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Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the push-out bond strength of resin based endodontic sealer in fluorosed and non fluorosed teeth. Materials and Methods: Twenty extracted single rooted permanent teeth (Ten teeth affected with Fluorosis and Ten teeth not affected with Fluorosis) were collected. Access opening was done, pulp tissue was extirpated, working length was determined with 15 size K file, cleaning and shaping was done up to Protaper F3 under copious irrigation. The samples were divided into two groups each containing ten specimens (Group1 - Teeth affected with Fluorosis and Group 2 - Teeth not affected with Fluorosis). Obturation was done using single cone gutta percha coated with AH plus sealer, the access cavity was sealed with Cavit and was incubated at 37˚C at 100 % relative humidity for 2 weeks......
Key Word: Dental Fluorosis, AH plus sealer, Push-out bond strength
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Abstract: Due to changing lifestyle and increase in pace of life Osteoarthritis of knee is increasing in young age group. Treatment of a painful osteoarthritic knee joint in a young , active patient is extremely challenging and controversial. Excessive premature loading of articular cartilage result in early degenerative changes in knee joint. Instability may also be an contributing factor. In young age group medial unicondylar Osteoarthitis is more common. Lateral closing Wedge High tibial Osteotomy has been described as a treatment option for misalignment in the older ,less active adult. A New type of High Tibial Osteotomy in the form of Medial Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy is showing promising results in young osteoarthritis patients with several benefits and comparatively less complications. We conducted this study with twenty patients for eighteen months to evaluate the outcome of Medial Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy in young indian osteoarthritis knee patients.
Key words: Unicondylar Osteoarthitis, Young Patient, Medial, Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy, Prospective study
[1]. Global burden of osteoarthritisin the year 2000:Deborah Symmons1,Colin Mathers2, Bruce Pfleger3,WHO report
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritisofkneeismorecommonamongalltypesofarthriticconditions.Hightibialosteotomy(HTO)isawidelyacceptedoperationformedialtibiofemoral osteoarthritisandvarusdeformityof the lowerextremity. The rationale behind this surgery is shifting of axis of load transfer from the damaged medial compartment to the intact lateral one via correcting the varus deformity in the frontal plane. AIM:Toassessthefunctionaloutcomeamongpatientsundergoinghightibial osteotomy. METHODOLOGY: A prospective study was done on 20 patients with osteoarthritis with varus deformity in government hospital Guntur in orthopaedic......
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[2]. Catherine Hui, Lucy Salmon J, Alison Kok, Heidi Williams A, Niels Hockers, Willem M. van der Tempel, Rishi Chana, Leo A. Pinczewski. Long-Term Survival of High Tibial Osteotomy for Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis of the Knee. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011; 39(1):64-70.
[3]. Su Chan Lee, Kwang Am Jung, Chang Hyun Nam, Soong Hyun Jung, Seung Hyun Hwang. The Short-term Follow-up Results of Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy with Using an Aescula Open Wedge Plate and an Allogenic Bone Graft: The Minimum 1-Year Followup Results. Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery. 2010; 2:47-54.
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Abstract: Background: Blunt injury abdomen is most commonly caused by Road traffic accidents.1 The rapid increase in number of motor vehicles accidents has caused rapid increase in number of victims of blunt abdominal trauma. Motor vehicle accidents account for 75-80% of blunt abdominal trauma.2 Blunt abdominal injury is also a result of fall from height,assault with objects, industrial mishaps, sports injuries ,bomb blast and fall from riding bicycle.2 Objective: To study and evaluate the etiological,clinical factors and different findings in laparotomy influencing the outcome following blunt injury abdomen. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study at a single centre with all patients with blunt injury abdomen who underwent surgery during a period of December 2015to November 2017 were included for analysis. Demographic factors like age, gender......
Key Words: Blunt injury abdomen,laparomy, ultrasound.
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Abstract: Congenital subclavian artery aneurysm with AV fistula neck causing proptosis of eye in a high flow Caratico Cavernous Fistula (CCF) are rare entity. No such case trace being literature so far. CCF caused by subclavian artery aneurysm are very rare. Computed Tomography (CT) angiography, Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) of Neck and Eye, Digital Subtract Angiography (DSA) are key tools for establishing diagnosis of these case. Surgery is ultimate option for dealing such a high flow fistula. We present a case of suclavian artery aneurysm with Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) neck leading to abnormal congenital pathway resulting in a high flow CCF&which present as grave proptosis of eye. After proper evaluation and management patient get significant relief in proptosis as well as improvement of vision.
