Version-3 (July-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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ABSTRACT: Many agricultural programmes have been formulated and implemented aimed at improving the socio-economic status of the rural farmers through adoption of improved technology regarding production, processing and marketing strategies. Root and Tuber Expansion Programme(RTEP), one of such programmes became loan effective on 31st July 2001. The study is aimed at comparing the socio-economic status of the Programme Participant Farmers and Non-programme Participant Farmers before and after RTEP. The sample size of 204 rural farmers made up of 102 PPFs and 102 NPPFs were the respondents, Proportionate random sampling and purposive sampling technique were used in selecting 102 PPFs and 102 NPPFs respectively. Data were collected with a set of validated questionnaire administered to the respondents 204 rural farmers. Descriptive statistics (mean, grand mean, standard deviation and frequency distribution) and inferential statistics (t-test and Omega squared) were used in the analysis of data. It was found that there are significant differences in the socio-economic variables compared between PPFs and NPPFs and even among PPFs after RTEP. However, the impact was not adequate, therefore RTEP should be enriched to be attractive to involve greater number of rural farmers so as to achieve greater number of rural farmers so as to achieve greater socio-economic impact on the rural farmers in RTEP area of operation Keywords: Socio-economic, Impact, Rural farmers
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ABSTRACT: One of the most important problems in peatland is contamination of soil and water by toxic substances, mainly heavy metal such as Al and Pb. Phytoremediation could be used as an alternative technique to overcome this problem. Phytoremediation is defined as clean up of pollutans primarily mediated by hyperaccumulator plants. These plants have several beneficial characteristics such as the ability to accumulate metal in their roots and an especially high tolerance to heavy metals. This research was carried out to study the potencies of local species to accumulate Al and Pb. Four place, two species were collected from several location and then the Al and Pb accumulated in each species were analyzed. The result showed that some species accumulated Al and Pb in high concentration such as Crotalaria juncea L. (1999.43mg kg-1 Aluminium (83%)) and Crotalaria mucronata (1555.33 mg kg-1 (80%)). A series of research is needed toprove that these species are potential as heavy metal accumulators.
Keyword: phytoemediation, heavy metal, hyperaccumulator plants
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ABSTRACT: A pot experiment was performed according to a randomized block design at Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) to study the effect of 5 levels of Naphthalene acetic acid spray (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ppm NAA) on the vegetative growth, yield and quality parameters of tomato cultivar (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Irrespective of its concentration, spray of Naphthalene acetic acid proved beneficial for all parameters.
Key Words: Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. NAA spray, ppm, growth, yield.
[1]. Chang C.H. and Liu Y.C., (2008) Evaluation of the antioxidative performance of tomato extracts obtained by different methods. J. Sci. Food Agric., 88: 612-618.
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[4]. Chaudhary B.R., Sharma M.D., Shakya S.M. and Gautama D.M., (2006) Effect of plant growth regulators on growth, yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) at rampur, chitwan. J Inst. Agric. Anim.sci. 27:65-68.
[5]. Gabal G.M., Oben G. and Garcell R., (1999 )Effect of GA on morph physiological characters and yield of kidney beans (Phaseiolus valgaris). J. Agron. Crop. Sci., 160(2): 91-101.
[6]. Ghanem et al., (2008). Hormonal changes during salinity-induced leaf senescence in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). J Exptl Bot 59, 3039–3050.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Antiphytoviral Activities of Turbinaria Conoides (J. Agardh) Kutzing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Poonam Sethi |
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: | 10.9790/2380-07731921 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Turbinaria conoides (J. Agardh) Kutzing, (Phaeophyceaee) a marine seaweed, abundant in the shores of Kanyakumari, India during the month of April , was tested for activity against Tobacco necrotic virus (TNV). Local lesion method was adopted and half leaf comparisons were made in cotyledonary leaves of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Taub.(Linn.).Extracts of the experimental algae prepared with water , methanol and toluene: methanol (2:1 v/v) ,were tested for antiviral activity against the plant virus TNV. Various concentrations were tested and the toluene: methanol exhibited good activity at a concentration of 1000 μg/mL and reduced the number of lesion formed by TNV by nearly 64%. These results clearly depict the potential of the algae.
