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Abstract: This study has focused on the functioning of 10 SHG's located in Venkatahalli and Heggadehalli villages of Bangalore rural district comprising of 200 farmwomen mainly belonging to marginal and landless category with age group of 18-35 years. The women members of SHG's were found to save a portion of their meager income and pool that money for lending among them at an interest decided by the group. A close look at the pattern of lending revealed that most part of the credit was used for improving the sustainability of their agriculture and economic status as the loans were availed for crop cultivation, purchase of milch animals and sericulture activities.............
Keywords: Food pattern, rural women and empowerment, Socio Economic status
[1]. AHWATHI, P. K., RATHI AND SAHU, V., 2007, Working and impact of SHGs on economic status of women in watershed area
of Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. of Agric.Econ., 56(3): 475-476.
[2]. BHARATHI, R. AND CHAYA BADIGER, A., (2008), "Impact of National Agricultural Technology Project on empowerment of
women in Agriculture through Self Help Groups".Kar. J.Agril.sci.,21(4): 561-564.
[3]. DOBHAL, N. AND RAGHUVANSHI, R.S., (2011), "Nutritikon and health status of urban and rural women of Garhwal Region".
Ind. J. Nutri and Dietet., 48(9): 377-389.
[4]. GEORGE, P.R., SHIBU, C.N. AND BALAKRISHNAN, P.P., (2009), "Socio-economic profile of rural women and the role of
animal husbandry intervention in suicide affected district of Kerala". J. Hu. Ecol., 27(1): 41-44.
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Abstract: The computerization of the workplace has increased tremendously over last decade. This information technology revolution has not only created more jobs but also increased the incidence of physical illness. With technological advancement, use of computer becomes a routine activity of many people's daily life. It is an epitome of modern life, being used in every aspect of life. Workers from software profession are prone to develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress of their work. Their routine and repeated actions in handling computers for an extended period of time causes repetitive strain injuries and visual fatigue when they have not followed a proper working posture
[1]. Annesi JJ. Effects of computer feedback on adherence toexercise. Perceptual & Motor Skills. 1998;
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[2]. Arun Vijay S. Work-related musculoskeletal health disorders among the information technology
professionals in India: A prevalence study. IJMRBS 2013;2:118-28.
[3]. Sharma AK, Khera S, Khandekar J. Computer related health problems among information technology
professionals in Delhi. Indian J Community Med 2006;31:36-8.
[4]. Mahmoodi F, Sharifian A. The effect of corrective exercises on the degree of pain and shoulder
asymmetry (Persian). Research in Sport Rehabilitation. 2014; 2(1): 1-9.
[5]. Buckle PW, Devereux JJ. The nature of work-related neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders.
Applied Ergonomics. 2002; 33(3): 207-17.
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Abstract: Background: Children undergoing open heart surgery may have quick and considerable changes in mean arterial pressure reading that may lead to decreased tissue perfusion. Mean arterial pressure monitoring pointed to rectifying deviations before the consequences of either hypertension or hypotension are recorded. The bedside measurement of continued mean arterial pressure reading has been routinely obtainable noninvasively or invasively. Aim: to assess mean arterial pressure monitoring among pediatric patients after open heart surgery. Design: A descriptive study was used...............
Keywords: Mean arterial pressure, open heart surgery, monitoring, noninvasive, invasive, critical care nurse
[1] DukeT, Stocker C, and Butt W. Monitoring children after cardiac surgery: a minimalist approach might be maximally effective. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 2004; 6: 306-310.
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[5] Joffe R, Duff J, Guerra GG, Pugh J, and Joffe, AR. The accuracy of blood pressure measured by arterial line and non-invasive cuff in critically ill children. Critical Care, 2016; 20(1), 177
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Abstract: Background: Patients with mechanical valve implantation require lifelong oral anticoagulant therapy to allow adequate valve function and prevent thromboembolic risk. Being on such high alert therapy necessitates knowledge and adherence to avoid major complications.
Objectives: this study aims to determine the knowledge and adherence to oral anticoagulant therapy among patients with mechanical heart valve prosthesis.
Setting: Cardiothoracic Outpatient Clinic of Alexandria Main University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study. Data was collected from 75 mechanical valve prosthesis patients attending the pre-mentioned health setting...............
Keywords: Oral anticoagulant therapy, mechanical heart valve prosthesis, knowledge, drug adherence
[1]. World Health Organization. Cardiovascular diseases Fact sheet, Reviewed September 2016. Available at Retrieved 5/4/2017.
[2]. Rostami H, Ghahramanian A, Golchin M. Educational needs of myocardial infarction patients. Journal of Urmia Nursing And Midwifery Faculty. 2011;9(3):157-64.
[3]. World Health Organization – Non-communicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles , 2014. Available at Retrieved 5/4/2017.
[4]. Nkomo VT, Gardin JM, Skelton TN, Gottdiener JS, Scott CG, Enriquez-Sarano.Burden of valvular heart diseases: a population-based study. Lancet. 2006 Sep;368(9540):1005-11.
[5]. Kovacs AH, Harrison JL, Colman JM, Sermer M, Siu SC, Silversides CK. Pregnancy and contraception in congenital heart disease: what women are not told. J Am CollCardiol. 2008;52(7):577.
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Abstract: Study is aimed at identifying challenges faced by intern radiographers in Northern Nigeria. A univariate descriptive survey was adopted. Intern Radiographers in hospitals in Northern Nigeria were invited to complete questionnaire purposely designed to assess challenges involving their training/practice, welfare and mentorship. Also a standard interview guide was for used the chief interns of participating hospitals to assess facilities, manpower, and practice. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. A total of 55 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 50 were returned filled...............
Keywords: Challenges, Intern, Intern Radiographer
[1]. Students' Hand Book, Institute of Radiography; Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria. 2012; Pp1-7
[2]. Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN) Act [Available at] [Accessed Feb 2016]
[3]. Australian institute of Radiography. Definition of internship; Internship in Radiography Profession. [Available at]. [Assessed 2/02/2016]
[4]. Student's Record of Clinical & Practical Training, 2013. Institute of Radiography; Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria. Department of Medical Radiography, University of Maiduguri.
[5]. Northampton Community College of Radiography Students' Handbook. [Available at htpp://]. [Assessed 26/01/2016].
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Abstract: Background: Domestic violence against women during pregnancy is linked to poor outcome of pregnancy and a widespread global health problem with many negative consequences. Screening is effective in detecting domestic violence, and increases the rate of referrals to community resources, resulting in improved quality of life and fewer violence-related injuries. The aim of the study: To identify the effect of domestic violence on pregnancy outcomes among rural and urban women. Design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized for the study. Setting: this study was conducted at maternal and child health centers for antenatal care (MCH Center) at Shebin El-kom................
Keywords: Domestic violence , Family violence , Pregnancy outcomes, Rural and Urban Women
[1]. Audi CA, Segall-Corrêa AM, Santiago SM, Pérez-Escamilla R. Adverse health events associated with domestic violence during pregnancy among Brazilian women. Midwifery. 2012;28:356–61
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[4]. Black M. C., Basile K. C., Breiding M. J., Smith S. G., Walters M. L., Merrick M. T., Stevens M. R. (2011). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Google Scholar.
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Abstract: This student project was conducted to assess the prevalence of blood disorders among newborn at Maternity and Children's Hospital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It sought to answer the following questions: (1) what is the profile of the newborn? 2) How many newborn were positive for the blood disorder? 3) What is the percentage of the newborn blood disorder were managed at maternity and children's hospital? The participants of the study were the 6,047 newborn and documentary research design was used where the data were gathered from the Pediatric Clinic of Maternity and Children's Hospital. Frequency and percentage were used to treat the data. The results revealed that majority..............
Keywords: Newborn blood disorder, Managed blood disorder, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Maple Syrup Urine Disease, Congenital Hypothyroidism, Galactosemia.
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Abstract: Testicular cancer (TC) is the most common cancer among young males. Morbidity and Mortality from TC is high in low income countries due to late presentation, poverty and scarce resources for management. Early detection of the disease leads to increased cure rate (96%); early detection can be facilitated if men are knowledgeable and encouraged to practice TSE. A descriptive research with a sample of 255 undergraduate students was used for the study. The students were stratified based to their departments and level of study and convenient sampling was used to select the respondents. A self structured questionnaire was used for data collection...............
Keywords: Testicular self examination - testicular Cancer, knowledge, attitude, Practice, male undergraduate students, University of Calabar, Cross River State.
[1]. Ajape, A. Babata, A. & Aioli , O. (2010) Knowledge of prostate cancer among Native African urban population in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Hospice Medicine 20 (2) 94-96
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[4]. American Cancer Society (2016). Do I have Testicular Cancer? Retrieved on 21-9-2016 from
[5]. Cancer Association of South Africa, CANSA (2016). Fact sheet on Testicular cancer. Retrieved on 7-10-2016 from
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Abstract: Objective:Theaim of thisstudy is toexaminetheopinions of thesimulationapplications on the education and learning contribution, identification of ideasandeducate, informandgatherbenefits. MaterialandMethod:The study used a focus group interview method with six semi-structured questionnaires. Findings:The majority of the students stated that the skill-building practices given in the lab were useful before they started to work. The students stated that the models in the skill development areas are new and mechanically controllable by external guidance and that the inclusion of a smallnumber of learners in thefield of learning by dividing the application courses into two separate groups constitutes a chance for more than one application. Through the case studies on the models, the students said that they helped them to feel well before going out to the clinic area. However, they think that they are carrying out few case studies because the application hours are insufficient.................