Key words: Subclavial Artery Aneurysm, Caratico Cavernous Fistula, Arteriovenous Malformation, Proptosis
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Abstract: Pemphigoid is a sub group of auto immune bullous skin disorders. This includes the most common entity Bullous pemphigoid (BP).Genital bullous pemphigoid (GBP) is a localized variant of BP occurring most frequently in paediatric and female patients and rarely in males. We report one case of GBP in a male. A 65-year-old man presented with fluid filled lesion over the body predominantly over the genitals since4 months. Vesicles ruptured within 1 day, healed with scarring and was associated with intense itching. There was remission and relapse of the lesions every 2 weeks since then without involving any other mucosal areas. Although GBP in males is rare, the clinical presentation should induce suspicion as quick and accurate diagnosis is imperative to implement effective therapy and achieve remission.
Key Word: Key Words: Pemphigoid, BP, GBP
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case Report – Persistent Fifth Arch |
Country | : | india |
Authors | : | BishtDinesh || AwasthyNeeraj || DagarK.S. |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1907063438 ![]() |
Abstract: INTRODUCTION-We report a 4 and 1/2 month male childwho had Nonrestrictiveperimembranous VSD Left to Right shunt, with Tortuous and Hypoplastic arch with Retroesophageal Right Subclavian artery originating from Right Descending Aorta.CT angiography was done which revealed similar findings.PDA was connecting from right descending aorta to RPA. MATERIALS & METHODS-The the patient was taken for cardiac catheterisation. Catheter course was from Right Femoral artery to Descending Aorta to Transverse arch to Hypoplastic Tortuous arch to Ascending Aorta to LV.Significant gradient of 37mmHg was found between ascending and descending aorta.Hence patient.....
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Abstract: The prevalence of undernutrition was assessed in Baiga women of Bilaspur, Kabirdham and Mungeli district of Chhattisgarh. The present study was conducted in three pre dominantly Baiga inhabited villages and the study revealed that the highest mean BMI was found to be 18.6 kg/m2. Only 26.36 % women were reported to be normal. 73.64% of women were categorized under underweight category and the health workers (ANMs) are playing a crucial role in providing antenatal checkups to pregnant women in the area under study with complete immunization. Institutional delivery was high but the consumption of calcium and folic tablets was observed to be low.
Key Word: Nutritional Status, BMI, Women, Maternal health, Baiga tribe, Anthropological.
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Abstract: NEED FOR STUDY : Thyroid disorders and their varied clinical presentation and their management strategy are increasing in today`s clinical practice. Total thyroidectomy is one of the commonly done surgeries, which is done mostly in case of toxic Multinodular goitre and Thyroid malignancies. Postoperative complications after thyroid surgery are varied and reported more with Total Thyroidectomy. Hypocalcemia after Total surgical resection of the thyroid is a potential complication. Incidence of transient hypocalcemia are reported in the literature from 9.2% to 25% and.......
[1]. Kim YS. Impact of preserving the parathyroid glands on hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy with neck dissection. J Korean Surg Soc. 2012 Aug;83(2):75–82.
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[5]. Rocco Bellantone, CelestinoPio Lombardi, Marco Raffaelli, Mauro Boscherini, Pier Francesco Alesina, Carmela De Crea, Emanuela Traini and Pietro Princi. Is routine supplementation therapy (calcium and vitamin D) useful after total thyroidectomy?. Surgery Italy, Volume 132, Number 6
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Abstract: At present whole of the world is fighting with corona pandemic. As per the symptoms of patients and disease severity, patients are referred to different types of treating centers with graded facilities. There is state wise difference in management depending on differences in available resources, active cases and mortality rate. Here we are going to highlight observation of adding Oseltamivir which increased oropharyngeal sample negativity manifold.
Key words: Covid, Corona, Oseltamivir, Virus, Pandemic
[1]. Zhou P, Yang XL, Wang XG, Hu B, Zhang L, Zhang W, et al. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Nature. 2020;579(7798):270–273. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2012-7. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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Abstract: Tracheostomy is a life saving procedure that is done in ICU's. it reduces both the mortality and morbidity of patients. Slowly percutaneous tracheostomy (PCT) is becoming common in hospitals catering to population of middle economic class. The major concern is related to the high cost of marketed PCT kits. We performed PCT in 40 patients in ICU in an innovative way with results similar to PCT done with standard kits thereby reducing the cost of the patient from approximately ₹8000/- to ₹500/- Our technique is now followed as a standard technique for all PCT's done in our hospital.
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Abstract: The majority of proximal humerus fractures are treated nonoperatively with good functional results. Multiple options exist for treating displaced fractures, without a clear advantage of any one method for a given fracture type. Goals include an adequate reduction and stable fixation to initiate early motion and rehabilitation. Decision-making should be based on patient and injury specifics and surgeon's experience. Various types of fixation, including plates, nails, or percutaneous pins, can maintain sufficient stability to promote shoulder mobility and function. Any of these methods will have few complications when undertaken with appropriate patient selection and careful surgical technique.....
Key words: proximal humerusfracture,humerusnail,lockingplate,shoulder hemiarthroplasty
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