Key words: Turbinaria, Cyamopsis , phytoviral, Tobacco necrotic virus
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ABSTRACT: The chemical composition of the meat from various cuts of poultry obtained from three commercial brands (brand I, II and III) of chicken from different processing plants available in the Saudi Arabian market were studied. Six raw meat samples of whole chicken and mixed portions (Breast fillet with skin, breast fillet without skin, drumsticks with skin, thigh cut skin on bone in and wings with skin in) from each brand were collected on same production date. The collected samples were analyzed for pH, moisture, fat percent and protein content. The results revealed that, in whole chicken the pH values and moisture content differ significantly (P<0.05) among different brands. The fat percent is significantly higher in brand I (22.30±0.91) where as brand II (18.06±0.13) has significantly higher protein content. The pH, moisture, fat percent and protein content of mixed portions differ significantly among different brands. However, the fat percent of whole chicken, breast fillet with skin was higher by 8.56% and 3.62% respectively, in brand I when compare to brand II. The higher values of protein content of breast fillet with skin, breast fillet without skin, drumsticks with skin, thigh cut skin on bone in and wings with skin in were 21.31±0.21, 23.34±0.09, 19.75±0.06, 15.45±0.10 and 18.32±0.15 respectively. The observations made out of the research indicate that the chemical composition of meat from whole chicken and various cuts differ significantly among the three different commercially available brands.
Key words: Fat percent, mixed portions, pH, protein, water content, whole chicken
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ABSTRACT: The experiment was carried out during kharif season 2013, Department of Biological Sciences, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.The efficacy of different Plant growth regulators and their and their combination of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), gibberellic acid (GA3) and dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) spray on fruit yield and quality in brinjal and the crop selected for the experiment was one brinjal variety Brinjal 3112 with three replicants. Plants were sprayed three times at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting. The highest plant height, number of leaves, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight was observed and ascorbic acid estimated for GA3 @ 50 ppm. The highest number of branches, number of fruits, fresh fruit weight was observed and total soluble solid, nitrate reductase activity was recorded by the treatment combination of GA3 @ 10 ppm, NAA @ 20 ppm. The combined application of GA3, NAA and 2,4-D significantly increased vegetative growth, yield and quality of brinjal compared with control. Based on the results, it can be concluded that combined application of GA3, NAA and 2,4-D @ 10 ppm, 20 ppm and 1 ppm of 2,4-D had significantly on plant growth, flowering, quality and yield potential.
Key Words: Gibberellic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid, Naphthalene acetic acid, Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), growth, quality.
[1]. Batlang, V., Emongor, V.E. and Pule-Meulenburg, F., 2006. Effect of benzyladenine and gibberellic acid on yield and yield components of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. ' tempo' ). J. Agron., 5(3): 418-423.
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[4]. Edison, H. S., 1991. The effect growth regulators IAA on the development of tomato fruits cv. Ratna Balai. Penelitian Hortikulatura. Solok Hortura 30: 9-11.
[5]. Gabal , Oben G. M. and Gareell, R., 1999. Effect of GA on morph physiological characters and yield of kidney beans (Phaseiolus valgaris). J. Agron. Crop. Sci., 160(2): 91-101.