Keywords: Simulation, Health Services Vocational High School students, Labaratorypracties.
[1]. Edeer Durmaz A, Sarıkaya A. (2015) Hemşirelik Eğitiminde Simülasyon Kullanımıve Simülasyon Tipleri. Hemşirelikte Eğitim Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 12 (2): 121-125.
[2]. Alinier, G. (2007). A typology of educationallyfocusedmedicalsimulationtools. Medicalteacher, 29(8), e243-e250.
[3]. Bradley, P. (2006). Thehistory of simulation in medicaleducationandpossiblefuturedirections. Medicaleducation, 40(3), 254-262.
[4]. Gaba, D. M. (2007). Thefuturevision of simulation in healthcare. Simulation in Healthcare, 2(2), 126-135.
[5]. Hovancsek, M. T. (2007). Using simulation in nursingeducation.Jeffries, P. R. (Ed.). Simulation in NursingEducation. NationalLeagueforNursing, New York, 2-6.
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Abstract: A study with a quantitative and descriptive approach, aiming at characterizing the socio-demographic profile of nursing professionals of a given hospital institution, identifying the frequency of attrition in the workplace that each employee attributes in relation to their activities, assessing the degree of distribution of Discomfort in the body indicated by the participating employees and apply the simplified assessment of the biomechanical factor in the risk for musculoskeletal disorders of work-related upper limbs through the application of Couto's Checklist. The population was composed of 100 employees of the Institution in the position of nurse, nursing technician and nursing assistant...............
Keywords: Nursing; ergonomics; worker health; tool.
[1]. Moraes MGV. Doenças Ocupacionais Agentes: Físico, químico, biológico, ergonômico. São Paulo; 2013.
[2]. Pasa TS,Magnago TSBS, Silva RM, Cervo AS, Beck CLC, Vieiro NC. Riscos ergonômicos para trabalhadores de enfermagem ao movimentar e remover pacientes. Rev. Enf UFSM,2015; V.5 (1):92-102. [3]. Felli V. Condições de trabalho de enfermagem e adoecimento: motivos para a redução da jornada de trabalho para 30 horas. Enf. Foco. 2012; V.3(4): 178-181.
[4]. Rocha G. Trabalho, saúde e ergonomia. Curitiba: Juruá; 2012. [5]. Renner JS, Taschetto DVR, Baptista GL, Basso CR. Qualidade de vida e satisfação no trabalho: a percepção dos técnicos de enfermagem que atuam em ambiente hospitalar.Rev. Min Enferm, 2014; V.18 (2):440-446.
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Abstract: Readmission is commonly used as an outcome or quality indicator for psychiatric inpatient services. This study aimed to investigate the risk factors associated with readmissions of hospitalized mentally ill patients. A descriptive correlation design was utilized in this study. A purposive sample was composed of 120 mentally ill patients. Data were collected from Al-Abbassia hospital for mental health. Tools for data collection, there were four tools included personal data interviewing sheet such as age, gender, marital status, level of education, diagnosis, number of admissions, length of stay in hospital, Medication Adherence Rating Scale, Life Events Questionnaire and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support...............
Keywords: Risk factors, Readmission, Hospitalized, Mentally ill patients
[1]. Arnold, E.M., Goldston, D.B., Ruggiero, A., Reboussin, B. A., Daniel, S. S. and Hickman, E. A. (2003). Rates and predictors of re-hospitalization among formerly hospitalized adolescents. Psychiatric Services, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 994-998.
[2]. Montgomery, P., and Kirkpatrick, H. (2002).Understanding those who seek frequent Psychiatric hospitalizations. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol. 16, no.1 pp. 15-24.
[3]. Bridg, J.A., Barb, R.P. (2004). Reducing hospital readmission in depression and Schizophrenia: Current evidence. Current Opin Psychiatry; 17:505-11.
[4]. Rosca, P., Bauer, A., Grinshpoon, A., Khawaled, R., Mester, R., and Ponizovsky, A. M. (2006). Re-hospitalizations among psychiatric patients whose first admission was involuntary: A 10-year follow-up. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 57–64.
