5 Class Senior High School 7 Kediri Academic Year 2014-2015. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education UNS. 2015. Vol.2 No.2. Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri