Series-1 (June 2022)June 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The study aimed to determine the effect of growing media and various kinds of liquid organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of scallion.The study was conducted in Muara Komam District, Paser Regency, in March 2019 until June 2019. The experimental design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factorials and three replications. The first treatment used treatment (m1) soil planting media, (m2) husk charcoal planting media, (m3) mixed planting media. The second treatment uses the treatment of (p1) NASA Liquid Organic Fertilizer, (p2) Liquid Organic Fertilizer BIOTOGROW, (p3) Liquid Organic Fertilizer BOOM FLOWER.The results showed that the treatment of soil......
Key words: Spring Onion, Planting Media, Liquid Organic Fertilizer.
[1]. Anonymous. 2009. Onion Plant Cultivation Technology. Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Sultan Hadisuwito State Islamic University, Sukanto, 2007, Making Liquid Compost, Third Mold, Agromedia Pustaka, Jakarta.
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ABSTRACT: Background: cattle is one of most crucial genetic resources among the farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR). Genetic improvement of cattle can be done by planned AI (Artificial insemination), multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) and in-vitro production (IVP) of embryos in Bangladesh. Among reproductive technologies most popular in Bangladesh is AI. Due to AI, semen quality evaluation is important to selection. To efficient calf good quality semen has positive effect on successful fertility of cows and heifer as well as cattle breeding programme. We conducted this study to evaluate quality of both frozen and fresh production of bull in Bangladesh......
Key words: Semen quality; sperm morphology; fresh semen; frozen semen.
[1]. Ahmad, M., Asmat, M.T., Rehman, N.U. and Khan, M.Z. (2003). Semen characteristics of Sahiwal bulls in relation to age and season. Pakistan Veterinary Journal. 23: 202-206.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Tropical theileriosis, a disease caused by intracellular protozoan parasites of the genus Theileria, is considered as the most important tick-borne disease in Sudan. It has been estimated that the loss due to this disease in north Sudan was approximately US$ 6000. Although several studies on the prevalence of the disease have been performed in different parts of Sudan, no study has been conducted previously in Almased County, Al- Gezira State, Sudan. This area is deemed as one of the greater communities of dairy farms in the State. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on dairy cattle in Almased County, Al-Gezira State, Sudan, from March to December 2016, to estimate the incidence of bovine tropical theileriosis.......
Key words: Cattle, Theileria annulata, PCR, IFAT.
[1]. MARFR. Ministry of Animal Resources, Fisheries and Rangelands. Annual Report, Sudan Government. 2012.
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[4]. Ali AEF, Radwan MEI. Molecular detection of Theileria annulata in Egyptian buffaloes and biochemical changes associated with particular oxidative changes. Adv. Life Sci. 2011;1(1):6-10. doi: 10.5923/j.als.20110101.02.
[5]. Nourollahi-Fard SR, Khalili M, Ghalekhani N. Detection of Theileria annulata in blood samples of native cattle by PCR and smear method in Southeast of Iran. J Parasit Dis. 2015; 39(2):249-252. doi:10.1007/s12639-013-0333-2.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Tiger orchid (Grammatophyllum speciosum. Blume) is designated as a protected species based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia, number 7 of 1999. Efforts to preserve the tiger orchid can be carried out by plant propagation using tissue culture techniques. This study aims to analyze the effects of growing media and shade levels on the growth and vigor of acclimatized plantlets. The research was conducted at the Permanent Nursery Greenhouse of BPDAS Barito, Guntung Manggis, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan........
Key words: acclimatization; Grammatophyllum speciosum; plantlets; shade levels; growing media.
[1]. Budiharta, S., Widyatmoko, D., Wiriadinata, H., Partomihardjo, T., Uji, T., Keim, A., & Wilson, K. (2011). The Processes Tahat Theaten Indonesian Plants. Oryx 45 (2), 172-179.
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[4]. Liu, Y., Liu, C., Lin, Y., Lu, C., Chen, W., & Wang, H. (2016). Effect of Low Irradiance on the Photosynthetic Performance and Spiking of Phalaenopsi. PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 54 (2), 259-266.
