Abstract: The physico-chemical properties of grilled bacon (GB) as influenced by some chemical preservatives such as Butyl Hydroxyl Toluene (BHT), citric acid and sugar were investigated. Four samples comprising GB + 0 ppm BHT + 0.5% citric acid + 2% sugar (GBC1), GB + 0.1 ppm BHT + 0.5% citric acid + 2% sugar (GBC2), GB + 0.2 ppm BHT + 0.5% citric acid + 2% sugar GBC3) and the control (GB + 0 ppm BHT + 0% citric acid + 0% sugar; GBC0) were produced.....
Keywords: Bacon, Butyl Hydroxyl Toluene (BHT), Citric Acid, Sugar, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, pH, Total Volatile Bases, Thiobarbituric Acid.
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