Version-10 (April-2017)
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Abstract: Background : The aim of present study was to compare the efficacy and safety of cerviprime gel which is used intracervically/ extra-ovular space with intra vaginal misoprostol 200mcg for second trimester pregnancy termination. It was done on 100 antenatal pregnant women who attended A.N. OPD / ward in Government General Hospital, Guntur seeking second trimester MTP for various reasons. Materials and methods: Group A (50 cases) cerviprime gel was instilled intracervically followed by oxytocin drip 12hrs later if no contractions , Group B (50 cases) intravaginal misoprostol 200μg kept P/V every 6 hourly.............
Keywords: Mid trimester abortion, Cerviprime gel (PGE2, Dinoprostone gel), Misoprostol, MTP act, Induction abortion interval.
[1] Sk.Chauduri Textbook of practice of fertility control 7th Edition PageNo. : 238-239.
[2] D.C. Dutta's Textbook of obstetrics 8th Edition Page.No : 207
[3] Karim SMM and Filshe G.M.use of prostaglandin E2 for therapeutic abortion BMJ 1970; 3 : 198-202.
[4] Sabaratnam Arul Kumaran, sarala gopalan, pratap kumar textbook of obstetrics & Gynecology Volume 1 Third Edition Page.No :
[5] Parks Textbook of Preventive and social medicine 21st Edition Page.No: 468
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Abstract: Introduction: The fissures in lung enhance uniform expansion. These fissures may be complete, incomplete or absent. A detailed knowledge of variation of classical and accessory fissures is neccessary for cardiothoracic surgeons and radiologist. Aims of study: There were few studies done on gross anatomical specimens so the cadaveric study was done to know every morphological details and variation in fissures, lobes & hilar structures of Right lung. Material and Methods: Formalin fixed adult cadaveric lungs of right side (55) were studied in Department of Anatomy Government Medical College Kota.............
Keywords: Lung, Lobe,Fissures,Accessory Fissure,Variations
[1]. Shah P, Johnson D, Standring S. Thorax. In: Standring S, editor. Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 39th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2005. p.1068-9.
[2]. Sadler TW. Langman's medical embryology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimox Maryland; 9th ed. 2004:223-284
[3]. Rosse C, Gaddum- Rosse P. Hollinshead's textbook of anatomy. Philadelphia: Lipincott Williams & Wilkins; 1997:441-61.
[4]. Yamashita,s H.Roentgenologic Anatomy of lung.Tokyo: lgaku Shoin, 1978. p. 49-53.
[5]. Brahmbhatt RJ, Chauhan KB, Bansal M, Brahmbhatt JN.Cadaveric study of azygous lobe of lung. Int J Basic Appl Med Sci 2013;3:30-3.
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Abstract: Neonatal sepsis is one of the commonest conditions encountered in neonatal nursery of any institution. Dynamicity of changing bacterial flora and frequent emergence of resistant strain is main problem. It requires appropriate and accurate clinical & laboratory diagnosis. Present study was aimed to find out spectrum of neonatal sepsis causing microorganism in our set up and comparing same from our previous study done in 2007-08. During study period 106 cases of diagnosed newborns were included. Out of this 43 newborn were culture positive. Current study shows predominance of gram positive staphylococcus (8.5%) followed byklebsiella, whereas previous study had shown predominance of gram negative klebsiella (33.3%).
Keywords: Septicaemia, Culture isolate, Risk factors.
[1]. National Neonatology Forum India Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines, Oct 2010, Management of Neonatal sepsis; pg 156
[2]. For the Million Death Study Collaborators. Causes of neonatal and child mortality in India: nationally representative mortality
survey. Lancet. 2010;376(9755):1853-1860. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61461-4.
[3]. NNPD network. National Neonatal Perinatal Database- report for the year 2002-2003. NNF NNPD network. 2005. New Delhi. Ref
Type: Report.
[4]. Tsering DC, Chanchal L, Pal R, Kar S. Bacteriological Profile of Septicemia and the Risk Factors in Neonates and Infants in
Sikkim. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases. 2011;3(1):42-45. doi:10.4103/0974-777X.77295.