[5]. Nugroho, C., & Raden, I. (2021, Oktober 2). Aklimatisasi Tiga Jenis Anggrek Pada Media Tanam Yang Berbeda. Jurnal Pertanian, 12 , 109-116.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors affecting micropropagation of white poplar (Populus alpa L.) |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Reda Elsayed Abo El-Fadl |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1506012437 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: White Poplar (Populus. alpa L.) is a large, very fast-growing deciduous tree, has emerged as a model organism for forest biotechnology, and genetic modification is more advanced for this genus for another tree. It is tolerant to a wide range of soils and sites, including salty winds and windbreak tree. There is a need for applying non-conventional methods of propagation for sustainable utilization of the plant, therefore a study for creating an efficient micropropagation protocol was initiated, using stem nodal segments and shoot tips from mature trees as initial explants on Woody plant medium (WPM) and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Obtained results showed that WPM supplemented with 1.0 mg/l 6-benzyl adenine (BA) + 0.1 mg/l α-naphthalene acetic-acid (NAA) was found to be highly suitable for shoot initiation from stem nodal.......
Key words: Stem nodal segments, shoot tips, plant growth regulators, micropropagation, additives.
[1]. Abdalrhaman, M.S., Al-Qurainy, F., Khan, S., Tarroum, M., Nadeem, M., Shaikhaldein, H.O., Alabdallah, N.M., Alansi, S. and Alshameri, A. (2021). Mass propagation of Juniperus procera Hoechst. Ex Endl. From seedling and screening of bioactive compounds in shoot and callus extract. BMC Plant Biology 21: 192.
[2]. Afshin, A. H., Behzad, K., Alireza, T. and Sahar, B.Z. (2011). Effect of different concentrations of kinetin on regeneration of ('Matthiola incana'). Informit. Abstract.
[3]. Ahmed, A. and Hanaa, O. (2019). In-vitro propagation of the multipurpose Egyptian medicinal plant Pimpinella anisum. Egypt Pharmaceut. J. 18: 254-262.
[4]. Ahuja, M.R. (1984). A commercially feasible micropropagation method for aspen. Silvae Genet. 32: 174-176.
[5]. Alvine, O. T., Vincent D., Stephanie, A. M. D., Giovanni, F., Rachid, H. and Nicolas, N. (2020). Micropropagation and Effect of Phloroglucinol on rooting of Diospyros crassiflora Hiern. Hort Science 55(4): 424–428.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Vanilla seedling is one of the critical success factors in the cultivation and exploitation of vanilla plants. The generative propagation of vanilla using seedlings requires special technologies because the seedlings are small, hard-skinned, and have little food reserves. Research on the growth of vanilla seedlings using chicken and goat manure has not conducted and adapted for the capability of original soil. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in January-May 2020. The study aims to investigate the effects of each type and composition of organic fertilizer on the growth of vanilla seedlings in nursery growing media. A two-factor nested design with an environmental design in the form of a randomized block design (RBD) was employed in the study......
Key words: vanilla seedling, fertilizer, composition, nursery media
[1]. Elizabeth, R.. Keragaan Budidaya Komoditas Panili Di Indonesia. Badan LITBANG Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Bogor.
[2]. Nurholis.. Perbanyakan Tanaman Vanili (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) secara Stek dan Upaya untuk Mendukung Keberhasilan serta Pertumbuhannya. Jurnal Agrovigor. 2017;10(2): 149 – 156.
[3]. Loveless. A. R. Prinsip-prinsip Biologi Tanaman untuk Daerah Tropic 1 (Terjemahan). Garmedia. Jakarta.
[4]. Harjadi, S. S.. Dasar Dasar Hortikultura. Departemen Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor.
[5]. Fitter, A . H , dan R . K . M . Hay. Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman. Program Pasca Sarjana. Bogor.
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ABSTRACT: Data collected from different On Farm Trial locations of Sheohar District, selected for the assessment & refinement technology for the management of RKN in tomato with five treatments & five replications during the year 2019-2020. Among all the treatment T3 i.e. carbofuran @ 10g/plant was found best and recorded lowest number of galls compared to others and disease incidence percentage was merely 2 per cent in (0-5 scale). Maximum yield (2.84 kg /plant) was recorded under carbofuran treated plots /plants. The treatment T5 i.e. soil solarization 15 days + pseudomonas 1% WP @ 50 g/m2 showed at par with carbofuran treated plots. Thus bio-agent treated plants showed good response to reduce the population of nematode and the performance was better than use of pseudomonas fluorescens alone (Treatment T4 i.e. use P. fluorescens 1% WP @ 50 g/ m2). Hence, use of bio-agent is another.......
