Version-3 (July-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of the Different Types of Sugar Cane Planter in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manish Kumar || Ashok Tripathi |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1007030107 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Sugarcane is a most important cash crop of India. It involves less risk and farmers are assured up to some extent about return even in adverse condition. In agriculture sector, sugarcane shared 7% of the total value of agriculture output and occupied 2.6% of India's gross cropped area during 2006-07. Sugarcane provides raw material for the second largest agro-based industry after textile. About 527 working sugar factories were located in the country during 2010-11 with total crushing capacity of about 242 lakh tonnes. The sugar industry is an instrumental in generating the sizable employment in the rural sector directly and through its ancillary units. It is estimated that about.............
Keywords: About five key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma
[1]. Kumar Manish, Tripathi Ashok, 2015. "To Study of the Different Modes of Tillage for the Performance of Sugarcane Cutter Planter". International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015 e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
[2]. Anonymous.1977. Extending crushing season of sugar cane. Annual Report Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research . Lucknow. pp.11-13.
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[4]. Anonymous .1999. Indian sugar . The Indian Sugar Mills Association.XL:475-476.
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to put a theoretical conceptualization of strategic planning requirements for agricultural extension programs in the middle region of Iraq according to extension managers and determining approval level of these requirements. The research included 240 respondents representing the extension managers and the supervisors of the extension sections of the middle governorates of Iraq. Proportional (50%) stratified sample was tested, hence the sum of research sample was 120 respondents. Two parts questionnaire list was prepared, in which...........
Keywords: Conceptualization, planning, programs, strategic, agriculture Extension, questionnaire.
[1] Ismail. Raad.M.2014, Knowledge of Planning Staff working in Agric –Extension state with some Criteria of Planning Extension Programs and Its Development. AL. Anbar Joumal of Agric-Sciences, Val .12, No.2, P407-408.
[2] Viadelle,T.C.2004. Strategic Extension campaign. FAO,Rome,Italy, P.5.
[3] Patrick G.B.1963. The program Planning Proocess with Emphasis on of Wisconsion.
[4] Burton, E. S1997. Improving Agricu-Extension: ReferenceManual. FAORome, PP61.
[5] Ismail, R.M ,2013. The State of Extension Planning Process in Baghadad Agricu –Directorate The Iraqi J.Agricu-Sci . 44(6):719-728..
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to isolate and identify different parasites of Heteropneustes fossilis to determine the prevalence of parasitic infestation in terms of month, seasons and length groups of fishes. 253 numbers of H. fossilis, obtained from different districts of West Bengal between February 2016 to January 2017 were examined. The parasite infested fishes were found to suffer mainly from respiratory manifestation, bulging of belly and mortalities. The isolated parasites were Myxobolus sp., Monogeneans, Digeneans, Cestodes, Nematodes, Acanthocephalans, Ergasilus sp.............
Keywords: Heteropneustes fossilis, PFI, Months, Seasons, Length groups.,.
[1] I. Kundu, P.K. Bandyopadhyay and D.R. Mandal, Prevalence of helminth parasites infecting Channa punctatus Bloch, 1793 from Nadia district of West Bengal, Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, (8), 2015, 41-46.
[2] J. Lom and I.Dyková, Protozoan Parasites of Fishes, Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, (26), 1992, 315.
[3] T. Scholz, Parasites in cultured and feral fish, Veterinary Parasitology, 84 (3-4), 1999, 317–335.
[4] P.T.K. Woo, Protozoan and Metazoan Infections, in Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume I, Second Edition (CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 2006) 808.
[5] R. Abidi, Fish Pathogens and diseases in India: A Bibliography (1898-2001). National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources. Lucknow (U.P) India, 2002, 500..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Innovative Approach to Aphid Mitigation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Phillip Dix || Dr. Daniel Flippo || Dr. Ajay Sharda |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1007033033 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Aphid infestations pose a serious threat to the health of many different crops. Presently, controlling aphid populations in crops requires regular spraying with pesticides that in- crease upkeep costs and can have negative environmental impacts if used too liberally. This paper aims to explore an alternative approach to pest control and develops a method for controlling pests using lasers as an alternative to harmful chemicals. Such a system would have no negative environmental impacts and could continue to function without needing to be refilled as long as a steady power supply is available...........
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[3] Masatoshi Hori, Kazuki Shibuya, Mitsunari Sato, and Yoshino Saito. Lethal effects of short-wavelength visible light on insects.4:7383 EP –, 12 2014.
