Version-19 (March-2018)
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Abstract: Aim; The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of intravenous Magnesium to intravenous Paracetamol on postoperative analgesic requirement in major surgeries under general anaesthesia ., Materials And Methods: After taking ethical committee approval 60 patients belonging to ASA grade 1 & 2 were randomly divided into two groups Group P and Group M. Group P received 15mg/kg of intravenous paracetamol and Group M received 20mg/kg of intravenous magnesium sulphate immediately after intubation. Results: comparatively Group M,Group P patients had lower post operative pain and consumed less analgesic drugs during the first 48 hours.There is no significant variation in heart rate ,systolic and diastolic pressures in both groups. Conclusion: Intraoperative use of paracetamol infusion proved to produce more postoperative analgesia than with use of intravenous magnesium sulphate.
Key Words: Postoperative analgesia,paracetamol,magnesiumsulphate
[1]. Kissin I. Pre-emptive analgesia. Anaesthesiology 2000;93:1138-43.
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[4]. Rupa Kumari A, Deepraj Singh B, Rajshekar Reddy. "A Clinical Comparision of Intraoperative, Recovery, and Postoperative Effects of IV Paracetamol with IV Diclofenac in Tonsillectomy". Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3,(47), Sep 25;11436-11445
[5]. Trame`r MR, Glynn CJ. An evaluation of a single dose of magnesium to supplement analgesia following ambulatory surgery: randomized controlled trial. Anesth Analg. 2007;104:1374–9...
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Abstract: Dental caries is a highly prevalent multifactorialinfectious disease that afflicts a large proportionof the world's population. Detecting pathologies at their earlieststages can significantly affect patient discomfort, prognosis, therapeuticintervention, survival rates, and recurrence. Saliva has the potential to be used in the early detection and diagnosis of caries. This is due to the abundant biomarkers presentin saliva. This paper is aimed to compose a systematic review about the potential salivary biomarkers of dental caries.
Key Words: Caries Susceptibility, Microorganisms, Presymtomatic State, Proteins, Salivary Biomarkers
[1]. vanNieuwAmerongen A, Bolscher JGM, Veerman ECI. 2004. Salivary proteins: protective and diagnostic value in cariology?
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Abstract: Open Globe Injuries – A leading cause of childhood blindness Materials & Methods: A retrospective study of hospital records was done for all patients under 18 years of age who underwent primary ocular repair surgery at Goa Medical College at a Tertiary Hospital from May 2016 to May 2017. The type and cause of injury, anterior and posterior segment findings, presenting and post-operative visual acuity were noted and evaluated. Observations: Out of 19 children presenting with open globe injury, 57.8% due to sharps, 31.5% were due to blunt trauma, 10.5% due to animal bites.According to WHO criteria, 4 had unilateral blindness, 7 had unilateral visual impairment and 5 had a visual acuity of more than 6/18 by Snellen's chart. It was noted that 63% of children were male and 37% were female.Children with zone 2 and 3 injuries with preoperative complications like Hyphaema and retinal detachment had a poorer visual outcome, post operatively...............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical Study Of Autonomic Neuropathy In Diabetes Mellitus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Nishu Kumar || Dr. Satyendra Kumar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1703192327 ![]() |
Abstract: Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) is a serious & common complication of diabetes often overlooked & misdiagnosed. The aim of present study is to observe the presenting manifestations of autonomic neuropathy in diabetes. Material & Methods: 94 diabetes patients proven with blood sugar fasting & post prandial & HbA1c value of RIMS Ranchi Jharkhand India were evaluated for presence or absence of autonomic neuropathy symptoms to diagnose DAN. Battery of tests devised by Ewing & Clarke et al. was done. Tran abdominal USG was done before voiding, and then patients were directed to void urine after that USG was done to look for post-void residue urine volume. Observation: out of 94 patients 67 (71%) had one or more tests positive for parasympathetic dysfunction & 44 patients (47%) was positive for sympathetic dysfunction. Advanced CAN was present in 34 patients (37%) & 38 patients (40%) had early CAN. Out of 94 patients, 50 patients (53%) had post-void residual urine volume ≥ 100 ml while 44 patients (47%) had post-void residual volume < 100 ml..
