Series-6 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Acute Transient Psychotic Disorder |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr .Prem Chander |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0802060105 ![]() |
Abstract: It is difficult to be a psychiatric patient, but a good nurse can make it less so. Confusion and fear can be overcome by knowledge and compassion, and resistance to treatment is often, although by no means always, amenable to change by intelligent persuasion. Acute and transient psychotic disorders, as defined by the ICD-10, are disorders which mainly concern females, with possible onset in all ages of adult life, but usually between the thirtieth and fiftieth year of life. Their onset is acute or even abrupt within 48 hours, but only rarely dependent on acute severe stress inspite of former assumptions. The psychiatric period is very short, with a mean of 17.5 days, in some cases even only one day. Their response to antipsychotic drugs is very good and their outcome is usually favorable.......
Key Words: acute transient psychotic disorder
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Abstract: Background: Sleepqualityis an important factor for health.Sleep quality is directly related to and affecting the overall health state and increased risk of psychological disorders. Aim: the objective of this study was to assess relationship between sleep quality and depression, anxiety and stress in hospitalized psychiatric patients. Subjects and method: a descriptive correlational research design was used to conduct this study; a total sample of 100 psychiatric patients was recruited from inpatient units of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Hospital at Minia Governorate. Demographic and clinical data were driven from all patients then Pittsburg sleep quality index was utilized to estimate sleep........
Keywords: Sleep quality, Hospitalized psychiatric patients, Depression, Anxietyand Stress.
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Abstract: Preterm birth is an important Peri-natal health problem globally. It is estimated that more than 1 in 10 or an estimated 15 million babies born in 2010 were preterm of which more than 1 million died as a result of preterm birth and related complications. The study aims to determine the factors associated with pre-term birth among mothers giving birth at the Kakamega County hospital and the birth outcome. Specifically the study is looking at the prevalence of preterm birth, the risk factors that contribute to the preterm birth and the birth outcomes of babies born preterm at the Kakamega county hospital. This was a cross sectional descriptive hospital based study of 285 systematically sampled mothers who gave birth at the facility between April and May 2015. Five nurse/midwife ward in-charges were purposively sampled and included in the study. Questionnaire and interview...........
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Abstract: Background: Nosocomial infection (NI) is one ofthe most frequent adverse events threatening patients' safety worldwide and presents a challenge for all health personnel that resulting in longer hospital/ Intensive care unit (ICU) stay, more utilization of resources, more unnecessary suffering for patients and their families. Objective: To assess critical care nurses' compliance with isolation precautions and determine the factors that hinder their compliance with these precautions. Research design: A descriptive research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: This study was.....
Key words: Factors,Compliance, Nurses, Isolation precautions
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Abstract: Background: The workers working in the sugar industry are prone to face a number of stresses. Sugar mill employees would develop flulike symptoms several hours after reporting to work at the beginning of a new season or even after a free week end, repeated attacks causes fine scarring of the lungs and impaired breathing. Aim:study aims to assess knowledge and practice of workers regarding occupational health hazards at sugar factory. Design: A descriptive research design was used in this study. Sample: Purposeful samples with number of 130 workers........
Key words: sugar factory, hazards, training program, workers
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Abstract: An accuracy of triage in trauma patients at the emergency department can assist them to receive appropriate treatment in time leading to decreased mortality and disability. Aim: An accuracy of triage in trauma patients at Emergency Department can assist them to receive appropriate treatment in time leading to decreased mortality and disability. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of improving nurses` competency and self – efficacy on trauma triage protocol accuracy at emergency department . Methods: The study was implemented through a quasi experimental design , in Surgical Emergency Department at El-Demerdash Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University and Nasser Institute Hospital . Sample: A purposive sample included.....
Keywords: Emergency nurses` competency - Self- efficacy - Accuracy of trauma triage protocol
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Abstract: Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing public health problem worldwide with treatment options of either lifelong hemodialysis or renal transplant. The maintenance hemodialysis patients usually experience high levels of psychological stress result in psychological distress symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of applying the Cognitive Behavioral Nursing Intervention on depression and anxiety among patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Methods: A quasi-experimental research design [pretest -posttest] was used in this study, in the dialysis units of the New Mansoura General.....
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease; Hemodialysis; Cognitive Behavioral Interventions; Depression; anxiety
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Abstract: Men who have sex with Men (MSM) have been identified as one of the key populations driving the spread of HIV in Kenya. MSM contribute about 7.79% new HIV infections in Nyanza Region; with Kisumu reporting a prevalence of up to 25% among MSM aged over 24 years compared to 15.1% prevalence in the general population. MSM are not an isolated group; they are also involved in stable relationships with women as husbands and boyfriends. This propagates the spread of HIV through homosexual, heterosexual, and further, through Mother – to - Child transmission routes. To design and implement effective prevention interventions among the MSM it necessary.....
Keywords: MSM, Attitudes towards HIV prevention, Risk-taking behavior practices, Kenya
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Abstract: Background: Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) had worse staff shortage in comparison to other hospital units. The number of neonates assigned to a nurse exceeds the ratio recommended by the professional organization that might result in rationing of important elements of care leading to adverse patient outcomes. Aim: To examine the relationship between nurse-to-neonate ratio, and nursing care -rationing at acuity level III in NICUs Method: A correlational, cross-sectional research design was conducted by using a structured questionnaire distributed among nurses that employed more than three months and who have a direct patient care for level III neonates were included. The.....
Keywords: staffing - nursing care omission- nurse to patient ratio
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Abstract: The Widespread use of cytotoxic drugs in cancer treatment has evolved the urge to nurses' safe handling of such drugs to protect themselves, and their patients as well as their organization against hazards of exposure. Aim of the study: to assess nurses' knowledge and evaluate their practices regarding safe handling of cytotoxic drugs. Research design: A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. Setting: This study was carried out at the Oncology Unit, Alexandria Main University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: All nurses responsible........
Key words: Nurses, Cytotoxic Drugs, Safe handling
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