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ABSTRACT: The present investigation was conducted to examine the genetic diversity existing among 41 genotypes of rice, during kharif-2013 under randomized block design with three replications. The data were recorded for thirteen quantitative characters to obtain estimates of variability, heritability, genetic advance and genetic divergence. Significant differences were observed among the genotypes for all the characters studied. High estimates of GCV and PCV were observed for economic yield followed by harvest index and flag leaf length. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for spikelets per panicle. Mahalanobis D2 analysis revealed considerable amount of diversity in the material. The forty-one genotypes were grouped into seven heterogeneous clusters. Among these clusters, Cluster I had maximum number of genotypes (9). On the basis of mean performance genotypes CR 264-26-1-2-2 and RP 5213-69-13-3-4-1-2-B were found to be the best genotypes in Allahabad agro-climatic conditions. The characters such as grain yield, harvest index, number of panicles per plant and biological yield per plant should be given top priority for effective selection. The present investigation revealed that Cluster V and VII are most diverse to each other and the genotypes constituted in these clusters may be used as parents for future hybridization.
Keywords: D2 analysis, Genetic advance, GCV, Heritability, PCV, Genetic diversity (Rice (Oryza sativa L.).
[1]. Chaturvedi, H.P., Maurya, D.M. 2005. Genetic divergence analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Advances in Plant Sciences. 18(1): 349-353.
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[4]. Jayasudha, S. and Sharma, D. 2010. Genetic parameters of variability, correlation and path-coefficient for grain yield and physiological traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under shallow lowland situation. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 1(5): 1332-1338.
[5]. Khush, G. S. & Brar, D. S. 2002. Biotechnology for rice breeding: progress and impact. In: Sustainable rice production for food security. Proceedings of the 20th Session of the International Rice Commission. Bangkok, Thailand, July, 23-26.
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ABSTRACT: The extensive use of antibiotics in livestock has contributed to the development of antibiotics resistant bacteria and residue deposition in food of animal origin. Alternative to antibiotics use for animal health and welfare as well as food safety is essential for global antibiotic resistance control. The effect of a commercially available monoculture yeast probiotics (Antox®) on the growth performance and inhibition of gut salmonella was carried out in this study.One hundred, one- day-old broiler chicks were randomly distributed into four groups for dosing of a probiotic (containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and inoculation with Salmonella gallinarum. The chickens were grouped into four vis: Group 1(control): not dosed with Antox® and not inoculated with Salmonella; Group 2: dosed with Antox® and inoculated with Salmonella; Group 3: dosed with Antox® only; Group 4: inoculated with Salmonella only. The growth performance of the chickens, feed intake (FI) and feed conversion rate (FCR) were monitored weekly throughout the experiment. This study showed improved growth performance of the chicken in live and carcass weight as well as reduced caecal Salmonella load by the yeast probiotic. Probiotic group had significantly (p<0.01) higher body weights compared to the control and Salmonella groups. FI was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the probiotic group, and significant (p<0.01) different from the control and Salmonella infected groups. Higher FCR was recorded in the control group than in probiotic-supplemented groups. Also the caecal Salmonella load of the probiotic group (2.404 log10cfu/g) was significantly lower (p<0.001) than in the Salmonella infected groups. This study confirmed that yeast probiotic improved body weight, feed intake, better feed conversion ratio in broiler chickens and also effectively inhibited the colonization of ceacal salmonella. Its application can replace the use of antibiotics as growth promoters and reduce the incidence of Salmonella and antibiotic resistance in poultry and should be promoted for adoption by commercial poultry farms.
Key words: Broiler chickens, growth performance, probiotic and salmonella inhibition
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ABSTRACT: Field experiments were conducted. to study the residual effect of three rice establishment methods (SRI, drum seeding and conventional transplanting) and three nutrient management practices [RDF (80:40:40 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1), 50% R.D.F. + 50% R.D.F. through organic sources (based on nitrogen requirement) i.e. INM and 100% RDF through organic management (OM)] and direct effect of three nutrient management practices viz. RDF (20:40:40 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1), 50% RDF + Biofertlizer (BF) and no fertilizer on energetics of greengram in a rice-greengram cropping system during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010–11. The design was split plot in kharif and split-split plot in rabi with treatments replicated thrice. Methods of rice establishment did not influence the yield and energetics of subsequent greengram. Residual effect of sole organic nutrient management being at par with integrated nutrient management came out to be the best in terms of yield and energy indices like energy output, energy productivity and energy ratio. 50% RDF + BF application to greengram recorded the highest seed yield (930 kg ha-1). This treatment also recorded the highest energy output (55.7 MJx103), energy productivity (247.3 Kg/MJ x 103) and energy ratio(14.81).
