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Abstract: Background: Dorsal wrist ganglion is the most common benign tumor of the wrist and hand causing pain and cosmetic deformity. Ganglions are commonly treated by aspiration followed by steroid injection, and surgical excision. Complete aspiration of the gelatinous material followed by intracystic injection of triamcinolone has shown encouraging results. Aim: To assess the clinical outcome of aspiration and steroid injection in dorsal wrist ganglion. Material and Method: A prospective study was conducted on 50 patients attending outpatient department with dorsal wrist ganglion who underwent aspiration followed by intracystic instillation of triamcinolone. The patients were followed for 1 year to note the outcome.....
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Abstract: Gingival retraction can be done by mechanical, mechanico-chemical and surgical methods or by a combination of these. Gingival retraction plays a pivotal role in tissue protection and for proper impression. In this article different modern methods of gingival retraction have been discussed.
Key Words: Gingival retraction, hemostasis, tissue protection, gingival attachment
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Abstract: Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired hemolytic anaemia characterized by a triad of intravascular hemolysis, pancytopenia and tendency for venous thrombosis. Patients with PNH present with these features which occur in various combinations as described in this case report. Several episodes of intravascular hemolysis result in hemoglobinuria associated with thrombosis at unusual sites and these patients may have varying degree of bone marrow disorders. Diagnosis can be confirmed by flow cytometry of blood granulocytes and FLAER assays. Management was supportive with transfusion and treatment of thrombosis in the past. But in the recent years the evolution of treatment strategies like hemopoietic stem cell transplantation and complement inhibition with eculizumab though very costly have been shown to be very effective.............
Key Words: PNH (Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria), Hemolytic anaemia, Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), Flow cytometry, Eculizumab
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Abstract: Background: A cesarean section (CS) is performed to deliver a baby through the mother's abdomen. Our study aimed to classify the indications for primary cesarean section conducted among multiparous women. Material and Methods:An observational, cross-sectional, single centre study was conducted at the Sultania Zanana Hospital (SZH) affiliated to Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal. The total duration of the study was one year from April 2013 to March 2014. The study population comprised of the multi-parous women coming or referred to SHZ. The primary sources of the data were: patient's interview, treatment records, and operation theatre register.............
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Abstract: Introduction:Scapula is a flat triangular bone that lies on the posterior chest wall between the second and seventh ribs.The aim of this study was to determine the variations in suprascapular notch morphology and correlate it clinically. Material & Methods:The study included 150 dried adult scapulae (75 right and 75 left) irrespective of age and sex from Department of Anatomy, King George's Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.The study was done by naked eye examination carefully. With the help of a digital Vernier calipers various parameters were measured i.e. superior length of suprascapular notch, inferior length of suprascapular notch,depth of the suprascapular notch. Based on shape and size of suprascapular notch it was classified as U-shaped, V-shaped, J-shaped, suprascapular notch converted into foramen.
Key Words: suprascapular notch, scapulae, foramen, superior transverse scapular ligament.
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Abstract: Idiopathic club foot is most common congenital anomalies occurring in 1 to 2 per 1000 live birth. Unilateral club foot are more common than bilateral club foot. Sex ratio of clubfoot is 2-3:1 in male and female.There are treated by serial manipulation and POP cast applied The aim of retrospective study is to evaluate cause of relapse and treatment of relapse After obtaining ethical clearance ,retrospective study was conducted from jan.2006 to Dec.2016. 136 patients with 190 feets form the basis of study.Classification or grading according to pandey's and Pirani are used.All the case are first serial manipulated and POP cast applied and tendo Achilles tenotomy,and the POP cast applied for 3 weeks and after removal of cast orthosis are applied. In relapse cases also manipulated and POP cast are applied and various surgical intervention are done. 12 patient with mild deformity and pliable foot had no recurrence.12 patient with Mild deformity with rigid in 3 feet.........
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Abstract: Introduction: Anal fissures are very common clinical entity encountered in surgical practice. Traditionally Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy is considered as the gold standard for treatment of chronic fissures. But recent developments in understanding the pathophysiology of anal fissures has helped to develop better conservative treatment options. In this study we compare the healing, symptomatic relief, and side effects of topical 2% Diltiazem gel and lateral internal sphincterotomy in treatment of chronic anal fissures. Material and methods: In this prospective, randomised comparative study, 60 patients with chronic anal fissure were randomly divided into Group 1 (Diltiazem gel) and Group 2 (lateral internal sphincterotomy) with total 30 patients in each group. Patients were followed up at 1st, 2nd, 3rd weeks and 1st, 2nd, 3rd months and symptomatic relief, healing, and side effects were noted for each group..........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cancer Surgery During Covid19 Pandemic: Problems And Prospects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | KotagiriSreekanth |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1909085658 ![]() |
Abstract: Cancer management poses a unique challenge in terms of a long duration of treatment, a need for regular monitoring, acute and delayed morbidities associated with aggressive therapies, etc., resulting in an enhanced risk of contracting infections. The major problem faced by surgical oncologists is to whether postpone the surgery or to go ahead. Proposed organ specific guiding principles(4) by multiple institutions whether to defer or postpone or continue with the surgery for various cancer sites are followed. Along with routine pre-procedure work-up, the COVID-19 testing should be considered. This has the potential to reduce highriskexposure to health caregivers. Some of the retrospective series showed peri-operative mortality and morbidity in COVID-19 positive patients, who underwent major elective and emergency surgeries(7). Conclusion: It is our duty to provide proper resources and information to patients to help in decision-making at this time of uncertainty. The long-term financial and emotional downstream impacts will be future challenges.
Key Words: Cancer surgery, COVID 19, Cancer surgery in pandemic
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Abstract: Background: Serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is a well-established growth factor for thyroid nodules. And suppression of TSH concentrations byproviding exogenous thyroxine may impede with the growth of established nodules as well as the formation of new thyroid nodules. Objective: The main objective of the study was to assess association between the serum TSH concentration and differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka from January 2014 to June 2015. Total number of patients were 228, among them 69 were as case of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) group and 159 as control of benign thyroid nodule (BTN) group.........
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Bone marrow examination is crucial diagnostic modality for evaluation of various hematological and non hematological disorders. However, marrow aspirate smears and biopsy sections, even though performed simultaneously, are often assessed at different points of time due to different processing methods. And the assessment of bone marrow and trephine biopsy sections is done to reach the appropriate diagnosis . AIM: The aim of this study is to compare the diagnostic accuracy and the rate of concordance between the two modalities of bone marrow examination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: About 150 simultaneously performed bone marrow aspirates and BM trephine biopsies were done and the results are retrospectively analyzed over a period of 1 year. The concordance between the two was analysed. The concordance rates for different hematological disorders were calculated and recorded as high for >75%, moderate for 45%–75%, and low for <45% ......
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