Version-4 (Mar-Apr 2018)
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Abstract: Almost all Arab countries seek to implement e-government in their public administration. Different perspectives exist for e-Government approaches: Reduce the operation cost, save time and effort, as well as increase effectiveness and efficiency. All countries implementing e-Government faced different and somewhat similar challenges during their endeavor. Given similar cultural and administrative foundations, Arab countries may be expected to have some similar challenges. In this work, we collect and analyze government challenges in several Arab countries and compared them with other countries worldwide. We then classify these challenges into various domains such as technical, adoption approach, cultural, strategic and organizational.................
Index Terms—E-government, Challenges, EGDI, Arab World
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Abstract: Segmentation is to partition an image into meaningful regions for the purpose of clear identification of the objects in the picture. Algorithm for segmenting the videos of all format are proposed. The video is converted into frames. Each and every frame is segmented individually by using absolute differencing method and the segmented video is obtained. The frame is cropped such that it takes the news readers portion of the frame from the video. The Scope of the work is to identify the News reader with hands from the segmented videos.
Keyword—Absolute Frame Difference, Video Segmentation, Frame Cropping.
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Abstract: Every school try to provide best transport facility to the student for saving the time to focus on their studies. Parents are as concerned about the safety measures a school has in place as they are about the level of education they expect the school to impart on their child. Here one way available in front of school that is tracking the school bus using GPS tracking system. High end GPS system is installed in the school vehicle all the signals from the vehicle are routed to an integrated central server for real time monitoring Information from the server can be transmitted via message alerts and Emails, or can be checked on the web or using mobile apps. This android app provides some features like application provide estimated arrival time of child to the parent before/after reach the bus on stop. Parent can track the bus using android application............
Keyword—Computer Communication Network ı.C.2.0 General, Data Communication, Open System Interconnection Reference Model, Security and Protection (e.g. Firewall), Mobility, Network Operations, Public Network, Distributed System, Client Server.
[1] R. Dang, J. Wang, S. E. Li, and K. Li, "Coordinated adaptive cruise control system with lane-change assistance," IEEETrans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 2373–2383, Oct. 2015.
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Abstract: Green Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently to achieve economic viability and improved system performance and use while abiding by ethical and social responsibilities. Green ICT frameworks are useful in measuring and evaluating different organizations' Green ICT efforts. Some frameworks make it easier to interpret and measure green ICT than others, while some do not offer guidance on which metrics to use. Features of Green ICT frameworks have not been studied and documented adequately. Furthermore, existing green ICT frameworks are all static, and have one major limitation, that is the inability to specify realistic components for evaluating the implementation of green ICT. Equipment life cycle, end user computing and enterprise and data center are the maincomponents............
Keyword— ICT, Green ICT, Equipment Life Cycle, End User Computing and Enterprise and Data Center.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Malware & Session Hijack Attack over Web Environments |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyoti Kushwaha || Dheeresh Soni |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2002043035 ![]() |
Abstract: Web applications are very effective means of nitration between end-users. Today social networking based web applications are very popular due to its user friendly behavior but in recent years many social network sites have suffered from cross site scripting attacks and several business and private organization are suffered from the SQL injection attacks, which were conducted by suspicious users through inserting a vulnerable script into web form components. Network attack is a form of intelligent and sophisticated crimes in the web environment. Network based attacks are increasing at fast speed to hamper the smooth working of web resources. New trend in Network based attacks is a rising number of indirect attacks that manipulate network traffic, instead of directly entering into a network resource and damaging it.............
Keyword—Web environment, Network Attack, Malware attack, Session hijacks attack
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[4]. Kasra Amirtahmasebi, Seyed Reza Jalalinia and Saghar Khadem, "A Survey of SQL Injection Defence Mechanisms", IEEE 2009, pp 1-6.
[5]. Ntagw Abira Lambert & Kang Song Lin, "Use of Query Tokenization to detect and prevent SQL Injection Attacks", IEEE 2010, pp 438-440.