Key words: diabetic autonomic neuropathy, Jharkhand, post void residual urinary volume
[1]. Vinic Al Ziegler D. Diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy circulation .2007 ;115:387-97
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[5]. Ewing DJ Clarke BF .diabetic autonomic neuropathy :present insights & future prospects .diabetes care .1986;9:648-665.
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Abstract: Objective: The objective of this study has been to compare clinical efficacy of bupivicane with lignocaine which is most commonly used in oral surgery Materials and methods:40 patients with age ranging from 18 to 50 years were randomly assigned to two groups .In group A lignocaine was used as local anesthetic and in group B bupvicaine was used as anesthetic.The time of onset,duration of anesthesia and pain experienced during and after the procedure was recorded Results: The result showed time of onset was faster in 2% lignocaine whereas duration of action was more more in 0.5% bupivicaine Conclusion: Lignocaine is still the gold standard of local anesthetic in oral surgery due to low cost,faster onset of action, however bupivicaine can be useful for prolonged surgeries.
Keywords: Lignocaine,Bupivicaine ,Anesthesia
[1]. Meral G, Tasar F, Sayin F, Saysel M, Kir S, Karabulut E. Effectsof lidocaine with and without epinephrine on plasma epinephrine and lidocaine concentrations and hemodynamic values during third molar surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005 Aug;100(2):e25-e30.
[2]. Gordh T, Gordh TE, Lindqvist K. Lidocaine: the origin of a modern local anesthetic. Anesthesiology 2010;113(6):1433- 7. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e3181fcef48
[3]. Malamed S,Gagnon S,Leblanc D,Efficacy of articaine,a new amide local anesthetic.J Am Dent Assoc 2000 May;131(5):635-642
[4]. Gregorio LV,Giglio FP,Sakai V T,Modena KC,et al.A Comparison of clinical anesthetic efficacy 4%articaine and 0.5%bupivicaine(both with 1:200,000 ephinephrine) for lower third molar removal.Oral surg oral path oral radiol Endon2008 July106(1):19-28
[5]. Cáceres MT, Ludovice AC, Brito FS, Darrieux FC, Neves RS, Scanavacca MI, Sosa EA, Hachul DT. Effect of local anesthetics with and without vasoconstrictor agent in patients with ventricular arrhythmias. Arq Bras Cardiol 2008 Sep;91(3):142-147....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of intra operative frozen sections in an Oncopathology department |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. J.Sahayaraj || Dr. V.Ramya |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1703193034 ![]() |
Abstract: Intraoperative consultation with the Pathologist is required in oncological surgeries in deciding about the margin status, nodal deposits and sometimes to establish the primary diagnosis. This is done with the use of Cryostat , commonly known as Frozen section where tissue is frozen in a refrigerated chamber and sections are cut and stained and reports can be communicated to the surgeon within 20 minutes of receiving the specimen. In our study we have analysed retrospectively such material received during a period of one year in the Oncopathology Department and the results are compared to permanent sections prepared using conventional methods to look for any discrepancy. The study also included the type of tissue received for frozen section and the various types of reports requested during a surgical procedure.
Keywords: Frozen section, sentinel nodes, margins, metastatic deposits
[1]. Jerome B Taxy,Aliya N Husain,Anthony G.Montag,Biopsy Interpretation:The Frozen Section;2010;1;5-7
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[3]. SchwartzGF,GiulianoAE,VeronesiU.Proceedings of the consensus conference on the role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in carcinoma of the Breast. Hum Pathol2002;33;579-589.
[4]. CoffeyD,KaplanAL,RamzyI Intraoperative Consultation in Gynecologic Pathology.ArchPathol2005;129;1544-1557
[5]. Holck S,Galatius H,Engel U et al.False -negative frozen section of sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer.Breast.2004;13;42-48.