Key words: carbofuran, Himshikhar, Meloidogyne incognita, Pseudomonas fluorescens
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ABSTRACT: Plant abiotic stress has been a major problem for reduced crop yield and imposes the key challenges to farmers for dealing with abiotic stress. Salinity stress is one the abiotic stress, which causes huge loss in crop yield and needs immediate attention to reduce the salinity stress effect on plants growth. The general symptoms of damage caused by salt stress are growth inhibition, accelerated development, senescence and death during prolonged exposure. This paper showcases one such work towards determining the effects of salinity stress on plants growth and possible ways of predicting the salinity stress responses. The built prediction model for stress response is used for engaging the necessary actions in advance to minimize the stress effect. In this work, Wireless sensor Network technology is used to collect the real time data of plants under salinity stress and collected data is analyzed to build a prediction model for predicting the possible salinity stress responses. The results showcase the different effects of salinity stress on plants and evaluation of stress response prediction models by conducting repeated experiments.
[1]. Parihar, P., Singh, S., Singh, R., Singh, V. P., Prasad, S. M., Ramanuj, G., & Singhdev, P. (2014). Effect of salinity stress on plants and its tolerance strategies: a review Springer Effect of salinity stress on plants and its tolerance strategies: a review Effect of salinity stress on plants and its tolerance strategies: a review Springer.
[2]. Mazumdar, P., Lau, S. E., Singh, P., Takhtgahi, H. M., & Harikrishna, J. A. (2019). Impact of sea-salt on morpho-physiological and biochemical responses in banana (Musa acuminata cv. Berangan). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 25(3), 713–726.
[3]. Gharsallah, C., Fakhfakh, H., Grubb, D., & Gorsane, F. (2016). Effect of salt stress on ion concentration, proline content, antioxidant enzyme activities and gene expression in tomato cultivars. AoB PLANTS, 8.
[4]. Abid, M., Zhang, Y. J., Li, Z., Bai, D. F., Zhong, Y. P., & Fang, J. B. (2020). Effect of Salt stress on growth, physiological and biochemical characters of Four kiwifruit genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae, 271.
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ABSTRACT:Mastitis in Cattle is an important animal production disease that affects the dairy industry globally. Somalia is known for its large livestock population in Africa. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of bovine mastitis in selected dairy farms andto identify breeds which are susceptible for mastitis according to their age, body condition in different dairy farms of Benadir Region, Somalia.
A cross-sectional study was conducted from 1st January 2020 December 2020, in selected dairy farms of Jamhuriya, Juungal, Oodweyne and Xamar Jadiid of Benadir region, Somalia.
The overall prevalence of mastitis in cattle species were 63.2% positive which indicates that examined cattle having a higher number of positive results when compared to number of negative however there is no statistically significant association (p < 0.05........
Keywords: Mastitis, Cattle, CMT, Prevalence.
[1]. Abdirahman Bare Dubad, Mohamed Shiekh Mahmud and Hasan Mohamed Hasan, 2019 Prevalence of Mastitis in Camel, Cattle and Goats at Benadir Region in Somalia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | In vitro propagation of two jojoba elite clones cultivated in El- Magara |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Reda Elsayed Abo El-Fadl |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1506016272 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Two elite jojoba clone varieties were used tostudy. Micropropagation techniques provide a faster and more economical solution to the limitations associated with traditional methods of plant cultivation.Experiments were conducted for the optimization of shooting and rooting media. Micropropagation is an alternative technique to produce clonal plants in large-scale; the present study focuses on the multiple shoot and rooting induction. Stem nodal segments were cultured on MS medium supplemented with0.75 mg/l (6-benzyl-adenine (BA), and 0.1mg/l naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) was found to be suitable for shoot initiation. The effect of different types of cytokinin........
Key words: Jojoba, elites, micropropagation, stem nodal segments, additives
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