[5]. Chandra Madhur Sharma, Ravi Prakash Agrawal, Hariom Sharan, Bijay Kumar, Deepti Sharma, Santokh Singh Bhatia J Clin Diagn
Res. 2013 November; 7(11): 2511–2513. Published online 2013 September
30. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2013/6796.3594PMCID: PMC3879858.
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Abstract: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem auto-immune disease with wide spectrum of clinical and immunological abnormalities including development of auto-antibodies against DNA and other nuclear antigen. All organ tissues may be involved but the skin, joints, heart, nervous system and kidneys are most commonly affected. Clinical evidence of renal disease occurs in 40 to 75% of patients with SLE. The persistent proteinuria is the most frequent sign of the LN (Lupus Nephritis) and occurs in 70% of patients. A study was done involved 30 patients of Lupus Nephritis hospitalized in the Nephrology department of Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh, between May 2010 to April 2011 to find correlation between proteinuria and the histological type of Lupus Nephritis.............
Keywords: Proteinuria, Lupus Nephritis (LN), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Anti nuclear Antibody (ANA)
[1]. Alba P, Bento L, Caudrado MJ. Anti Ds-DNA, Anti-Sm antibodies, and the lupus anticoagulant: Significant factors associated with lupus nephritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003; 62:556-60.
[2]. Popesca E, Ionescu R. Systemic lupus erythematosus. In: Compendium of rheumatology. Bucharest: 2000; p. 117-33.
[3]. Popescu E, Ionescu R. Systemic lupus erythematosus. In: Textbook of internal medicine: Rheumatology. Vol. II: Medicala ed. Bucharest: 1999; p.1685-8.
[4]. Bevra Hannahs Hahn. Harrison's Principles of internal medicine, 16th edition. Mc Graw-Hill, Medical publishing Division; New York: 2005; p. 1960-67.
[5]. Bastian Hm, Roseman JM, Mc Gwin G Jr. Systemic lupus erythematosus in three ethnic groups, XII. Risk factor for lupus nephritis after diagnosis. Lupus. 2002; 11: 152-160.
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Abstract: Continuous duties for 24 hours ,36 hours and even 48 hours are very common in medical college, tertiary care ,hospitals, icus, casualty op. many doctors are knowingly or unknowingly doing duties for years together with much difficulties, they burn themselves for their patients, but not getting adequate recognition in the form of money, awards and rewards but they get stress, burnout, diseases like hypertension obesity, diabetes and sleep disorders which result in decreased cognitive functions and adversely affect their performance There are no studies in India regarding sleep problems among doctors
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Abstract: Introduction: Difficult airway is a nightmare situation for anesthesiologists and scenario has changed with introduction of LMA. Here, we intend to compare CLMA and PLMA in routine surgical procedures under general anesthesia. Methodology: 60 patients were randomly allocated in 2 groups. Numbers of attempts and time taken for successful placement to achieve effective ventilation were recorded. Haemodynamic parameters, quality of ventilation (in terms of audible leak, chest movement, tidal volume loss, requirement of manipulation) and complications were recorded...................
Keywords– Classic laryngeal mask airway, Proseal laryngeal mask airway, Seal pressure, Difficult airway
[1]. Brain AIJ .The Laryngeal Mask Airway-a new concept in airway management. Br J Anaesth 1983;55:801-804
[2]. Brain AIJ. Pressure in laryngeal mask airway cuffs.Anaesthesia 1996;51:603.
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[4]. Brimacombe J, Keller C. The ProSeal laryngeal mask airway.AnesthClin N Amer 2002;20:871–891.
[5]. Brimacombe J, Keller C. Aspiration of Geastric contents during use of a ProSeal TM laryngeal mask airway. AnesthAnalg, 2003;97:1192–4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Liver Transplantation –Things To Remember |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Umesh Prasad || Dr. Abhishek Kumar || Dr. Gregory Minz |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1604103237 ![]() |
Abstract: Patients with chronic liver disease and certain patients with acute liver failure require liver transplantation as a life-saving measure. The first successful human liver transplantation (LT) in the world was reported by Sir Thomas Starzl in 19671. Since then Liver transplantation has undergone major improvements, with better selection of candidates for transplantation and allocation of scarce deceased donor organs (according to more objective criteria). Living donor liver transplantation came into existence to overcome the shortage of donor organs especially in countries where there was virtually no deceased donor programme. Advances in the technical aspects of the procedure, the intraoperative
[1]. Starzl TE, Marchioro TL, Porter KA,Brettschneider L. Homotransplantationoftheliver. Transplantation 1967;5:Suppl:790–803.