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Abstract: Fingerprint patterns and blood groups are two invaluable tools for forensic identification. The aim of this study was to detect any significant relationship of fingerprint pattern with ABO-Rhesus blood groups. The study was conducted among 68 medical students. Loop pattern is most common dactylographic pattern followed by whorl and arch pattern. Predominant blood group is B+ve followed by A+ve and O+ve. AB+ve is the least common blood group. In blood group A, B and O loop pattern is most common but in AB blood group loop and whorl have same distribution. In Rh+ individual loop pattern is dominant but in Rh- group whorl pattern is most common dactylographic pattern. In blood group A+, B+ and O+ loop pattern is most common but in AB+ group both loop and whorl patterns predominate. In B-ve group whorl is the most common dactylographic pattern.
Keywords: ABO-Rhesus blood group, Dactylography.
[1]. Nandy A. Principles of forensic medicine including toxicology. 3rd ed. Kolkata:New Central Book Agency; 2014. p 158.
[2]. Table of blood group systems v3.0. International Society of Blood Transfusion. 2012 Oct 28. [cited 2013 May 11]; Available from: Accessed on 2015 Jan 17.
[3]. Desai B, Jaiswal R, Tiwari P, Kalyan JL. Study of fingerprint patterns in relationship with blood group and gender- a statistical review. Res J Forensic Sci. 2013; 1(1):15-17.
[4]. Rastogi P, Pillai KR. A study of finger prints in relation to gender and blood group. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2010 Jan; 32(1):11-14.
[5]. Eboh DE. Fingerprint patterns in relation to gender and blood group among students of Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. J Exp Clin Anat. 2013Jul; 12(2):82-86.
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Abstract: Introduction: Myiasis - a parasitic infestation of vital tissue of human or other mammals by dipterous larvae (maggots). Though myiasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma patient is rare entity, it is one of the possible risk factor for it in tropical countries. It is mostly due to poor oral hygiene, suppurative lesions, cancerous wounds, alcoholism, severe halitosis, senility, social boycott and also due to poor manual dexterity in mentally challenged patients. Materials and methods :The aim of the present article is to highlight the occurrence of oral myiasis in association with oral squamous cell carcinoma and to know its incidence in relation to socio economic class, male: female ratio, occupation, site of carcinoma and also to accent the preventive aspects of it. Results:In this study we have found male.............
Keywords: Oral myiasis, oral squamous cell carcinoma.
[1]. Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, MathersC, Parkin DM. Estimates of worldwide burden of cancer in 2008:GLOBOCAN 2008.International Journal Of Cancer.2010;127(12):2893-917.
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[3]. Gopalakrishnan S, Srinivasan R, Saxena SK, Shanmugapriya J. Myiasis in different types of carcinoma cases in southern India. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2008 Apr-Jun;26(2):189-92.
[4]. Wollina U. Myiasis on squamous cell carcinoma of skin.Wien Med Wochenschr. 2015 Feb;165(3-4):79-82.
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Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition associated with premature mortality, decreased quality of life, and increased health-care expenditures. The prevalence of end-stage renal disease continues to rise worldwide.However, many patients with chronic kidney disease have cardiovascular disease and die prematurely from this condition instead of surviving long enough to face dialysis or transplantation.Furthermore, people with chronic kidney disease tend to have an excess of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.Atherosclerosis unless in a severe form is often asymptomatic, so that a direct examination of vessel wall is necessary to detect affected individuals in early stages. It has been suggested by International Atherosclerosis Project that atherosclerotic process occurs at the same time in carotid, cerebral and coronary arteries.Carotid artery Intimal Medial Thickness (CIMT) is well-established index of systemic atherosclerosis that correlates well with the incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke...... .
[1]. O'Malley T, Langhorne P, Elton R, Stewart C. Platelet size in stroke patients. Stroke 1995;26:995–999.
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Abstract: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a vasoproliferative disease of developing retina which occurs principally in premature (<32 weeks of gestation) or low birth weight (<1500-1600 grams) babies or infants who have been on oxygen for long time. It was initially identified way back in 1940-41 after second world war. However, it has suddenly become an important focus point in today's context because of its increased incidence not only in western, but also in developing countries like India due to advancement of neonatal care facilities, causing national as well as global emphasis on this disease. Another important reason is the number of blind years, which in children is about 60 years as compared to 10-20 years in adults. This plays an important role in economic and social structure and productivity of any community and Nation. That is why we conducted this study by screening of high risk patients for ROP.
