Series-2 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are widely used to sense and measure physical conditions for different purposes and within different regions. However due to the limited lifetime of the sensor's energy source, many efforts are made to design energy efficient WSN. As a result, many techniques were presented in the literature such as power adaptation, sleep and wake-up, and scheduling in order to enhance WSN lifetime. These techniques where presented separately and shown to achieve some gain in terms of energy efficiency. In this paper, we present energy efficient cross layer design for WSN that we named Critical event monitoring protocol scheme. The Critical event monitoring protocol design is a task based sensing scheme that not only prevents wasting power in unnecessary signalling, but also utilizes several techniques for achieving reliable and energy efficient WSN.
Index Terms - WSN, Epilepsy Monitoring
[1]. Pranjal T. Jagtap, Dr. Nilesh P. Bhosale "IOT Based Epilepsy Monitoring using Accelerometer sensor" 2018 International Conference on Information, Communication, Engineering and Technology (ICICET)
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[3]. Guillaume Becq, Philippe Kahane, Lorella Minotti, St´ ephane Bonnet, and R´ egis Guillemaud "Classification of Epileptic Motor Manifestations and Detection of Tonic–Clonic Seizures With Acceleration Norm Entropy" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 60, NO. 8, AUGUST 2013
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Abstract: In this paper real time implementation of hybrid personal tracking system for anomaly detection is proposed. now a days Demand of personal tracking system is increases. Using the advancement in the current technology, it becomes a favourable solution to meet the above requirement.In this research, an attempt is made to GPS technologies to detect and track the position of the Mankindspecially women's , Childs and those person they are in trouble. Initially, the position of the target is tracked by the authorized caretaker using GPS technology. The proposed hybrid tracking system is implemented in real-time using a customized embedded device.
Index Terms - GPS, Heart beat rate sensor, Wi-Fi Router, Customized embedded device, Tracking and caretaker.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Artificial Intelligence Based Solar Panel Cleaning Robot |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gargi Ashtaputre || Amol Bhoi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1403021215 ![]() |
Abstract: The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. Try to keep the abstract below 200 words. Do not make references nor display equations in the abstract. The journal will be printed from the same-sized copy prepared by you. The efficiency of Solar PV panel is greatly affected due to the accumulation of dust, dirt and sea salt on panel. This paper aims at developing a low-cost automatic robot which will smartly clean the panel. The project is divided into two parts: Cleaning System and Monitoring System. Cleaning task is completed according to the data received from monitoring system. Wireless technology has been implemented in order to collect all the data from individual panel. The power output of each panel is monitored thoroughly and depending on the information collected at each node, the cleaning action is triggered. This system is also able to detect breakage of panel. The system can be operated remotely and user can access all the information on field from any part of the world.
Index Terms - PV Panel, Monitoring System, Cleaning.
[1]. B. Shrihariprasath and Vimalathithan Rathinasabapathy, "A smart IoT system for monitoring solar PV power conditioning unit", Futuristic Trends in Research and Innovation for Social Welfare (Startup Conclave), World Conference on IEEE, 2016
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[5]. Shaharin Anwar Sulaiman, et al, "Influence Of Dirt Accumlation on Performanceof PV Panels", Energy Procedi, Volume 50,2014.
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Abstract: Progressions in low power and ease calculation and correspondence innovation have gotten an upset remote detecting and checking applications. As of now, there are many contending gauges and advances endeavoring to take a hold of WSN, particularly the zone of remote detecting and correspondence innovation. LoRa Network is one of these advancements picking up ubiquity in the use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The capacity of LoRa Network to build up correspondence connects over long separations with generally basic hubs.............
Index Terms - LaRa WSN, Low-Power Networks
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[3] Fanghao Yu, Ziming Zhu, Zhong Fan "Study on the feasibility of LoRa WAN for smart city applications" 2017 Tenth IEEE International Workshop on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Computing.