[2]. Poonacha P, Sibal A, Soin AS, RajashekarMR, Rajakumari DV. India's first successfulpediatric liver transplant. Indian Pediatr
2001; 38:287–291.
[3]. D'Amico G1, Garcia-Tsao G, Pagliaro L.Natural history and prognostic indicatorsof survival in cirrhosis: a systematic review
of 118 studies. J Hepatol2006; 44:217-31.Epub 2005 Nov 9.
[4]. Kamath PS, Wiesner RH, Malinchoc M, et al.A model to predict survival in patients withend-stage liver disease. Hepatology2001;
[5]. Merion RM, Schaubel DE, Dykstra DM,Freeman RB, Port FK, Wolfe RA. The survivalbenefit of liver transplantation. Am J
Transplant 2005; 5:307–313.
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Abstract: Stature, important criteria for establishing identity, can be measured from the direct height of the individual. The study of the five digits of both hands in male and female was carried out among 100 first year medical students (55 males and 45 females) in Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal to determine the stature. Prior permission from the concerned authority and Institutional Ethics Committee had been taken. The digit length of both hands was measured from proximal crease of digit to the tip using a sliding caliper. The individual height was measured by height measuring scale.............
Keywords: Anthropometer, Caliper, Digit, Frankfurt Plane, Stature.
[1]. Chikhalkar BG. Estimation of stature from measurements of long bones, hand and foot dimensions. J Indian Acad Forensic Med.
[2]. Athwale MC. Estimation of height from length of forearm bones. A study on 100 Maharashtrian male adults of age 25-30.
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[3]. Jasuja OP, Singh G. Estimation of stature from hand and phalangeal length. JIAFM 2004;26(3):100-06.
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[5]. Ugbem LP, Godfrey EU, Ojim EE, Ejuiwa MC. Correlation between height and selected anthropometric parameters of the upper
limbs of the Efiks people in Cross River State, Nigeria. J Pharm Biomed Sci 2016;6(1): 47-50.
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Abstract: Background: Gender preference especially male preference continues to be a social evil in Indian society. Objective: To study the distribution of the gender preference and to assess whether there is any association between socio demographic factors with this preference and to assess the perception of mothers regarding their ideal numbers of children. Material and methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted from April 2015 to September 2015 in urban field practice area of the Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata among 240 mothers of the under five children.............
Keywords: male preference, gender composition, logistic regression.
[1]. Khanna R, Kumar A, Vaghela JF, Srinivasan V, Puliyet JM. Community based Retrospective study of sex in infant mortality in India. BMJ 2003;327: 126-30.
[2]. International Institute of Population Sciences. National Family Health Survey 2, 1998-99. Mumbai: 1999. pp. 111–20.
[3]. Census of India 2001. Available from: [ accessed on 13 th Oct 2013)
[4]. The Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostics Techniques (Prohibition of sex selection Act, 1994 9 Act No. 57 of 1994) [as amended by the Prenatal Diagnostics Techniques (Reg. and Prevention of misuse) and Act 2002] (Act 14 of 2003).(PNDT Act) The Gazette of India, 2011
[5]. Coale AJ. Excess Female Mortality and the balance of sexes in the population: An estimate of the number of "Missing Females ". Popul Dev Rev 1991;17:517-
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Abstract: Introduction: Spinal anaesthesia using hyperbaric bupivacaine is the technique of choice for caesarean section. Use of higher dose of local anaesthetics can cause haemodynamic instability, maternal and neonatal side effects. We hypothesized that use of lower dose of bupivacaine with fentanyl will improve the quality of analgesia and minimize the complications. Aim is to compare the haemodynamics and duration of analgesia using different lower doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine admixed with fentanyl citrate 12.5mcg............
Key Words: Caesarean section, fentanyl, hyperbaric bupivacaine, low dose, spinal anaesthesia.
[1]. Hawkins JL, Koonin LM, Palmer SK, Gibbs CP. Anesthesia related deaths during obstetric delivery in the united states, 1997-1990.
Anesthesiology, 1997;86:277-284.