[5]. Davies, S., Fallow, S., Bruce, J., et al. (2001). Early outcomes of supervised discharge. Med Sci Law.41 (1):31-4.
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Abstract: The internship nursing experience is a valuable prospect for new nurses to gain practice in a real world settings under a supporting and experienced supervision. However, interns are encountering a lot of stressors that could hamper their work outcomes and even their overall wellbeing. The high levels of perceived stress associated with nursing were reported by many researches. High perceived stress along with the demanding nature of the nursing profession requires high levels of emotional intelligence to keep up with the work burden. On the other hand, hope is a concept that represents a certain degree of certainty about outcomes. So, emotionally intelligent people by the essence of their traits...............
Keywords: Nursing student, Perceived stress, Emotional Intelligence (EI), Hope, Intern Nursing, Damanhour University
[1]. Bakr,M.M., Sherif, N.M, Eid ,N.,& ELshal,S.E. (2013).Factors influencing decision making and its effect on intern students clinical performance. World Applied Programming, 3 (2), 75-84. Available at http:// Bataineh, M. (2013) .Academic stress among undergraduate students: the case of Education Faculty at King Saud University. International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 2(1): 82-88.
[2]. Brackett M.A. & Mayer J.D., (2003). Convergent, discriminant and incremental validity of competing measures of emotional intelligence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29, 1–12.
[3]. Batool,M., Niazi,S. ,& Ghayas,S.,(2014) Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Sense of Humor and Hope among Adults.Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology July, 40(.2): 270-278.
[4]. Ciarrochi, J., Deane, F. P., & Anderson, S. (2002). Emotional intelligence moderates the relationship between stress and mental health. Personality and Individual Differences, 32(2), 197–209.
[5]. Cherry, B. & Jacob, S. R. (2007). Contemporary Nursing Issues: Trends and Management. St.Louis: Mosby
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Need for a Comprehensive Record Keeping System in Hospitals |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Ms Kudzayi Chiwanza || Dr. Chipo Mutongi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0603028487 ![]() |
Abstract: No hospital can function without records management. A comprehensive records keeping system is critical in hospitals as it encompasses all the organisational activities. It facilitates in accurate capturing of records which results in effective and efficient patient treatment. Quick records retrieval will be made possible due to comprehensive records management systems. This article gives an overview of the need of a comprehensive record keeping system as hospital records forms the backbone of effective and efficient hospital procedures.
Keywords: Records, records management, Comprehensive Record Keeping System, hospital, case-notes, x-rays, medical records, information, hospital, records, medicine, nurse, paramedics, pharmacy.
[1]. A Guide for managing e-records. From an archival perspective. (1997) ICA Committee on e-records.
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[3]. Millar, L. (1997). Principles of records and archives management. London: IRMT
[4]. Ngulube, P. (2001). Workshop on standards and ethics in records and archives management. Harare: Management Training Bureau.
[5]. O'Neill, D (2006) Leads Cross Review. Dublin: Department of Health and Children
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Abstract: Background: Acute bleeding from esophageal varices is repeatedly a remarkable event. The main goal of care is minimizing complications that affected by patient compliance to therapeutic regimen. Aim of the study: Was to assess factors affecting esophageal varices patients' compliance to therapeutic regimen and suggested guidelines. Research design: A descriptive design utilized to carry out this study. Sample: A convenient sample of 100 esophageal varices patients in GIT endoscopy unit and internal medicine units at Benha University Hospital over a period of six months. Tools for data collection: I) Interview schedule which include a) Socio demographic data sheet, b) Knowledge assessment sheet. II) Compliance assessment sheet to assess compliance of patients with esophageal varices to therapeutic regimen................
Keywords: Esophageal Varices, compliance, Therapeutic regimen.
[1]. American college of emergency physicians (2014): Focus on Variceal Hemorrhage, Available at: http://www. /Content .aspx? id =80193Accessed in October, 7/2014.
[2]. Hosney Z. (2014): Evaluating the effect of designed implemented nurse'seducational program on minimizing incidence of complications for patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, doctorate thesis, medical-surgical nursing, faculty of nursing, Benha University, P.104.
[3]. Longstreth GF and Feitelberg SP. (2008): Successful outpatient management of acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage: use of practice guidelines in a large patient series. GastrointestEndosc, (3):219-22.
[4]. Hobolth, L., Krag, A. and Bendtsen, F. (2010):The recent reduction in mortality from bleeding oesophageal varices is primarily observed from Days 1 to 5. Liver Int; 30: 455–62.
