Version-2 (March-2018)
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ABSTRACT: This paper evaluates the potentials and vulnerability of the Sombreiro Warri Deltaic Plain soils using physical properties. A total of 52 genetic horizon soil samples were studied in twelve soil profiles located in Akabuka, Obite, Obagi, Omoku, Okwuzi, Aggah and Umuoru-Ndoni areas. The soils have predominantly Loamy sand and sandy loam textures on the surface (about 80% of all the studied locations). Sand content had a range of 220 – 850g/kg with a mean of 515g/kg. Clay content in the area varied from 140 – 580g/kg, with a very gradual increase with depth in few pedons. The highest clay content was observed in the Umuoru / Ndoni 2 profile where clay had a range of 470 - 580g/kg followed by Umuoru/Ndoni 1 profile with a range of 210 – 270g/kg and a mean of 245g/kg. The range in particle density for the soils was 2.10 – 2.66gcm-3. The highest profile mean particle densities.........
Keywords: Soil permeability, macro-porosity, Water stable aggregates, Water holding capacity, Soil Vulnerability
[1] Ahmed (2002) Arocena, J. A. & Sanborn, P. (1999). Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implication for forestry management in central and north eastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 79:571 – 592
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ABSTRACT: The study was carried out in the lath house of the Department of Horticulture ,College of Agriculture , University of Baghdad, The objective of the study was to know the effect of GA3 and Benzyladenin in vegetative and floral growth ofpansy (viola tricolor) plant, pansy cats cultivar, the seeds were planted in 20 cm diameter plastic pots, the plants were sprayed with GA3 and Benzyladenin concentrations twice, the first spraying conducted after a month of planting, the GA3 concentrations 0, 25, 50 and 100 mg.L-1 were used, while Benzyladenin concentrations were 0, 15, 30, 45 mg.L-1. Tecnophyt PH was used with solutions to reduce the surface tension of the water and to ensure the complete wetness of the plant leaves, while control treatment plants were sprayed with distilled water only.........
Keywords: Plant Hormones ,Foliar Application,Violaceae.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of boron and nano-boron on growth performance of broiler chicks |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Thukra Mahdi Mousaand Balqees Hassan Ali |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1103021823 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This study was to evaluate the effect of boron and nano-boron on growth performance of broiler chicks. A total of two hundred and fourty broiler chicks at one day old were used and randomly distributed to eight equal groups. Experimental groups were exposed to boron and nano-boron throughout of the experiment as follows: group B10 was received boron 10 mg/L of drinking water, group B20 was received boron 20 mg/L, group B40 was received boron 40 mg/L, group NB10 was receivednano-boron 10 mg/L, group NB20 was receivednano-boron 20 mg/L, group NB40 was receivednano-boron 40 mg/L, either control groups: group C+ was vaccinated only, group C- not.......
Keywords: boron,nano-boron,Elisa test, vaccines.
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ABSTRACT: Flood is the most frequent among natural disasters in East Coast Malaysia. It causes loss of lives destruction of farm crops, livestock and properties. These affect productivity, income and livelihood. For flood impact to be reduced, disaster risk reduction measures are highly imperative. Disaster risk reduction measures are divided in to post-disaster and pre-disaster. Despite the fact that the latter proved to be more effective, government and individuals emphasized less on it. Farmers mostly rely on government for rehabilitations after disasters.Although disaster cannot be prevented but its effect could be reduced through preparedness. Preparedness decisions are based on past experience in the area which often fail. Attitude and behavior towards preparedness is low. How could this this be.........
Keywords: Social marketing, flood preparedness, behavior, smallholder farmer, Malaysia.
[1]. Bonye SZ, Alfred BK, Jasaw GS. Promoting Community-Based Extension Agents as an Alternative Approach to Formal Agricultural Extension Service Delivery in Northern Ghana. Asian J Agric Rural Dev. 2012;2(1):76–95.
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ABSTRACT: Parasitic Gastroenteritis Is A Major Constraint In Livestock Production Nationwide. There Is Paucity Of Information On These Infections In The Study Area. Thus, The Prevalence Of Gastrointestinal Parasites Occurring In Goats In The Bauchi Area Of Bauchi State Nigeria Was Studied. Faecal Samples Collected From A Total Of 451 Animals Were Assayed For Parasitic Ova/Oocyst. Eggs Of Parasites Encountered Were Identified By Reference To Egg Morphology As Described By JANSSENPHARMACEUTICA (1974) And Soulsby (1982). 252 (55.9%) Of The Samples Were Infected With One Or More Parasites. Altogether, Six Parasite Species Were Recovered Including Eimeriapallidatricho strong ylus colubriformes, Haemonchuscontrortus, Oesophagustomum.......
