Version-4 (May-June 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4
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Abstract: Distributed networks are formulated to create a large network in heterogeneous manner to provide higher service offering in internet of things. In the distributed network, devices are connected in a dynamic manner to exchange data with each other for controlling or exchange of data. In the communication approach, data are exchanged among each other at a random fashion between different devices. In the exchange of information energy dissipation are encountered at each node level. Wherein the conventional models clustering approach were suggested to achieve optimal resource utilization, the dynamic node behavior in the network gives a synchronized behavior in the network resulting in higher energy dissipation. To overcome this issue in this paper, a new energy conservation model for a randomly distributed network is developed, and a new scheduling approach is defined to have minimum energy dissipation in communication approach for internet of thing applications.
Keywords: Energy dissipation, scheduling scheme, energy consideration, MAC approach
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Abstract: Photonic Crystal Fibre (PCF) has zero dispersion at 1.55μm wavelength compared to the standard single mode fibre (18ps/nm/km) and also sometimes negative dispersion occurs for the telecommunication wavelength range of 1.2 to 1.8μm wavelength such as the effects of air holes. The PCF design parameters on the effective index, effective mode area (9.021 μm2, confinement losses (0.0082 dB/m), and birefringence have been carefully investigated for the telecommunication wavelength range of 1.2 to 1.8μm wavelength.
Keywords: Photonic Crystal Fibres, confinement losses, Chromatic dispersion
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Abstract: Efficient conversion of solar light into electricity is being investigated since long time past. Recent research on solar cell is motivated in a new direction with the use of dichalcogenide materials. We have studied here metal-dichalcogenide MoSe2 solar cell. Design parameters are optimized to achieve maximum efficiency, better current density, high photo-voltage and improved fill factor
Keywords: Chalcogenide, ITO layer, Back Surface Field, conversion efficiency, Shockley Queisser.
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Abstract:In this paper, we have focused on the ZigBee wireless technology, various topologies of ZigBee technology and design of ZigBee Transmitter chip using Verilog HDL programming language. Introduction of wireless interface devices increased the demand for low-data-rate and short-range wireless networking systems. Thus, the new communication protocol ZigBee was developed for wireless transmission. This paper presents the ZigBee transmitter for MAC layer according to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard..................
Keywords: ZigBee, MAC layer, Verilog HDL, CRC.
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Abstract: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. In developed countries, among one in eight women develop breast cancer at some stage of their life. Early diagnosis of breast cancer plays a very important role in treatment of the disease. With the goal of identifying genes that are more correlated with the prognosis of breast cancer. An algorithm based on Trapezoidal and Rayleigh distributions. Property is used for the detection of the cancer tumors...............
Keywords: Tumors, Rayleigh distribution texture, Segmentation, Fuzzy Logic
[1]. Mohammad Aslam. C, Dr. Satya Narayana. D, Dr. Padma Priya. K, Segmentation of RumexObtusifolius using Simple Trapezoidal and Rayleigh distributions., Unpublished.
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Abstract: Due to continually emerging demands of multimedia and internet services, in current years broadband wireless communication has gained attention. Wireless Communication mainly facing the main tasks of availability of resources like Bandwidth and transmission power, and also suffering from the problems of channel damages like fading and interference. Those problems can be avoided by using the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques...............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digicomm: A MATLAB-Based Digital Communication System Simulator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C.Romila |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203043846 ![]() |
Abstract: A simple digital communication virtual tool, DigiComm, is introduced. This tool visualizes the transmission of binary data in different channels using frequency-shift keying (FSK) and accessing the shared media via frequency-division multiple access (FDMA). The transmitter part generates binary data, and modulates the frequencies of both carriers ofeach channel. The signals of each channel with noise added are distinguished from each other using bandpass filters (BPF) at the receiver, and converted to binary data by counting the zero crossings at the receiver part.............
Keywords: Frequency shift keying (FSK); frequency division multiple access (FDMA); modulation; noise; digital communication system; simulation; visualization; bit error rate (BER); MATLAB; graphical user interface (GUI); signal- to-noise ratio (SNR).
[1]. L.Sevgi and C. Göknar, "An Intelligent Balance between Numerical and Physical Experimentation," IEEE Potentials Magazine, 23, 4, October/November 2004, pp. 40-44.
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[4]. L. B. Felsen, F. Akleman, and L. Sevgi, "Wave Propagation Inside a Two-dimensional Perfectly Conducting Parallel Plate Waveguide: Hybrid Ray-Mode Techniques and Their Visualisations," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 46, 6, December 2004, pp. 69-89.
[5]. L. Sevgi and Ç. Uluışık, "A MATLAB-Based Visualization Package for Planar Arrays of Isotropic Radiators," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,47, 1, February 2005, pp. 156-163..
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Abstract: This paper aims to develop energy efficient solution for transmission in WSN. Sensors works on battery powered cells which is difficult to replace again and again due to excessive use of power while being active all the time. For time synchronization in the transmission of the data from several nodes to its intended destination CoAP architecture is developed using NS2 along with that, developed architecture has been evaluated in the form of energy efficient model called as EECoAP protocol.