Keywords: bio-fertilizer, crop establishment, greengram, nutrient management, energetics
[1] P.B.B.N Charyulu, F. Fourcassie, A.K. Barbouche, L.R. Harisoa, A.M.N. Omar, P. Weinhard, R. Maric and Balandreau. Field inoculation of rice using in vitro selected bacterial and plant genotypes, Azospirillum III Genetics, Physiology and Ecology (W. Klingmuller, Ed: Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1985, 163-179)
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ABSTRACT: The present study was undertaken in different areas of Tangail district to investigate the presence of haemosporidian parasites in domestic poultry (Chicken, duck and pigeon). A total of 72 samples were examined from December, 2013 to May, 2014. Microscopical examinations of peripheral blood were performed. Among the examined samples, 33(45.8%) poultry were found to be infected with different blood protozoa. Two species of blood protozoa were identified such as Leucocytozoon spp. in chickens (34.6%) and ducks (58.3%); Haemoproteus spp. (22.7%) and Leucocytozoon spp. (22.7%) in pigeons. Female (46.5%) were 1.10 times more susceptible than male (44.8%) which was statistically significant (P<0.01). The overall prevalence of young birds was 17.39% while in adults 59.18% and this variation was statistically significant (P<0.05). According to calculated odds ratio, adults were 6.89 times more susceptible than the youngs. From the findings of this study it is concluded that haemosporidian parasitic infection in poultry is prevalent in Bangladesh. Therefore, more epidemiological studies are necessary to know the exact situation of haemosporidian parasites in poultry of Bangladesh.
Key words: Prevalence, blood protozoa, poultry, Bangladesh
[1] S.G. Laurance , D. Jones , D. Westcott , A. McKeown , G. Harrington and D.W. Hilbert, Habitat fragmentation and ecological traits influence the prevalence of avian blood parasites in a tropical rainforest landscape. PLOS ONE, 8, 2013, 7622-7.
[2] M.H. Radfar, E.N. Asl, H.R. Seghinsara, M.M. Dehaghi and S. Fathi, Biodiversity and prevalence of parasites of domestic pigeons (Columba liviadomestica) in a selected semiarid zone of South Khorasan, Iran. Tropical Animal Health production,4, 2012, 4225-9.
[3] S.J. Bensch, J. Pe'rez-Tris, M. Waldenstro and O. Hellgren, Linkage between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences in avian malaria parasites: Multiple cases of cryptic speciation. Evolution, 58, 2004, 1617-1621.
[4] O. Hellgren, M.J. Waldenstro and S. Bensch, A new PCR assay for simultaneous studies of Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, and Haemoproteus from avian blood. Journal of Parasitology, 90, 2004, 797-802.
[5] R. Ricklefs, B.L. Swanson, S.M. Fal1on, A.M. Abrain, A. Scheuerlein, J. Gray and S.C. Latta, Community relationships of avian malaria parasites in southern Missouri. Ecological Monographs, 75, 2005, 543- 559.
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ABSTRACT: The study was carried out to find out the effect of comprehensive seed treatments on storability of coriander cv.CO4 seeds. The seeds fortified with KH2PO4 @ 1% for 16h and treated with Azospirillum sp. @100g/kg were found to be good in storage which maintained quality characteristics such as germination (87 %), vigour index (2229), dry matter production (32.33 mg 10 seedlings-1), α-amylase activity (4.60 mg maltose g-1 min-1) and protein content (12.77 %) for six months of storage. The comprehensive seed treatments are worthy to be applied for many species of seeds with consequent improvement on the seed quality and maintenance of properties after storage.
Keywords: comprehensive, coriander, seed treatment, storability
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