Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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Study of Seasonal Variation of Water Quality of River Siang in Arunachal Pradesh, India |
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India |
Authors |
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Biplab Kumar Das, Prasanna Boruah, Devashish Kar |
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10.9790/2402-08241120  |
Abstract: Growing populations may put stresses on natural waters both the quality of the water and hydrological budget. River Siang is the main river of East Siang district and also it is one of the most important tributary of the mighty River Brahmaputra drainage system. Potable quality of river water is affected by seasons and other factors. Assessments of physico-chemical parameters were carried out during July 2012 to June 2013 in the six different study sites of River Siang. Twenty (20) different water quality parameters were measured in all collected samples, including Water Colour, Air Temperature, Water Temperature, pH, DO, FCO2, Conductivity, Total alkalinity, Turbidity, total hardness, TSS, TDS, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphate, Chloride, Iron, Sodium, Manganese, Zinc. The results that are recorded in the different stations are compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) [1] and it was found that the water of River Siang may be suitable for drinking and domestic purposes because all the values are between WHO ; except the values of Iron.
Keywords: Seasonal Variations, River Siang, Physico-chemical parameters, Arunachal Pradesh, WHO.
[1]. WHO, World Health Organization, Guideline for Drinking Water Quality, Geneva, 2010.
[2]. Jain, A. K., River Pollution, First Edition, APH Publishing, New Delhi, 2009, 330.
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