Version-3 (July-August 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Capital Market Volatility on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1985 - 2016) |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nwanna Ifeanyi Onyenwe |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0804030125 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined the impact of capital market volatility on Nigerian economic growth using real Gross Domestic Product as proxy for economic growth. Volatility of returns in financial markets is a major stumbling block to attracting investment in developing economies. The selected capital market variables include market capitalisation ratio, all-share index, trading volumes, financial deepening ratios, dividend yield and gross domestic product. The data were obtained from the World Bank Development Reports, various issues of Central Bank of Nigeria Annual Report and the National Economic statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics..................
Keywords: Capital Market Volatility, Economic Growth, Financial Markets, Financial Deepening
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Abstract: This study investigated the determinants of estimating outstanding claim provision of non-life insurance firms in Ghana. The study is based on panel data of non-life insurer's outstanding claim provision, underwriting premium, reinsurance premium, paid claims and size of firm as well as macroeconomic variables such as inflation, investment rate and real GDP growth rate for 22 non-life insurance firms covering the period 2007-2012. The study fitted a fixed effect regression model which helped overcome simultaneity bias and gave consistent estimates. The results show that claims paid, reinsurance issued premiums and the lag..................
Keywords: Outstanding claim, Solvency, Non-life insurance, Underwriting premium, Reinsurance premium, Paid claims.
[1]. M. Shapland, "Loss Reserve Estimates: A Statistical Approach for Determining Reasonableness," Variance, vol. 1, pp. 120-148, 2007.
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[4]. R. P. Brown, "Variability of Loss Reserves," Reserves Prize Program Paper, pp. 1-20, 1994.
[5]. D. Cheung, Estimating IBNR reserves with robust statistics, Michigan: unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Western Michigan University, U.S.A., 1997.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An essay on fiscal equalization system in Morocco |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Mohammed Harouche || Hassan Bougantouche |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0804033544 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims to make an overview of the fiscal equalization scheme practiced in Morocco. It highlights its inefficiency by identifying the weakness observed by territorial disparities not sufficiently redressed by current system. This paper is a contribution which reveals the ineffectiveness of fiscal equalization adopted by Morocco, particularly because of the effects it causes. Despite the reforms that have been introduced, fiscal equalization evolved timidly without actually satisfying an equitable distribution of wealth among local communities. In Morocco, the adoption of a new constitution, following the movement in the Arab world known as the "Arab Spring" and the launch of "advanced regionalization" project, should open horizons leading to the strengthening of solidarity between the territories. The analysis of the system deficiencies shows that it lacks opportunities that can be provided by equalization.
Keywords: Equitable distribution, fiscal equalization, regionalization, solidarity, territorial disparities
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[4] D. Usher, The reform of equalization payments. Canada public policy, University of Toronto Press, 33(3), 2007, 337-366.
[5] R. Hertzog, A propos de la péréquation dans les finances locales, Revue Française des Finances Publiques, 34, 1991, 57-78.
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Abstract: This study examined determinants of savings in Calabar agricultural zone of Cross River state. It specifically sought to identify the socio-economic characteristics of household heads in the study area, reasons for savings, factors influencing savings and constraints to savings. The study used purposive and multi-stage random sampling techniques to select 84 household heads from 3 LGAs in the zone. Data were obtained from primary source using structured questionnaire and analysed through the use of descriptive statistics measures such as frequency counts, percentages and tables as well as inferential statistics such as multiple regression analysis.. . The result showed that (78.6%) of the total respondent were male and they had an average age of 42 years.................
Keywords: Savings, determinants and savers
[1]. Abayomi, A. (2011). Savings mobilization strategic for effective microfinance. Wednesday Vanguard. Retrieved, 20th June, 2014 from http://www.
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[3]. Adeyemo, R. & Bamire, A. S. (2005). Saving and investment pattern of cooperative farmer in south western Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 11 (3): 183-192.
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Abstract: The directive by the federal government that treasury single account be fully implemented which led to the closure of more than ten thousand bank accounts and the sudden withdrawal of over two trillion naira from money deposit bank is worrisome. There is great fear that the liquidity base which is the life line for the survival of every corporate entity will be affected. The main objective of this study is to review the theoretical and empirical literature on the effect of the implementation of Treasury Single Account (TSA) on the liquidity of deposit money banks (DMB) in Nigeria. Recycling on previous studies on the subject matter, this study concludes that the implementation of treasury single account will adversely affect the liquidity of deposit money banks in Nigeria...................
Keywords: Treasury Single Account, Liquidity and money deposit banks.
[1]. Adeolu, I.A. (2015). Understanding the Treasury Single Account (TSA) System – Things you should know. Business & Economy, Market Development.
[2]. Akande, I. (2015). "Buhari orders Federal Ministries, Agencies to open Treasury Single Account" press Release, August 9
[3]. Akpa, A. (2014). Government Accounting and Public Finance Management. Nigerian Concepts and Applications. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Ltd.
[4]. Ajueghu, O. (2014). understanding Management Government and Ethics. Lagos: Phodum Inplconsulting Limited.
[5]. Ekubiat, J.U., and Ime, E.E. (2016). Adoption of Treasury Single Accounts (TSA) by State Governments of Nigeria: Benefits, challenges and prospects. Journal of Finance and Accounting.Vol.4,No3pp126_136,Doi:1011648/j:jfa.20160403.14
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Abstract: A public budget is a forecast of government expenditures and revenues for the ensuing fiscal year and also reflects the policy of the government towards the economy. A budget is so fundamental that it is de-scribe as the single most important document of the government in any fiscal year. This is because, budget man-agement enforces fiscal discipline, fosters macroeconomic stability, improves the portfolio of programmes by rewarding effective and efficient programmes as well as builds a culture of performance and accountability within the government and its spending units. The main objective of these study was to investigate the financial factors affecting budget implementation in Counties..................
Keywords: Budget implementation/ execution, absorption rate, supplementary budget, financial regulation.
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