[2]. Shrestha SN, Bhattarai B, Shah R, comparative study of hyperbaric bupivacaine plus ketamine vs. bupivacaine plus fentanyl for
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[3]. Singh I, Gupta M, Mahawar B, Gupta A, comparison of effect of intrathecal sufentanil-bupivacaine and fentanyl-bupivacaine
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[5]. Cowan C. M., Kendall J. B., Barclay P. M., Wilkes R. G., comparison of intrathecal fentanyl and diamorphine in addition to
bupivacaine for caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2002; 89 (3): 452-58.
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Abstract: Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition resulting from the interplay between the infectious agents and host factors. Various protein molecules play a vital role in the initiation, progression and severity of periodontal diseases. The study of proteins as biomarkers in periodontal diseases has been highlighted during the last few years. In periodontitis, multiple bacteria derived and host derived mediators expressed in the saliva and gingival crevicular fluid, can be utilized as diagnostic markers for the disease..........
Keywords: Proteome,Periodontitis,Proteins,Biomarkers,Genome.
[1]. Mcculloch C A. Proteomics for the periodontium: current strategies and future promise. Periodontol 2000.2006; 40: 173-183.
[2]. Marc R. Wilkins. From Proteins to Proteomes: Large Scale Protein Identification by Two- Dimensional Electrophoresis and Arnino
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[4]. F. Yakunin, A. A. Yee, A. Savchenko, A. M. Edwards, and C. H. Arrowsmith, ―Structural proteomics: a tool for genome
annotation,‖ Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 42–48, 2004.
[5]. H.-L. Liu and J.-P. Hsu, ―Recent developments in structural proteomics for protein structure determination,‖ Proteomics, vol. 5, no.
8, pp. 2056–2068, 2005.
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Abstract: Areca nut chewing is a great hazard and related to oral mucosa lesion in large population worldwide. In India pan masala, gutkha and mawa chewing is quite prevalent. In some sections of society, quid chewing is even part of the social culture. Areca nut which is most commonly associated with development of OSMF contains various alkaloids which interfere with molecular process of deposition and/or degradation of extracellular matrix molecule such as collagen causing imbalance in normal process. The various pathological effects of these alkaloids are
[1]. Pindborg J, Sirsat S. Oral Submucous Fibrosis. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, and Oral Pathology 1966;22(6):764
[2]. Rajendran R. OSMF: etiology, pathogenesis and future research. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1994;72(6):985-96
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[4]. Auluck A, Rosin MP, Zhang L, Sumanth KN.Oral submucous fibrosis, a clinically benign but potentially malignant disease: report of 3 cases and review of the literature. JCan Dent Assoc 2008 Oct; 74(8):735-40
[5]. Cox SC, Walker DM. Oral submucous fibrosis: A review. Aust Dent J 1996; 41: 294–299.
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Abstract: As it is well acquainted that the ultrasound extraction trials have demonstrated improvements in extraction yield ranging from 6 to 35%, in this study I want to show the different antioxidant capacities of two cosmetic emulsions that contain the same percentage of a vegetable extract (e.g. Camelia sinensis, alias green tea), even if I tested the antioxidant power of the former cream that contained the alcoholic extract (presenting an antioxidating activity equivalent to 0.117) and of the latter cream that contained the same percentage of the green tea extract, obtained by Ultrasound method and the result is quite interesting: the antioxidant power of the latter creami s 58.20% higher than the former provides.
Keywords: Camelia sinenis extracts, Ultrasound extraction,polyphenol, UV absorbance, antioxidant activity.
[1]. Vilkhu, K.; Mawson, R.; Simons, L.; Bates, D. Applications and opportunities for ultrasound assisted extraction in the food
industry. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. 2008, 9, 161-169.
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methods for analysis of plant antioxidants and their antioxidant capacity. Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 2010, 8, 87-95.
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[5]. Pandey KB, Rizvi SI: Plant polyphenols as dietary antioxidants in human health and disease; Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2009; 2(5):
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nasal Encephalocoele: An Atypical Case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anu Joy || Kuldeep Moras |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1604106466 ![]() |
Abstract: An encephalocoele is a congenital deformity in which the intracranial contents herniate through a defect in the skull. As the defect is more attributed to embryological development, it most commonly has a mean age of presentation ranging between 15.5 and 21 months.Nasal enchephalocoeles are herniation of cranial content through a bony defect in the anterior skull base into the nasal area. They are anterior encephalocoeles where meningeal herniation occurs through a midline defect in the floor of the anterior cranial fossa. The usual presentation of these cases is with a disfiguring swelling over the nose at the time of birth..............