Keywords: Gastrointestinal Parasites, Goats, Semi-Arid Zone, Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: Food security of smallholder farmers especially those living in the coastal areas and floodplains is becoming increasingly threatened by disaster occurrence globally, since majority of them depends on agriculture as their sole source of food and income. However, flood disaster effect on smallholder farmers was paid little attention in the literature. Hence, understanding flood disaster effect on small-scale farmers' food security is critical for planning and flood disaster management. The aim of this study is to determine the potential effects of 2014/2015 flood disaster on smallholder farmer's food security in the Kelantan state of Malaysia. Data from a sample of 344 affected smallholder farmers was collected and analyzed using ordered logistic regression analysis.......
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ABSTRACT: The study examined the resource use efficiency in groundnut production in Gassol Local Government Area of Taraba State. The specific objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, analyze the resource-used efficiency of groundnut farmers, determine the profitability of groundnut production and identify the constraints to groundnut production in the study area. Sixty (60) structured questionnaires were randomly administered to selected respondents from six wards participating in groundnut production in the study area. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that majority of the respondents (79.31%) are male while (20.69%) are female and have one form of education or the other. The study further.......
Keywords: Resource, use, efficiency, Groundnut, Production, Gassol
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed at evaluating the potential anti-fertility amelioration of Lycopene co-administered with Cypermethrin(CYP) in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Twenty eight sexually matured female rats were divided into seven groups (A-G). Group A-control, B given CYP only, C and D, given CYP+5,000 and 10,000mg/kg/bw/day of processed S. lycopersicum, E and F, CYP+ 5,000 and 10,000mg/kg/bw/day of Fresh S. lycopersicum, while G were given 10mg/kg/bw/day of pure Lycopene(LYP) for 70days. Each exposed female was introduced to unexposed male for mating. Body weight of female rats recorded throughout this period while upon delivery, other fertility indices were recorded.......
Keywords:, antioxidant, birth weight, fertility, litter size,pyrethroids.
[1]. Tiemann U. (2008). In vivo and in vitro effects of the organochlorine pesticides DDT, TCPM, methoxychlor, and lindane on the female reproductive tract of mammals: A review" Reprod Toxicol. 25:316–26.
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ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical, hematological, blood coagulation indices as well as some biochemical parameter changes in naturally infected cattle with bovine viral diarrhea disease. Multiplex reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction RT-PCR was used for detection of the disease. From January 2017 to August 2017, A total of 494 cattle ear notches (112 cows, 30 young calves and 352 beef lot calves) was sampled. Fifteen milliliter(15) of blood samples was collected from the jugular vein of cattle using for hematological analysis, estimated blood coagulation indices and serum biochemical analysis. The clinical examination card was used to record the clinical finding of all cattle through complete clinical examinations. The overall prevalence of BVDV (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2) in Nineveh province was 13.96%. Infected cattle suffering from an acute form of disease as anorexia, emaciation, erosive and ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity and on muzzle, profuse watery, mucoied.......
Key words: BVD, Multiplex RT-PCR, Clinical pathology changes, Nineveh-Iraq
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ABSTRACT: The in vitro gas production parameters and gas production characteristics of six silage types (T1 – T6) from chopped green maize stover (CGMS) and Chopped dry maize stover (CDMS) ensiled with or without ground dried cassava peels GCP) or dried poultry litter DPL) were assessed using the gas production technique. The chemical composition of the silages was also analyzed. Crude protein (CP) was highest (11.94%) in T3 (CGMS + 36% w/w DPL) and lowest (5.06%) in T5 (5.06%). Nitrogen free extract (NFE) ranged from 52.02% in T3 (CGMS + 36% w/w DPL) to 63.78% in T5 (CDMS + 5% w/w GCP). In vitro gas production volume (IVGP), organic matter digestibility (OMD %), metabolizable energy (ME), methane (CH4) and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) were not significantly.......
Keywords: in vitro, gas production characteristics
[1]. Thornton, P.K.. (2010). Livestock Production: Recent Trends, Future Prospects, In: Charles, H., Godfray, J., John, R.B., Crute, I.R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J.P., Robinson, S. and Toulmin, C. (Eds), (2010) "Food Security: Feeding the World in 2050" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B series, Biological Sciences. 365 (1554): 2853–2867 doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0134
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of Gripper Designs for Robotic Kiwi Fruit Harvesting |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Erhan Kahya || Selçuk Arın |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1103027782 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: NOne of the most important pieces of robotic fruit harvest is Gripper, which made the last cutting action.Other parts are robotic arm, image processing and image processing software. In this study, image processing was carried out for fruit harvesting with the robotic system.The position of the fruit on the branch was determined and the cutting operation was performed. Two-dimensional and real-time images were transferred to digital media with a 2D camera. The images of the fruit transferred to the digital medium were processed in real-time image based on shape feature with the help of camera program. The movement of the robotic system is provided by finding the coordinates of the X and Y coordinates on the branches of the fruits according to the received and processed data. The designed Pneumatic shear system and step motorized shear cutter were individually mounted on the end of the robotic arm. 100 pieces of kiwifruit were placed differently on the branch and designs were tried separately. As.....
Keywords: Robotics Harvest, Cutting, Gripper, kiwi
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