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Abstract: The detrimental effects of high temperature on poultry production have been investigated by several researchers due to common occurrence of environmental stressors worldwide. It has been shown that high temperature negatively affects the welfare and significantly influence the survivability and performance of the poultry production. Hence, controlling the temperature of the poultry house within thermal neutral zone of poultry birds is indispensable in order to reduce their mortality and increase production. Most of the existing techniques utilized to control poultry house temperature within the thermal neutral zone of the bird were time consuming, tedious and require a continuous monitoring. In this study, a metaheuristic technique; Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is adopted to achieve an optimal control of thermal requirement of a poultry housing system. PSO is a computational search and optimization method that have been empirically shown to achieve well on several optimization problems. The experimental result obtained shows that the PSO in the regulation of the thermal requirement of the poultry house is computational efficient.
Keyword—Metaheuristic, Particle Swamp Optimization, Poultry House Temperature, Thermal Regulation.
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[5]. Liu Yi. Study on an Improved PSO Algorithm and its Application for Solving Function Problem. International Journal of Smart Home 10 (3) 2016), 51-62.
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Abstract: [7] Student feedback is a process of collecting student reviews about the teacher's performance in order to evaluate the teacher's effectiveness. It hasthus the most powerful influences on learning and achievements. Its power is very often mentioned in different articles about learning and teaching, but surprisingly few recent studies have systematically investigated its meaning. Although feedback is among the major influences, the type of feedback and the way it is given can be differentially effective. Nowadays, technology is increasingly used by human being in every field. The concept of "Feedback Tracker"introduced in this paper is to digitalize and organize the feedback process. What makes the "Feedback Tracker" different from the traditional pen paper feedbacks is, it's set of complimentary criteria's taken into consideration, while..............
Keyword—Feedback, Performance Evaluation, Android SDK, Android Studio
[1]. The Student Satisfaction Inventory by Noel-Levitz (Survey)
[2]. Instruments for obtaining student feedback : A review of the literature Published in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Vol. 30, No. 4, August 2005, pp. 387–415John T. E. Richardson
[3]. Challenges in Android Application Development : A Case StudyPublished in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile ComputingVol. 4, Issue 5, May 2015, pp. 294-299By Abhinav Kathuria and Anu Gupta
[4]. Teaching and the Teacher Education Published in International Journal of Research and studiesVol. 24, Issue 1,Jan 2015, pp. 69-79
ByCarol-Ann Courneyaa, Daniel D. Prattb, John Collinsb
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Abstract: Due to rapid development of internet peoples are more dependent on Internet. Email messages is one the communication medium over internet. Some messages are true and some are fake. In this we developed a method to predict Phishy email. Our experimental results shows that results are very effective over existing method..
Keyword—Data Mining, Machine Learning, Pattern Matching, Weka
[1]. Activity, P., & Report, T. (2012). Phishing Activity Trends Report 1 Quarter
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[3]. Webb, S Irani, D.,.,Pu, C. &Giffin, J., (2008). Evolutional Study of Phishing.University of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia..
[4]. SonicWall. (2008). Applied Bayesian Spam Classification to Phishing E-Mail. 2008 SonicWall.
[5]. Paaß, G., &Bergholz, A. (2009).AntiPhish - Machine Learning for Phishing Detection., Project Exhibition at ECML/PKDD 2009.7-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Overview On Integration Of Cloud Computing And Internet |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sonia Arora || Rohit Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2002046469 ![]() |
Abstract:Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT), two altogether different technologies, are both as of now part of our life. Their monstrous reception and utilize is required to increment further, making them essential segments of the Future Internet. A novel paradigm where Cloud and IoT are consolidated is predicted as problematic and an empowering agent of an expansive number of application situations. In this paper we concentrate on the incorporation of Cloud and IoT, which we call the CloudIoT paradigm. Numerous works in writing have overviewed Cloud and IoT independently: their fundamental properties, highlights, hidden technologies, and open issues. In any case, to..................
[1] Atzori, L., Iera, A., Morabito, G., 2010. The internet of things: A survey. Computer Networks 54 (15), 2787–2805
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[4] Christophe, B., Boussard, M., Lu, M., Pastor, A., Toubiana, V., 2011. The web of things vision: Things as a service and interaction
patterns. Bell Labs Technical Journal 16 (1), 55–61.
