Volume-3 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract :Reliability analysis of time dependent stress strength system is carried out by considering each of
stress variables are deterministic and strength variables are random – fixed and vice versa for different
distributions .Reliability computations were done for different cycle lengths for different distributions. The
number of cycles in any period of time 't' is assumed to be deterministic , stress and strength follows
Exponential distribution and Rayleigh distribution , it is observed that the reliability of the system is decreased
when the number of cycles increased and system reliability rapidly change in Rayleigh distribution than the
Exponential distribution. In the deterministic stress and random fixed strength and vice versa, for various
parameter values, reliability is computed.
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23, pp:355-366.
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Abstract :We know that for any numerical method to be efficient and computational reliable, it must be convergent, consistent, and stable. This paper adopted the method of interpolation of the approximate solution and collocation ofits differential system at grid and off grid points to yield a continuous linear multistep method with a constant step size. The continuous linear multistep method is solved for the independent solution to yield a continuous block method which is evaluated at selected grid and off grid points to yield a discrete block method. The basic property of this method is verified to be convergent consistent and satisfies the conditions for stability. The method was tested on numerical examples and found to compete favorably withthe existing methods in term of accuracy and error variation.
Keywords: interpolation, IVP, ODEs, colocation, approximate solution, independent solution, block method, convergent.
Keywords: interpolation, IVP, ODEs, colocation, approximate solution, independent solution, block method, convergent.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Geometric Conditions for Starlikeness and Convexity of Univalent Functions |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | James, AdewaleAdeyemi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0361523 ![]() |
Abstract :It is of interest in this work to analyze the sufficient conditions of Starlike and Convex functions
using the geometric approach. The domains are preserved by the Conformal Mapping Principle.Furthermore, we
established subordination properties for functions of the class T n
using our new approach.
Keyword: Convexity, Starlikeness, Univalent, Unit disk,
Keyword: Convexity, Starlikeness, Univalent, Unit disk,
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[4] Bernard, S.D. (1966). Bibliography of schlicht functions.Courant Institute of Mathematical Science. New York. (Reprinted by
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[5] Bernard, S.D. (1969). Convex and Starlike functions.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (135) 429-446.
[6] Caratheodory, C. (1960).Theory of functions of a complex variable. Vol. II Chelsea Publishing Co. New York.
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[2] Babalola, K.O. (2005). Some new results on a certain family of analytic functions defined by the Salagean derivative.Ph.D
Thesis.Department of Mathematics, University of Ilorin.
[3] Babalola, K.O. and Opoola T.O, Iterated Integral transformsof Caratheodory function and their applications to analytic and
univalent functions. Tamkang J. Math., 37(4)(2006), 355-366
[4] Bernard, S.D. (1966). Bibliography of schlicht functions.Courant Institute of Mathematical Science. New York. (Reprinted by
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[5] Bernard, S.D. (1969). Convex and Starlike functions.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (135) 429-446.
[6] Caratheodory, C. (1960).Theory of functions of a complex variable. Vol. II Chelsea Publishing Co. New York.
[7] Dorff, M and Szynal, J. (2002). Higher order Schwarzian derivatives for convex univalent functions. Reprint submitted to Elsevier
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[9] Duren, P.L. (1983). Univalent functions. Springer-Verlag, New York.
[10] Goodman, A.W. (1983). Univalent functions. Mariner Publishing Co. Inc. Tampa, Florida.
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Abstract :The extended star graph with cross-connections ESC (n, k) is a relatively new interconnection
network topology, that has a hierarchical and recursive network that combines the versatility and robustness of
star graph architectures. In this paper we have discussed some combinatorial results to find the number of
nodes and edges of ESC (n, k).
Keyword: Network, star graphs, extended star graphs.
Keyword: Network, star graphs, extended star graphs.
[1] A. Anto Kinsley, S. Somasundaram and C.Xavier, "Fault- tolerant Hierarchical Network of Star Graphs", Computer Science and
Informatics, Vol. 29(1), March 1999,20-35.
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parallel and distribution systems Vol.5 (1), January 1994, 31-38.
[3] S. Pious Missier, M. Evangeline Prathibha and A. Anto Kinsley, April 2012, "Combinatorial results on the Extended Star Graph
Topology ES (n, k)", Outreach, Vol. 5, 2011, 79-82.
Informatics, Vol. 29(1), March 1999,20-35.
[2] K.Day and A. Tripathi, "A Comparative Study of Topological Properties of Hypercubes and Star Graphs", IEEE Transactions on
parallel and distribution systems Vol.5 (1), January 1994, 31-38.
[3] S. Pious Missier, M. Evangeline Prathibha and A. Anto Kinsley, April 2012, "Combinatorial results on the Extended Star Graph
Topology ES (n, k)", Outreach, Vol. 5, 2011, 79-82.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dominator Chromatic Number of Interval Graphs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. Sudhakaraiah and V. Raghava Lakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0362833 ![]() |
Abstract :The present paper concentrates on the theory of dominator coloring in graphs and focuses on
resolving the dominator chromatic number of interval graphs. Some categorized interval graphs are selected in
this process of study. To facilitate the study and to establish the results, emphasis is given to the analogy
between the nature and coherence of the intervals, which in turn played an essential role in determining the
dominator chromatic number of the interval graphs. An interval graph is a circular- arc graph that can be
represented with a set of arcs that do not cover the entire circle. A dominator coloring of a graph G is an
assignment of colors to the vertices of G such that no two adjacent vertices are assigned with the same color
and every vertex dominates all vertices of at least one color class, where a color class is the set of all vertices,
having the same color. The minimum number of colors required for a dominator coloring of G is called the
dominator chromatic number of G and is denoted by χd(G).