Keywords: ROP, Low birth weight, Prematurity.
[1]. Kushner BJ, Essner D, Cohen IJ, Flynn JT. Retrolental Fibroplasia: Pathologic correlation. Arch Ophthalmol. 1977 Jan;95(1):29-38.
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Abstract: Introduction: Periodontal Disease Is One Of The Two Major Dental Diseases That Affect Human Populations Worldwide At High Prevalence Rates Of 15-20%. Periodontal Disease Is A Chronic Immune-Inflammatory Response Associated With Both Genetic Makeup And Environmental Influence. Genetic Difference In Immune Cell Development And Antigen Presentation May Contribute To The Susceptibility Of Disease. ABO Blood Group Has Been Found To Act As Risk Factor For Various Systemic Diseases But There Is Need To Explore The Relation Between Blood Group And Periodontal Disease. Objectives: To Find Association Of Blood Groups And Rh Factor With Periodontal Disease In Adult Population Of Greater Noida.............
[1]. Shaju JP, Zade RM, Das M. Prevalence of periodontitis in the Indian population: A literature review. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2011;15:29–34. [2]. Nanaiah KP, Nagarathna DV, Manjunath N. Prevalence of periodontitis among the adolescents aged 15-18 years in Mangalore City: an epidemiological and microbiological study. J Indian SocPeriodontol. 2013;17(6):784–89.
[3]. Koregol AC, Raghavendra M, Nainegali S, Kalburgi N, Varma S. ABO blood groups and Rhesus factor: An exploring link to periodontal diseases. Indian J Dent Res 2010;21:364-8
[4]. Mortazavi H, Lotfi G, Fadavi E, Hajian S, Baharvand M, Sabour S. Is ABO blood group a possible risk factor for periodontal disease?. Dent Hypotheses 2015;6:14-8.
[5]. Watkins WM. The ABO blood group system: historical background. Transfusion Medicine 1(4) 2001 243-265..
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Abstract: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a damaging condition lasting three or more months at a time. It is marked by structural and functional damage to the kidneys leading to a reduced glomerulal filtration. The increased relative share of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease is being linked to the rise of frequency of diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a very early violation of CKD, wherein establishes hyperphosphatemia, elevated levels of PTH, hypertrophy of the parathyroid glands. This condition is associated with high morbidity and mortality, an increased cardiovascular risk, loss of bone. - bone demineralization............
Keywords: halitosis, oral changes, chronic haemodialysis, secondary hyperparathyroidism, sIgA.
[1]. Asaumi J et alJan Advanced imaging in renal osteodystrophy of the oral and maxillofacial region.Dentomaxillofac Radiol,; . 2001 ,30(1): 59-62
[2]. Cleber M Souza et al. Oral health in Brazilian patients with chronic renal disease. Rev Méd Chile; 2008,136: 741-746
[3]. Curd ML Bollen and Thomas Beikler. Halitosis: the multidisciplinary approach Int J Oral Sci. 2012 Jun; 4(2): 55–63.
[4]. Chomyszyn-Gajewska M1, Skrzypek A. Halitosis--diagnosis and treatment . Article in Polish Przegl Lek. 2013;70(2):65-8.
[5]. Danese MD, Belozeroff V, Smirnakis K, et alConsistent control of mineral and bone disorder in incident hemodialysis patients. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol; . 2008, 3:1423-1429.
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Abstract: Now-a-days the magnitude of the upswing in overweight and obesity prevalence has become an important health problem in developing countries particularly in India.1. Studies have been reported regarding the relationship between different obesity markers and PFTs, but most of these tests were conducted in males, in children or in older age group. Studies in young adults is conspicuously absent, especially in India and it is a well-known fact that it is the young adults who are suffering from the killing disease called obesity. So the purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of pulmonary functions with BMI and body fat percentage in young medical students of Eastern India who represent the young adult population and who are the future medical advisors to the society. A prospective correlational study carried among 100 healthy medical students from both the sexes of their age group of............