[5] Dobre, C., Xhafa, F., 2014. Intelligent services for big data science. Future Generation Computer Systems 37, 267–281.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study On Recent Trends And Scenario In Cloud Computing Security |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rohit Sharma || Sonia Arora |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2002047074 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper means to recognize security challenges for adjusting cloud computing and their answers from genuine world for the test that don't have any legitimate relief procedures are distinguished. For this the goal is to recognize existing cloud computing security challenges and their answers. Distinguish the difficulties that have no alleviation methodologies and assemble arrangements/rules/hones from experts, for a test with more references however no moderation techniques recognized. The security issues of cloud computing as talked about in different research commitments. Cloud computing has been a hot examining territory of PC network innovation and information mining. As information mining requires extensive measure of information to be dug as opposed to contributing for assets at a similar place, cloud computing assets can be used. While outsourcing information to the mining procedure in cloud condition the respectability of information ought to be kept up. Here an exchange is being given on cloud computing security issues and arrangements as given in different research papers.
[1] Minqi Zhou, Rong Zhang, Wei Xie, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou, "Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing: A Survey", 2012
Sixth International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (IEEE).
[2] Jayalatchumy D., Ramkumar P., Kadhirvelu D., "Preserving Privacy through Data Control in a Cloud Computing Architecture
using Discretion Algorithm", Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (2014) IEEE.
[3] "Trust and Reputation Management", IEEE Internet Computing, 2011.
[4] Zhidong Shen, Qiang Tong, "The Security of Cloud Computing System Enabled by Trusted Computing Technology," 2012, 2nd
International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS).
[5] Sravan Kumar R., Ashutosh Saxena, "Data Integrity Proofs in Cloud Storage", IEEE (2014).
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Abstract: This project is concerned about checking the Tuning Range of an Electric Horn used in automotives
and to display the values in digitized format. The displayed values are interfaced with computer for future
advancement. The vibration of the electric horn is used for measuring the tuning range, which decides its life
expectancy. The existing system used for measurement is an analog device, which requires frequent calibration
and appended labor for documentation. The project involves measuring of tuning range with the help of the
Accelerometer. The output from sensor is transmitted to microcontroller, which is interfaced with LCD and
UART for display and future enhancement.......
Key Word: Accelerometer, Electric Horn, Tuning Range, UART, Vibration
[1] Arjun Rajput, Ankita Jain (2015), "Basic Introduction to Micro Controller and its features", Published in International Journal of
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Abstract:The temperature in a distribution transformer can vary depending on the season of the year and load
it possesses. This temperature change influences the dielectric response of the distribution transformer. This
paper presents the results of the impact of temperature on dissipation factors of oil-paper insulation simulated
by varying oil level and temperature values. The dissipation factors were obtained by using AC/DC electric
current application mode in Finite Element Method software (COMSOL Multiphysics). The results show that
when insulating oil is at the same level, the dissipation factor values are sensitive to temperature change.
Key Word: COMSOL Multiphysics, dissipation factor, distribution transformer, insulating oil level, insulation temperature, oil-paper insulation.
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insulation", IEEE Trans. Dielectric. Electr. Insul, Vol. 19, pp. 1908-1915, 2012..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thermal Study of Combustion Adjusted Chamber of Spark Ignition Engine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Namrata mishra || Manas Kumar Samantaray |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2002048692 ![]() |
Abstract: Efficiency of an interior ignition motor can be expanded by expanding the warmth vitality age inside
the burning chamber without affecting the exhibition of l ubricating oil and reducing the quality of the cylinder.
The principle point of this paper is to decide temperature dispersion in a four-stroke, single-chamber, water
cooled, variable pressure proportion (3-9), variable speed (2200-3000 rpm) flash start motor with brake
intensity of 2.2 kW at a speed of 3000 rpm with copper covered burning chamber (CCE) [copper-(thickness, 300
μ) was covered on cylinder crown, inward side of liner and chamber head] and thought about the motor, with
ordinary ignition chamber (CE) with slick fuel activity. Copper covered force cylinder, copp.
Keywords: Copper Coating, Piston, Liner, Solid Works, Ansys Workbench, Thermal Analysis
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