Version-1 (July-August 2014)
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Abstract: Attention is the most powerful asset of human beings, and if correctly used, it can have numerous benefits. At the same time it is very difficult to master. A descriptive survey was conducted to assess the impact of teaching time that is classes for two hour, on attention and concentration of student nurses. The study was conducted in selected College of Nursing, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, INDIA. Ninety one student nurses were selected by simple randomization. Data was collected through self-reported checklist. Majority, 95% of the students, were between the age group of 18 – 22 years. Forty five percent students were from GNM group and 55% students were from B.Sc. group. Result shows that 44% students had good attention and concentration, 46% students had an average attention and concentration and 10% of students had poor attention and concentration score during the teaching - learning activities.
Keywords: Attention, Concentration, Teaching Learning Activities and Student Nurses
[1]. Calkins SD, Fox NA. Self-regulatory processes in early personality development: A multi level approach to the study of childhood social withdrawal and aggression. Development and Psychopathology. 2002;14:477–498.
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Abstract: Every year ten million children die in developing countries before they reach their 5th birthday. 20% to 30% of their deaths are due to neurological disorders, mostly hydrocephalus, meningitis, Spina-bifida, Encephalitis, Anencephaly. The present study was carried out with an objective to evaluate the information booklet regarding neurological disorders in children in terms of knowledge of B.Sc nursing III year student in selected nursing college of Amritsar. Thirty six nursing students of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year were selected using convenient sampling technique. The experimental research approach with Pre-experimental: One group pre-test post-test research design was adopted. The tool used for data collection was a self administered structured knowledge questionnaire on neurological disorders in children. The mean post-test knowledge score of nursing students (30.69) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (21.02). The calculated 't' value of 8.40 was found statistically significant at 0.05 level which present that mean difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge was true difference and not by chance. Therefore, the findings of the study reveal that the information booklet was effective in terms of enhancing the knowledge nursing students regarding the neurological disorders in children.
Keywords: Knowledge, Nursing Students, Neurological disorders, Children
[1]. Report of national health commission on Macro Economics and Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2007.
[2]. Kobaya H., A Study on improving quality and efficiency of facility based child health care regarding neurological disorders. 2011
[3]. Indo American Cancer hospital, Hydrabad, AP, India on effectiveness of information booklet regarding palliative care among nurses working in oncology department
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Abstract: The present study was undertaken to develop value added food product by incorporating Aloe vera leavesas well as to evaluate organoleptic quality of prepared food product. The product namely Sprouts Cutlet was made by incorporating Aloe vera leaves 10 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent level refers as T1, T2,T3 respectively. The product wereorganoleptically evaluated for the colour and appearance, body and texture, taste and flavour and overall accepatability using Nine point Hedonic scale. Sensory evaluation revealed highest score for Overall acceptability for the treatment T1 (8.53) that is at 10 percent enrichment. It can be therefore concluded that Aloe vera leaves can be suitably incorporated in various products.
Key words: Aloevera leaves, organoleptic, sensory evaluation
[1]. Fisher R.A. (1995) Statistical methods for research workers: Oliver and Boyd, Edinburbh, Ed. 1st ; 14: 148-149.
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Abstract: Post operative wound infection has been the greatest obstacle to advancement of surgery down the centuries. Lister introduced antiseptic methods for safe surgery. The advent of antibiotics did raise the hope of a permanent solution to this problem but later it has become the nightmare of the surgeon. Many considered and still now consider antibiotic as ―wonder drug‖ which could cover their lapses in surgical technique and asepsis. Over reliance on antibiotics led to their extensive and often indiscriminate use resulting into development of resistance by various organisms and the problem of ―Hospital Infection‖ has boomeranged on us1. Antibacterial agents administered as early as three hours after experimental contamination of wound, have no influence on the infection rate of the operative wounds. If the body already has adequate antibiotic concentration at the time of contamination, infection can be adequately prevented2
[1]. Jone et al.,: ―Antibiotic prophylaxis of 1036 patients undergoing elective surgical procedures‖, Am, J. of Surg, 1987, 153: 343 – 345.
