Series-2 (May – Jun.2024)May – Jun. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Potential Of India In The Field Of Biotechnology: An Analytical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhaskar Mahanayak |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1003020106 ![]() |
Abstract: Biotechnology has been regarded as one of the emerging technological revolutionary areas particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and post pandemic periods in the last few years. It is an interdisciplinary branch of science where biological organisms or their body parts are used to create specific products for specific use. It is regarded as the technology of the future which may provide a better ecosystem for the living of human and other species on the earth as well as may solve many global problems such as remediation of global hunger, environmental....
Keywords: COVID-19-Pandemic, Biotechnology, Bioeconomy, Biomanufacturing, Indigenous innovation
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Abstract: The challenge in providing food security for an increasing population requires modern agricultural practices mostly relevant to reducing harvest loses due to diseases caused by pathogens. This investigation was aimed to identify bacteria cells capable of degrading plant herbicide. To achieve this aim isolates with hyper degrading activities were cultured, identified and further more applied for this investigation. The data recorded showed that the following isolates: Rhizobium huautlense strain RA14, Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain MZ4A, Pseudomonas....
Keywords: Bacteria, Pesticides, Toxicity Level, Degradation, Residues
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