Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: This research is a quantitative research with an experimental method. The population in this study included all students of class XI IPS SMA 2 Sidoarjo in the 2013/2014 school year. Data writing techniques in this case are documents, performance tests. The data analysis technique in this study is statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Inferential statistical analysis uses a two-way analysis of variance. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that: (1) There are significant differences in the use of the Jigsaw Model and the Problem Based Learning model in student learning activities. This is evidenced by Fcount> Ftable (24,677> 4,17).....
Keywords: Problem based learning, jigsaw cooperative learning method, student learning motivation, student accounting learning achievement
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Abstract: SMK Patriot is a SMK that is addressed in Jombang, and also schools that have school cooperatives to leverage students' abilities in managing business fields, especially in learning entrepreneurship. This research is descriptive quantitative research. How to collect data through observation, documentation. The main instrument in this study was using a questionnaire. The results showed t count of 5.065 greater than the t table of 2.763 and seen from the sig value of 0.000 which indicates that the coefficient value is 0.05> 0,000 which means there is a positive influence between the two variables or significantly between the Membership variables ( X) affect the test of interest in entrepreneurial interest (Y), so it can be concluded that cooperatives are very influential on entrepreneurial interests..
Keywards:School Cooperatives, Entrepreneurs
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Creating of Halal Value Chains: A Theoritical Approach |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Abdul Saidir Amir || Waspodo TjibtoSubroto |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1001011422 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe the chain of halal values on economic activities carried out by economic actors with a Porter theory approach with comparative studies of the countries of malaysia, Thailand and Singapore which have halal standards, certification, accreditation and traceability from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore ( Muis), the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT) and Malaysian Standard Halal Food ( MS1500:2009) by JAKIM.
Keywards: Halal, Value, chain, Activities, Tayyibah.
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Abstract: This study examined the effect of financial intermediation on the development of the economy of Nigeria using data spanning 1986 to 2017. The data were obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, World Bank (World Development Indicators) and International Monetary Fund (World Economic Outlook). The study considered credit to private sector, lending rate and money supply and independent variables, while real GDP growth rate and unemployment rate were used as the dependent variables. Auto-regressive distributed Lag (ARDL) technique was employed and Eviews 9 was used for the analysis. In other to achieve the objective of the study, series........
Keywards: Financial Intermediation, Economic Development, Nigeria A version of this Paper was presented at the 8th International Conference of Accounting and Finance Research Association held at University of Calabar International Conference Centre, November 4 – 6, 2018
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Are Migrant Remittances Positive or Negative for Economic Growth in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Jie Zhang Yong Lin |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1001013338 ![]() |
Abstract: Based on the data for Nigeria from 1977 to 2014, this paper uses co-integration analysis and ECM to explore the relationship between migrant remittances and Nigerian economic growth. Our result revealed that migrant remittances influence positively the economic growth of Nigeria in the short run but negatively in the long run. The most important reason for this is that Nigerian government has not developed an effective strategy for introducing and utilizing migrant remittances, which has led to the long-term prevalence of informal remittance channels and negative effect of migrant remittances. Our study also found that FDI produces a negative impact on economic............
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Abstract: Fitri Nur Inayati (2018), Effect of Discussion Methods and Media Power Point on Learning Outcomes in the Business Economics Subject of Gama Cendekia Vocational School Surabaya. This study aims to determine the effect of the discussion method partially on learning outcomes in business economics subjects at Gama Cendekia Vocational School Surabaya and to determine the effect of power point media partially on learning outcomes in business economics subjects at Gama Cendekia Vocational School Surabaya...........
Keywards: discussion method, power point media, learning outcomes.
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Abstract: The study examined the impact of domestic credit to private sector by bank on real GDP in Bangladesh by using time series data for the period of 1983-2017. ADF test were used for testing stationarity of taken variables in the model and all the variables were stationary at first difference, as a result the Johansen's co-integration techniques was used and the result revealed that there was no co-integrated equation in the model. Therefore, the vector autocorrelation (VAR) was used for the estimation. The result showed that there is a negative and statistically significant (at 10% level) relation between real GDP and domestic credit to private sector (PRC) but insignificant relationship between public credit (PUC) and real GDP. Key words: Domestic credit to private sector, Real GDP, VAR.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and employee performance on Nitrogen Customer Satisfaction at the CV.Wira Sejahtera Abadi Surabaya Branch. This research was carried out at the nitrogen outlet CV. Abadi branch of Surabaya Wira Sejahtera consisting of 4 locations, namely nitrogen outlet at SPBU 54,602.62 Jl. Raya menganti No.250, SPBU 54,602.45 Jl. HR. Muhammad 113, SPBU 54,602.57 Jl. Raya Jemursari 194, SPBU 54,602.49 Jl. Raya Mastrip Karang Pilang. In taking samples, researchers used Cluster Random Sampling to obtain a sample of 103 respondents. Data collection uses documentation, interviews, questionnaires. Instrument Testing is by using Test Validity and Reliability Test. While the data analysis technique used in this study is the Analysis.......
Keywards: Service Quality, Employee Performance, Customer Satisfaction
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Abstract: The study analyzed the effect of fishery agricultural loans and insurance premium on the economic growth of fishery production sub-sector in Nigeria. It adopted ex-post facto research design, in which data obtained from Nigeria Agricultural Insurance Corporation and Statistical bulletins of Central Bank of Nigeria from 1989-2015 were used for analysis. Descriptive statistics, graphs, ordinary least squares, one sample t-test and co-integration were applied. Regression models were used to test hypotheses. Findings showed that agricultural loans on fishery production have a positive significant effect on economic growth in fishery production with coefficient value of 0.753036, t-value of 8.55006 and p-value of 0.0000. The result of co-integration revealed the presence...........
Keywards: Fishery, loans, premium, economic growth, Nigeria
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Account of Healthcare Policies for Prostitutes in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahica Vinod |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1001016974 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to research on the current health and legal status of Prostitutes in India, to draw comparison between India and the world and lastly to propose certain strategic measure that can be implemented in country. This topic of health and legal status of Prostitutes is under-researched, so much, that the economies around the world haven't realized the potential of this industry, an industry that is self-sufficient and full-fledged on its own. This paper explains the regulatory frameworks adopted in various countries specifically the policies prevailing in Germany, New Zealand, State of Nevada, State of Florida and Netherlands. These policies are then compared with each other and the case of India is analysed. The paper has social and practical implications arousing readers and researchers to dig deeper into this issue and gage the importance of providing health care facilities to those who were earlier known as vectors of epidemics like HIV/AIDS, gonorrhoea and other infections.
Keywards: Prostitutes, Prostitution, Healthcare, Policy framework
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