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[4]. Maxima Lizan, Garcia et al.,: ―Risk factors for surgical wound Infection in General surgery A prospective study‖. Infection control and Hospital epidemiology, 1997; 18:310-315
[5]. Polk, Lopez Major et al.,: ―Post operative wound Infection a prospective study of determinant factor and prevention‖, Surgery 1969: 66: 97 – 103.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indoor Air Pollution and Low Birth Weight- A Cross-Sectional Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Devkota N, Kodkany BS, Angolkar M, Pokhrel S |
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: | 10.9790/1959-03411622 ![]() |
Abstract: Smokes from solid fuels used in developing countries contain combustion pollutants whose exposure is expected to have an impact on adverse pregnancy outcomes (low birth weight, still births). The association between maternal exposures to household air pollution (HAP) and low birth weight have been described in number of studies; however only few studies have been conducted in India to establish this association. Thus, our objective was to identify the association between exposure of pregnant women to indoor air pollution and birth weight of a newborn. A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Machche Village of Kinaye primary health center for a period of one and half year. The data were collected from the pregnant mothers attending the antenatal checkup visits to the sub-centers during the study period. Universal Coverage was followed in this study. i.e. 254(All registered pregnant mothers during January to November 2012). The prevalence of low birth weight was found to be 2.8%. The study didn't find any significant association between types of fuel used, exposure of the mothers to passive smoke and birth weight of a newborn. This resultant no association might be due to smaller sample size in the present study.
Keywords: Cross-sectional Study, Indoor Air Pollution, Low Birth Weight, Pregnant Women, Solid fuel
[1]. World Health Organization. Indoor Air Pollution [internet] [cited 2011 December 31] Available from:
[2]. World Bank. Indoor Air Pollution (Environmental Health). [Internet] [cited 2012 March 2 ] Available from:
[3]. World Health Organization. Indoor Air Pollution from Solid Fuels and Risk of Low Birth Weight and Stillbirth. Report from a symposium held at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), 2005 September
[4]. Smith K R. National Burden of Disease in India from Indoor Air Pollution. PNAS 2000; 97: 13286–13293
[5]. Bruce N, Perez-Padilla R, Albalak R. Indoor air pollution in developing countries: a major environmental and public health challenge for the new millennium. Bull World Health Organ. 2000; 78(9):1078–1092.
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Abstract: Background: One way to assess clinical competence of nursing students is the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Purposes: This article explores the use of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in undergraduate nursing education. The paper briefly reviews the utility of the OSCE as a strategy of measuring the clinical competence in nursing. It then offers a more 'in depth' reflection of the research literature pertaining to the students' perception on OSCE process, which acts as a basis when OSCE is used to assess nursing students. Methodology: A review of the nursing literature was conducted through an initial search of the computerized databases of CINAHL, Pub Med, Google Scholar and Medline with full text. The initial search identified 351 papers. The selected search criteria included English language articles written between 2005 and 2013. Sixteen studies (13 quantitative and 3 qualitative) were included for the review. Findings: The major findings reveal that OSCE is an effective tool for evaluation from faculty and student perspectives in all the studies. The key issues recognized include the complexity of the exam, time consumption, accelerated stress perception of the students and high cost in the conduction of the exam. Conclusion: Therefore there is high possibility for further research in this area, as well as the need for careful guidance regarding the standardization of future OSCE as well as the use of OSCE in all the specialties of nursing. We conclude that OSCEs can be used most effectively in nurse undergraduate curricula to assess safe practice in terms of performance of psychomotor skills, as well as the knowledge associated with their application.
Key words: OSCE, Student and faculty perceptions, nursing education
[1]. Alinier, G. (2003). Nursing students' and lecturers' perspectives of objective structured clinical examination incorporating simulation. Nurse Education Today, 23(6), 419-426.
[2]. Barry, M., Noonan, M., Bradshaw, C., & Murphy-Tighe, S. (2012). An exploration of student midwives' experiences of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination assessment process. Nurse Education Today, 32(6), 690-694.
