Version-2 (July-August 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Money Supply, Money Velocity & Unexploited Resources |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ujjal Guha |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0904020102 ![]() |
Abstract: Suppose there are 3 persons in a society, with one having Re.1, and, he buys something from another person, a good, with that rupee .The cost of production to the second person is nil. Suppose the second person buys something (i.e. a good) with that rupee from the third person, , to whom also the cost of production is nil . Notice we had one rupee in our hand but our GNP has become Rs.3. It proves that, in a society where there is no deficit financing, the more we use the money in money supply, the more will be our GNP. With the help of this theory we can solve all problems of financing a project where there is dearth of money, increase exports and imports, wipe out recession in an economy
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Abstract: The question of choice of capital structure is one of the fundamental questions in the field of financial management. The purpose of this article is to study the factors determining the capital structure of Moroccan non-financial companies listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange during the period 2003-2015. The sample includes 45 randomly selected companies. Based on previous empirical research, three blocks of exogenous variables were selected, business-related variables, macroeconomic variables, and those related to sectoral membership. The tests deployed concern stationarity, cointegration and dynamic estimation (DOLS) tests, taking into account two horizons (short term and long term). Our results are statistically significant in short term, and in long term. In addition, they support the theory of ordered preferences which states that firms prefer to be self-financing in the short term and not in the long term..
Keywards: Capital structure, Cointegration, DOLS, Panel, Unit root test
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Abstract: The agricultural sector plays an important role in the Nigerian economy through its contribution to economic growth and development. Over the years, the growth potentials of the sector have been retarded due to under financing of the sector which results from total neglect of the sector by government and financial institutions. This paper thus, explored the impact of foreign direct investment on agricultural productivity in Nigeria. The study employed Augmented Dickey – Fuller (ADF), Johansen test and Error Correction Mode to examine the effect of foreign direct investment and agricultural development. The unit root test results revealed that all the macroeconomic variables namely..........
Keywards: Agricultural Productivity, Foreign Direct Investment, Government Expenditure and Bank Credit.
[1]. Akinlo, E. (2004). Foreign direct investment and growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Policy Modeling, 26(5), 627-639.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect Of Economic Growth And Income Inequality On Poverty In Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Akhmad || Alyas || Amir |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0904022026 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of national development is to realize a just, competitive, progressive, and prosperous Indonesian society of the Republic of Indonesia. This study aims to determine the economic growth, inequality of development and its effect on poverty reduction in Indonesia by using 33 provincial panel data from 2009 until 2015. It analyzed by using descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis.The research found that the poverty rate in Indonesia has decreased in line with the improvement in economic conditions which is marked by an average economic growth above 5 percent per year. The result of regression analysis found that there is thepositive and significant effect of Gini index variable to the increase of poverty. It means that any increase in income inequality (Gini index) occurring in Indonesia, could lead to the rise in debt in Indonesia. The human development index variables affect negative and real to poverty. Meanwhile, the growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) has a negative but not real impact on poverty reduction. It shows that every increase of Human Development Index and GDP growth can reduce thepoverty rate in Indonesia. Jel. Classification: E64, O11.
Keywards: Economic growth, inequality, poverty rate in Indonesia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Tourism Growth against Growth of Small Medium Enterprises |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Fitriani |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0904022730 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to describe and analyze the influence of tourism growth against a growth of small to medium businesses and micro. Object data in this study-Indonesia Growth years 2012-2016 and growth of small and medium-sized Businesses Micro Indonesia years 2012-2016. The technique of data collection in this research is the documentation. Data analysis using simple regression with t-test, and test f. Results showed that tourism growth affects the growth of small and medium-sized businesses with micro t-value calculate the significance value of 0.002 9.713 < 0.05. The implications for Government and businessmen of small and medium-size micro is for businessmen, in particular, should be able to compete as well as efforts to improve the quality of community can open up new businesses so that the number of entrepreneurs are increasingly growing and developing, and for the Government is expected to make a policy that can be beneficial for all parties
Keywards: tourism growth, the growth of small medium enterprises
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Abstract: The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of oil prices on macroeconomic fundamentals, monetary policy and stock market for eight oil-exporting and non-oil exports countries in the Middle East and North African region, namely Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Turkey. Using quarterly data for the period 1994Q4-2015Q2, with a Panel-ARDL, we may conclude that there are short run dynamic cross-section relationships between first, oil prices and macroeconomic variables such as growth rate and consumer price index, second, oil prices and money market rate and third, market capitalization and oil prices.............
Keywards: Economic growth, Oil shocks, Monetary policy,, PANEL-ARDL, Stock market
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact Of Capital Market On The Economic Growth In Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Chukwuemeka Nwamuo, Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0904024051 ![]() |
Abstract: The study investigated the impact of capital market on the economic growth in Nigeria: Annual time series data were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and Securities and Exchange Commission statistical bulletin for the period 1981 to 2016 on the variables used for the study. Unit root test was conducted using Augmented Dickey-Fuller test technique and the result showed that the variables were stationary though at different levels. Co-integrated test was also conducted using Johanssen co-integration test method and the result showed that the variables in the model are co-integrated meaning that the variables have a long run relationship. The error correction mechanism shows the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) in the overparameterized model was 0.722639 while it was 0.594782 in the parsimonious model The short run regression result shows market capitalization............
Keywards: Market capitalisation, listed equity, volume of transaction, economic growth
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Nigeria an Empirical Analysis. Journal of Humanities And Social Science, 6(6): pp 60-68
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Abstract: This paper examines Nigerian state's policy and politics toward natural resources governance and how this path the state has taken for its economic development has peripherialised the country for over five decades as a mono-economy and how this has engendered resource control controversy. The paper further interrogates the implications for the country's mono-economy status. The paper argues that the abandonment of agriculture and utter neglect of non-oil resources as well as failure to democratize the governance of natural resources have led to inability of government.............
Keywards: Nigerian State, Natural Resources, Governance, Resource Control, Mono-Economy
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Abstract: This paper develops a corporate ownership identity-based to investigate the financial decision of Malaysian firms. Specifically, this study investigates whether the financial strategy of family, managerialowned, foreign, and government firms tend to adopt the assumptions of the trade-off or pecking order theories. Panel data analysis is conducted on a sample of 407 firms for the period of 2012 to 2015. In general, the results provide evidence for both theories. The trade-off theory seems to be more obvious in firms dominated by family and managers. On the other hand,pecking order theory is more pronounced in government and foreign firms.
The current paper argues that the information asymmetry is lower in managerial-owned and family firms compared to government and foreign firms because of their direct engagement in the management. In addition, the higher information asymmetry in government and foreign firms slows the speed of adjustment to the target capital structure.
Keywards: ownership identity, trade-off, pecking order, capital structure.
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Abstract: This study investigated bottleneck as a determinantfactor influencingthe implementationof knowledge managementin River State Ministries. The focus of the study was mainly on techno-centric aspect of knowledge management and how its implementation can fail due to bottleneck usually occasioned by the observation of hierarchical power structure in the ministries.The study was a descriptive survey. As such bottleneck as a variable was employed to describe how technology-assisted knowledge management can be influenced. The population of the study comprised all the employees of Rivers State Ministries of Information/Communication and Budgeting and Planning............
Keywards: Knowledge Management, hierarchy-induced bottleneck. Implementation, IT
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