Keywords: Nasal encephalocoele, nasal masses, meningoencephalocoele
[1]. Suwanwela C. Geographical distribution of fronto-ethmoidal encephalomeningocele. Br J Prev Soc Med 1972; 26: 193-8.
[2]. Barkovich AJ, et al. Congenital nasal masses: CT and MR imaging features in 16 cases. Am J Neuroradiol 1991; 12:105-16.
[3]. Holmes AD, Meara JG, Kolker AR, Rosenfeld JV, Klug GL. Frontoethmoidal encephaloceles: Reconstruction and refinements. J
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[4]. Hoving EW (2000) Nasal encephaloceles. Childs Nerv Syst 16:702–706
[5]. Tirumandas, M., Sharma, A., Gbenimacho, I. et al. Childs Nerv Syst (2013) 29: 739. doi:10.1007/s00381-012-1998-z
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Abstract: Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of Total Pleural fluid Bilirubin and its ratio to serum Bilirubin levels, Pleural fluid Cholesterol and Pleural fluid Total Protein level in classifying pleural effusions as exudates and transudates. Methods: This study was conducted among 50 Patients with clinical and radiological evidence of pleural effusion. Then they are classified into exudates and transudates on the basis of the clinical, radiological and biochemical evaluation. Pleural fluid LDH, bilirubin, protein, cholesterol & Serum LDH, protein, Bilirubin were estimated and classified into exudates or transudates. Sensitivity, specificity, Positive predictive value , negative predictive value , diagnostic accuracy of each tests were calculated.............
Keywords: Pleural fluid , bilirubin ,cholesterol , total protein,Light's criteria ,exudates , transudates
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[5]. Light R.W., Mac GregorMI,Luschinger PC .pleural effusion . thediagnostic separation of transudate and exudates Ann.intern med
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Abstract: Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by the toxin producing bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheria. Despite the introduction of mass immunization, outbreaks are still encountered in our country. Here we report a case of Diphtheria in a 8 year old un-immunised patient. This case shows the need to have high index of suspicion for diphtheria when managing a patient with membranous pharyngitis. We should have well equipped district laboratories and hospitals in Delhi as it will help in managing and diagnosing these cases early which can be life saving.
Keywords: Corynebacterium diphtheria, immunization, membranous pharyngitis
[1]. Dikid T, Jain SK, Sharma A, Kumar A, Narain JP. Emerging & re-emerging infection
[2]. Introduction of inactivated poliovirus vaccine into oral poliovirus vaccine-using countries. Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2003; 28: 241-250.
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[5]. Brown J, Monasch R, Bicego G, Burton A, Boerma JT. Assessment of the quality of national child immunization coverage estimates in population-based surveys. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center; 2002
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Abstract: Torsion of the omentum is a very rare cause of acute abdominal pain. We report two cases of omental torsion, who presented with right iliac fossa pain. The patients underwent appendicectomy, where a normal appendix was identified and the diagnosis of omental torsion was made. The affected segment of omentum was resected along with the appendix. The patient made an uncomplicated recovery and was discharged on 2nd postoperative day. Normal appendix in the presence of omental torsion is seen in 0.1% cases of all appendicectomies in children. We suggest routine visualization of the omentum in the presence of a normal appendix during appendicectomy.
Keywords: Omental Torsion, Appendicectomy
[1]. Tsironos A, Nikolaos Z, Bali C, et al. Acute abdomen due to primary omental torsion: case report. J Emerg Med 2013;44:45–8.
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[3]. Yang WC, Chen CY, Wu HP. Etiology of non-traumatic acute abdomen in pediatric emergency departments. World J Clin Cases 2013;1:276–84.
[4]. De Silva KS, Kanumakala S, Grover SR, et al. Ovarian lesions in children and adolescents—an 11 year review. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2004;17:951–7.
[5]. Efthimiou M, Kouritas VK, Fafoulakis F, et al. Primary omental torsion: report of two cases. Surg Today 2009;39:64–7.