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[5] Matthew D. Keller, David J. Leahy, Bryan J. Norton, 3ric Johanson, Emma R. Mullen, MaclenMarvit, and Arty Makagon. Laser induced mortality of anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. 6:20936 EP –, 02 2016
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ABSTRACT: Cocoa farmer cluster is an advanced type of cocoa revitalization. It is great significant in influencing adoption of technology among cocoa farmers, productive advantage through mutual closeness and associations, promoting cocoa growth, enhancing the rural competitive strength, and increasing the incomes of the farmers. The main objective of cocoa farmer cluster is to enhance sustainable adoption of technology among smallholder cocoa farmers for increase in productivity and sustainability of cocoa upstream. This paper discusses the importance of farmer Clusters function...........
Keywords: cocoa farmers, farmer cluster, group, smallholder, technology adoption
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[5] UNIDO (2004). Industrial Clusters and Poverty Reduction, towards a methodology for poverty and social impact assessment of cluster development initiatives. United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, Austria
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted at the Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola Teaching and Research Farm and the Adamawa State University Mubi Teaching and Research Farm to study uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by some varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) as influenced by phosphorus application in Yola and Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria. The study comprised 3 varieties of groundnut (Samnut -10, Samnut -21 and Ex-Dakar) and 4 phosphorus levels (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg P/ha) all laid out in RCBD and replicated 3 times. At harvest..........
Keywords: groundnut, phosphorus, Yola, Mubi
[1] Asibuo,J.Y., R. Akromah, Safo-Kantaka, O.Osei Adu-Dapaah, O.S. Hans Kofi and A. Agyeman,(2008)Chemical Composition of Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L. Land Races Afr. J.Biotech., 7: 2203-2208
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ABSTRACT: In Bangladesh, under feeding or over feeding is one of the major concerns to overcome the reproductive difficulties (anestrus) of cattle. The information on standard feeding using available local feed ingredients could be helpful to overcome the problem. The study was conducted to determine the influence of dietary intake on serum biochemical profile which prompts the estrous induction of cross breed heifers. A total of 12 of cross bred heifers were randomly selected bearing same age and body weight which were divided into three uniform groups namely T0 (Control or.........
Keywords: Nutrition, blood, heifers, calcium, phosphorus and iron
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ABSTRACT: It was evaluated of early stage results using new modified toggle pin technique in treatment of craniodorsal coxofemoral luxations in cats which appears to be technically easy and quick. The material of the study consisted of 9 cats diagnosed with coxofemoral luxation as a result of orthopedic and radiological examination brought to the Animal Hospital of Firat University with the complaint of hind limp lamenness. The craniolateral surgical approach has been choosed for providing adequate exposure of acetabulum and femoral head. Clinical and radiological examination..........
Keywords: Cat, coxofemoral, luxation, pin, toggle
[1] I Ergin, OO Senel, O Ozdemir, S Ulusan and H Bilgili, Kedilerde koksofemoral eklem luksasyonlarinin cift tarafli modifiye toggle pin teknigi ile sagaltimi ve erken donem sonuclarinin degerlendirilmesi: 17 olgu, Ankara Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 63, 2016, 121-126.
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ABSTRACT: Coffee is an important commodity crop that plays vital role in socio-economy of more than 50 countries. Coffee belongs to the genus Coffea on the family Rubiaceae and it was believed to be originated from tropical Africa. Coffea species were grouped into four sections (Agrocoffea, Paracoffea, Mascarocoffea,Eucoffea). The two most important commercial species are Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. All the species are diploid with 2n=2x=22 chromosomes except C arabica which is tatraploid with 2n=4x=44. Evaluation of the genetic diversity and available.........
Keywords: coffee, diversity, chemical composition, shade, pest and diseases
[1] Avelino J., Barboza B., Araya J.C., Fonseca C., Davrieux F. Guyot B. 2005. Effect of slope exposure, altitude and yield on coffee quality in two altitude terroirs of Costa Rica, and Santa Maria de Dota. J Sci Food Agric 85: 1869-1876.
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ABSTRACT: The study examined the socio-economic factors and dietary habits that influence the prevalence of diabetesand estimated the effects of diabetic costs, prevalence and mortality rates on farm labour productivity in Benue State, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 340 yam farming households with emphasis on 2015 farming season primary data were obtained using a well-structured and pretest questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to realizethe prevalence and mortality rates, ordinary least squares regression model.........
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