Version-8 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: In Nigeria, the increase use of alcohol and drug among Nigerian, old and young, male and female became apparent as there was an urgent need to address the issue of alcohol and drug use based on sexual orientation. The study adopted a descriptive research design of survey type, this make the researcher to have an objective and unbiased description of every event and phenomena as it exists in nature. Four research questions were raised to guide the study using the self prepared structured questionnaire tagged "Alcohol And Drug Use Patterns Among Homosexuals And.........
Keywords: Alcohol, drug, use patterns, homosexuals, heterosexuals
[1] Adelekan, M., Abiodun, O., Obayan, A., Oni, G., &Ogunremi, O. (1992).Prevalence and pattern of substance use among undergraduates in a Nigerian university. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 29 (3), 255-261.
[2] Clifton, C., Tim, S., Gina, M., Warren, M. & Cameron, D. (2013).Sexual identity and drug use harm among high-risk, active substance users. Culture, Health & Sexuality: International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. 15, 3.
[3] Emeka, D. (2013). Patterns and determination of substance use among Nigerian University Students: an overview of recent developments.
[4] Ekpenyong, N. and Aakpege, N. (2014). Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Risky Behavior: A Study of University of Port Harcourt. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS), 19: 25-32.
[5] Lhomond, B., Saurel-Cubizolles M. (2006). Violence against women and suicide risk: the neglected impact of same-sex sexual behaviour. 16 Avenue Paul VaillantCouturier, France...
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Abstract: Job strain is reported to affect coping strategies and work performance among nurses, thus compromising oncology nursing care and placing patients' lives at risk. A review of the literature has revealed that although a great deal of research has been conducted internationally about job strain, coping strategies, and work performance in nurses, very little of this research has included oncology nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A predictive, correlational cross-sectional study was conducted with 241 oncology nurses from five hospitals to explore the possible mediating effects of coping strategies on the relationship between job strain and work performance. A survey instrument, based on pre-existing standardized tools, including demographic and work items, was used.........
Keywords: coping strategies, job strain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, oncology nurses, work performance
[1]. Najimi, A., Goudarzi, A.M., &Sharifirad, G. (2012). Causes of job stress in nurses: A cross- sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 17(4), 301–305.
[2]. Portela, L.F., Luna, C.K., Rotenberg, L., Silva-Costa, A., Toivanen, S., Araújo, T., &Griep, R.H. (2015). Job strain and self-reported insomnia symptoms among nurses: What about the influence of emotional demands and social support? BioMed Research International, 2015,1-8.
[3]. Uzun, O., &Sevinc, S. (2015). The relationship between cultural sensitivity and perceived stress among nurses working with foreign patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(23-24), 3400-3408.
[4]. Karasek, R.A. (1979). Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain: implications for job design. Administrative Science Quarterly, 24(2), 285-308.
[5]. Karasek, R.A., & Theorell, T. (1990). Healthy work: Stress, productivity, and the reconstruction of working life. New York: Basic Books, Inc..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Psychological Problems Among Patients Undergoing Hysterectomy |
Country | : | Egypt. |
Authors | : | Amany Hamed Gad Mohamed |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0605081725 ![]() |
Abstract: Hysterectomy, which is the surgical removal of the uterus and cervix, is the commonest major gynecological operation in both developed and developing countries. The aim of the present study was to describe the profile of women undergoing hysterectomy, identify psychological problems encountered among patients & assess the degree of pain postoperatively. A prospective descriptive Research design was used to investigate the current research problem over a one-year period between June 2015 to the end of May 2016. The research was conducted in the department of gynecology, at Zagazig University hospital. Data was obtained from case notes of patients.......
Keywords: Hysterectomy, Indications, Depression & Anxiety, Misconceptions.
References[1]. Hawkins AP, Domoney EL, & Studd JW, (2003): Sexuality after hysterectomy: J Obstetrics and Gynecol , vol.15.;110:1091-1095. [2]. Cooper R, Hardy R, & Kuh D, (2008): Timing of menarche, childbearing and hysterectomy risk. Maturitas 61:317–322.
[3]. Sehlo MG, & Ramadani H, 2010: Depression Following Hysterectomy. Journal of Current Psychiatry .17(2) 1-5.
[4]. Sung MH, & Lim YM, 2010: Factors Affecting Sexual Satisfaction in Korean Women who Have Undergone a Hysterectomy. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 27(2), 46-54.
[5]. Farooqi YN, 2005: Depression and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Hysterectomy. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 15(4), 6- 13...
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Abstract: Diabetes is a chronic illness with long-term effect about on health and quality of life. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between adolescent's personality traits and their adherence to diabetes regimens. Research design: descriptive correlational design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. Setting: The present study was conducted at an outpatient clinic in King Khalid hospital at Najran City. Sample: 100 adolescent from previously mentioned setting by using simple random sample technique were used in this study............