[3]. Bartfay, W. J., Rombough, R., Howse, E., & Leblanc, R. (2004). Evaluation. The OSCE approach in nursing education. The Canadian Nurse, 100(3), 18-23.
[4]. Bloomfield, J., Fordham-Clarke, C., Pegram, A., & Cunningham, B. (2010). The development and evaluation of a computer-based resource to assist pre-registration nursing students with their preparation for objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs). Nurse Education Today, 30(2), 113-117.
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Abstract: Health care seeking behaviour of patients and other clients have remained an area of concern and curiosity to provider of services in primary health care centers. This study aims to identify the key and specific actions taken by the residents of Ilorin metropolis to seek care at the primary health centre(PHC) and also to assess major factors influencing it. A qualitative phenominological study using semi-structured interview and focus group discussion was adopted for the study. The researchers conducted 36 key informant interviews with users of PHC comprising male and female; 50 focus group discussions among users of PHC facility and In-depth interviews with 20 community leaders. Additonally, official PHC document were reviewed. The findings show that there is fairly functional PHC system in the study area, faced with several challenges related to accessibility of services and shortage of resources. It was recommended among others that there should be a co-ordinated efforts to improve infrastructure and design behavioural health promotion campaigns to inform and educate the people especially rural dwellers that the desirable health care seeking behaviour is to patronize health facilities at PHC centre first.
Keywords: Healthcare seeking behaviour, Primary health care,Ilorin metropolis
[1]. Institute of Development Studies. Mobilizing social science research to improve health. IDS Policy Briefing. Issue 23. Sussex. 2005.
[2]. Foster, G.M. and Anderson, B.G. Medical Anthropology. John Wiley and sons Inc. USA. Kleinman, A. Patients and Healers in the context of culture. Berkeley: University of California press, 1980.
[3]. MacKian S. A review of health seeking behaviour: problems and prospects. Internal concept paper. Health Systems Development Programme, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. London. 2001.
[4]. World Health Organization. Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century. The Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion: New Players for a New Era- Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century. Jakarta. 1997.
[5]. World Health Organization. Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health. The Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion. Health Promotion: Bridging the Equity Gap. Mexico City. 2000.
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Abstract: Couples are using contraceptive methods because they never want unhealthy, unwanted child. They make a plan for child born and give space between two children. They use contraception to prevent sexual transmitted disease.1The present study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of structural teaching programme (STP) regarding contraceptive method among eligible couples. The purpose of this study was to educate the couples to prevent unwanted pregnancy and day to day activities to maintain stranger vigilance for early signs of STD. This study is aimed at improving the knowledge of eligible couples. An evaluative approach with pre experimental design was used for the study. The sample consisted of 60 eligible couples. Samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by Administering structured knowledge questionnaire prior and after the administration of structural teaching programme. The studyFindings revealed that knowledge gained through STP was good, as it was evident withpre-test and post-test mean knowledge score of eligible couples in control and experimental group, the pre-test and post-test mean knowledge score of control group (25.42, 24.02) was not statistically significant, whereas the pre-test and post-test mean knowledge score of experimental group (23.18, 36.54) was highly significant at p< 0.001concluded that there is significant difference in the understanding of eligible couples regarding contraceptive methodby using a structured teaching programme.
Key words: Effectiveness; STP; contraception, eligible couples.
[1]. Brunner &Suddarth's, "Textbook of Medical and Surgical Nursing", 10th edition, Publishing by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004.
[2]. RGUHS Journal of Medical Sciences, April 2012, Vol 2, Issue 2. P 102 - 104.
[3]. Ebersole. Toward Healthy aging. Human needs and Nursing response. 5th ed. Newyork:Mosby; 1998
[4]. ArunaDubey, SeemaBhasin, Neelima Gupta and Neeraj Sharma. A Study of Elderly Living in Old Age Home and Within Family. University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India; 2011.
