Version-2 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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Abstract: Poverty remains a problem that gets the attention of stakeholders. Before drawing up poverty reduction programs, please note the socio-demographic characteristics of poor families. Bali Province is a famous tourist destination in the world, but apparently in the region of Nusa Penida Island which is still an area of Bali Province, it turns out there are quite a lot of poor families. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a socio economic and demographic characteristic of the poor families in the Nusa Penida Island. The results showed that poor households in dominance at the level of productive age, which due to geographical conditions and level of education is very low resulting in limited types of work that can be elaborated so that the low level of income received. Moreover, the large number of family members who are still dependents of the poor households. Besides still the strong community of Nusa Penida in social events, customs, and religion that would affect the level of household expenditure.
Keywards: demography, economic, non-economic, poverty, social
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[4] The Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province, Bali in Figure (Denpasar: The Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province, 2016).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Inclusion in the MENA Region: A Case Study on Egypt |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mai Mostafa Awad || Nada Hamed Eid |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0901021125 ![]() |
Abstract: As the world economy become integrated, there are great attention to financial inclusion, which has been a trending topic not only for global financial institutions as the World Bank and the IMF, but also for governments and regulators. The World Bank has defined the concept "financial inclusion" as "enabling all individuals and businesses to have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs in which to be delivered in a responsible and sustainable way". In addition to that, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has included financial inclusion as one of the goals that need to be maintained by 2030. On the other hand, as financial inclusion is gaining that level of attention worldwide, implementing it in the developing countries and more specifically in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region may be that challenging. This paper is interested in explaining..........
Keywards: Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, Financial Stability, Economic Development
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Abstract: The rural economy is predominantly based on agriculture. Approximately 80 per cent Indian population lives in around five and half lakhs villages spread over the country and are depended mainly on agriculture. Agriculture is the backbone and base of the national economy. Agriculture is the lifeline of Indian economy and sustainability of agricultural growth has been the focused issue confronting the nation over the years. Indian agriculture could rise up to the challenges and has witnessed a gradual transformation from subsistence farming of early fifties to the present day intensive farming practices. Since ages, women continued to be the important stakeholders in farming actively in India. The nature and extent of women's involvement in agriculture, no doubt, vary greatly from region to region. Presently, they constitute one third of the agricultural labour force and about 48 per cent...........
Keywards: Agriculture, backbone, Panchayat Samities, decision-making ability, self-employed, National economy
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Abstract: One form of government efforts to boost tax receipts as well as to raise awareness and tax compliance in Indonesia, on July 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 implemented a program called tax amnesty. Implementation of tax amnesty was marked by the issuance of law about tax amnesty and the regulation of the Minister of Finance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of taxpayer knowledge about Tax amnesty, Implementation of amnesty tax policy and the transfer of property in order tax amnesty to the awareness and tax compliance in the Bali Province. Data were obtained from 160 respondents who registered as a taxpayer in West Denpasar Tax Office. This study was a quantitative study that explains the causal relationship of each variable. To answer the hypothesis proposed in this study, data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The..........
Keywards: tax amnesty, awareness, compliance, knowledge, implementation, property transfer
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Abstract: This study is important,particularly now that emphasis is on investment performance analysis all over the world and especially in South-Eastern Nigeria, where decisions are often made to invest inreal estate with little or no recourseto performance measurement. Two states were chosen out of the five south eastern states, and from each, three locations were isolated for the study; bungalows, blocks of flats and detached houses on two floors were used for the study.136 estate surveyors and valuers in private practice (Owerri: 56, Enugu: 80)) supplied data on annual rental and capital values of the properties managed by them. The yearly returns on investment were computed from the appraised capital values and annual rental values of the various types of residential properties in the study area between 1999 and 2016;using the Holding Period Return (HPR) method. Investment performance was computed by finding the risk- return ratio of various property investments. Risk was calculated by finding the standard deviation of the yearly returns from the mean HPR. Results of the study showed that in Enugu, 4-bedroom bungalow...........
Keywards: Performance Measurement, Residential Investment Real Estate, South-Eastern Nigeria
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Abstract: The study examined the correlation between remittance and Household poverty in the Mogadishu. The aim of this study was to establish the correlation between remittance and Household poverty in Mogadishu. The study adopted a none-experimental case studysurvey design. Using a sample 399 respondents this study applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches in the analysis of its sample. The Sample covered respondents who receive and do not receive remittance in Mogadishu capital city of Somalia. Questionnaires were the main instruments of data collection. The data collected was analysed using the statistical package for social sciences............
Keywards: Remittances, Poverty, Human Development Index,Chi-square, Non-Government Organization
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Abstract: Regional economic growth can be achieved with regional development. Regional development is implemented based on regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization. With decentralization opens up opportunities for underdeveloped regions to catch up with developed regions through rapid growth of per capita. Regional revenues and expenditures that include Regional Original Revenue, General Allocation Fund and Capital Expenditure can be used as instruments to increase economic growth and reduce poverty. This study was conducted with the aim to examine the effect of Regional Original Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Capital Expenditure on economic growth and poverty...........
Keywards: Regional Original Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Capital Expenditure, Economic Growth, Poverty, Convergence.
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Abstract: This study examines the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on stock market development in Nigeria using annual data from 1981 to 2016. The variables such as stock market development proxied by market capitalization, foreign direct investment, exchange rate, inflation rate and gross domestic savings were used in the study. The study found that foreign direct investment has positive and statistically insignificant effect on stock market development. Exchange rate and gross domestic savings exert positive and statistically significant impact on stock market development, while inflation rate has insignificant negative influence on stock market development in Nigeria throughout the study period. From the foregoing, this study recommends the followings: first, there is need for the government to device several means that will motivate...........
Keywards: Foreign Direct Investment, Stock Market Development, ARDL.
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Abstract: The paper investigated the effectiveness of selected monetary policy tools in the control of inflation in Nigeria. Data used are monthly data covering the period January, 2009 to December, 2016 sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin2016. The study estimated the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test, Johansen Cointegration test and the Error Correction Model (ECM). Result of the ADF showed that all the variables are integrated of order I(1), except for the Error Correction Term (ECT) which is stationary of order I(0). The Johansen cointegration test result revealed the presence of a long-run relationship between inflation rate and the selected monetary policy variables...........
Keywards: Inflation, Money Supply, Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy Rate, Error Correction Model
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