Keywords: adolescent, type 1 diabetes, personality traits, adherence, knowledge
[1]. -Al-Herbish, A,S, El-Mouzan, M,I, Al-Salloum, A,A, Al-Qurachi, M,M., and Al-Omar A,A.,(2009):Prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in Saudi Arabian children and adolescents,Saudi Medical Journal, Sep;29(9):1285-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Quality of Life of Patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia. |
Authors | : | Dr. Amal Samir Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0605083746 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Peripheral neuropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes that affects patients 'quality of life (QoL). The economic consequences of diabetic foot problems are major, both to society as well as to the patients and their families. Objective: To assess the QoL of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Methods: A convenience sample of 80 adult diabetic patients was selected. Two tools were used in the research study (Modified Neuropathy Disability Score and Neuropathy-Specific QoL Instrument).........
Keywords: Quality of life, diabetic peripheral neuropathy
[1]. Al-Shehri, F. (2014). Quality of life among Saudi diabetics. Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 4(3): 225-231.
[2]. American Diabetes Association (2008). Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, 32(S1):S55-S60.
[3]. Amin, N., &Doupis, J. (2016). Diabetic foot disease: From the evaluation of the ‗foot at risk' to the novel diabetic ulcer treatment modalities. World Journal of Diabetes, 7(7): 153-164.
[4]. Andreassen, C. S., Jakobsen, J., & Andersen, H. (2006). Muscle weakness: A progressive late complication in diabetic distal symmetric polyneuropathy. Diabetes, 55(3): 806-812.
[5]. Azizi, F. (2008). Beginning of the course ‗foot care nurse', a promise for diabetic foot prevention and care. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 10(4):297-298..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study explains the responsibilities of hospitals on the implementation of patient rights in health services in hospitals, explaining the application of legal sanctions for health services in hospitals that are inconsistent with standard operating procedure (SOP) and finding the ideal hospital responsibility setting to patients in health care. The study was conducted at three hospitals in Makassar City: Labuang Baji Regional General Hospital, Bhayangkara Police Hospital, National Armed Forces Hospital of Pelamonia Army and Regional Hospital of Lakipadada, Tanatoraja Regency. The design of this research used descriptive qualitative method with using in-depth interview method on four physician informants and four patient informants. The result of qualitative analysis is supported by quantitative data by using questionnaires on 40 physician respondents and 120.......
Keywords: Responsibility, Implementation, Health Care
[1]. Anny lsfandyarie,2006. Tanggung Jawab Hukum dan Sanksi Bagi Dokter, Prestasi Pustaka. Jakarta
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[3]. Oemar Seno Adji, 1991. Etika Profesional dan Hukum Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana Dokter, Erlangga, Jakarta
[4]. Roeslan Saleh, 1981. Perbuatan Pidana dan Pertanggungjawaban PidanaDua Pengertian Dasar Dalam Hukum Pidana, Aksara Baru. Jakarta
[5]. Roberts dan Prevost, 1987. Mutu Pe/ayanan Kesehatan. Mandar Maju.Bandung.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Psycho-Social Symptoms Among Children That Underwent Repeated |
Country | : | Turkey. |
Authors | : | Gülhan Ulu || Ferda Yildirim |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0605085359 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to determine the psycho-social influences on 7-18 year old children that underwent repeated surgical procedures. Method: The sample of the present research consists of 71 inpatient children in orthopedics and urology clinics of Hacettepe University Hospital that underwent two or more surgical procedures and consented to participate in the research along with their parents. "Questionnaire on Diagnosis of Psycho-social Symptoms for Inpatient Children" and "Personal Information Form" for children and their parents were used as data collection tools. Data belonging to the questionnaire and scale scores of the research group were evaluated and analyzed using SPSS 16.0 statistical software. Findings:54% of the participating children are male, 60.6% are in 7-12 age interval.......
Keywords: Children undergoing repeated surgeries, psycho-social issues, nurse
[1]. Akay, A.P., Emiroğlu, F.N.İ. (2008). Kronik pediatrik hastalıklar ve hastaneye yatış. Çetin FC, Coşkun A, İşeri E, Miral S, Motavallı N, Pehlivantürk B, Türkbay T, Uslu R, Ünal F, editör. Çocuk ve ergen psikiyatrisi temel kitabı. Ankara: HYB Basın Yayın.
[2]. Özbaran, B., Erermiş, S. (2006). Kanser Tedavisi Gören Çocuk ve Genclerde Uzun Süreli İzlem Sürecinde Psiko-sosyal Özelliklerin Tanımlanması ve Genel Yaklaşım İlkeleri. Klinik Psikiyatri, 9: 185-90.
[3]. Çavuşoğlu, H. (2004). Hastaneye Yatmanın Çocuk ve Aile Üzerindeki Etkileri, Çocuk Sağlığı Hemşireliği, Cilt 1, Ankara.