Keywords: Body fat percentage, BMI ,FVC,PFT, MVV.
[1]. Mohan V, Deepa R. Obesity &abdominal obesity in Asian Indians. Indian J Medical Res, 2006, 123:593-596.
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Abstract: Many scoring systems have been used in various PICUs to predict mortality, also to compare functioning of different PICUs and assess their manner of resources consumption. Patient mortality is affected by many factors i.e. clinical condition of the patient, demographic profile and clinical characteristics of population, hospital management and organization, case mix and admission practices. It is desirable that these scoring systems should be independent of time and place. Therefore, there is a need of testing scoring systems in settings different from the one in which they were originally developed. PRISM scoring system was developed by Pollack et. al. based on physiological variables. This prospective analytical study was carried out to validate PRISM III scoring system in predicting...............
Keywords: Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM), Pediatric Intensive Care (PICU).
[1]. Keene AR, Cullen DJ. Therapeutic intervention scoring system. Update. Crit Care Med 1983; 11:1-3.
[2]. Pollack MM, Ruttimann UE, Getson PR et al. Accurate Prediction of the outcome of Pediatric intensive care. The New England Journal of Med 1987 Jan; 134-139.
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Abstract: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a common condition in otorhinolaryngology. Ossicular erosion is most commonly seen in atticoantral type i.e. CSOM with cholesteatoma. However it has been well established that ossicular erosion can be seen even in tubotympanic type of CSOM.Discontinuity of ossicular chain is typically confirmed only at surgery but there are various type of preoperative parameter described in studies that can predict the presence of ossicular erosion thus helping us to further plan for the ossicular reconstruction. One of the modality that may beuseful in ascertaining ossicular integrity is preoperative HRCT scan of temporal bone but low affordability............
Keywords: Ossicular erosion, CSOM, granulation, cholesteatoma
[1]. Browning GG. Chronic otitis media. In: Booth JB, Kerr AG, editors. Scott-Brown's otolaryngology. 7th ed. London: Reed educational and professional publishing limited; 1997. p. 3395-45.
[2]. Orji FT, Ukaegbe O, Okoro JA, Ofoegbu VC, Okorafor IJ. The changing epidemiological and complications profile of chronic suppurative otitis media in a developing country after two decades. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;273(9):2461–6.
[3]. Jayakumar CJ, Inbaraj LR, Pinto GJ. Preoperative predictor of ossicular necrosis in chronic suppurative otitis media. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016;62(5):1-6.
[4]. Asma A, Shaharudin MH, Almyzan AM, Lokman S. Outcome of canal wall down mastoidectomy: experience in sixty three cases. Med J Malaysia 2013;68(3):217-21.
[5]. Deshmukh S, Sharma A, Dabholkar J. Mastoid cavity obliteration: our experience. Otolaryngol Pol 2012;66(6):379-81.
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Abstract: Background: Folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine are critical biomarkers influencing hematopoiesis and cardiovascular health. Deficiencies or imbalances in these micronutrients can adversely affect blood donors' health and their eligibility for donation. However, data on the status of these biomarkers among blood donors, particularly in South Asian populations, remains limited. Aim of the study: To evaluate serum levels of folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine among blood donors and examine the impact of demographic factors, dietary..........
Keywords: Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Blood donors, Nutritional status, Smoking, Physical activity, Dietary habits
[1]. Nair KM. Metabolism of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. the Book ‘Public Health Nutrition in Developing Countries’-Part. 2011 Jan 1;2:607-36.
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[4]. Vogel T, Dali‐Youcef N, Kaltenbach G, Andres E. Homocysteine, vitamin B12, folate and cognitive functions: a systematic and critical review of the literature. International journal of clinical practice. 2009 Jul;63(7):1061-7.
[5]. Narwal RP, Malik RS, Malhotra SK, Singh BR. Micronutrients and human health. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. 2017:1443-8.