[5]. RGUHS Journal of Medical Sciences, April 2012, Vol 2, Issue 2. P 102 - 104.
[6]. Zeleznik,Danica,UniversityofOulu,
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Abstract: Understanding about facts regarding menstruation and proper management of hygiene during menstruation is definitely one of the most essential ones for girls. The objective of our study was to assess the impact of health education on knowledge, attitude and practice on menstrual hygiene among PUC female students of college located in urban area of Belgaum. The study included all the PUC (arts and commerce stream) girls who had attained menarche and gave informed consent. Descriptive data were displayed in proportion, percentage and mean. Mc Nemar chi-square test was applied as a test of significance. Significance level was set at 5%. There was a significant improvement in knowledge on nearly all menstruation relevant issues in pre-test compared to post-test. In the pre-test, only 75 (24.8%) girls reported that they wash their genitalia in every visit to toilet whereas in the post-test, significant improvement was observed in their menstrual practice (p<0.001). Similarly, the practice of bathing during menstruation was increased from 39.6% in pre-test to 99.0% in post-test which was found to be statistically significant (P<0.001). The study also clearly pointed out the impact of health education in improving their knowledge and practices.
Keywords: Female Students, Health education, KAP, Menarche, Menstruation,
[1]. Swati Y. Bhave. Course Manual for Adolescent Health Part- II. Indian Perspective, IAP-ITPAH, 319-332, 6-9,115-121.(6)
[2]. Deo DS, Ghattargi CH. Perceptions and practices regarding menstruation. A comparative study in urban and rural adolescent girls. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2005; 30:PP( 33-34)(7)
[3]. Singh Sp, Maya S, Meenakshi, Sen AP. Knowledge assessment regarding puberty and menstruation among secondary school girls of district Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Indian J Pre Med. 2006; 37(1): 9-14(8)
[4]. Fernandes M, Khurana I, Mahapatra R. infochange Public health. 41% of women unprepared for menstruation.2008 Nov(9)
[5]. Garg R, Goyal S, Gupta S. India Moves Towards Menstrual Hygiene: Subsidized Sanitary Napkins for Rural Adolescent Girls- Issues and Challenges. Matern Child Health J(2012); 16:767-774(11)
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Abstract: Background: Stroke is a suddenly occurring condition in which the blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted. It could soon be the most common cause of death worldwide. Older adults are more affected by stroke and the majority of stroke survivors have a disability. Training caregivers in skills essential for the day to day management of disabled elder with stroke is likely to have a role in reducing the burden of care and contribute to improved patients outcomes. Aim: determine the impact of informal caregivers training program on geriatric patients' functional status and post-stroke depression. Method: quasi-experimental research design was used. The study was carried out on 45 elderly patients and their informal caregivers in the inpatient neurological departments and neurological outpatient clinics of El-Mansoura University Hospital. Data was collected using 5 tools and the collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and analytical statistics. Conclusion: the present study revealed that caregivers training affect positively the geriatric patients' functional status and post-stroke depression. An improvement in the geriatric patients' functional status and post-stroke depression after implementation of the training program was observed and also the caregivers' knowledge and practices level was improved.
Keywords: Informal caregiver, Geriatric Patients, Functional status, Post-stroke depression, Stroke.
[1] Buttero T, Trybulski J, Bailey P and Cook J. Primary Care: A collaborative Practice. 3rd ed., St. Louis: Mosby Inc., 2008; 1031-36.
[2] American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association. Guidelines for early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke. 2013. Available at: . Accessed on 20/2/2012
[3] National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Know the Stroke. 2009. Available at: Accessed on 13/8/2012.
[4] World Health Organization. World Health Report 2007. Cited in The Internet Stroke Center. Stroke Statistics. 2009. Available at: Accessed on 1/3/ 2012.
[5] Benamer H and Grosset D. Stroke in Arab countries: A systematic literature review. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2009, 109-81. Available at: http://www. Accessed on 13/1/ 2014.