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[5]. Yılmaz M.(2002) Ameliyat Öncesi Öğretimin Ameliyat Sonrası Komplikasyonlara ve Hasta Memnuniyetine Etkisi, Hemşirelik Araştırma Dergisi (4)1.
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Abstract: Resistance patterns of uropathogens in urinary tract infections (UTIs) show large inter-regional variability, and rates of bacterial resistance are changing due to different antibiotic treatment. Our aim was to assess the susceptible pattern of Nitrofurantoin antibiotic against uropathogens which cased Urinary Tract Infections. A total of 9178 urine samples were collected in 2016 (Jan-Dec) and out of which 890 (9.70%) were bacteriologically positive. Among the isolated uropathogens, 94.1% were gram negative and 5.9% gram positive organism. Male were found more prone to get UTI under 10 years and between 61-70 years of age and females were more affected in <10 to.......
Keywords: Nitrofurantoin,UTI, Resistance, Uropathogen
[1]. Castro-Orozco R, Barreto-Maya AC, Guzman-Alvarez H, Ortega-Quiroz RJ, Benitez-Pena L (2010). Antimicrobial resistance pattern for gram-negative uropathogens isolated from hospitalised patients and outpatients in Cartagena, 2005-2008]. Rev Salud Publica (Bogota). 12(6):1010-1019
[2]. Orenstein R, Wong ES (1999). Urinary tract infections in adults. Am Fam Physician, 59:1225-34.
[3]. Jahangir Alam, Farha Matin Juliana, Md Rahimgir, Mohammad Nazir Hossain, Babry Fatema, Mohammad Asaduzzaman (2017). "Resistance Pattern of Ciprofloxacin against common Uropathogens in Selected Area of Dhaka city, Bangladesh." IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JHNS), 6:5:52-57.
[5]. Stamm WE, Norrby SR (2001). Urinary tract infections: disease panorama and challenges. J Infect Dis,183(Suppl 1):S1-4. Ramesh N, Sumathi CS, Balasubramanian V, Ravichandran KP, Kannan VR (2008). Urinary tract infection and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of extended spectrum of beta lactamase producing clinical isolates. Advan Biol Res. 2(5-6):78-82.
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Abstract: Background: Oral health is sustainable part of public health of every child. Maintaining oral and dental hygiene among deaf and mute children is a difficult problem. Because oral and dental care requires high communication skills.Aim of the study; the aim of the study was to evaluate effect of training teachers in deaf and mute on applying oral hygiene program onchildren with hearing disabilities Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting;the study conducted in Deaf and Mute school in Ismailia city which include three stages of education. Sampling:Two samples were used in this study. A) A purposive sample consisted of 68 children fulfilled who fulfilled the study inclusion criteria. B) All teachers who contacts........
Keywords: Hearing impairment, oral hygiene education, oral hygiene index scores, tooth brushing techniques
[1] Duddu, M.K., et al., Prevalence of dental caries in people attending special schools in Hyderabad-Secunderabad, India. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, 2016. 5(2): p. 137.
[2] Champion, J. and R. Holt, Dental care for children and young people who have a hearing impairment. British dental journal, 2000. 189(3): p. 155.
[3] Davis, A.M., et al., Transition care for children with special health care needs. Pediatrics, 2014. 134(5): p. 900-908.
[4] Alse, A.S., et al., Educational intervention on the plaque score among hearing impaired children. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights● Vol, 2015. 1(4): p. 1.
[5] Chauhan, R.C., et al., Self-reported hearing impairment among rural adult population of coastal Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2015. 1(1): p. 23-26
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Abstract: Introduction: Nurses are the most important care contributors during patients' hospitalization and have become a significant source in the delivery of mental health care. However, the attitudes and abilities of many nurses in providing this care have been shown to be destitute, and this may have a negative effect on the provision of care to patients. Little is known about the attitudes of nurses toward people with mental illness in Saudi Arabia. Objective: This study featured a qualitative research design. The main aim of this study was to explore the attitudes of nurses toward people with mental illness in Saudi Arabia. Method: Data were collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews with nurses...........
Keywords:nurses, attitude, mental illness, qualitative, Saudi Arabia
[1] Bennett J&Stennett R. Attitudes towards mental illness of nursing students in a Baccalaureate programme in Jamaica: a questionnaire survey. J PsychiatrMent Health Nurs 2015; 22: 599-605
[2] Ihalaineden-Tamlander N, Vahaniemi A, Loyttyniemi E, Suominen T&Vallimaki M. Stigmatizing attitudes in nurses towards people with mental illness: a cross-sectional study in primary settings in Finland. J PsychiatrMent Health Nurs2016; 23: 427-437.
[3] Alshowkan A.Nurses attitudes toward people with mental illness. Int J Ment Health Psychiatry 2016; 2:1-6
[5] Dickens GL, Lamont E& Gray S. Mental health nurses' attitudes, behavior, experience and knowledge regarding adults with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder: systematic, integrative literature. J ClinNurs 2016; 25: 1848-1875