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C15
Keyword: Chromatic number, dominator chromatic number, interval graphs
Keyword: Chromatic number, dominator chromatic number, interval graphs
[1] F.Harrary, Graph Theory, Addition - Wesley Reading Mass, 1969.
[2] R. Gera, C. Rasmussen, and S. Horton. Dominator colorings and safe clique partitions, Congressus Numerantium, 181, 19-32, 2006.
[3] R. Gera. On dominator coloring in graphs. In Graph Theory Notes of New York, LII, 25-30, 2007.
[4] R. Gera. On the dominator colorings in bipartite graphs. In ITNG, IEEE, pages 1- 6, 2007.
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[6] S. Arumugam, On dominator coloring in graphs, IWGC, BDU, 2010.
[2] R. Gera, C. Rasmussen, and S. Horton. Dominator colorings and safe clique partitions, Congressus Numerantium, 181, 19-32, 2006.
[3] R. Gera. On dominator coloring in graphs. In Graph Theory Notes of New York, LII, 25-30, 2007.
[4] R. Gera. On the dominator colorings in bipartite graphs. In ITNG, IEEE, pages 1- 6, 2007.
[5] S. Hedetniemi, S. Hedetniemi, A. McRae, and J. Blair. Dominator colorings of graphs. Preprint, 2006.
[6] S. Arumugam, On dominator coloring in graphs, IWGC, BDU, 2010.
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Abstract :Analysis of count data is widely used in medical studies, epidemiology, ecology and many research of
interest. Basically negative binomial (NB) will used when Poisson data lead to heterogeneity or over
dispersion. Thus, when a Poisson data proof of over dispersion phenomenon exists NB will be replaced for that
purpose. We modeled categorical age of death rate cases as the dependent variable comparing a NB and Poisson
regression. To con- duct this purpose; SAS was used by using PROC GENMODE procedure. To estimate
parameter according categorical age of death rate, we did standardization of rate via NB and Poisson
distribution. The objective of this study was to compare Negative Binomial Death Rate (NBDR) and Poisson
Death Rate (PDR).
Keyword: negative binomial, Poisson death rate, count data
Keyword: negative binomial, Poisson death rate, count data
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[5] Castelloe.J.M. Sample size computations and power analysis with sas system, 2000.
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coagulation and autonomic dysfunction in young adults. AM Journal Respiration Care Medicine, 176: 370–376, 2007.
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[8] Siam Journal Application Mathematics, 21(4):501–513, 1971.
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Occupation Environment Medicine, 55(9):605–610, 1998.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stochastic Behavior of Standby System with Two Types of Workload and Three Types of Repair |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kirti Arekar |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0363946 ![]() |
Abstract :In the present paper, we analyses a tow-identical unit deteriorating standby system model having two
types of workload i.e. normal and fast. The system works under varying workload. When workload is more the
standby also starts operation and the system becomes parallel until the workload decreases. The unit may be
repairable under normal and fast repair mode. Using regenerative point's technique different measures of
reliability are obtained.
Keyword: Deteriorating, Reliability, Standby, Repair.
Keyword: Deteriorating, Reliability, Standby, Repair.
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[2] Ketan A. Gajjar, K.K. Shah and M.N. Patel (2007): Bayesian Reliability Analysis of certain Types of Systems with Discrete
Failure Time, ' IAPQR Transaction' Vol. 32, No. 1, pp- 75-85.
[3] Gupta, Praveen and Sammerwar, Manish (2001): Stochastic analysis of two Wait power engine models, Ultra Science, V. 12,pp 27-
[4] Gupta, P and Deshmukh, K (2002): Cost analysis of two-identical unit standby system with varying workload and maintenance,
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system, 'IAPQR Transaction' Vol. 31, No. 1. , pp-19-26.
[2] Ketan A. Gajjar, K.K. Shah and M.N. Patel (2007): Bayesian Reliability Analysis of certain Types of Systems with Discrete
Failure Time, ' IAPQR Transaction' Vol. 32, No. 1, pp- 75-85.
[3] Gupta, Praveen and Sammerwar, Manish (2001): Stochastic analysis of two Wait power engine models, Ultra Science, V. 12,pp 27-
[4] Gupta, P and Deshmukh, K (2002): Cost analysis of two-identical unit standby system with varying workload and maintenance,
'IAPQR' Transaction, Calcutta, vol 27, no. 2.pp 12-17.
[5] Barlow, R.E. And F. Proschan (1965) : Mathematical theory of reliability, John Wiley, New York.
[6] Bazovsky, I. (1961): Reliability Theory and Practices, Practices Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.