Keywords: Time Synchronization, WSN, CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), EECoAP (Energy Efficient CoAP).
[1]. Noor Zaman , Azween B Abdullah, "Energy Optimization through Position Responsive Routing Protocol (PRRP) in Wireless Sensor Network", International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, September 2012.
[2]. Mehdi Kalantari , Mark Shayman, "Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks".
[3]. B.Baranidharan, B.Shanthi, "A Survey on Energy Efficient Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 11– No.10, December 2010.
[4]. Amjad K, Abu- Baker, "Energy –Efficient routing in cluster based wireless sensor Networks: Optimization and analysis", Jordan journal of Electrical Engineering volume 2 2016.
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Networks with Multiple Mobile Base Stations.
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Abstract: Detection and tracking of moving objects is an important topic of research in the field of video surveillance. Most of the existing video surveillance cameras are stationary and the tracking algorithms are developed for the same. In recent times, the applications are not confined to stationary cameras. There is a lot of technological improvement in surveillance videos and there is a high requirement of tracking a moving object in non stationary cameras. A new calibration procedure for effectively tracking moving objects in non stationary cameras is presented in this paper. The procedure is adapted to Gaussian Mixture Model and Mean Shift Algorithms. Results show that the calibration procedure presented in this paper is best suited for all tracking algorithms.
Keywords: Non stationary surveillance videos, GMM, MSA.
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Abstract: The image may be corrupted with noise during the process of image acquisition or transmission. Denosing is the process of removing the noise from the corrupted image. Denoising of the image ia an important step in the image restoration process. This paper describes two efficient denoising techniques, wavelet transformation and Principal Component analysis using Local Pixel Grouping. The wavelet transformation is the technique in which the input signal is divided into multiple scales or sub-bands which contains different time frequency components...............
Keywords: Local Pixel Grouping(LPG), Peak Signal to noise ratio(PSNR), Principal Component Analysis(PCA), Thresholding, Wavelet transformation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simulation study of constant k, m derived and composite filter |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Falguni Raval || Poonam Thanki || Dhara M Patel |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203047074 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, design and simulation of constant k, m derived and composite filter is presented. The filters are designed at 2GHz.The filters are simulated in ansoft designer. The insertion loss of all the filters are observed and compared.
Keywords: constant k, m derived, composite filter
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Number Base Conversions using LabVIEW |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahammad Eliyaz || N. Nagaraju || N. Madhu |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203047580 ![]() |
Abstract:Digital systems have a prominent role in everyday life that we refer to the present technological period as the digital age. The signals in most present day electronic digital systems use just two discrete values and are therefore said to be binary. Discrete elements of information are represented with group of bits called binary codes. The conversion from and to binary, octal, and hexadecimal plays an important role in digital computers. In this paper, an innovative method is introduced for solving number base conversions using LabVIEW.............
Keywords: LabVIEW, Octal, Hexadecimal, For loop, Shift Register
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Abstract: The reversible logic has received great attention in last few years due to their ability to reduce the power dissipation which is the main requirement in low power VLSI design. Multipliers are widely used in DSP for calculation of FFT, convolution, to perform MAC operation, and in microprocessors to perform ALU related operations. This paper proposes a 16X16 reversible multiplier using Toffoli gate Full adder which can multiply two 16-bit numbers. It is based on the two concepts............
Keywords: Reversible Logic, Reversible Gate, Power Dissipation, Garbage
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Abstract: In the present day communication systems, especially for Submarine applications, a compact antenna is needed to communicate with Satellites. For communicating with Satellites, the compact antenna must have circular polarization characteristics, positive gain at ± 45o points of the main beam and the main beam position has to be in vertical direction. In this paper, the crossed dipole antenna is proposed, studied its characteristics and limitations for the ultra-high frequency Satellite Communication applications.............
Keywords: Dipole Antenna, Crossed Dipole Antenna, UHF SatelliteCommunication
[1]. Son Xuat Ta, Lkmo park and Richard co. Ziolkowski "Crossed Dipole Antennas: A review", IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, October 2015.
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[5]. Shao – Li Zuo, Qiong – Qiong Liu, and Zhi – ya Zhang " Wideband Dual – Polarized Crossed – Dipole Antenna with parasitical Crossed – Strip for Base Station Applications " Progress In Electromagnetic Research C, Vol.48, 159 – 166, 2014..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 5G Technology Access—Research and Vision |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neha || Pooja Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/2834-12030496103 ![]() |
Abstract: The next edge mobile innovation which is relied upon to be propelled by 2020 is named as 5G as it is an overhauled form of the current and building up system 4G, generally known as LTE (Long Term Evolution) network. 5G itself will be equipped for intersection the current benchmarks of speed and network. This paper will take a survey in 5G systems having a wide view about the forthcoming future generation which will be in fact touching the genuine statures.................
Keywords: 5G,Nanotechnology, Nanocore,Cloud Computing, Flat IP idea, Beam DivisionMultiple Access
[1]. R. Baldemair et al., "Evolving wireless communications: Addressing the challenges and expectations of the future", IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 8, pp. Mar. 2013,24-30.
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