[4] Ahmed Boubrima, Walid Bechkit and Hervé Rivano "Optimal WSN Deployment Models for Air Pollution Monitoring" 2017.2658601, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
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Abstract: In recent times, Non-linear loads now flourish in homes, offices and within the industrial environment. These Non-linear loads form a key component of the total loading in a typical electrical network. The Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)is a typical example of a non-linear load that essentiallyproduces and introduces distorted currents into the electrical power network, which has the potency to create adverse consequences if appropriate and adequate harmonicalleviation techniques are not employed. CFLs are now a major component of the luminary market in Nigeria because of the obvious need to phase out Incandescent Lamps (ILs). However, there are genuine concerns over the quality of some CFLs in the market. This study examines and compares the........
Index Terms - Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Harmonics,Non-linear Loads, Power Factor, Power Quality, Total Harmonic Distortion
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Abstract:With rapid growth of photovoltaic (PV) market throughout the world, fault detection & diagnosis in PV system got the equal importance. Early detection of fault will be useful in order to increase the efficiency, the result of measurement & life of photovoltaic system. If these PV faults not detected & corrected earlier it will seriously affect the energy output of plant. This monitoring & fault detection can be done on site or distantly. Apart from this, few faults like ground faults, Arc Faults, Line to line faults, hot spots may create a risk of fire. In the last few years several techniques have been proposed by the researchers for PV fault detection & diagnosis. In this paper, important faults in Photovoltaics are addressed in details. Also different techniques used for fault diagnosis in PV system proposed in literature are reviewed and analysed to mention their dissimilarity, advantages and disadvantages. Different simulation models for photovoltaic cell are also discussed in brief..
Index Terms -photovoltaic, fault detection, simulation models, Partial shading, PV system, Fault diagnosis,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Universal Law of Gravitation Compares with Electromagnetic Waves Propagation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1403024448 ![]() |
Abstract: Sir Isaac Newton invented law of gravitation to ensure very theme the force of attraction between the particles and the reason of falling particles downwards. Later on same type of equation is developed by Coulomb for finding the force between electrically charged particles or magnetic poles. Simply this formula originated by Newton for calculating force of attraction or gravitation is called inverse-square law in which the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the particles. This becomes universal law. Newton's law of gravitation deals........
Index Terms - Acceleration due to gravity, Coulomb's law, Earth's magnetism, Electromagnetic waves, Law of universal gravitation, Planck's equation, Received electrical power in an antenna, Theory of general relativity
[1]. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman, translators: Isaac Newton, The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, (University of California Press, 1999).
[2]. David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10th Edition, (John Wiley & Sons, 2013).
[3]. Purcell and Morin, Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd Edition, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2013).
[4]. J. Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, January, 1865.
[5]. Harald T. Friis, A Note on a Simple Transmission Formula, Proceedings of the I. R. E and Waves and Electrons, May, 1946.
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Abstract: Apromosing solution for enhancing the the lifetime of energy-constrained Mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs), is to harvest the energy from radio frequency (RF) signals. Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT) is such a technique which is applied to a MWSN where the energy harvested by relay nodes can be used for the purpose of forwarding data. The RF signal carries both information and energy at the same time. For enhancing the lifetime of the network, the transmittedRF energy can be recycled at the receiver side. In this case,a balance between harvestingenergy and forwardingdatais achieved in order to maximize the system energy efficiency. The received power is split into two continuous sets of power stream using arbitrary........
Index Terms - Energy Efficiency, Resource Allocation, Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT), Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
[1]. SongtaoGuo,Yawei Shi, Yuanyuan Yang, Bin Xiao, and Fan Ye ―Energy Efficiency Maximization in Mobile Wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks‖, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computingvol. 1, no. 2, pp. 86-91, 2017.
[2]. Raghavendra V. Kulkarni and Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy, ―Particle Swarm Optimization in Wireless-Sensor Networks: A Brief Survey‖IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics—Part C: Applications And Reviews, Vol. 41, No. 2, March 2011 pp. 262-267.
[3]. Jun Yang, Hesheng Zhang, ―Task Allocation for Wireless Sensor Network Using Modified Binary Particle Swarm Optimization‖ IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14 no. 3, pp. 882-892.
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