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Abstract: Background: Breast cancer is one of the most important types of cancer among women worldwide and is a significant stressor in women's life that may affect functional health status. The present study was aimed to identify psychological factors of depressive symptoms and anxiety and relationship with social support and functional status among patients with breast cancer surgery. Methods: Descriptive correlation research design was conducted in the Oncology Department and Oncology Center at Mansoura University Hospital. The data were collected from 102 adult patients with primary breast cancer undergoing surgery. Data were collected utilizing the following tools: 1) A Structured Interview Questionnaire (SIQ): including socio-demographic and related medical data. 2) The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to measure levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms (psychological reaction). 3) The Social Support Measurement Questionnaire (SSMQ) to measure social support. 4) Inventory Functional Status-Cancer (IFS-CA) to measured Functional Status of breast cancer women. Findings: The studied subjects reported total functional status subjects' scores showed slight improvement over time, from start of diagnosis of breast cancer to one week after surgery. Also, identified correlates between social support and psychological factors (anxiety and depressive symptoms). While associates of low functional status scores were almost being depressive symptoms, anxiety and low social support (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that there are strong correlation between patients' psychological distress and functional status. The psychosocial factors of anxiety and depressive symptoms are alleviated by the social support received from their family and friends, healthcare professionals. Keywords: Breast cancer, depressive symptom, anxiety, psychological distress, social support, functional status.
[1]. Montazeri A, Vahdaninia M, Harirchi I et al.( 2008). Breast cancer in Iran: Need for greater women awareness of warning signs and effective screening methods. Asia Pac Fam Med;76.
[2]. Harirchi I, Kolahdoozan S, Karbakhsh M et al.( 2011) 2011. Twenty years of breast cancer in Iran: Downstaging without a formal screening program. Ann Oncol.; 22:93-7.
[3]. Cancer in Norway (2009) Cancer incidence, mortality, survival and prevalence in Norway. Retrieved from on 22 May 2012.
[4]. Dow, K.H., (2004). Contemporary Issue in Breast Cancer: A Nursing Perspective, second ed. Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury
[5]. National Cancer Institute, (2002). Adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: questions and answers. Retrieved April 14, 2009 from: factsheet/Therapy/adjuvant-breast
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Abstract: A urinary catheter is an indispensable tool use in patient's care. The study is a descriptive study aimed at examining the relationship of factors such as sex, age, volume of urine inside drainage bag, and catheter related factors with the development of urinary tract infection and also to determine the organism responsible for urinary tract infection among catheterized patients. 57 patients were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data on the risk factors were collected through observation and review of patient's case note using self-developed checklists. Quantitative urine culture was also done to detect UTI and a colony count of ≥105cfu/ml of urine was considered significant. All the data were analyzed using frequency distribution and percentages. Chi-square was employed in testing the hypotheses with p value of 0.05. This study documented significant bacterial growth discovered in 45.6% (26) of the patients with urinary catheters in contrast to 54.4% (31) of the patients whose urine culture does not yielded significant growth of organisms and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the common isolate (84.7%). There was no significant relationship between sex of patient, age of patient or volume of urine inside the drainage bag and development of urinary tract infection among catheterized patients in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital.
Keywords: Catheterized patients, Risk factors, Urinary Tract Infection
[1]. Gould CV, Umscheid CA, Agarwal RK, Kuntz G, Pegues DA, (2010). Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections, Available from: Accessed January 25, 2010.
[2]. Kozier B, Erb G.L, Snyder S.J, et al, (2007). Fundamentals of nursing (8th ed.) New Jersy, Person Education Inc. 1303-1308.
[3]. Loeb M, Hunt D, O'Halloran K, Carusone SC, Dafoe N, Walter SD. (2008). Stop orders to reduce inappropriate urinary catheterization in hospitalized patients: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine 23:816-20.
[4]. Smeltzer SC, Bare BG, Cheever KH et al, (2010). Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical- surgical-nursing. (12th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
[5]. Classen D, Lo E, Nicolle L,et al. (2008) Strategies to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections in acute care hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol;29(Suppl 1):S41-50.