Abstract: The water hyacinth plant, formerly classified as Eichhornia crassipes is now recognized as Pontederia crassipes, is known to absorb significant quantities of metals from aquatic environments through its stem, root, and leaf. This study is used to determine the concentrations of five heavy metals, such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni), in water hyacinth samples collected from the Ojo River, Lagos. Sampling was conducted between December and March from a consistent location. The harvested plant materials root, stem, and leaf were prepared by weighing 5 g of each part, followed by digestion using aqua regia in a 3:1 ratio.....
Keywords: Ologe River, Water hyacinth plant, Heavy metals, Digestion, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
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