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Abstract: Background: Hemophilia is a coagulation disorder arising from a genetic defect of the X chromosome; the defect can either be inherited or result from spontaneous gene mutation. In each type of hemophilia (A, B, and C), a critical coagulation protein is missing, causing individuals to bleed for long periods of time before clotting occurs. Objectives: 1-Assess the pediatric nurses' knowledge toward hemophilia in children. 2-Find out the factors that affecting the knowledge of the sample. Subjects and methods A descriptive study was conducted on pediatric nurses who were dealing with the children who have hemophilia, carried out in Nasiriya city / Heredity Blood Disease Center starting from May / 2016 to April/2017................
Keywords: Hemophilia, Knowledge , Children
[1]. Al–Botany, knowledge and practices of nurses in orthopedic wards concerning cast care ;master thesis, college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2006
[2]. Al-Barody.N, practice and knowledge of nurses about catheterization in relation to urinary tract infection ,un published thesis in medical-surgical nursing ,college of nursing ,college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2000 Al-sa'idi, assessment of nurses knowledge toward child with bacterial meningitis at pediatric teaching hospital in Baghdad city ,a master thesis in college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2006.
[3]. Bolton . PH, Pasi KJ. ―Hemophilia A and B‖. Lancet. 2003 May 24;361(9371):1801-9.
[4]. Al-sa'idi, assessment of nurses knowledge toward child with bacterial meningitis at pediatric teaching hospital in Baghdad city ,a master thesis in college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2006.
[5]. Franchini M. ―Acquired hemophilia. Hematology‖. 2006 Apr;11(2):119-25.
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Abstract: Background: Hemophilia is a coagulation disorder arising from a genetic defect of the X chromosome; the defect can either be inherited or result from spontaneous gene mutation. In each type of hemophilia (A, B, and C), a critical coagulation protein is missing, causing individuals to bleed for long periods of time before clotting occurs. Objectives: 1-Assess the pediatric nurses' practice toward hemophilia in children. 2-Find out the factors that affecting the practice of the sample. Subjects and methods A descriptive study was conducted on pediatric nurses who were dealing with the children who have hemophilia, carried out in Nasiriya city / Heredity Blood Disease Center starting from May / 2016 to April/2017...............
Keywords: Hemophilia, Knowledge , Children
[1]. Al–Botany, knowledge and practices of nurses in orthopedic wards concerning cast care ;master thesis, college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2006
[2]. Al-Barody.N, practice and knowledge of nurses about catheterization in relation to urinary tract infection ,un published thesis in medical-surgical nursing ,college of nursing ,college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2000 Al-sa'idi, assessment of nurses knowledge toward child with bacterial meningitis at pediatric teaching hospital in Baghdad city ,a master thesis in college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2006.
[3]. Bolton . PH, Pasi KJ. ―Hemophilia A and B‖. Lancet. 2003 May 24;361(9371):1801-9.
[4]. Al-sa'idi, assessment of nurses knowledge toward child with bacterial meningitis at pediatric teaching hospital in Baghdad city ,a master thesis in college of nursing ,university of Baghdad 2006.
[5]. Franchini M. ―Acquired hemophilia. Hematology‖. 2006 Apr;11(2):119-25.
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Abstract: Intraoperative hypothermia is a common complication. Many complications can be developed as a result of intraoperative hypothermia including postanesthesia shivering and wound infection, Therefore the aim of the current study was to evaluate the impact of induced normothermia on occurrence of post anesthetic shivering and wound infection among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries. A convenient sample consists of 60 adult male and female patients who was undergo abdominal surgery (hernia repair except inguinal hernia repair, open cholecystectomy) at one of the university hospitals in Cairo governorate was recruited to fulfill the aim. A quasi–experimental design (posttest control group design) was utilized to achieve the aim...............
Keywords: Intraoperative hypothermia, post anesthetic shivering, wound infection and abdominal surgeries.
[1] Roberson, M., Dieckmann, L., Rodriguez, R., & Austin, P. (2013). A review of the evidence for active preoperative warming of adults undergoing general anesthesia. AANA J, 81(5), 351-62.
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[4] Fettes, S., Mulvaine, M., & Van Doren, E. (2013). Effect of preoperative forced-air warming on postoperative temperature and postanesthesia care unit length of stay. Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses Journal, 97(3), 323-328.
[5] Andrzejowski, J., Turnbull, D., Nandakumar, A., Gowthaman, S., & Eapen, G. (2010). A randomised single blinded study of the administration of pre‐warmed fluid vs active fluid warming on the incidence of peri‐ operative hypothermia in short surgical procedures*. Anaesthesia, 65(9), 942-945.